Class 11 English Core Hornbill POETRY Chapter - 5. FATHER TO SON

Class 11 English Core Hornbill POETRY Chapter - 5. FATHER TO SON

 Class 11 English Core Hornbill POETRY Chapter - 5. FATHER TO SON

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Core 

Hornbill POETRY

Chapter - 5. FATHER TO SON - Elizabeth Jennings


☞ The poem 'Father to Son' is composed by Elizabeth Jennings.

☞ The poem is about the anguish of a father who doesn't have a good relationship with his son.

☞ His son is now grown up and is busy in his life.

☞ The father is bitter about the generation gap between them and the feeling of separation.

☞ He shares his feelings by saying he doesn't know much about him and there is no sign of understanding.

☞ He wants their relationship to be just like when his son was a child.

☞ He is trying his best to resolve the issue but his efforts go in vain. Therefore, they are drifting apart.


1. The poet of Father to Son is:

a. Marcus Natten

b. Nick Middleton

c. Ted Hughes

d. Elizabeth Jennings

2. Elizabeth Jennings is the poet of:

a. A Tale of Melon City

b. A Photograph

c. Father to Son

d. Childhood

3. Who is the narrator in the poem Father to Son:

a. Mother

b. Father

c. Brother

d. Sister

4. "This child" refers to the poem Father to Son:

a. Student

b. Brother

c. Boy

d. Son

5. What is the poem Father to Son about:

a. Soured relationship between father and son

b. Father's advice

c. Father's narration about his own childhood

d. Teacher's advice

6. Who is 'I' in the poem Father to Son:

a. Mother

b. Child

c. Sister

d. Father

7. Who is unable to understand the child in Father to Son:

a. Teacher

b. Mother

c. Father

d. Brother

8. Who has lived in the same house for years in the poem Father to Son:

a. Mother and son

b. Mother and father

c. Brother and sister

d. Father and son

9. Who speak like strangers in the poem Father to Son:

a. Father and mother

b. Mother and daughter

c. Father and son

d. Brother and sister

10. Who is the 'prodigal' in the poem Father to Son:

a. Father

b. Mother

c. Brother

d. Son

11. Father tells his son that though they have lived in the same house for years yet he:

a. Envies him

b. Adores him

c. Loves him

d. Does not understand him

12. How old is the son when father describes his pain to him:

a. Child

b. Teenager

c. Just become an adult

d. Baby

13. Does father know about his son's likes or dislikes:

a. Yes.

b. No

c. Partly

d. Absolutely

14. The use of 'l' in the line "the seed I spent or sown it where" in the poem Father to Son points towards:

a. Father's acknowledgement of failure in establishing communication

b. Father's self importance

c. Son's false pride

d. Father's interference

15. Who speak like strangers in the poem Father to Son:

a. Family

b. Brothers

c. Siblings

d. Father and son

16. Complete the line "there's no sign of..........":

a. Respect

b. Love

c. Understanding

d. Faith

17. "........... surrounds us":

