प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
Class - 12
English Core
Q1. Who is Mr Lamb? How does Derry get into his garden?
Mr.Lamb is an old man. He lives in a big house and has garden of his own. He
has a tin leg. One of his legs was blown off in the war. Derry enters Mr.
Lamb's garden by climbing the wall .He does not come there to steal the apples
like other children but out of sheer curiosity.
Q2. Do you think all this will change Derry's attitude towards
Mr Lamb?
Certainly, Mr Lamb will leave a deep impression on the mind of young Derry.
Derry suffers from a complex because of his burnt face.Mr. Lamb motivates him
to think about positivity of life, people and things. Derry comes back to Mr
Lamb though his mother tries to prevent him from going there.
Q3. What peculiar things does Derry notice about the old man,
Mr Lamb is retired from the army. He leaves his doors always open. Everybody is
welcomed in his garden. There are no curtains on his windows. These are the
quite peculiar things for Derry.
Q4. What physical impairment is Mr Lamb suffering from?
Mr Lamb has lost one of his legs in a war. There is a tin leg in its place. The
children would mockingly call him 'Lamey Lamb'. Also, no one ever comes to see
him. People have also spread many stories about him.
Q5. Why had Derry come to the garden?
Derry had thought it was an empty place and no one lived there. He wanted to
see what kind of place it was. He had no mind to steal any apple.
Q6. Why does Derry tell Mr Lamb that he is afraid of seeing
himself in the mirror in the play, 'On the Face of It'?
One side of Derry's face is burnt. Acid had fallen on this side. His face
looked very ugly. People would always keep on reminding of his face. Therefore
Derry tells Mr Lamb that he is afraid of seeing himself in the mirror.
Q7. How does Mr Lamb try to remove the baseless fears of Derry?
Mr Lamb tells Derry that he, like others, has two eyes, two ears, two legs, two
arms, brain and a tongue. He can do or achieve whatever he likes. In this way
Mr Lamb tries to remove baseless fears of Derry.
Q8. What did Derry's mother think of Mr Lamb?
Derry's mother claims to have heard many things about Mr Lamb. She did not have
any good opinion about Mr Lamb. She considered him to be a worthless man. She thought
that Mr Lamb's talk was all nonsense. She did not want Derry to go there.
Q9. In what sense is the friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry
The friendship between Mr Lamb and Derry proved quite fruitful for both of
them. Mr Lamb instils self confidence. in the young boy. While the young boy's
company helps Mr Lamb toward off his loneliness.
Q10. Why does Derry say people are afraid of him?
Derry says people look at his face and call it a terrible thing. They call it
the ugliest thing they ever saw. They even say that it is the face only a
mother could love. Therefore according to Derry, people are afraid of him.
Q11. How does Mr Lamb react when Derry enters his garden?
Mr Lamb welcomes Derry in his garden. He only asks him to mind crab apples lest
he should trip. When Derry wants to run away from there Mr Lamb says that he
need not to go. Everyone is welcomed to come in his garden.
Q12. What kind of garden does Mr Lamb have? Why does he like it?
Mr Lamb has a garden-outside his house. It has flowers, grass, trees arid bees.
He likes every inch of his garden. He has positive attitude of mind. For him
even weeds in his garden are living things. He likes humming of bees. He passes
his time by making jam from the crab apples. Thus, he remains busy due to his
garden. Therefore, he likes it very much.
Q13. What does Derry hear people talking down the downstairs?
He hears people talking about him and saying, "What will he ever do? What
is going to happen to him when we are gone? How will he get on in this world
with that face?"
Q14. What realisation comes to Derry about his face at the end
of the play?
At the end of the play, Derry realises that external looks do not matter much.
The only thing matters is the person's worth. He decides now he would not care
about anybody. He will care about what he feels, thinks or hears.
Q15. Why does Derry's mother not want him to go back to visit Mr
Derry's mother did not want her son to interact with Mr Lamb, or go back to his
house because he was new to the place and nobody had any information about his
personal and private life. On the contrary, people were heard to be making
adverse remarks about Mr Lamb. Lamb was leading a lonely life with no contact
with the outside world. Children used to tease him and call him Lamey-Lamb
because he was handicapped. The worried mother, therefore, thought that it
would not be in the interest of her child to befriend the stranger.
Q16. What is it that draws Derry towards Mr Lamb inspite of
Derry is a young boy. He has a burnt face and due to this he suffers from a
sense of inferiority complex. This makes him lonely and withdrawn. He avoids
men and their company. He can't stand their uncharitable remarks. He comes to
Mr Lamb's garden in search of loneliness. He meets Mr Lamb. It is a meeting of
two minds which have totally opposite views. It is a turning point in Derry's
life. Derry is withdrawn. Mr Lamb is very social. He is ever ready to welcome
anyone who enters his garden. Mr Lamb has a tin leg. Children tease him by
calling "Lamey-Lamb". But he doesn't mind it.
