प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
Class - 12
English Elective
1. Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore
Q1. Why does something so ordinary and commonplace as giving
water to a wayfarer become so significant to Prakriti?
Chandalika is a drama comprising of two acts composed by Rabindranath Tagore.
It was Mukti Dhara originally which means free current that had spoked in the
heart of Prakriti. She is a Chandalika, a maid from the lowest section of
society considered as untouchable in ancient India. Anand, the renowned
disciple of Lord Buddha once came to a well and asked Prakriti to give him
water. She explained her caste but Anand assured her of being like other women
of the upper caste. Now Prakriti is awakened and enlightened. Therefore,
something so ordinary and commonplace as giving water to a wayfarer becomes so
significant to Prakriti.
Q2. Why is the girl named Prakriti in the play? What are the
images in the play that relate to this theme?
The play is centred around the role of Prakriti. Prakriti is playing the part
of a Chandalika, a low caste untouchable who is moved by the humanity of Ananda
the monk. Prakriti is termed as 'Nature'.Prakriti depicts the natural desire of
a woman who is awed by the humane virtues.
realises that she has been unjustly treated by society. She was considered
'unclean' and 'untouchable' throughout her life. When she realises her
personality, she gathers new courage and fills herself with new thoughts that
she is also a part of this society as all other persons are. She is the central
figure of the play. The theme of the play is water which is nature.
has the quality to wash and clean all the dirt and unwanted things. It
symbolises that Prakriti washes away the unjust and tyranny of the society by
serving water to the monk. In the magic mirror, she sees a great upheaval in
nature. It happens because of some disturbance in her nature, and finally she
experiences some ugly aspects of Nature.
yearns for the monk and for this purpose, she forces her mother to put the monk
under a spell to bring him to her. There are dark clouds, heavy storms,
lightning and thunder. These are natural images which help to form the theme of
the drama. When she goes against nature by calling the monk, she has to pay a
heavy price for it. Thus, the girl is rightly named as Prakriti.
Q3. How does the churning of emotions bring about
self-realisation in Prakriti even if at the cost of her mother's life?
Yes, I think the churning of emotions brings about self realisation in Prakriti
even if at the cost of her mother's life. Churning of emotions takes place in
varied ways within Prakriti. She first assumes her meeting with the monk as a
new birth. When the churning becomes beyond tolerance she persuades her mother
to cast a spell on the monk. Her mother appears to be a gentle lady and tells
her not to disturb the monk in his meditation. She compels her mother to cast a
spell on Ananda. After many days Ananda, under the influence of the spell,
comes to Prakriti in anxiety. Prakriti regrets this moment and apologises to
him. She scatters the paraphernalia of magic to pieces and her mother dies.
Q4. How does the mirror reflect the turmoil experienced by the
monk as a result of the working of the spell?
The mirror was given to Prakriti by her mother for her to look into it and find
out where the monk had reached as a result of the spells. Apart from the
location, the author portrays the mirror as an indicator of personal happiness,
devoutness and humanity within a person. As the mother's spell grew stronger,
Ananda the monk was losing his spirituality and was succumbing to the evils of
lust. The mirror was able to describe this change of personality of the monk
throughout the narration of the play. Towards the end, the once radiant and
inspiring aura of the devout Buddhist monk is transformed into an uncharismatic
and deceitful human depicted by a defeated personality.
Q5. What is the role of the mother in Prakriti's self-
realisation? What are her hopes and fears for her daughter?
Prakriti's mother was aware of the consequence of casting the evil spell on the
monk. She knew that the spell would change the divine monk into an earthly
being with no conscience or truthfulness. Moreover, the powerful spell she cast
upon the monk would take a toll on her life as well. When Prakriti realises
that she has destroyed the purity of the monk to drag him to her, she feels
sorry for her action. Her mother asks her to look into the mirror. When
Prakriti peeps into the mirror, she realises her mistake. Prakriti's self
realisation comes out but she has to pay a heavy price for it.
mother dies in the process of undoing the spell. She hopes that her daughter
will have a happy life after marriage. She persuades her daughter to be with
the king's son but she wants to be with the monk. She knows well the adamant
nature of her daughter but wants to make her happy. She warns her daughter
against the negative consequences. Thus, on every step, she has hopes as well
as fears for her daughter. She continuously works for the self realisation of
her daughter.
Q6. 'Acceptance of one's fate is easy. Questioning the imbalance
of the human social order is tumultuous.' Discuss with reference to the play.
