झारखण्ड अधिविद्य परिषद्
Science & Commerce) (MCQ Type)
Total Time: 2 Hours
Full Marks: 40
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS / सामान्य निर्देश :
1. परीक्षार्थी से संबंधित
ओ० एम० आर० उत्तर-पत्रक के पृष्ठ 2 पर मुद्रित सभी सूचनाओं की साबधानी पूर्वक जाँच
कर लें। यदि मुद्रित सूचनाएँ किसी अन्य परीक्षार्थी की हों, तो वीक्षक को तुरंत सूचित
कर उसे बदल लें ।
2. आप अपना पूरा हस्ताक्षर
OMR उत्तर पत्रक में दी गई जगह पर करें।
3. इस प्रश्न पुस्तिका में
कुल 40 बहु-विकल्पीय प्रश्न हैं। परीक्षा की अवधि 1 घंटा है।
4. सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न की अधिमानता 1
अंक है। गलत उत्तर के लिए अंक नहीं काटा जाएगा।
5. OMR उत्तर पत्रक के पृष्ठ 1 पर प्रदत्त सभी निर्देशों को
ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें तथा उनके अनुसार कार्य करें।
6. प्रत्येक प्रश्न में चार विकल्प (A, B, C, D) दिये गये
हैं। इनमें से सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर को आप अपने OMR उत्तर पत्रक पर पूर्ण रूप से
गहरा काला करें। नीला या काला बॉल-प्वाइंट कलम का ही प्रयोग करें। बाक्स / गोले के
बाहर कुछ न लिखें या चिह्नित करें। पेंसिल का प्रयोग वर्जित है।
7. OMR उत्तर पत्रक को न मोड़ें, न विकृत करें और न ही उस
पर कोई चिह्न लगायें।
8. कृपया परीक्षा भवन छोड़ने से पहले OMR उत्तर पत्रक
वीक्षक को लौटा दीजिए। प्रश्न पुस्तिका आप अपने साथ ले जा सकते हैं।
OMR उत्तर पत्रक पर दिये गये निर्देशों का ध्यानपूर्वक पालन
कीजिए अन्यथा आपका OMR उत्तर पत्रक अमान्य होगा और उसकी जाँच नहीं की जायेगी।
Read the following passage and answer the Q. Nos. 1 to 5
In the afternoon the farmer started home from market in
his cart. That morning he had got up with the lark, and cut flowers from his
garden to sell in the market. He had been lucky for at last he had sold them
all. Now his basket was empty but his purse was full and there was happiness in
his heart. He had spent a part of his earning on a duck which was in the back
of his cart. But now it was growing dark. The path was hard and he had far to
go. His dog ran along the path before him barking as an alarm when anything
1. What did the farmer sell in the market?
(A) Vegetables
(B) Flowers
(C) Ducks
(D) Eggs
2. What was there in his heart after
selling everything?
(A) Money
(B) Anger
(C) Happiness
(D) Curiosity
3. How did the farmer spend his money ?
(A) Bought rice
(B) Bought clothes
(C) Bought a goat
(D) Bought a duck
4. Who was running along the path with the
(A) His dog
(B) His friend
(C) A car
(D) A man
5. When did the farmer started home from
(A) In the morning
(B) In the evening
(C) Late night
(D) In the afternoon
6. Abbreviations are freely used in
(A) Notice writing
(B) Letter writing
(C) Note making
(D) Article
7 In note making notes are not written in
(A) Phrases
(B) Idioms
(C) Points
(D) Sentences
8. Choose the grammatically correct
sentence from the given jumbled words:
manufactured/cars/ India / in / Maruti / are
(A) Maruti cars in India are manufactured
(B) India cars are manufactured in Maruti
(C) India manufactured are cars in Maruti
(D) Maruti cars are manufactured in India
9. Choose the grammatically correct
sentence from the given jumbled words:
Oscar / A.R. Rahman / the/awarded / was
(A) A. R. Rahman was the Oscar awarded
(B) A. R. Rahman was the awarded Oscar
(C) A. R. Rahman was awarded the Oscar
(D) A. R. Rahman was Oscar the awarded
10. Choose the grammatically correct
(A) He has come yesterday
He has came yesterday
(C) He came yesterday
(D) He yesterday came
11. Choose the correct clause from the
given option:
I am not sure ........... will teach us English.
