Class 11th English (Core) Model Set-1 2022-23

Class 11th English (Core) Model Set-1 2022-23

Class 11th English (Core) Model Set-1 2022-23


CLASS XI      Set-1      Marks:40


Total number of questions is 40.

Each question carries 1 mark.

Four options are given. Students are expected to select the most appropriate answer.

All the questions are compulsory.

No marks will be deducted for wrong answer.

Read the following passage and answer the questions from 1 to 5:

We went for a picnic to Pinaki. We took all the necessary things with us. The journey to Pinaki was quite pleasant and we were happy to reach there in time. But our happiness was short- lived. One of our boys began to climb a small hill. No sooner did he start climbing than he slipped and hurt one of his knees badly. Fortunately for us there was a primary health centre near at hand. The doctor was urgently sent for. As he was busy attending other patients, he came after an hour. He rendered first-aid to the injured boy and advised us to remove him immediately to hospital.

1. Our happiness was short-lived because

(a) we did not have many musical instruments

(b) the hill was small

(c) the pleasant journey was a short one

(d) one of the boys of the party got badly hurt.

2. "No sooner..........badly." It means that

(a) He did not climb

(b) He started climbing

(c) As soon as he climbed

(d) None of these

3. "The doctor rendered first-aid." Here the word 'rendered' means

(a) advised

(b) gave

(c) sent for

(d) brought

4. The doctor was late in attending to the injured boy because

(a) the hospital was a long way off from the place

(b) he was attending other patients

(c) he had to walk the whole distance

(d) he was not informed in time.

5. Which one of the following statements is not true?

(a) We went for a picnic

(b) We had a few musical instruments with us

(c) One of our boys hurt one of his knees badly

(d) He was removed to hospital immediately

6. While writing notes, the title should be

(a) in a sentence

(b) of one word

(c) a phrase

(d) none of these

7. In notes, main points are denoted by

(a) a, b, c,.....

(b) (i), (ii), (iii),..

(c) 1, 2, 3,.....

(d) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3,.

8. A formal letter starts with

(a) Date

(b) Sender's Address

(c) Receiver's Address

(d) Subject

9. In a formal letter, the correct form of salutation is

(a) Dear Sir/Madam

(b) Respected Sir/Madam

(c) Honourable Sir/Madam

(d) Reverend Sir/Madam

10. Where is 'date' placed in Letter to the Editor?

(a) Before Sender's address

(b) After Receiver's address

(c) After salutation

(d) In between Sender's address and Receiver's address

11. In article writing 'conclusion' does not include

(a) warning

(b) an appeal

(c) order

(d) suggestions

12. "Write an application to the Chairman of Municipal Corporation for a scholarship to enable you to join a college", comes under the category of

(a) formal letter

(b) informal letter

(c) complaint letter

(d) business letter

13. Choose the grammatically correct sentence for the given jumbled words.

Physical exercise/for/ essential/ is/health/ good

(a) Physical exercise essential is for good health

(b) Good health is essential for physical exercise

(c) Physical exercise is essential for good health

(d) Good health essential is for physical exercise.

14. The the west.

(a) set

(b) sets

(c) rise

(d) setting

15. to swim.

