12th English Core Vistas 7. EVANS TRIES O-LEVEL

12th English Core Vistas 7. EVANS TRIES O-LEVEL

 12th English Core Vistas 7. EVANS TRIES O-LEVEL

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Core



Q1. What kind of a person was Evans?

Ans- James Roderick Evans was a jail bird. Evans was a young, clever prisoner. The prison officers called him 'Evans the Break' as he had escaped from prison three times. At present he was in a solitary cell in Oxford Prison. He was quite a pleasant sort of chap-an amusing person who was good at imitations. He was not at all violent. He was just a congenital kleptomaniac. It meant he suffered from the disease of involuntarily stealing things. This was disease with which he was born.

Q2. Will the exam now go as scheduled?

Ans- Everything had been in order for the exam to start on its scheduled time, but the Governor, still apprehensive, ordered a last minute change in plan. As another precautionary measure, he ordered frisking the invigilator as well, before allowing him to carry out his assigned job. This wasted some time and the exam started at 9:25am, ten minutes later than the scheduled time.

Q3. Will the injured McLeery be able to help the prison officers track Evans?

Ans- Injured McLeery, spoke slowly and in broken phrases showcasing his knowledge of German, reveals the supposed plan of Evans through the superimposed question paper. He proposes to guide the officials to the whereabouts of Evans. However, this is later revealed to be a part of the Evans plan to flee to safety, as it was Evans himself who was disguised as the injured McLeery. It can be, thus, noticed that the disguised McLeery's help to the officials was fake as it was just a part of Evans's escape plan.

Q4. Will the clues left behind on the question paper, put Evans back in prison again?

Ans- Evans escaped from the prison with the help of a clever, infallible plan. Certain clues were left behind by the shrewd fugitive thief which was a "careless" act according to the Governor. There was a superimposed question paper with directions to the supposed plan. However, it was soon seen that all of it was fake and part of the plan to misguide the officials.

But the little German the Governor knew and the 'correction slip' did help them to track him down.

Q5. Where did Evans go?

Ans- After deceiving the police intelligently, Elusive Evans was out of the net now. He was enjoying at Chipping Norton. After a gentle stroll he returned to the Golden Lion. He collected his key and walked up to his room. He close his bedroom quietly behind him. Then he was frozen to the spot. He found the Governor sitting on the narrow bed.

Q6. Who was Evans? Describe two of his main characteristics.

Ans- James Roderick Evans was 'quite a pleasant sort of chap'. He had no record of violence. He was one of the stars at the Christmas concert. But he was 'just a congenital kleptomaniac'. The prison officers called him "Evans the Break". Thrice he had escaped from prison.

Q7. What was the unusual request that the Governor made to the Secretary of the Examination Board ?

Ans- The Governor made quite an unusual request to the Secretary of the Examination-Board. He wanted Evans to be examined in the prison in his cell. Evans was to appear in O-Level German examination. The Board granted permission for conducting the examination in Evans's prison cell.

Q8. What were the precautions and arrangements made for the smooth conducting of the examination and providing Evans with no means of escape?

Ans- The prison-staff and the Governor made all precautions for the smooth conduct the examination. A parson, Mr. McLeery was to invigilate. Stephens and Jackson were stand outside the locked cell. Evans's cell was thoroughly searched for two hours. The Governor himself coordinated and supervised all the activities.

Q9. Why did the prison officers call Evans-"Evans the Break"?.

Ans- Evans was helpless. He was a congenital kleptomaniac. to prison. But he had perfected the art of escaping from prison. He had managed to escape prison thrice. So, the prison officers called him "Evans the Break." Evans was planning for the fourth escape.

Q10. What were the necessary instructions that McLeery gave to Evans before the examination started?

Ans- First of all McLeery asked Evans to behave himself. He asked him to write the name of the paper, 021-1 in the top left-hand corner. He was also asked to write his index number-313 and the centre number-271. Thus, began the examination, a little late at 9.25 a.m.

Q11. What was the correction slip? Why did Evans say later that the corrections slip killed two little birds with a single stone?

