12th English Elective Non-Fiction 6. On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov

12th English Elective Non-Fiction 6. On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov

12th English Elective Non-Fiction 6. On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

6. On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov

Q1. What makes for the distinction between the various genres of fiction, 'a sports story', 'a Western story', 'a jungle story' and 'science fiction"?

Ans- Science fiction is a literary form. It is known through the background. It is an influence which in no case is inferior to any literary form. In the present essay, the author has made a distinction between various genres of fiction which are 'a sports story', 'a Western story', 'a jungle story' and 'science fiction'. In this regard, the author says, "Science fiction is a literary universe of no mean size because science fiction is what it is, not through its content but through its background."

According to the author, a 'sports story' must contain an athletic or competitive activity which becomes an integral part of the story. A western story is weaved around the life of a cowboy who wanders in the American West. In 'Jungle story', the author depicts the dangers of a forested tropical wilderness. Science fiction necessarily displays different components such as interplanetary travel and extraterrestrial creatures as a part of the plot.

Thus, the author has presented the characteristics in each type of fiction but what really distinguishes it from other genres of fiction is its background, while other genres are differentiated on the basis of their content. He makes it clear that if any of these genres contains a different background of society which is different from ours, it becomes science fiction. Thus, the author makes perfect science fiction.

Q2. How does Asimov establish that John Campbell was wrong in his opinion that it is not possible for a science fiction mystery to be fair to a reader in the same way as a classical mystery is?

Ans- The author refers to John W. Campbell who was a great science fiction editor. He was of the opinion that the domain of science fiction is limitless. But he failed in regard to science fiction mystery. Asimov claims that John Campbell was wrong in his opinion.

The author says that in Campbell's opinion, it is not possible for a science fiction mystery to be presented before the reader in the same way as a classical mystery. He considered it a very tough and almost impossible task. He quotes the example of Sherlock Holmes' classical mystery. Sherlock Holmes was a detective. He was gifted with extraordinary abilities of sight to keep pace with the plot yet it remained fair to the readers. He expresses his opinion that such plots were fair in classical mysteries. And if they were suitable in classical mysteries, they are suitable for scientific mysteries also because the reader is quite unaware of these mysteries. So the writer is able to pen down a science fiction mystery. It would be quite appropriate to put such science fiction mystery before the readers.

Q3. What are the pitfalls that the writer of science fiction mystery must guard against?

Ans- The pitfalls that the writer of science fiction mystery, must guard against are the following-

(i) To start writing science fiction without the least knowledge of laws, assumptions and dictums of science. Asimov refers here to John Dickson Carr who has dared to write science fiction while his works reveal that he does not know the difference between CO2 and CO.

(ii) To assemble the events and people without proper scrutiny and scientific observation.

(iii) To give place to myths and legends in the subject matter of science fiction.

(iv) To abandon an application of mind and scientific rules and laws.

Q4. What is the parallel drawn between myths and legends of the past and science fiction?

Ans- The ancient myths and legends are full of stories of human beings with supernatural powers. There are the legendary heroes who control situations, those ancient pieces of magic still fascinate us today, those crystal balls, into which one can see things that are happening many miles away, and magic shells that can allow us to hear the whisperings of humans many miles away.

In science fiction we have hypotheses that are often built up on the same principle which is superstitious beliefs and imaginary beliefs. The goals of these ancient stories are the same as those of modern science fiction. These are the parallel drawn between myths and legends of the past and science fiction that connect each other.

Q5. What gives science fiction its validity?

Ans- In this essay the author indicates the validity of science fiction by stating that the difference is that the ancient myths and legends fulfill those needs and meet those goals against the background of a Universe that is controlled by gods and demons that can, in turn, be controlled by magical formulas either in the form of enchantments to coerce, or prayers to cajole. Science fiction, on the other hand, fulfills those needs against the background of a Universe that is controlled by impersonal and answerable laws of nature, which can, in turn, be controlled by an understanding of their nature. In a narrow sense, only science fiction is valid for today since, as far as we can tell, the Universe does follow the dictates of the laws of nature and is not at the mercy of gods and demons. This shows that law and nature validates science fiction.

Q6. Which literary works does the author have in mind when he refers to 'Open Sesame' or the concept of winged horses or flying carpets?

Ans- The ancient myths and legends are full of stories of human beings with supernatural powers. In prescientific times, it was the priest, magician, wizard, shaman who filled the function of the scientist today. It was the priest and others who were perceived as having the secret of controlling the Universe and it was advances in the knowledge of magical formulas that could enhance power. The literary works the author have in mind when he refers the following are:

'Open Sesame'-Alibaba and Forty Thieves


'Flying-carpets'- One Thousand Tales of Arabian Nights

Q7. What is the general thinking of human beings about gods?

