12th English Elective Novel 1. A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan

12th English Elective Novel 1. A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan

12th English Elective Novel 1. A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

1. A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan

Q1 What are the views of the Master about violence? Ans- According to the master, every creature born on this earth has some potential store of violence. Aggressiveness is consistent all his life from birth to death which is subdued if forced and expands when he gets such an environment. But existence of violence cannot be everlasting. Sooner or later it has to go, if not through wisdom, definitely through decrepitude that comes when one grows old. The demon, the tyrant or the tormentor in history, if he ever survives to experience senility, becomes helpless and dependent. One has to change according to the situation

Q2 How can a person keep his mind steady?

Ans- According to the rules of yoga a person can keep his mind steady. One should look down to one's nose and nothing beyond. He should keep his head bowed and cast his eyes down and make no sound, whatever may be reaction around.

Q3 What did people say about the Master?

Ans- Everyone in the crowd was surprised to see the tiger, calmly walking by the side of the hermit. There was a difference in opinion about the Master. Somebody said that the hermit must have come from the Himalayas, and he had heard that there were many extraordinary souls residing in the ice-caves, capable of travelling any distance at will, and able to control anything by their yogic powers.

Q4 What was the notion of the Tiger about God? Why?

Ans- The Tiger's notion about God was that God must be an enormous tiger, spanning the earth and the sky, with claws that could hook on the clouds, and teeth that could grind the mountains. The tiger had such a notion because it is said that God made man in his own image. Similarly, the tiger would also be the image of God and may God be a super Tiger.

Q5 How did the woman come to know that the Master was her husband?

Ans- The woman came to know that the Master was her husband as her neighbour's child also used to study in the same school where Raja took shelter. And he was there when the hermit tamed the tiger and freed the school from the tiger. Her neighbour had told that the hermit has a habit of rubbing his finger across his brow while thinking. This habit of the hermit was peculiar which her husband only had.

Q 6 Whom did the Master preach about Gita? Write a comment.

Ans- The Master/hermit preached to the Chairman of the 'Save Tiger Committee' about Gita. The Master advocates that everyone is equal before law therefore no one has the right to murder anyone. Life is controlled by the great power, each individual has counted breaths bestowed by the power. Moreover he emphasised on the teachings of Gita and quoted, "I am life and death. I'm the killer and the killed. Those enemies you see before you Arjuna are already dead, whether you aim your arrows at them or not".

Q7 Why did the Master not want the tiger to look anywhere except his path?

Ans- The Master did not want the tiger to look anywhere except his path because human beings are timid creatures and would be panicked. Looking at the people would distract Raja and would lose its peace of mind. And the tiger's look would excite the people as town people are likely to get excited.

Q8 What was the purpose of the woman's visit to the Master?

Ans- The woman was the wife of the master. He had left home not out of anger but out of some change in his inner being. Now, the woman wants her husband to return home. She is ready to accept as he is. She wishes to lead a happy life with him and the kids.

Q9 Write a note on the character -sketch of the Master as discussed in the text.

Ans- The Master is a fascinating character in the novel. In his early life, the Master, like any ordinary person, studies in a college, gets a job, marries, begets children, prospers, and becomes respectable. But, one day, like the Buddha, he leaves everything behind, and renounces the world because of an inner compulsion. He attains the spiritual level of a Sanyasi. He attains serenity and wisdom through Yoga and meditation. The Master recognizes a gentle soul in Raja and helps the latter to transform himself from the subhuman level to the philosophical level. He is a very humble man who advises people to prostrate only before God. The Master's words are always full of wisdom. When he realised that his death was approaching, he handed Raja to the zoo authorities so that Raja could spend his rest of life peacefully and happily among children.

Q 10 Write a character sketch of the Tiger.

Ans- The title of the novel refers to the tiger, Raja. The narrator of the story is the tiger, and the novel is based on the story of his life. So we can say that Raja, the tiger, is the protagonist of the novel. During his early life, Raja has fear of none, strikes terror in others, and considers himself "the Lord of the Jungle". He always expects the other animals to show respect to him and to withdraw from his path. Thus, the youthful vigour, pride, and carefree behaviour of Raja are described in his early years of his life.

Youthful Raja comes across a tigress one day. He fiercely fights with her first, loves her later and begets a litter of four cubs. Raja lives happily with his family making a cave his home till the day the tigress and the cubs are shot dead by human beings. After losing his family, Raja strays into human habitation and carries out regular raids for cattle till the day he is captured by Captain, the proprietor of the Grand Malgudi Circus. The intelligent tiger learns the tricks of the circus and becomes its main attraction. The tiger, thus wins the admiration of Captain.