Ans- They had forgotten to place the correction slip in the examination package. McLeery asked Evans to make the necessary correction. The correction slip killed two little birds with a single stone. It provided the name of the hotel "The Golden Lion' for Evans. It gave the exact time the examination started.

Q12. Why was Stephens a little surprised to see a grey regulation blanket draped round Evans's shoulders?

Ans- At 10.50 a.m., the Governor got a ring. Evans requested him to put a blanket around his shoulders. It was a bit cold in the cell. Stephens was surprised. A grey regulation blanket was draped round Evans's shoulders. He feared that Evans could plan a sudden batma like leap to suffocate McLeery.

Q13. Where was McLeery- in the hospital or elsewhere?

Ans- The injured 'McLeery' was taken to a hospital. The Governor rang the Radcliffe hospotal only to find thatMcLeery was not there He just vanished. The real McLeery was securely bound and gagged in his study. He had been there since 8.15 a.m. That proved he didn't visit the prison.

Q14. Who was the most unexpected man in the world that waited for Evans in his bedroom at the Golden Lion?

Ans- Evans was having a nice time and good fun at the Golden Lion hotel. He had a gentle stroll round the centre of Chipping Norton. He walked up to his room. When he unlocked the bedroom, he stood frozen to the spot. Sitting on the narrow bed was the Governor, himself.

Q15. How was Evans arrested?

Ans- Evans was beaten in his own game. He had left clues that helped in his arrest. The figure reference 313/271 helped the Governor to find Evans. He was at the Golden Lion in Norton. hipping an. He offered no resistance. He was handcuffed and made to sit in the police van.

Q16. How did the Governor find out where Evans was?

Ans- When the Governor finally realised that it was Evans who had gone out with Carter and that he was impersonating McLeery, he thought about the six digit reference number and after putting the two numbers, the index and the centre number together and with the help of the 'Ordinance Survey Map for Oxfordshire' the Governor reached the hotel to find Evans.

Q17. What reason did Evans give to keep his hat on his head? What was the actual reason?

Ans- The reason Evans gives for keeping his hat on his head is that it had always brought him good luck. The actual reason was that since he had clipped his hair short to pass off as Mcleery later, he needed to keep his hat on to avoid being detected.

Q18. What were the contents of the small brown suitcase that McLeery carried?

Ans- The small brown suitcase that McLeery carried contained all that he would need for his 'morning duties' meaning his invigilation work. It contained the sealed question paper, envelope, a yellow invigilation form, special authentication card etc.

Q19. Which important call did the governor receive when the examination was going on?

Ans- The first call the Governor received was from the University regarding a correction slip which was not sent with the question paper. The second call was supposedly from the Magistrate's office requesting for a van and two prison officers.

Q20. Who was Carter? What did the Governor ask him to do?

Ans- Carter was Detective Superintendent. The Governor asked him to take McLeery with him and follow Evans in the direction as told by McLeery.

Q21. What were the precautions taken for the smooth conduct of the examination?

Ans- The solitary cell of Evans was tinned into examination room by placing two small tables and two chairs in it. Reverend Stuart McLeery, a parson from St. Mary Mag was to work as invigilator. The cell was to be kept locked from outside and a prison officer would observe Evans from a peep-hole after every minute or so. All potential weapons such as knife, scissors, nail-file and razor had been taken away. Even the contents of the suitcase of the invigilator were thoroughly searched, the paper knife was taken away by a prison officer. The Governor himself was to listen-in the conversation in the cell during the examination. The cell was in the D-Wing which had two heavy gates-outer and inner. Both were locked securely. Mr Jackson, the prison officer, was in constant contact with the Governor on the phone.

Q22. Did the Governor and his staff finally heave a sigh of relief?

Ans- Evans was a shrewd man who allowed only a momentary sigh of relief to the Governor and his staff. The exam was supposed to have ended peacefully, but when Stephens rechecked Evans's cell, he was stunned to see a profusely bleeding McLeery still in the cell. He concluded that the man he had escorted to the gate was actually Evans.

Measures were taken to recapture Evans with the help of the bleeding McLeery, who was later sent off to a hospital for treatment. However, soon it was exposed that this 'bleeding McLeery' was the real Evans. Finally, when the Governor traced Evans and ordered him to be taken back to the prison with a prison officer in the official van, another conspiracy unfolded. Evans fled again, as the prison officer and the van were part of his back-up plan. His flawless plans left everyone perplexed and troubled.

