Class 12 English(Core) Short Mock Test-2 (7.12.23)

Class 12 English(Core) Short Mock Test-2 (7.12.23)

Class 12 English(Core) Short Mock Test-1 (6.12.23)

Short Mock Test-01 English(Core)

Full Marks 25

Date- 07.12.2023

MCQ Questions 1x16=16

Q1- Who is the author of The Rattrap?

A) Selma Lagerlof

B) Thomas B. Allen

C) Howard Phillips

D) Sudha Murthy


Q2- What does the rattrap seller have to do to make his both ends meet?

A) Peddling

B) Selling

C) Begging

D) Thievery and begging

Q3- What does the metaphor Rattrap in the lesson signify?

A) Humans

B) Thieves

C) Attractions

D) Human greed and distractions

Q4-Why did the Peddler leave the stolen money in a Rattrap?

A) Because of his plan

B) To deceive them

C) Because his heart was changed with Edla's kindness

D) None

Q5- Who is the poet of A Roadside Stand?

A) Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B) Robert Frost

C) Lord Byron

D) Percy Shelley

Q6- What is being sold on roadside stand?

A) furniture

B) cosmetics

C) Diesel

D) wild berries, golden squash and some other similar products

Q7- How will the geographical phenomena help us to know the history of mankind?

A) by telling the age of existence of human beings on the earth

B) by showing the global warming

C) by showing the imapcts of global warming

D) none

Q8- What is there in Antarctica?

A) man's history

B) snow's history

C) geographical history

D) Geological history

Q9- Why did Geoff decide to take high school students on the journey?

A) to make them tour the world

B) to make them enjoy

C) to make them feel relaxed

D) to make them understand their planet and respect it.

Q10- Why was the programme Students on Ice a great success?

A) because of its arrangements

B) good travel facilities

C) good food arrangements


D) because of the life changing exposure to the youngsters

Q11- How were the Himalayas formed?

A) by a collapse in the Gondwana supercontinent

B) by evolution

C) by deforestation

D) All these

Q12- How did the wizard help Roger Skunk?

A) by using magic wand

B) by chanting

C) by helping him get rid of foul smell

D) All these

Q13- How did Jo want the story of Roger Skunk to end?

A) wanted to punish Roger's mother

B) wanted to hit her

C) wanted to kill her

D) wanted to beat her

Q14- What did Roger want to smell like?

A) marigold

B) Sunflower

C) Jasmine

D) Rose

Q15- Why was Roger's Mom angry with him?

A) because of new rosy smell

B) because of new dress

C) because of new appearance

D) none

Q16. How would you address the recipient of an informal letter?

(a) Dear Mr.

(b) My Dear

(c) Dear Sir/Madam

(d) HelÄ[Madam.

Subjective type Questions 2x2=4

Q.17. From where did the peddler get the idea of the world being a rattrap?

Ans. The peddler lived a dull and monotonous life. He had no family, no money and no relatives. He was a vagabond. So, being alone most of the time, he used to go on thinking. While thinking about the rattrap, he suddenly got the idea of the world being a rattrap.

Q.18. Why is a visit to Antarctica important to realise the effect of global warming?

Ans. Antarctica is the perfect place to study the effects that global warming is causing. It is here that one can see the effect of melting glaciers and collapsing ice-shelves and how this is likely to raise the water levels in the sea and the ocean, as a result of which many low lying regions will be submerged under water.

Letter Writing 5x1=5

Q.19. Write a letter to the Editor of National Herald, Ranchi about water scarcity in your locality suggesting ways to improve the position of water supply. You are Rahul/ Reema of Dumka.


75 Patel Nagar, Dumka,


December 7, 2023

The Editor

National Herald,

Ranchi, 834001

Subject:- Water Scarcity in Patel Nagar area.


Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper " National Herald ". I would like to draw your kind attention towards the situation of scarcity of water supply in our area. It is a very huge problem for our colony. The supply of water per day day is only for 2 to 3 hours. Also the pressure of the flow of the water is very low, we are unable to fill needed water. Moreover, occasionally the water is very unclean and dirty. Also at the time of water supply, sometimes the power connection gets cut, which causes a lot of pathetic situation.

We have sent the same complaint letter earlier but there was no respond.

So, here by I request from the side of whole colony to the concerned authority to upgrade the quality of the water provided in our colony and also to maximize the supply hours. So that, all the householders of our colony do not face any shortage of water. We all are aware about the necessity of water and we all can not do a single thing without it.

I hope you will print this letter in your newspaper and also expecting some good actions to be taken by the authority as early as they can.

Thanking You,

Yours truly


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