(a) does not know

(b) do not know

(c) not knowing

(d) did not know

16. Kusum..............prefer to keep quiet.

(a) would

(b) can

(c) should

(d) ought

17. If I were you, I..............not do it.

(a) must

(b) should

(c) would

(d) can

18. Who is the poet of the poem 'Childhood"?"

(a) Elizabeth Jennings

(b) Shirley Toulson

(c) Markus Natten

(d) William Wordsworth

19. Why did the grandmother not accompany the author to his school in the city?

(a) The author now went to school by his bicycle

(b) The author now went to school in a motor bus

(c) The author now went to school in a rickshaw

(d) None of these

20. What did the sparrows do when the dead body of the grandmother was carried off?

(a) They went with the funeral procession

(b) They chirruped loudly

(c) They flew away quietly

(d) None of these

21. What is Gangadharpant Gaitonde a professor of?

(a) Hindi

(b) Politics

(c) History

(d) Economics

22. Ranga saw Ratna for the first time at

(a) Gundabhatta's house

(b) Narrator's house

(c) Shastri's house

(d) Rama Rao's house

23. According to Albert Einstein, what was more important in education?

(a) Dates

(b) Facts

(c) Ideas

(d) Knowledge

24. In the poem 'Childhood' the poet wants to know

(a) the day he became responsible

(b) the day he became an adult

(c) the day he became wise

(d) the day he lost his childhood

25. 'Barred face' in the poem "The Laburnum Top" means

(a) covered face

(b) face having stripes on it

(c) covered by the leaves

(d) covered by the branches

26. Who is the poet of the poem "The Laburnum Top"?

(a) Walt Whitman

(b) Shirley Toulson

(c) Ted Hughes

(d) William Wordsworth

27. Mr. Croker Harris is

(a) a middle aged master

(b) a young school master

(c) a principal

(d) a student

28. What gift did Lhamo give to the author?

(a) A hat

(b) A shawl

(c) A blanket

(d) A full sleeved coat

29. Aram and Mourad belonged to...........tribe.

(a) Harghlanian

(b) Garoghlanian

(c) Goralanian

(d) Ghiralinian

30. Who called Albert Einstein 'the world's worst liar'?

(a) The headteacher

(b) Mr. Korch

(c) Elsha

(d) Yuri

31. Who was Mrs. Fitzgerald?

(a) Pearson's Sister

(b) Pearson's neighbour

(c) Pearson's mother

(d) Pearson's friend

32. After the bird flies away, the laburnum tree becomes

(a) empty

(b) calm

(c) empty and silent again

(d) a centre of excitement

33. In the poem "The Voice of the Rain", without rain, seeds will remain

(a) not fully developed

(b) hidden

(c) hidden and unborn

(d) dry

34. What is hidden in an infant's face?

(a) Innocence

(b) Beauty

(c) Freshness

(d) Lost childhood

35. The crewman Larry Vigil was

(a) an American

(b) a Swiss

(c) an Indian

(d) a Japanese

36. From where did Gangadharpant start his journey?

(a) Bombay

(b) Delhi

(c) Pune

(d) Kolkata

37. Which character do not match Mrs. Pearson?

(a) Pleasant but worried

(b) Timid and confused

(c) Speakers in a light voice

(d) Strong and dominating character

38. What could not be found in Geography books?

(a) Hell and Heaven

(b) Crops

(c) Forests

(d) Countries

39. Who says, 'We both must live on the same globe'?

(a) The son

(b) The father

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of them

40. What was the age of Sue?

(a) 6 years

(b) 9 years

(c) 8 years

(d) 7 years

41. Where did the narrator start the first leg of his journey?

(a) From Sydney

(b) From Cape Town

(c) From Plymouth

(d) From Amsterdam

42. Who was Toplow waiting for?

(a) Crocker Harris

(b) Frank

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) His friend Ben

43. What plan did Albert Enstein make to leave the school at Munich?

(a) A false medical certificate

(b) Mother's bad health

(c) Homesickness

(d) Father's bad health

44. Whose feet are called terribly transient?

(a) Dolly's

(b) Betty's

(c) The poetess's mother's

(d) All of these

45. What makes the earth pure and beautiful?

(a) The sky

(b) The shower

(c) The sea

(d) All of these

46. In the poem 'Childhood', what does the poet say about adults?

(a) They are not so as they seem to be

(b) They are true

(c) They are lovingly

(d) They are actually so as they seem to be

47. In the poem 'Father to Son', who is expressing his helplessness?

(a) The son

(b) The father

(c) The poet

(d) All of them

48. Where is the Rock Garden Situated?

(a) In Chandigarh

(b) In Bhopal

(c) In Patna

(d) In Kolkata

49. Who really understood Albert Einstein?

(a) Head teacher

(b) History teacher

(c) Mathematics teacher

(d) All of them

50. Morgan's wife was suffering from

(a) Fewer

(b) She was going to give birth to a baby

(c) Headache

(d) All of these.

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