Q23. Reflecting on the story, what did you feel about Evans' having the last laugh?

Ans- The whole story 'Evans Tries An O-Level' revolves around Evans. He smartly devised and executed the plan of his escape. It is about how to stop the Elusive from escaping the prison cell. All precautions have been taken to see that the examination is conducted smoothly. Evans was to be examined in his prison cell. A parson from St.Mary Mags was arrange to invigllate. Moreover, round the clock watch was ensured. Inspite of all this toil and trouble, it was Evans who had the last laugh.

Evans was more than a match for the panicky prison officers. He outwitted the over confident Governor. Evans was able to hide a false beard, a pair of spectacles and also a sort of weapon. McLeery was found securely bound and gagged in his study. Things became quite clear. It had been Evans, impersonating MeLeery, who had stayed in. Evans was arrested at the Golden Lion. The good-for-a-giggle Governor couldn't bring him back to his cell. The silent officer who unlocked the handcuffs was Evans's own man.

Q24. While we condemn the crime, we are sympathetic to the criminal. Is this the reason why prison staff often develop a soft corner for those in custody?

Ans- It is quite true. On one hand, we condemn the crime. On the other, we are sympathetic to the criminal. After all we are humans. The prison staff often develop relationship with the criminal. This happens when they are together at the same place. In the play Jackson and Stephens are quite dedicated officers. Stephens makes sure an unseen that Evans is not provided with any means of escape. Evans knows their weaknesses and exploits them to his advantage.

Jackson has a tiny core of compassion' buried in his heart. Evans knows it. Jackson asks Evans to take his hat off. Evans requests that the hat is a kind of lucky charm for him and therefore he managed to fool everybody. Jackson relents. It would have been a different story if he had insisted on taking off his hat. A wily criminal like Evans takes full advantage of it for planning his escape.

Q25. Do you agree that crime and punishment are mainly a battle of wits?

Ans- Certainly, it is mainly a battle of wits between crime and punishment. If the law enforcing agencies are vigilant, crimes are detected. Criminals are arrested. And finally, due punishment is awarded to them. In the play, it is a battle of wits between the prison officials and Evans. They take every care not to provide Evans with a means of escape. But Stephens jumps to a silly conclusion. He thinks that McLeery is wounded by Evans. Nobody, not even the Governor, tries to check the identity of the injured "McLeery". Hasty conjectures lead to one blunder after the other.

Evans proves that he is rightly called Evans the Break". He has already escaped from the prison three times. And now it is the fourth. The final act of foolishness and the security lapse let Evans slip out of the net. Evans outfits them all.

Q26. What lapses on the part of the police and prison authorities helped Evans to escape from the prison?

Ans- Evans had earned the reputation of being known as "Evans the Break". All the prison officers were on the alert. And still he managed to hoodwink the authorities. Certainly, there were certain lapses on the part of the police and prison authorities. These lapses helped Evans to escape for the fourth time.

First lapse on the part of the authorities was regarding Mr McLeery. They didn't verify his identity. A fake McLeery impersonated the real McLeery. Actually, Mr McLeery had been bound and gagged in his study much before the examination started. Secondly, Jackson's compassion allowed Evans to wear his hat as his lucky charm. It was a big lapse on his part. Evans was allowed to wrap a grey blanket around him. Similarly, the authorities never knew that the German teacher was a close friend of Evans. The last but the most glaring lapse was on the part of the Governor himself. The silent prison officer who handcuffed Evans and the driver were Evans's men.

Q27. What were the clues left behind on the question paper? How did Evans hoodwink all the officials and the Governor ? How did they help in arresting Evans?

Ans- Evans was a master mind who could easily outwit his opponents. Thrice he had escaped from prison. He was planning it for the fourth time now. His appearing in O-level German examination was just a part of his plan. The German teacher was also his 'own man'. Evans got the real McLeery bound and gagged in his study. Another person impersonating McLeery was sent to the prison to act as an invigilator. The invigilator asked Evans to write his index number-313 and centre number-271. Actually this six figure reference 313/271 could lead him in the middle of Chipping Norton. The correction slip killed "two little birds with a single stone".