Later, Madan, a film producer, plans to make a film on Raja and Captain agrees to lend the tiger for the shooting of the film. On the film set when the pain inflicted by the electric metal gadget becomes unbearable, the loyal tiger kills the Captain in an act of self defence. Later he surrenders himself to the hermit and follows him like a disciple. The hermit in turn, does not allow the people to call the tiger "a brute", treats him as an equal and takes him out of Malgudi. Raja calls him "my Master". Having recognized a kindred soul in Raja, the Master discusses spiritual concepts like God, Karma, etc, with him and gives discourses on the Bhagavad Gita. The presence of the hermit and the discourses on philosophical matters transform the tiger slowly. After Raja becomes old, the Master hands him to the authorities of a zoo. The Master before taking leave predicts that Raja will make hundreds of visitors to the zoo happy.

Q 11 How did Captain become the owner of the whole circus?

Ans- Dadhaji gave the Captain all his knowledge and skill in training animals as well as his business methods. As time passed Dadhaji began to depend on Captain. He had become old and weak to manage things. So he made the Captain his working partner. After his death, Captain became the owner of the entire circus, with all its property, assets and animals. He shifted the circus to his hometown, Malgudi and named it Grand Malgudi Circus.

Q 12 How does the hermit emerge as the hero of the novel A Tiger for Malgudi?

Generally the hero of a story is the one whose presence is felt throughout the story. Thus, in a first glance we see that it is the tiger who can be the hero because all the incidents of the story revolve around him. The hero is one who faces the situations boldly and never deviates from the right path. He is a model for all and gains our sympathy. Analysing these facts we find that the hermit. emerges as the hero of this story. In his early life he does his duties as a family person. It is his inner urge for spirituality which drives him to leave his home and worldly pleasure. He becomes a spiritual man and leads a life of penance in the forest. He limits all his needs. He protects the tiger from the cruel hands of people and does not care for the insulting words of the people. He calms down the wild nature of the tiger and awakens his inner soul. He educates the tiger about human nature and divinity. He arranges a comfortable zoo life for the tiger in his old age. He consoles the troubled heart of the tiger by saying that they would again meet in some other life. Thus, the hermit is the hero of the novel.

Q 13 How did Raja pass the next few days and nights after the death of his family?

Ans- After the death of his family Raja was in great fury and was not at ease. He spent his nights restlessly, on the first night he kept watching the dead bodies of his cubs and the tigress, hiding near the village. He wanted to take revenge and tried to enter the village but couldn't do so. But on the second night he became successful in catching an animal of the village and appeased his hunger. Later on the villagers realised that he had lost an animal and also saw the blood stains. Raja changed his strategy. He chose a smaller animal from the herd returning to the village in the evening. He did not stay at one place and kept moving along the mountain ranges. He found that below the mountain ranges were human habitations and in the evenings the cattle were driven back. He could repeat his tactics. He lay in wait, seized the last one and vanished. This way he passed the next few days and nights.

Q 14 How did the Raja follow the hermit and his directions?

Ans- The hermit entered the headmaster's room where the

tiger was lying. Raja subdued in front of the hermit. The hermit said to the tiger that it was not safe for him to go out alone. He would take him out and would go to a safe place. The tiger must remember that human beings would panic when they would see the tiger. But he must not look at them. He must keep his head bowed and eyes down and make no sort of sound, whatever might be the reaction of the people. They are likely to get excited, but he must not notice them. He opened the door and asked the tiger to keep close to him. This way,the tiger followed the hermit and his instructions. They passed through the town and many villages on the way. The tiger did not look at anything except the path.

Q 15 What was the daily routine of the tiger in the forest when he was in the company of the hermit?

Ans- Through the day the tiger lay across the entrance of his shelter while the hermit sat with his eyes shut in prayer. In the evening he would open his eyes and enlighten the tiger with many things about life, existence and death. The tiger felt his knowledge was increasing. He mentioned the word God many times. Then the keenness of his hunger was also gone. He slipped away into the jungle only when he felt that he was very hungry. He killed a little animal that was just sufficient enough to satisfy his hunger of the moment. He could starve for many days, but he felt nobler for it.

Q 16 What did the tiger do after he had killed the Captain and where did he reach before sleeping?

Ans- After killing the Captain, the tiger got up to move freely for the first time. The people fled to save themselves leaving everything. The tiger moved off some distance from the cage. Then Jaggu suddenly ran and entered the cage and pulled down the door. The tiger entered Market Road. People ran for their lives at the sight of the tiger. Some street dogs were inviting death when they were barking madly. He rested for a moment at the door of Anand Bhavan on Market Road. The schools were being closed and children were running out happily. They were shouting and laughing. The tiger felt that he

should also join them. So he started moving after them. They ran back to school and the tiger also followed them. The children were shut in the school hall and he saw an open door of a room, so he went there. It was the headmaster's room. The headmaster jumped on the table and reached into an attic for safety. The tiger walked in and sat on the cool floor. He put his head under the large desk and was going to sleep. Someone locked the door from outside.