a. Fear

b. Hatred

c. Love

d. Silence

18. Prodigal means:

a Greedy person

b. Aliar

c. Someone who loves to spend money

d. Thief

19. The speaker speaks of which relationship in the poem Father to Son:

a. Father-son

b. Family

c. Father-mother

d. Father-daughter

20. Identify the simile in the given options:

a. Silence surrounds

b. We speak like strangers

c. The seed I spent

d. Move his world

21. From where does anger arise in the poem:

a. Sadness

b. Poverty

c. Hatred

d. Temper

22. Where does the speaker want the son to return:

a. School

b. Heart

c. Park

d. Home

23. Who will forgive in the poem Father to Son:

a. Mother

b. Father

c. Brother

d. Father and son will forgive each other

24. What is meant by 'live on the same globe' in the poem Father to Son:

a. Co-exist

b. Live on earth

c. Co-exist with understanding and love

d. Not to live on another planet

25. Why should "we both must live on the same globe" in the poem Father to Son:

a. It is the tradition

b. Because it is expected

c. It is an age old practice

d. This relationship is made with bonds of love and understanding

26. Why should the prodigal return home in the poem Father to Son:

a. Mother is missing him

b. Brother is missing him

c. Father is ready to develop new and better understanding

d. He has spent all his money

27. Why is silence surrounding father and son:

a. They want to avoid confrontation

b. They do not understand each other

c. There is a lack of communication

d. All

28. What does the father hope for in the poem Father to Son:

a. Development of understanding

b. Development of new love

c. Forgiveness

d. All

29. What is meant by 'longing' in the poem Father to Son:

a. Desire

b. Hope

c. Long talk

d. Advice

30. What is the meaning of grief in the poem Father to Son:

a. Growth

b. Anger

c. Sadness

d. Mood


1. Who is the poet of 'Father to Son'?

Ans. Elizabeth Jennings

2. Who has lived in the same house for years?

Ans. The son

3. Elizabeth Jennings is the poet of which described poem in your book?

Ans. Father to Son

4. Why does the father not understand the child?

Ans. There is a generation and communication gap between the two. Their priorities and thinking do not match.

5. What happens when there is no sign of understanding in the air?

Ans. They speak formally like strangers without meaningful interaction.

6. Who speak like strangers?

Ans. Due to lack of understanding father and son speak like strangers to each other.

7. What is meant by 'prodigal' in the poem Father to Son?

Ans. Someone who likes to spend money

8. What would be shaped from sorrow in the poem Father to Son?

Ans. A new love

9. What grows from grief(sadness)?

Ans. Anger

10. What are both, the father and son, longing for?

Ans. They wish to forgive each other


1. What is the central idea in the poem Father to Son?

Ans. A father lamenting the lack of understanding and communication with his prodigal son. He is also acknowledging his own failure and is ready to make all efforts towards building a positive relationship with his son.

2. Why does the father know nothing of his son?

Ans. There exists a generational gap and a lack of meaningful communication between the two. There has been a clash of egos, both have drifted apart from each other.

3. How do they speak to each other?

Ans. They speak for the sake of formality, like strangers. There is a lack of communication and positive emotional interaction.

4. What is the father's wish for the prodigal son?

Ans. The father wants his prodigal son to return back home. He wants to undertake all efforts that it takes to build a robust relationship with his son.

5. Explain "anger grows from grief".

Ans. The father thinks that the son has failed to understand him or to listen and act as per his wishes. He had failed to realise that it could be the other way, too. However, owing to the situation he first feels sad, and soon the sadness gives rise to anger.


1. Write a summary of the poem Father to Son.

Ans. Adolescents experience many physical and emotional changes during their growth period. They habitually challenge authority, especially at home. The father is expressing his agony of not having a happy relationship with his son and is ready to make amends. He wants his prodigal son to return back home. He wants to undertake all efforts that it takes to build a happy and healthy relationship with his son.

2. Why do we sympathise with the father in the poem Father to Son? Give reasons.

Ans. The father has shown maturity by acknowledging his role in not having a good relationship with his son. He feels sad that he is unable to understand his prodigal son and his ways, but is ready to put his ego aside and work towards building meaningful communication. He wants that both of them, that is, the son and he, himself, should forgive each other, put their differences aside and build a better and healthy relationship. Acknowledging the existence of a problem and holding oneself accountable is the first step towards positivity. This is the reason that the reader sympathises with the father.

3. Explain: "We each put out an empty hand longing for something to forgive".

Ans. This is the most logical analysis of the reason why most relationships don't work or break-up. The egoist nature of the father, as well as the son, leads them to believe that the fault lies with the other, not with him. This is the reason they are ready and waiting to forgive each other. Unless there is an honest attempt to realise the shortcomings existing in oneself and mutual understanding to strive for better relationship, there can be no real progress to restore or build a new robust relationship.

JCERT/JAC प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

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