These clues helped the officials and the Governor in arresting Evans. Evans was shocked to find the Governor sitting in his hotel room. He was arrested and handcuffed. But Evans had the last laugh. He escaped from the net for the fourth time.

Q28. What clues did the answer sheet of Evans provide to the Governor?

Ans- McLeery showed a photocopied sheet to the Governor which had been cleverly superimposed on the last page of the German question paper. The Governor decoded it for Newsbury and by putting together the six figure reference, the index and centre number 313/271 and with the help of the 'Ordinance Survey Map of Oxfordshire' he was able to locate Evans in the middle of Chipping Norton. The correction slip provided him with the name of the hotel, 'The Golden Lion' where Evans was staying. So Evans was beaten in his own game as he left clues which aided in his arrest. He made things easier as he left the question paper behind in the cell. The clues the Governor got from it were sufficient to help him locate Evans.

Q29. It was sheer negligence on the part of the prison staff that helped Evans to escape. Comment.

Ans- Even after taking various drastic precautions, for the smooth conduct of the exam, Evans fools the Governor and the prison authority in every step of the way. Stephens notices that Evans is wearing a hat but does not ask him to remove it. The hat concealed Evans' cropped hair. Similarly, the prison staff do not check McLeery's identity or verify the phone call or recognise Evans impersonating McLeery. All this helps him to escape prison easily. Later, though the Governor is able to catch him red-handed, at the capital, Evans escapes once again, this time audaciously in the prison van. Therefore, it proves that it is sheer negligence on the part of the prison staff that helps Evans to escape.

Q30. How did the question paper and correction slip help the prisoner and the Governor?

Ans- McLeery showed a photocopied sheet to the Governor which had been cleverly superimposed on the last page of the German question paper. The Governor decoded it for Newsbury and by putting together the six figure reference, the index and centre number 313/271 the name of the hotel, 'The Golden Lion' where Evans was staying. So Evans was beaten in his own game as he left clues which aided in his arrest. He made things easier as he left the question paper behind in the cell. The clues the Governor got from it were sufficient to help him locate Evans.

and with the help of the 'Ordinance Survey Map of Oxfordshire' he was able to locate Evans in the middle of Chipping Norton. The correction slip provided him with


Q1. Name the author of the lesson "Evans Tries An O-Level ".

A) William Blake

B) Sir Johnson

C) H.L.Hegde

D) Colin Dexter

Q2. Why did Evan decide to take the O level exam?

A) to keep his hat on his head

B) to study

C) to add to his academics

D) to plan an escape from the prison

Q3. What kind of a person was Evans?

A) Kleptomaniac

B) pleasing personality and a tendency to mislead

C) stealing habit

D) All these

Q4. Why was Evans called 'Evans the break?

A) because of his pleasing personality

B) because he keeps hat on his head

C) for escaping from prison thrice

D) All these

Q5. Why did Evans drape a blanket around his shoulder?

A) to conceal his efforts of changing dress to look like McLeery

B) because he was feeling cold

C) to hide himself from the police

D) All these

Q6. What two purposes did the correction slip serve?

A) to give correct name of hotel to Evans and exact date and time of exam to Evans

B) to help Evan escape

C) to inform Evan Gang his plan of escape

D) All these

Q7. How did Evan escape from the jail?

A) by jumping the wall

B) by befooling the watchman

C) his friend Prison officer released him

D) all

Q8. Who ordered Evans to take off his hat?

A) Jackson

B) Stephens

C) The Governor

D) None

Q9. Why was the Governor not ready to take risk?

A) to bring a good name

B) to stop Evan from taking exam

C) to avoid any bad name

D) none

Q10. Who checked the cell thoroughly?

A) The police

B) The Governor

C) Jackson and Stephens

D) Stephens

Q11. Why did Evans request not to take off his hat?

A) he was feeling cold

B) to give a smart look

C) he loved to wear

D) Evans considered it lucky for himself

Q12. Why couldn't Stephens identify Evans' trick?