The play 'Chandalika' deals with several themes like human nature, inequality,
self realisation. Prakriti is a girl who was born in a family of the so called
lower caste of Chandals. As she belongs to a lower caste, she continuously
faces the caste discrimination. She is considered to be 'untouchable' and
'unclean'. She faces the ill treatment of upper caste people. But when a
Buddhist monk comes to her and asks for water from her, her life is completely
Anand tells her that she deserves equal rights in society. She comes to her
senses and begins to question the imbalance of society and religious order. She
raises her voice against the prevailing social system. She declares that she is
no longer a Chandalini. Questioning the imbalance brought the self realisation
of her worth and imparted in her a sense of equality. If she accepted her lot
as an 'untouchable', her life would have passed as an touchable. She adopts a
difficult path for social balance. Prakriti chooses to go against the social
order and in doing so she puts at risk the life of her mother and the
devoutness of Ananda the monk. Thus, we can say that "acceptance of one's
fate is easy. Questioning the imbalance of the human social order is
Q7. How does Prakriti's mother react when she hears of
Prakriti's encounter with the monk?
When Prakriti goes to fetch water, she encounters a monk who asks for some
water from the well to quench her thirst. Prakriti returns and tells her mother
about her meeting with the monk. She tells her mother that she is greatly
impressed with the monk because of his philosophy of indiscrimination. She
confesses that she has fallen in love with him. She becomes crazy to offer
herself to the monk. Hearing this, her mother gets angry and rebukes her. Her
mother clearly tells her that it is not wise for her to develop such worldly
feelings for a monk. She reminds her that they belong to a lower caste of
chandals. Their caste does not get any honour because they are considered as
untouchables. Her mother warns her that if she continues to develop the relationship
with the monk, she will have to pay a heavy price for it. She advises Prakriti
to forget the monk and accept the reality of her status in society.
Q8. Will Prakriti resign herself to her lot?
Prakriti is not a conventional girl who obeys her parents and society without
any protest. She remains determined whatever she decides. Once when she decides
to get the monk, she tries to find him at any cost. For this purpose, she
forces her mother to cast her spell though she has to pay a heavy price for it.
She declares that no one should be recognized by his or her birth. She asserts
that she is not a chandal any more. She wants to change her lot. To prove her
authenticity, she says that plenty of royal blood is found in slaves and plenty
of chandals are born in Brahmin families. She becomes ready to fight against
her lot. Thus, we can say that Prakriti will not resign herself to her lot.
Q9. Will the spell work? What will happen when Ananda is made to
The spell of the mother is a very ancient one which never fails and nothing is
beyond her power of magic. This is why she is quite optimistic about the
functioning of the spell. That's why she clearly declares that when she
exercises her magic. Ananda will come running to Prakriti. But she tells
Prakriti that once the spell is exercised, it will be impossible for her to
undo it.
asks her daughter to look into the mirror where she finds storm clouds with
darkness. Thunder and darkness may also happen but he will be compelled to come
with the effect of the spell. Her mother's words are proved to be true when
everything of it happens and Prakriti is horrified and asks her mother to stop
and undo the spell. In the process of undoing the spell, the mother dies.
Ananda comes in a very sad state of mind but returns as soon as the spell is
undone. Thus, the spell of the mother works.
Q 10. How does mother scold Prakriti when she does not return
home in time?
While scolding Prakriti, the mother says that the sun is blistering and
producing fire on the earth. It is so hot that no one can put his feet on the
earth. The morning water is drawn a long time back and the other girls in the
village have all taken their pots home. The crows on the Amloki branches are
gasping for heat. The Vaisakh sun is roasting everything. The mother inquired
Prakriti whether she was doing penance in the burning sun like Uma.
Q 11. What does the wayfarer ask Prakriti? What does she reply?
When Prakriti was at the well, the wayfarer came and asked for some water as he
was thirsty. As Prakriti belongs to a lower caste of chandals, she does not
have courage to give water to the wayfarer. She tells him that she cannot give
water to him because of her lower caste as she is considered to be an
untouchable by the society. She does not get an equal status in society.
Q 12. What is the new birth for Prakriti?
When the wayfarer comes to Prakriti and asks for water, Prakriti denies him
because of her low caste. At this the wayfarer invokes her for her self
realisation. He says that her caste was not true. He says that the black clouds
of Sravana do not change their nature even if they shower on the chandals. So
she should not humiliate herself. This self realisation is a new birth for
Q 13. What allusion does the wayfarer take from the Ramayana?
When the wayfarer comes to Prakriti and asks water to quench his thirst,
Prakriti refuses because of her low caste of chandals. At this the wayfarer
encourages her to give water and says that no water is unclean. He says that
Janaki also bathed in such water as this at the beginning of her forest exile
and that Guhak, the chandal drew water for her.
Q 14. How does the mother ask Prakriti to be more practical and
not to be so curious?
The mother asks Prakriti to be more practical and warns her that men's words
are meant only to be heard, not to be practised. The filth into which an evil
fate has cast her is a wall of mud that no spade in the world can break
through. She tells Prakriti that she is unclean and should not taint the
outside world with her unclean presence. To stray anywhere beyond its limits is
to trespass.
Q 15. Why does the mother ask Prakirit to go to the king's son?
What is Prakriti's reply?