Lamb leaves the impact of his personality on Derry. He shows the young boy the
ways of the world. He motivates him to move forward in his life. He should stop
caring what others say about his face. Locking oneself up in the room and
closing eyes from the world is no solution.
Q17. In which section of the play does Mr Lamb display signs of
loneliness and disappointment? What are the ways in which Mr Lamb tries to
overcome these feelings?
Mr Lamb has a positive outlook towards life, people and things. He takes the
life as it comes. He lives alone. But rarely does he display signs of
loneliness and disappointment. Only once in the play he shows a sign of physical
weakness. He has a tin leg.One of his legs was blown off in the war. When Derry
asks: "Does your leg hurt you?", Mr Lamb answers philosophically. He
confesses that his leg pains now and then, particularly in wet weather.
tries to overcome his loneliness by opening his heart to others. Whosoever
comes, is welcome. He "likes to talk". "He wants to have
company." He has "friends everywhere". Everybody knows him. Kids
come for the apples and pears. And for toffees .He enjoys sitting in the sun
and reading books. Life means growing to him. He grows apples,pears, weeds, and
flowers. So such a person never feels lonely and disappointed.
Q18. The actual pain or inconvenience caused by a physical
impairment is often much less than the sense of alienation felt by the person
with disabilities. What is the kind of behaviour that the person expects from
It is quite true. The actual pain caused by a physical impairment can be quite
painful. But the sense of detachment is much more painful. The real pain comes
from the people. Their reactions towards the disabled persons are never normal
and human. Some are really cruel in their behaviour. Equally hurting are the
unwanted comforting and consoling lies. Derry is suffering from a sense of
inferiority complex. He can't face the world as it is. He avoids people. He
likes to be lonely and withdrawn. He feels that no one can love and kiss him.
physically impaired person expects a normal behaviour. He needs a human touch.
Uncharitable remarks offend him. But he doesn't want to be an object of pity
either. Only a balanced and human attitude as adopted by Mr Lamb towards Derry,
can comfort him.
Q19. Will Derry get back to his old seclusion or will Mr Lamb's
brief association effect a change in the kind of life he will lead in the
Before meeting Mr Lamb, Derry had quite a negative aspects towards life and
people. He had shut himself in his own-self. He was totally isolated. His burnt
face had created a deep sense of inferiority complex in him. He avoided meeting
interacting with people. He felt offended by their cruel and uncharitable
brief association with Mr Lamb proves to be quite rewarding. Mr Lamb teaches
him how to look at life, people and things. Mr Lamb himself was a physically
impaired person. One of his legs was blown off in the war He had a tin leg.
Children teased him by calling "Lamey-Lamb". He enjoyed meeting
people. He loved reading books. He grew weeds and flowers. His attitude towards
life was totally positive and productive.
will never get back to his old seclusion. His burnt face will no more eat away
his self-respect, poise and confidence. He will learn gradually to find his
place in the mainstream of life.
Q20. Describe the first meeting of Mr Lamb and Derry?
The first meeting between Mr Lamb and Derry takes place in Mr Lamb's garden. A
teenager named Derry comes into the garden. He thinks that no one is in the
garden. But then he hears Mr Lamb's voice," "Mind the apples."
Derry is startled to hear that voice. He has thought that no one was there in
the garden. He wants to run way from there but Mr Lamb says that he is most
welcomed in the garden.
sits beside Mr Lamb. They have heart to heart talk. They thoroughly enjoy each
other's company. Mr Lamb has been retired from the army. One of his legs had
been blown due to a bomb blast. Nobody comes to visit him. People have spread
many stories about him. Children mockingly call him 'Lamey Lamb'. The condition
of Derry is also not much different. One side of his face is burnt due to acid.
Q21. Why do you think Derry is so pessimistic? How does Mr Lamb
give solace to the boy?
One side of Derry's face is burnt due to acid. People look at him in awe. They
say that it is the ugliest' thing that they have ever seen. Derry feels afraid
of him when he sees himself in the mirror. He has become highly pessimistic. He
knows even his mother doesn't love him truly. She just fulfils her duty as a
she never kisses him on the burnt side of his face; she would always kiss on
the other side of his face. But Mr Lamb gives the boy great comfort and
inspiration. He tells him he is not handicapped like him. He has two legs, two
eyes, two ears and two hands. He can do anything in life. He also advises him
to have optimistic approach in life.