A) because he was not trained

B) he was a new recruit

C) he was not experienced

D) none

Q13. How could Evans' plan of escape become a success?

A) because of his wits

B) because he keeps his hat on his head

C) because he was cunning

D) all

Q14. Who was Carter?

A) a policeman

B) watchman

C) Detective Superintendent

D) None

Q15. Who arrived first on the scene after Stephen found McLeery?

A) Jackson

B) Stephens

C) Detective Superintendent Carter

D) None

Q16. Whom did Stephen actually catch?

A) McLeery

B) Evans

C) a thief

D) All

Q17. Who was McLeery?

A) Evan's friend

B) policeman

C) inspector

D) the invigilator who had been appointed by the Governor

Q18. How did Evan outwit the Governor?

A) by taking exam

B) by putting his hat

C) by keeping a letter

D) by escaping again

Q19. How was the governor able to locate Evans?

A) by putting together 6 figures

B) by decoding

C) with the help of Ordnance survey map of oxfordshire

D) All these

Q20. Where was Evan located?

A) in the middle east

B) in Japan

C) in the middle of chipping Norton

D) none

Q21. From where did they find the name of the hotel where Evan was staying?

A) from the police

B) from the people

C) secret agent

D) from the correction slip

Q22. What was the name of the hotel where Evans was staying?

A) Palampura

B) The Golden Palms

C) The Golden Era

D) The Golden Lion

Q23. What aided Evan's arrest?

A) his friends

B) his gang

C) secret agents

D) The clues Evan left

Q24. Where were the clues left?

A) on the table

B) in the cell

C) on the mobile

D) on the question paper

Q25. Why did Evans clip his hair short?

A) to aid his escape plan and to pass off as Mc Leery later

B) he was feeling hot

C) to give modern look

D) to give a young look

Q26. What was the purpose of the second call?

A) to take away Stephen so that Evan could give final touches to his makeup

B) to give time to Evan to run

C) to befool Stephen and Jack

D) none

Q27. From whom did the governor receive the first call?

A) Assisstant Secretary

B) Joint Secretary

C) Assisstant commissioner

D) All

Q28. How did the first call mislead the governor?

A) by demanding prison van for a remand case where as it was needed for Evan's escape

B) by giving wrong information

C) by calling him to CM office

D) none

Q29. What did the Governor want Carter to do?

A) he wanted him to check Evan

B) he wanted him to go with Evan

C) he wanted him to accompany him

D) he wanted him to accompany injured Mcleery

Q30. What was there in the small brown suitcase that Mcleery carried?

A) sealed question papers

B) yellow invigilation form

C) special authentication card

D) All these

Q31. What information did the governor receive from the detective Superintendent?

A) Mcleery had spotted Evan

B) Ean was seen near Elsfield way

C) chased Evan but lost him

D) All these

Q32. What did the Governor tell the Secretary of the examination Board?

A) Evan is a pleasing person

B) can imitate stars and was star of Christmas concert

C) was a kleptomaniac

D) All these

Q33. How can we say that Evan could not get through the O Level German examination?

A) he is unable to understand even simple expression like Gutten Gluck

B) he didn't study

C) didn't attend any class

D) was behind the bars

Q34. Why was Evan keeping the hat on his head?

A) to cheat

B) to avoid cold

C) to give a smart look

D) to avoid being detected as he had clipped his hair short to look like Mcleery

Q35. What precautions did the authorities take to conduct the examination smoothly?

A) The Governor personally supervised security

B) Evan's cell was checked thoroughly

C) All belongings were taken away from Evan, The invigilator was frisked and a police officer was posted to keep a vigil

D) All these

Q36. Why was the invigilator frisked?

A) to ensure that he had no objectionable material with him

B) to check his true identity

C) to check if he was a real man

D) none

Q37. What made Evan have his last laugh?

A) his friend a prison officer opened his handcuffs and helped him to escape

B) Evan was locked up

C) Evan was released

D) None

Q38. What should be the Governor's plan to bring Evan back to prison from the hotel?

A) He should have sent him by air

B) He should have sent him with more people

C) He himself should have travelled along

D) None

JCERT/JAC Hindi Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)


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