Ans- It is the general thinking of human beings about gods that they have control over natural phenomena. Even they have control over natural activities. So they are considered to be superhuman, super animal or super combinations of human and animals. It is a true fact that no one contradicts gods and supernatural elements.

But it is also a fact that human beings have a deep rooted faith in their existence. If some natural activities become disastrous and against human beings, we think that gods are angry and they are taking revenge. And if the events are in the favour of human beings and helpful, we consider the gods to be kind and well wishers. This is the reason why human beings always try to persuade the gods to win favour. If human beings fail to pursue gods, it is thought that someone has offended gods and they are angry.

Q8. Who did the work of a scientist in the pre scientific times and how?

Ans- The author is very clear in this regard that in the pre-scientific times, the priest, magician, wizard or shaman were the people who did the work of a scientist. The people believed the priest to be the controller of the whole universe. They could do whatever they lived with their supernatural powers.

There are so many myths and legends in which human beings are so powerful enough that they could control even winged horses or flying carpets. In a magical crystal ball, human beings used to see the happenings from miles away. They could even hear the whispering sounds though the ball, The seven league boots were powerful enough to transport you several miles. In pre pre-scientific era, there are so many legends in which we experience human and animal characteristics in a single unit.

Q 9. How is the role of supernatural powers being played nowadays?

Ans- The author says that earlier, gods and demons were the supernatural agents who performed the supernatural activities. Nowadays, the role of all those old stories is played by science fiction. But there is a difference between the activities. In the olden days, the myths and legends were controlled by gods and demons in the form of prayers or enchantments. It was believed that these prayers won favour of these supernatural powers.

On the other hand, science fiction fulfills those needs with the help of unanswerable laws of nature. Science fiction is dependent on deep imagination. In the modern context, science fiction is valid. It is not dependent on the mercy of gods or demons. Modern generations do not have any interest in the duel of Achilles and Hector with spears and shields. Today, people enjoy adventurous stories of exciting science fiction.

Q 10. What are the views of John W. Campbell about writing science fiction?

Ans- John W. Campbell was an eminent science fiction writer. He was of the opinion that science fiction is not free. It has countless boundaries and domains in all societies, past, future, probable, improbable, realistic or fantastic. He clearly accepts that writing a science fiction mystery is full of troubles and difficulties. It needs a great imaginative power.

What we require most is a rational idea, mode of modification and estimate of it. Apart from that, it is also true that science fiction mysteries are difficult but not impossible. He advises setting science fiction mysteries in the future. And the society must be of some different types in comparison to our own society. It should be clearly depicted what can be done and what can't be done in it.

Q 11. When did science fiction come into existence?

Ans- According to the author, science fiction came into existence during the last two centuries. It could happen only when people began to think about the real meaning of science fiction, that it is a science and technology that is able to differentiate between present and past or present and future. It was the time when people began to wonder about science fiction.

Q 12. What is pre-historic period of science fiction?

Ans- According to the writer, the scientific and technological changes came into existence after the Industrial Revolution in 1800. After only this time, science fiction could be written. The era before real science fiction is called the prehistoric period of science fiction. By now, the people began to think that science was the key for exploration and understanding the universe.

Q13. What is the opinion of people now about science?

Ans- Now, people have a positive thinking about science.

They have a clear vision and opinion that science is the main factor of development. Human beings have always been curious about the mystery of nature. And this curiosity has always helped human beings to invent new things every time. People also hope that with the help of science, they will be able to understand the laws of nature and enhance human powers.

Q14. What is the difference between content and background of the story?

Ans- The author clearly depicts the difference between content and background. In a 'sports story' competitive activity and athletic nature are its content. In a 'western story, we have the life of a nomadic cowboy of the American west in the 19th century as a part of content. We can take the content of any of these stories and place it against a background that involves a society significantly different from our own. But if we add something and not allow it to change the nature of the story, it becomes science fiction.

Q 15. Give two examples to show how a story becomes science fiction.

Ans- The author gives so many examples to prove his point. He says that in a western story, take a fish boy in place of a cowboy with his dolphin, mackerel or cod; it still remains the western story but turns into a science fiction. In the same way, if we take a forest of a different planet with a different environment, there are dangers in vegetation and atmosphere. This will remain a jungle story along with a science fiction.

Q 16. What do you know about the Napoleonic war of 1812?

Ans- The Napoleonic war of 1812 was fought between the United States and the United Kingdom and Ireland and its dependent colonies in North America and Native Americans allies. In the story, the author wants to know whether people will take interest in the story of this battle because our warships are no longer made of wood and are no longer equipped with sails.

Q 17. Why does the poet claim that only science fiction is valid today?