(A) when
(B) how
(C) who
(D) what
12. Choose the correct clause from the
given option:
I reached the station ............. the train had left.
(A) what
(B) where
(C) when
(D) how
13. Choose the correct form of tense :
There ............ the last bell.
(A) go
(B) goes
(C) going
(D) went
14 Choose the correct form of tense
You have ........ very weak
(A) grow
(B) growing
(C) grown
(D) none of these
Read the following extract and choose the
correct option from Q.Nos. 15 to 17:
The Laburnum top is silent, quite still In the afternoon
yellow September sunlight, A few leaves yellowing, all its seeds fallen.
15. Who is the poet of this extract ?
(A) Walt Whitman
(B) Shirley Toulson
(C) Ted Hughes
(D) William Wordsworth
16. The Laburnum tree top is
quite beautiful
(C) quite silent & still
quite green
17. What time of the day is described ?
(B) Afternoon
18. Who is the narrator of "The Address"?
Mrs. Dorling
(B) Daughter of Mrs. S
Mrs. Dorling's friend
None of them
19. Grandmother has been potrayed as a very ............. lady.
(A) religious
20. Who was Howard Carter ?
British Philosopher
British Botanist
(C) British Archaeologist
British Zoologist
21. What does the word 'Cardboard' denote in the poem ?
A memory
Permanent photo record
(C) A picture
None of these
22. What was the purpose behind stealing of horse by Aram ?
For earning money
For keeping in house
(C) For a ride
For showing others
23. When was Tut's tomb discovered ?
(A) In 1922 A.D.
In 1900 A.D.
In 1910 A.D..
In 1905 A.D.
24. Who were the two Crewmen ?
Jonathan and Suzanne
(B) Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler
Captain Cook and Suzanne
None of them
25. In the poem "The Voice of the Rain" reck'd or
unreck'd means
not wanted
liked or not
seen or not
(D) noticed or not noticed
26. What did the grandmother do in the afternoon ?
Read books
Teach the author
Feed the dogs
(D) Feed the sparrows
27. What was Garoghlanian family famous for?
(A) Honesty
Crafty nature
28. Who were 'Betty' and 'Dolly'?
Her neighbours
Her sisters
Narrator's cousins
(D) Cousins of poet's mother
29. From where did Gangadhar Pant start his journey ?
(C) Pune
30. .............. was the last heir of a powerful Egyptian
Amenhotep III
(B) King Tut
Amenhotep IV
None of them
31. Who accompanied the writer in his round the world voyage ?
His wife Mary
His daughter Suzanne
His son Jonathan
(D) All of them
32. Who is the poet of the poem "A Photograph" ?
Walt Whitman
(B) Shirley Toulson
Ted Hughes
William Wordsworth
33 Mrs. Fitzgerald suggested exchange of
(B) personalities
34. Carter found the mummified body cemented to the bottom of
(A) Gold coffin
Silver coffin
Iron coffin
None of these
35. Prof. Rajendra Deshpande was a
(D) None of these
36. Grandmother went to the school with the narrator because
she was worried about the narrator
she had no work to do
(C) the school was attached to the temple
there were many dogs on the streets
37. The name of Mrs. Pearson's husband is
(D) George
38. Who was John Byro ?
(B) A farmer
A barber
A businessman
39. The tree 'trembles and thrills'. It denotes
its fear
(B) its happiness and excitement
its disapproval
its awe
40. When did the narrator, Gordon Cook set sail for Australia?
January 1976
(B) July 1976
June 1976
(D) August 1977
Class XI English Core