The mother asks Prakriti to go to the king's son because he was charmed by her
beauty when he saw her once while deer-hunting.. Prakriti replies that she
would not go to him because he had forgotten everything. He even forgot that
she was a human being. He saw nothing except the beast (Chandalika) whom he
wanted to bind in chains of gold.
Q 16. What does Prakriti reply when her mother asks her if she
respects religion?
When the mother asks her if she respects the religion, Prakriti replies that
she has no answer for it. She clarifies that she respects the person who
respects her. If a religion which insults human beings on behalf of caste or
creed, is a false religion. She says that everyone is united to make her
conform to a creed that blinds and gags. She clearly says that she is not
afraid of anybody and asks her mother to cast the spell.
Q 17. Why does Prakriti protest against her mother when her
mother says that her dreams are shattered?
Prakriti protests her mother because she has a cry of desire day by day and she
bears the burden of shame moment by moment. This feeling is like a prisoned
bird in her heart that is beating its wings to get freedom. She does not call
it a dream. She thinks that the burden of her caste has sunk its teeth into her
tender heart and it will not lose its grip. She feels no joy, no sorrow, no
earthly burden. Since she does not have dreams then how they can be shattered.
Q 18. What instructions does mother give to Prakriti to look
into the mirror? What does Prakriti see in the mirror?
The mother chants her spell to call the monk. She asks Prakriti not to fear
because calling the monk was not beyond her powers. She tells Prakriti that she
will give her (Prakriti) a magic mirror. She will take the mirror in her hands
and then she will have to dance. His shadow will fall on the mirror and in it,
she will see what happens to him. Prakriti sees the storm clouds in the mirror
and Ananda in great agony.
Q 19. What warnings does the mother give to Prakriti for
chanting the spell?
The mother is an expert in ancient magic. But she knows the dangers of
exercising the magic. So, she asks Prakriti to think about it once again before
her mother casts the spell. She will have to endure till the end until the
spell reaches its height. It may even cost the life of the mother if it is
undone. She warns that this fire will not die out until everything is burnt to
Q 20. How does Prakriti want to call the Bhikshu at her home?
When her mother says she will call the Bhikshu by requesting him, Prakriti says
that this is not a proper way to call him. She says that she will send her call
into his soul. She is longing to unite with him. She feels a pain in her heart.
And is doubtful whether he will mingle himself with her in the same way as the
holy Ganga mingles with the black water of the holy Jamuna. She feels music
springing in her inner self. She thinks that the Bhikshu has left behind him a
word of hope. Now nothing in the world would give her solace except her union
with Ananda. She thinks that one pitcher of water is not sufficient to quench
the thirst of the whole earth. She is determined to call Ananda even through
1. Who is the author of the drama 'Chandalika'?
Girish Karnad
b. Rabindranath Tagore
Mahesh Dattani
G.B. Shaw
2. When was Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?
a. 1931
3. Originally the play was known as ……..
Atma Mukti
c. Mukti Dhara
none of the above
4. The drama is divided into .......... Acts.
a. two
5. Who is the Chandalika in the play?
b. Prakriti
6. What is the name of the Buddhist monk?
c. Ananda
7. The first act begins with ……….. of mother and Prakriti.
a. collocution
8. Prakriti met Ananda at a .......in the village.
c. well
9. Ananda asked for ……..
c. water
10. Prakriti belonged to a/an ......... caste.
d. low
11. Did Prakriti give water to the monk to quench his thirst?
a. yes
none of the above
12. The mother asked Prakriti about her:
class performance
friend's health
c. absence from her room
none of the above
13. According to Ananda, self-humiliation is a sin, worse
b. self-murder
14. What was Prakriti doing at the well when the monk arrived?
drinking water
washing clothes
d. washing a calf
15. Which part of the day was it when the monk came to the well?
d. noon
16. What does Prakriti insist her mother do?
buy her a new dress
to continue her education
c. cast a spell on the monk
allow her to meet her father
17. According to Prakriti "A religion that insults is a .........
c. false
18. Why did the mother agree to chant the spell?
She was greedy.
b. She couldn't see Prakriti suffering.
The head monk had bribed her.
None of the above
19. The second Act begins after the passage of ………… days.
d. 1530
20. When the second act begins what is Prakriti doing?
a. She is looking at the mirror.
She is weeping.
She is waiting for Ananda at the well.
She is dressing for Ananda.
21. Whose image is reflected in the mirror?
b. Ananda's
The mirror does not reflect anything
22. If the mother undo her spell, she will .....
be blessed
b. die
earn a lot of money
lose Prakriti
23. In the second Act the monks had gone to the monastery in
d. Vaishali
24. The month mentioned in the second act is ………
a. Asadha
25. What happens at the end of the play?
The mother dies.
Prakriti repents
Prakriti falls at Ananda's feet.
d. All of the above
JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
English Elective Contents
Short Stories | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
Poetry | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. | |
Non-Fiction | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
Drama | |
1. | |
2. | |
Novel | |
1. | |
2. | |