Q22. What lesson of life does Mr Lamb tell Derry? What effect it
has on him?
Mr Lamb has lost one of his legs in a war. He motivates him. Mr Lamb told him
that he has two legs, two eyes, two ears and two hands. He can do anything in
life. He also advises him to have optimistic atitude in life. Then he starts
explaining Derry about his own approach towards life. He says everything
interests him that is created by God.
says that people say the bees buzz but according to him. they hum. According to
Lamb, every growing thing has life in it. For him even weeds are important. He
tells Derry that it's not what he looks like; it's what he is from inside. This
makes Derry understand that beauty is only skin deep. He understands that he is
not inferior to anybody. He can do whatever he likes.
Q23. How did Mr Lamb's meeting with Derry become a turning point
in Derry's life?
Mr Lamb's meeting with Derry indeed proved to be. a turning point in a young
boy's life. One side of Derry's face was burnt due to acid. People looked at
him in awe. They would say that it was the ugliest thing that they have ever
seen. Derry felt afraid of him when he saw himself in the mirror. He had become
highly pessimistic. He knew even his mother didn't love him truly. She would
just fulfil her duty as a mother. Therefore, she never kissed him on the burnt
side of his face; she would always kiss on the other side of his face.
Lamb gave the boy great solace and inspiration. He told him he was not
handicapped like him. He had two legs, two eyes, two ears and two hands. He
could do anything in life. He also advised him to have optimistic approach
towards the life. Thus, this meeting proved to be a turning point in Derry's
life. Now he doesn't care what others say.
Q24. How did Mr Lamb try to give courage and confidence to
Mr Lamb was retired from the army. He had lost one of his legs due to bomb
blast. He met Derry for the first time in his garden. One side of Derry's face
is burnt due to acid. As a result, Derry had become quite pessimistic in his
life. But Mr Lamb told him he was not handicapped like him. He had two legs,
two eyes, two ears and two hands. He could do anything in life. He also advised
him to have optimistic approach in life. Then he started explaining Derry about
his own approach towards life.
said everything interested him that was created by God. He said that people
would say the bees buzz but according to him, they hum. According to Lamb,
every growing thing had life in it. For him, even weeds were important. He told
Derry that it was not what he looked like; it was what he was inside. Now Derry
came to understand that beauty is only skin deep.
Q25. Both Derry and Mr Lamb suffer physical disabilities but
their attitude towards life and people is totally different. Highlight their
contrasting traits in your own words.
Derry's main problem is his burnt face. One side of his face was eaten up by
acid. He is always conscious that his face is "bad", "terrible"
and "the ugliest thing". People are afraid" of him. He tries to
escape from people. On the other hand, Mr Lamb doesn't allow his physical
disability to come in his way. He takes life as it comes. He has a positive
attitude towards life, things and people. Children tease him by calling
"Lamey-Lamb" but he doesn't mind it. But he is full of life and
enjoys it at his best.
is withdrawn and defiant. He doesn't trust people. He thinks that no one will
ever love and kiss him except his own mother. He can't stand people staring at
him or passing uncharitable remarks. He is touchy and hyper- sensitive Mr.Lamb
is open-minded and open-hearted. He teaches Derry how to handle
people,situations and things.
Q26. Why does Derry go back to Mr. Lamb's garden?
Mr. Lamb has taught Derry the most important lesson of life. He has actually
made turn start living his life on his own and care not about his burned face.
A long conversation between them has opened Derry's eyes. He learns that things
are the same and still different. Mr. Lamb says things nobody else has ever
said. Moreover, he has promised Mr. lamb to come back to him. He wants to prove
that he has fulfilled his promise. So he goes back to meet Mr. Lamb again in
his garden.
Q27. What are the different ways in which Mr. Lamb tries to
change Derry's attitude to life?
'On the Face of it' is a virtual lesson for the physically handicapped in how
they should live their lives. The life of such people characterized by
loneliness, neglect, disgrace, public humiliation, and frustration like Derry's
life. Derry undergoes terrible emotional experiences caused by his burned face.
People commented on his face cruelly. So he suffers.
he met Mr. Lamb in his garden, which was the turning point in his life. Mr.
