Class 11 English Core Snapshots Chapter - 2. THE ADDRESS

Class 11 English Core Snapshots Chapter - 2. THE ADDRESS

 Class 11 English Core Snapshots Chapter - 2. THE ADDRESS

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class 11 English Core 


Chapter - 2. THE ADDRESS - Marga Minco


The story is a poignant account of a daughter who goes in search of her mother's belongings after the war.

The mother had given her belongings to Mrs Dorling, an old acquaintance, for safekeeping before the war reached Holland.

The address, number 46, Marconi Street was given to the daughter by the mother.

Mrs Dorling lived at the house at the address with her family.

When the daughter finds the house, she meets Mrs Dorling who pretends not to recognize her.

She decides to go for a second time, and she is able to see her mother's possessions.

The daughter feels horror and pain at the sight of her mother's belongings being used by others.

She decides to leave the belongings.

She resolves to forget the address and move on in life.


1. The story is written by ……

a. Khushwant Sing

b. Nick Middleton

c. Marga Minco

d. William Saroyan

2. What is the story about?

a. A daughter looking for her mother

b. A daughter in search of her mother's belongings

c. A daughter in search of an address

d. A daughter in search of her belongings

3. "Do you still know me?" who asks this question to whom"?

a. Mrs Dorling to the Mrs S

b. Mrs S to Mrs Dorling

c. Mrs Dorling to the narrator

d. The narrator to Mrs Dorling

4. "Her face gave no sign of recognition." Who is her?

a. Mrs Dorling

b. Mrs S

c. Mrs Dorling's daughter

d. Mrs S's daughter

5. Which character is the narrator of the story?

a. Mrs S's daughter

b. Mrs Dorling

c. Mrs. Dorling's daughter

d. None of these

6. What attire was Mrs Dorling in when she opened the door?

a. Green skirt

b. Green knitted cardigan

c. Green dress

d. Green woollen cardigan

7. The attire belonged to....

a. Mrs S

b. Mrs Dorling

c. Mrs S's daughter

d. Mrs Dorling's daughter

8. How did Mrs Dorling treat the narrator when the narrator visited her?

a. Warm and hospitable

b. Cold and inhospitable

c. Excited

d. Both a and c

9. "I thought that no one had come back." Why does Mrs Dorling say this?

a. Because she was happy to see the narrator

b. Because she thought everyone in the narrator's family was dead

c. Because she had been waiting for the narrator for a long time

d. None of these

10. What was the address that the narrator's mother asked her to remember

a. Number 25, Marconi Street

b. Number 30, Marconi Street

c. Number 46, Marconi Street

d. Number 50, Marconi Street

11. Mrs Dorling was ………….of Mrs S

a. An old friend

b. A sister

c. An aunt

d. An old acquaintance

12. 'My mother was surprised I should have noticed so quickly. What had the narrator noticed?

a. Something or the other about the rooms had changed

b. Something about her mother's appearance had changed

c. Behaviour of her mother had changed

d. Mother's dress sense had changed

13. What had Mrs Dorling suggested to Mrs S?

a. She suggested Mrs S to leave her house.

b. She suggested Mrs S to decorate the house.

c. She suggested Mrs S to sell her belongings.

d. She suggested that she wanted to save all her nice things.

14. Mrs Dorling took the possessions of the things on the pretence of ………

a. Keeping them safe

b. Using them

c. Selling them

d. Destroying them

15. How does the narrator describe Mrs Dorling when she saw her the first time during the war?

a. A woman with a broad back

b. A woman with a broad shoulder

c. A woman with a round back

d. A woman with a long neck

16. What did Mrs Dorling wear when the narrator saw her the first time?

a. A grey cardigan and a large hat

b. A brown coat and a shapeless hat

c. A long coat and a straw hat

d. A loose cardigan and a shapeless hat

17. Why did the narrator wait for such a long time before visiting "the address"?

a. Because she was afraid of Mrs Dorling

b. Because was not interested

c. Because she was afraid of being confronted with her mother's belongings

d. Both (b) and (c)