Ans- According to the author, only science fiction is valid for today. So far as he can understand the claim, he explains the reason behind it. He says that now the mental attitude of the people has been changed and they think that now the universe does follow the dictates of the laws of nature. It is not dependent on the mercy of gods and demons for its smooth functioning.

Q 18. What are the similarities between ancient stories and that of science fiction?

Ans- There is a great similarity between the ancient stories and that of science fiction. Both of them depict the life that is quite unknown to us. We can only imagine about the unknown world. It also fulfills our emotional needs which are also the same. These emotional needs arouse a curiosity in the human heart and they need the satisfaction of the longing for wonder.

Q 19. Why does the author say that writing a science fiction mystery is difficult?

Ans- The author Isaac Asimov says that writing a science fiction mystery is difficult because it requires some knowledge of natural sciences like Physics, Chemistry. Biology, etc. It should be correctly defined otherwise the context would become ridiculous. He refers to his science fictions- 'The Caves of Steel' and 'The Naked Sun'- to explain that such a style can be adopted while writing science fiction.

Q 20. What is the difference between the pre-scientific universe and the universe of scientific fiction?

Ans- The difference between the pre-scientific universe and the universe of scientific fiction is that the ancient myths and legends fulfill those needs and those goals against the background of a universe that is controlled by Gods and demons who can, in turn, be controlled by magical formulas. Science fiction on the other hand fulfills those needs against the background of a universe that is controlled by impersonal and answerable laws of nature, which can in tum be controlled by and an understanding of their nature.


1. Who is the writer of the essay 'On Science Fiction'?

a. G.B.Shaw

b. Isaac Asimov

c. Virginia Woolf

d. D.H.Lawrence

2. Into how many parts is the essay divided?

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five

3. The first part is called..............

a. The Prescientific Universe

b. The Prehistoric Universe

c. The Post Scientific Universe

d. The Posthistoric Universe

4. The second part is called......

a. The World of Science Fiction

b. The Universe of Science Fiction

c. The World of Child Fiction

d. The Universe of Child Fiction

5. Asimov points that true science is a creature of the last........... Centuries.

a. two

b. three

c. four

d. five

6. People get the idea that it is science and technology that produce the .........

a. Present

b. past

c. future

d. none of the above

7. Science fiction was written after.....

a. French Revolution

b. Industrial Revolution

c. Black Death

d. Spanish Flu

8. Through science, people can make use of..... of nature to control the environment and enhance human powers.

a. gifts

b. miracles

c. laws

d. none of the above

9. Earlier the gods were pictured as …….

a. whimsical

b. unpredictable

c. both (a) and (b)

d. neither (a) and (b)

10. The ancient myths and legends are full of stories of human beings with …….

a. gold

b. wings

c. horns

d. supernormal powers

11. What is the meaning of aeronavigation?

a. travelling in an aeroplane

b. swim or swing in the air

c. 01navigating the sea

d. none of the above

12. Asimov compares the crystal ball, into which one can see things that are happening many miles away to a modern day .........

a. computer

b. television

c. telephone

d. internet

13. Which fairytale does 'Open sesame' refer to?

a. Cindrella

b. Alladin and the Magic Lamp

c. Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

d. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

14. The man-horse is called ....

a. Satyr

b. Sphinx

c. Harpy

d. Centaur

15. The man-goat is called ....

a. Satyr

b. Sphinx

c. Harpy

d. Gorgon

16. The woman lion is called  ....

a. Harpy

b. Satyr

c. Sphinx

d. Gorgon

17. The woman-hawk is called ........

a. Harpy

b. Gryphon

c. Sphinx

d. Satyr

18. The eagle lion is called.........

a. Sphinx

b. Gryphon

c. Centaur

d. Harpy

19. The snake woman is called...........

a. Gorgon

b. Centaur

c. Sphinxd.

d. Harpy

20. The goal of ancient stories and modern science fiction are same-

a. the depiction of life as we don't know it

b. to fear nature and its laws

c. to entertain us

d. all of the above

21. As per science fiction the... is not at the mercy of gods and demons.

a. ocean

b. mountains

c. world

d. universe

22. What does Q-rays in the chapter mean?

a. gamma rays

b. sun rays

c. the suspicious point

d. none of the above

23. Does some basic knowledge of natural science is required to write science fiction?

a. yes

b. no

c. maybe

d. none of the above

24. What happens when a writer of science fiction does not have basic knowledge of Science?

a. His books are not published

b. The situation becomes ridiculous.

c. He cannot write good sci-fi.

d. all of the above

25. Name the book/books whose style can be followed to write science fiction.

a. The Caves of Steel

b. The Naked Sun

c. both (a) and (b)

d. neither (a) and (b)

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