Lamb is another physically handicapped person who lost one of his legs many
years back in a bomb blast in the war. Derry's meeting with him in the garden
proved as a savoring for Derry. Lamb tells him many things to change Derry's
attitude to life like: he should not mind the public comments on his burned
face. Everything is the same and yet different.
things God created should be of interest to him. He must socialize. He
shouldn't lock himself in a room. He should not hate anyone. He should not mind
what his mother says He has a tongue, a brain, arms, legs. Actually, Mr. Lamb
by his peculiar questions and stimulating answers teaches Derry how he should
live his life. This has a magical effect on Derry. He comes to Lamb though his
mother prohibited him. Lamb by his own life has proved a pathfinder for him
too. Derry stands changed as he. Derry learns a new lesson of life from Mr.
Q28. Who was Derry? What problems did he have?
Derry is a complex-ridden a fourteen year old boy. He is a victim of
inferiority complex after acid accidentally spilled and burnt one side of his
face. His handicap has filled him with bitterness and so Derry suffers more on
account of the pain that his own views of how everyone hates him, causes him.
Mr. Lamb has a garden that is full of fruits, flowers and trees and herbs of
all sorts. He likes his garden because it attracts young children and he gets a
sense of pleasure in pulling down the ripe crab apples from the trees and
making jelly for the children who visit his garden.
Q29. Derry said, "It (acid) ate me up." How did this
fact affect his attitude towards life?
Derry's attitude towards life becomes totally bitter after the acid burns one
side of his face. He suffers from a sense of alienation, low self esteem and
self rejection. Derry's suffering is further aggravated by the feeling that he
is unwanted and no one loves him. His behaviour also results from people's
indifference, lack of concern and compassion for physically impaired people. He
feels their words of sympathy lack genuineness and so he feels very hurt when
they unwittingly remind him of his impairment. Derry always remains very
conscious of his handicap. He says that no one will ever love him because he
will continue to look ugly. He does not like Mr. Lamb's sermonizing as he feels
that it or anything else cannot change the ugliness of his face. Thus Derry
feels a terrible sense of frustration and loneliness due to his severely burnt
Q30. Derry sneaked into Mr. Lamb's garden and it became a
turning point in his life. Comment.
Derry, a complex-stricken lad of fourteen, is a victim of inferiority complex
which is borne out of a misinterpretation of himself and the world. He suffers
from an acute sense of self-hatred and rejection due to his burnt face and this
leads him to total alienation. Mr. Lamb too has a disability, a tin leg, but he
never allows his handicap to interfere with the pace and pleasure of his life.
Mr. Lamb's meeting with Derry brings a turning point in the latter's life. He
gives Derry confidence and persuades him to develop a positive attitude towards
life. His message to Derry is very clear. Alienation and withdrawal is not the
solution. Derry believes in running away from people but Mr. Lamb lives among
people. Derry's brief association with Mr. Lamb proves to be quite rewarding.
Mr. Lamb teaches him a new perspective of looking at life, people and things.
Derry decides never to get back to his old seclusion. His burnt face will no
longer interfere with his self-respect, poise and confidence. He will gradually
learn to find his place in the mainstream of life. Mr. Lamb helps Derry
rediscover himself and gives a new meaning to his life. Now Derry wants to
leave his handicap behind, forge ahead in life and live life to the fullest.
1. Derry didn't like people
being friendly
(b) being afraid of him
being affectionate.
being sympathetic
2. The gate to Mr Lamb's house is
always shut
heavily guarded
(d) always open
3. What ate Derry's face away?
(a) Acid
An accident
4. How old is Derry?
(b) 14
5. Why did Derry enter Mr Lamb's garden?
He wanted to see the flowers
He wanted to see the bees
He wanted to steal crabapples
(d) Out of curiosity
6. Why did Mr. Lamb call Derry blessed?
because he was young
because he had a mother because he had friends
(d) because except a burnt face he had a perfectly healthy body
7. Who is Mr Lamb?
(a) Old man with one artificial leg
Derry's grandfather
Derry's neighbor
8. What was one leg of the Mr Lamb made of?
(c) Tin
9. By what name did the children tease Mr Lamb?
Lamb Lamb
(b) Lamey Lamb
Lost Lamb
Lame Lamb
10. What was the reaction of Derry when he met Mr Lamb?
(c) Shocked
11. _______blew up Mr Lamb's leg
(a) A bomb
A gunshot
An accident
A splinter
12. Why was Derry startled?
He was caught
There were many people
(c) By Mr Lamb's presence
On seeing a watchdog
13. Where was Mr. Lamb's house?
on a tree
on the road
in a street
(d) inside the garden
14. What did Mr. Lamb tell about himself?
he had a tin leg
Still he was happy
he never mind even if children teased him
(d) All of these
15. What draws Derry towards Lamb ?
his appearance
his grief.
(c) his positive outlook
All of these
JCERT/JAC Hindi Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
Flamingo | |
Poetry Section | |
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Prose Section | |
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