18. Why had the narrator visited Mrs Dorling?

a. Because Mrs Dorling asked her to meet her

b. Because Mrs Dorling had the belongings of the narrator's mother

c. Because the narrator's mother had asked her to visit Mrs Dorling

d. Because she wanted to see Mrs Dorling's house

19. How many times did the narrator visit Mrs Dorling's house?

a. 4 times

b. 3 times

c. 2 times

d. 5 times

20. When the narrator went to Mrs Dorling's house the second time, who opened the door?

a. Mrs Dorling's husband

b. Mrs Dorling's sister

c. Mrs Dorling's daughter

d. Mrs Dorling's mother her

21. How old was Mrs Dorling's daughter?

a. 12

b. 10

c. 15

d. 14

22. How did the narrator know that she was at the right address?

a. When she saw Mrs Dorling's house

b. Seeing Mrs Dorling wear her mother's green cardigan

c. She recognised Mrs Dorling

d. None of these

23. Unlike Mrs Dorling, her daughter was ………… towards the narrator.

a. Impolite

b. Rude

c. Disrespectful

d. Hospitable

24. What was the first thing the narrator saw that belonged to her mother, when she entered the house?

a. A mirror

b. An old fashioned Hanukkah candle holder

c. A candlestick

d. Antique plates

25. "I was in a room I knew and did not know." What does the author mean by this?

a. She saw unfamiliar things but in a familiar surrounding

b. She saw familiar things in an unfamiliar surrounding

c. She did not recognise the things in the room

d. She remembered the things in the room

26. Why did the narrator and her mother leave their house?

a. Because of war

b. Because of flood

c. Because of famine

d. Because of earthquake

27. How does the author describe the living room?

a. Well decorated

b. Strange atmosphere

c. Muggy smell

d. Both (b) and (c)

28. The narrator remembered that the tablecloth had ………..

a. A burn mar

b. An embroidery

c. A cut

d. None of these

29. Mrs Dorling's daughter had a ………. just like her.

a. Long neck

b. Broad shoulder

c. Thin waist

d. Broad back

30. In what condition did the narrator find the living room?

a. Well decorated

b. Well arranged

c. Empty

d. Haphazard

31. What did the girl take out from the box?

a. Cup

b Spoons

c. Plate

d. Knives

32. What was the 'silver' that the narrator was once asked to clean by her mother?

a. Vases

b. Sculptures

c. Cutlery

d. Ornaments

33. Which things were of silver, that the narrator did not know as a girl?

a. Jewellery

b. Cutlery

c. Sculptures

d. Stones

34. How did the narrator feel when she entered the living room?

a. Horrified

b. Excited

c. Nervous

d. Nostalgic

35. According to the author, when do we notice the things in the house?

a. When they are used

b. When they are shown

c. When they are out of sight

d. When they are replaced

36. Why did the narrator leave Mrs Dorling's house in a hurry?

a. Because she had to catch a train

b. Because she no longer wanted to stay there

c. because she was hurt by Mrs Doling

d. Both (a) and (b)

37. 'But now I didn't want to remember it any more. What is that the narrator does not want to remember?

a. Mrs Dorling

b. The address

c. The cutlery

d. All of these

38. Where does the narrator not want to go back?

a. Her house

b. The train

c. The address

d. All of these

39. At the end what does the narrator decide?

a. To return back to the address

b. To never return back to the address

c. to always remember the address

d. To forget the address

40. According to the narrator, why did the objects lose their value?

a. Because they become old

b. Because she saw them in different surroundings

c. Because new things have more value

d. Because she had new things

41. The narrator had come to the address …………. the war.

a. Before

b. After

c. During

d. Not mentioned in the story

42. After reading "The Address", how would you describe Mrs Dorling?

a. Materialistic

b. Opportunist

c. Selfish

d. All of these

43. What message does "The Address" talk about?

a. Importance of material things

b. Human predicament of war

c. Selfish and materialistic nature of man

d. All of these

44. Who is the protagonist of "The Address"?

a. Mrs S

b. Mrs Dorling

c. Mrs Dorling's daughter

d. Mrs S's daughter

45. What was the very first thing out of her mother's belongings that the narrator could recognize?

a. The woollen table cloth

b. Green knitted cardigan

c. Hanukkah candle holder

d. White tea pot


1. What was the address that the narrator's mother had asked her to remember?

Ans. Number 46, Marconi Street

2. Who has written the story "The Address"?

Ans. "The Address" has been written by Marga Minco.

3. Who lived at the address, Number 46, Marconi Street?

Ans. Mrs Dorling lived at the address.

4. Who was there at the house when the narrator visited the house again?

Ans. A girl of 15 years

5. Who had given the things to Mrs Dorling?

Ans. The narrator's mother Mrs S had given the things to Mrs Dorling.

