Class 11th English (Core) Model Set-2 2022-23

Class 11th English (Core) Model Set-2 2022-23
Class 11th English (Core) Model Set-2 2022-23


CLASS XI      Set-2      Marks:40


Total number of questions is 40.

Each question carries 1 mark.

Four options are given. Students are expected to select the most appropriate answer.

All the questions are compulsory.

No marks will be deducted for wrong answer.

Read the following passage and answer the questions from 1 to 5:

Child labour is the world wide problem and it is the biggest matter of concern for our country too as future of our generation is going towards darkness due to this social evil. Instead of enjoying their childhood, they are being forced, either because of the parental selfishness or because of the lack of their basic needs for survival, to go for work as labour on part time or full time basis at very low payment. According to the national survey more than 13 million children are captivated in this major crime in which girls are two times more than boys, who are observed in this crime. Though, percentage ratio of the child labour has been decreased in comparison to the last few years but still this crime is swallowing our new generation's future silently. There is a very huge working area in our country where child labour is thriving, like-domestic services, agriculture, hotel and restaurants, entertainment industry, coal mines, match box or firebox manufacturers etc. This crime named as 'child labour' is depriving under age children from getting basic education or financially secure social life because children are involved in this crime at very low age of 5 to 7 years.

1. Children are forced to work as labour because

(a) of the lack of their basic needs for survival

(b) of the parental selfishness

(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of these


2. According to the national survey what is the number of children working as labour?

(a) 10 million

(b) 12 million

(c) 13 million

(d) 23 million


3. Because of child labour what are the children deprived of?

(a) food

(b) clothes

(c) education

(d) house


4. At what age children are involved in child laboour?

(a) 4 to 6 years

(b) 5 to 6 years

(c) 7 to 9 years

(d) 5 to 7 years


5. What do 'thriving' in the passage mean?

(a) Progressing

(b) Not doing well

(c) Sarcastic

(d) Deprive


6. Where do we write 'date' in Letters to Editor?

(a) Before sender's address

(b) Before receiver's address

(c) After salutation

(d) After subject


7. In a formal letter, salutation includes

(a) Sir/Madam

(b) Date

(c) Receiver's name

(d) Sender's address


8. Choose the grammatically correct sentence:

on my bicycle/to/go/I/ used to/ my school

(a) On my bicycle to I used to go my school

(b) I used to go my school to on my bicycle

(c) I used to go to my school on my bicycle

(d) I used to on my bicycle to go my school


9. Choose the grammatically correct sentencen:

(a) I have no any friend

(b) I have no friend

(c) I have any no friend

(d) I have any friend no


10. Corona Virus..............out in the city.

(a) have broken

(b) breaking

(c) break

(d) has broken


11. the temple everyday.

(a) goes

(b) going

(c) go

(d) has gone


12. Kusum is

(a) with

(b) to

(c) for

(d) in


13. Accidents........ ..happen in a crowded city.

(a) should

(b) can

(c) shall

(d) must


14. apple fall?

(a) make

(b) makes

(c) has been making

(d) have made


Read the following extract and choose the most appropriate option for Question Nos 15 to 17.

And who art thou? said to the soft-falling shower, Which strange to tell, gave me an answer, as here translated: I am the poem of Earth, said the voice of the rain, Eternal I risc impalpable out of the land and the bottomless sea.

15. Name the poem of the given extract:

(a) A Photograph

(b) The Voice of The Rain

(c) The Laburnum Top

(d) Father to Son


16. Who is 'I' in the poem?

(a) The Voice of the Rain

(b) The Poet

(c) The Earth

(d) The Reader


17. The word 'impalable' in the fourth line means

(a) strong

(b) weak

(c) bottomless

(d) untouched and unseen


18. Poet's mother and her cousins were standing

(a) at the beach

(b) near a river

(c) near a canal

(d) on a rock


19. The Laburnum top is

(a) quite beautiful

(b) barren

(c) quite green

(d) quite silent and still


20. The poet, Markus Natten wants to know

(a) the day he became an adult

(b) the day he became wise

(c) the day he lost his childhood

(d) the day he became responsible.


21. In the poem, 'Father To Son' the father is ready to

(a) forget him

(b) forgive him

(c) live with him

(d) fight with him


22. "That girl" in the poem 'A Photograph' refers to

(a) Dolly

(b) Betty

(c) Narrator's mother

(d) Narrator's sister


23. Grandmother went to school with the narrator because

(a) she was worried about the narrator

(b) she had no work to do

(c) the school was attached to the temple

(d) there were many dogs on the street


24. From where did the narrator Gordon Cook set sail?

(a) Cape Town

(b) Australia

(c) Plymouth, England

(d) Ile Amsterdam


25. Who was the last heir of powerful Egyptian dynasty?

(a) King Tut

(b) King Akhenaten

(c) King Carter

(d) Nek Chand


26. Which Article of the Constitution asserts that "The state shall endeavour to protect and improve the environment"?

(a) Article 50A

(b) Article 48A

(c) Article 44A

(d) Article 42A


27. Taplow is extremely interested in

(a) English

(b) Social Science

(c) Science

(d) Hindi


28. Where was Professor Gaitonde going to?

(a) Goa

(b) Mumbai (Bombay)

(c) Pune

(d) Delhi


29. Who gave the narrator, Nick Middleton, 'a farewell present and was the present given at Ravu"?

(a) Tsctan

(b) Norbu

(c) Lhambo

(d) Daniel


30. Who tapped on the windows in the story "The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse"?

(a) Aram

(b) Moured

(c) Jon Byro

(d) Uncle Khosrove


31. Which of the following is written by Marga Minco?

(a) Ranga's Marriage

(b) Albert Einstein at School

(c) The Address

(d) Mother's Day


32. Ranga had named his son

(a) Shyama

(b) Vinoth

(c) Rama

(d) Krishna


33. ……………….was Albert Einstein's cousin.

(a) Yuri

(b) Cyril

(c) Elsa

(d) Doris


34. Shahid had been under treatment of cancer for about

(a) 14 years

(b) 14 days

(c) 14 months

(d) 16 months


35. Who was waiting for Doctor Andrew Manson?

(a) Joe Morgan

(b) Susan Morgan

(c) Larry

(d) Albert


36. What was Andrew Manson's profession?

(a) Teacher

(b) Politician

(c) Doctor

(d) Lawyer


37. The king lost his crown under the arch because

(a) the arch built was too high

(b) the arch built was too low

(c) the arch built was crooked

(d) none of these


38. What is the name of the village of Ranga?

(a) Bosahali

(b) Hosahali

(c) Rosahali

(d) Kosahali


39. The crewman Larry Vigil was

(a) an American

(b) an Indian

(c) a Swiss

(d) a Japanese


40. Gangadharpant Gaitonde is a Professor of

(a) Hindi

(b) History

(c) Political Science

(d) Geography

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