6. When did the narrator's mother give these things to Mrs Dorling?

Ans. During the first half of the war, the narrator's mother gave those things to Mrs Dorling.

7. Why did the narrator visit 'the address'?

Ans. The narrator visited 'the address' in search of her mother's belongings.

8. In what pretence, Mrs Dorling took Mrs S's belongings?

Ans. Mrs Dorling took Mrs S's belongings in pretence of keeping them safe.

9. Why didn't the narrator's mother come back to take her belongings?

Ans. She didn't come back to take her belongings back because she was dead.

10. How did the narrator recognise Mrs Dorling?

Ans. The narrator recognised Mrs Dorling from her mother's green knitted cardigan she wore.


1. Why did the narrator go to number 46, Marconi Street?

Ans. The narrator went to number 46, Marconi Street to claim the belongings of her mother. The belongings were taken by Mrs Dorling, who lived at the address, during the war.

2. How did Mrs Dorling react when the narrator said, "I am Mrs S's daughter"?

Ans. When the narrator told Mrs Dorling that she was Mrs S's daughter, Mrs Dorling held her hand on the door as if she wanted to prevent it opening any further. Her face gave absolutely no sign of recognition and she kept staring at the narrator in silence.

3. What reason did Mrs Dorling give for taking away the precious belongings of the narrator's mother?

Ans. Mrs Dorling suggested to the narrator's mother that she would store and save all the belongings at a safer place. She wanted to save all the nice things. She explained that they would lose all the things if they had to leave the place.

4. What did the narrator notice when she came back home for a few days during the war?

Ans. When the narrator came back home for a few days during the war, she noticed that something or the other about the rooms had changed. She also noticed that various things were missing.

5. Why didn't the narrator pay much attention to the things around while walking to the station?

Ans. She didn't pay much attention to the things around while walking to the station because she did not want to upset herself with the sight of streets and houses which were full of memories from a precious time that she had spent here before the war.


1. Describe the narrator's first meeting after the war with Mrs Dorling.

Ans. When the narrator knocked at the door of Mrs Dorling and introduced herself as Mrs S's daughter, Mrs Dorling showed no sign of recognition and kept staring at her for a while. She held the door making it clear that she was not welcomed. The narrator thought that probably she was not the person she was looking for. When Mrs Dorling let go of the door and stepped aside, the narrator noticed that she was wearing her mother's green knitted cardigan. When Mrs Dorling saw that the narrator was looking at the cardigan, she hid herself partially behind the door. When the narrator mentioned her mother, she said that she thought that none of the persons who left had come back. The lady expressed regret for her inability to do anything for the narrator, but the narrator insisted on talking to her having come all the way for it. However, Mrs Dorling refused to talk to her, claiming that the time was not convenient. The narrator had no option but to leave.

2. Describe the narrator's second visit to Mrs Dorling's place.

Ans. On the narrator's second visit to Mrs Dorling's place, a girl of about fifteen led her in. The narrator noticed an old-fashioned iron hanukkah candle holder that belonged to them. In the living room the sight was dismal and she found herself in the midst of things she wanted to see. The room had a strange atmosphere, maybe because of the tasteless way everything was arranged, or because of the furniture or because of the muggy smell that hung there. She noticed the woollen tablecloth and recalled a burn mark that had never been repaired. When the girl put on the teacups on the tea table and poured tea from a white pot with a gold border on the lid and the pewter plate, these things brought back old memories and clouded her mind with strange emotions. The narrator saw various other things that brought back memories from the past. The narrator rushed out for her train as the girl went to get her cutlery.

3. Justify the title of the story 'The Address'.

Ans. The title 'The Address' indirectly brings out the pain that a war had inflicted on the narrator. The address was number 46, Marconi street where a woman named Mrs Dorling lived with her family. The address was important to the narrator because her mother had given the family valuables to Mrs Dorling for safekeeping. When after the war, the narrator went back to the address, she found her family's precious possessions in an ugly setting. Their value was not appreciated and was used carelessly. She was so repelled that she decided to leave the things and forget the address. The address becomes too painful to remember. It had become the symbol of Mrs Dorling's shabbiness and pettiness. She was so keen on getting back those things but ironically resolved to leave the things and forget the address. She also resolved to forget the things and begin a new life, leaving the past behind.

JCERT/JAC प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Core (CONTENTS)

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