Q 17 What solution did the hermit give to the tiger for passing his last days of old age?

Ans- The hermit told the tiger that he was becoming old. Some five years of his life were left. It would not be proper to suffer starvation or kill other creatures or get killed by hunters in old age. The hermit further said that the time for attaining his samadhi was near. He would not like to leave him alone. He said that a man would come to take his charge. He was the head of a zoo in the town, so the tiger would spend the rest of his time in the zoo. He would be safe in a cage. He would be given food and they would open the door of the cage so that he might freely move about in an open air enclosure and they would look after him. The hermit gave this solution to the tiger so that he could pass his old age comfortably.

Q18 Attempt a character sketch of the Captain.

Ans- The Captain was from Abu Lane in Malgudi. Through his hard work he rose to the ownership of the Grand Malgudi Circus. He is diligent, persevering and innovative. He is meticulous in attending to the needs of every animal and is efficient in managing the circus troupe consisting of hundreds of men, women, and animals. Though he is strict during the training period, he has deep concern for his animals and regulates the hours of work and rest for them. The Captain has special consideration for Raja as the animal is the main attraction of the circus. He is overpowered by greed for money. While the film shooting is on, he uses an electric weapon to subdue Raja and gets killed by him. It is not that the Captain is entirely devoid of feelings but his feelings are subordinated to his business interest. His greed for money finally brings him death.

Q 19 Discuss the satire in A Tiger for Malgudi.

Ans- Satire is the art of diminishing a subject by making it appear ridiculous. In R.K. Narayan's work, satire occurs in a certain character, situation or passage of commentary on some aspects of human nature. Human Beings think that they are superior and animals are inferior. But the tiger Raja passes the satirical comment on human nature. According to him, tigers only kill when they are hungry unlike human beings who slaughter one another without purpose or hunger. In the school scene, the Chairman of the local chapter of the Save Tiger Project does not initially allow Mr. Alphonse to shoot the tiger. But after accepting a substantial bribe from Mr. Alphonse declares the tiger a man-eater and gives written permission to the latter to shoot the animal. Thus, Narayan's satire is mild and not bitter.

Q 20. Discuss the ironical elements in, 'A Tiger for Malgudi."

Ans- Irony is a statement in which the literal meaning of a word or statement is the opposite of the intended. Dramatic irony involves a situation in which the audience shares with the author the knowledge of which the character concerned is ignorant. In the novel when Captain proposes a trapeze act through a ring of fire, Rita his wife opposes it and says that she is not prepared to spare any of her girls or set fire to herself just to please her fancy. She is not an orthodox wife preparing for sati. Ironically, Rita commits suicide(Sati) after her husbands death.

There is another ironic situation on the film set. Captain initially refuses to use the electric metal gadget on the tiger whom he loves. But the same Captain, being overcome by greed for money, uses the electric gadget on the tiger and gets killed.


1. Who is the author of the Novel 'A Tiger For Malgudi"?

a. R. K. Narayan

b. Girish Karnad

c. R. N. Tagore

d. Arundhati Roy

2. 'A Tiger For Malgudi' is written in-

a. Second person Narration

b. First person Narration

c. Third person Narration

d. None of these

3. The story of 'A Tiger For Malgudi' is told/narrated by-

a. Jaggu

b. Trainer

c. Madan

d. A tiger

4. The Novel 'A Tiger For Malgudi" is set in the fictional town of-

a. Varkala

b. Udupi

c. Malgudi

d. Hampi

5. Where did Raja lived his youth life?

a. Periyar Jungle

b. Nagarhole Jungle

c. Gavi forest

d. Mempi Jungle

6. The tiger was named-

a. Raja

b. Mada

c. Jaggu

d. Alphonse

7. How many cubs did Raja have?

a. Two

b. Four

c. Five

d. Six

8. Raja was imprisoned by the captain in-

a. A net

b. A room

c. a cell

d. A cage

9. Where did Captain take the tiger?

a. To the zoo

b. To his house

c. To the circus

d. To the school

10. Which trick was against Raja's nature as a predator?

a. To share a dish of milk with a goat

b. To share a dish of milk with a dog

c. To share a dish of milk with a cat

d. To share a dish of milk with a cow

11. What was the name of Captain's wife?

a. Mala

b. Sita

c. Rita

d. Gita

12. Who was the most light-hearted and the happiest animal in the circus?

a. Donkey

b. Monkey

c. Hippopotamus

d. Giraffe

13. Name the circus, where the captain worked initially.

a. Gemini Circus

b. Rambo Malgudi Circus

c. Grand Dadhaji Circus

d. Grand Irish Circus

14. Who was the head of the trapeze team?

a. Captain

b. Rita

c. Jaggu

d. Madan

15. What happened that gave the tiger a chance to nip off the goat's head?

a. An audience entered the ring

b. Rita lost her grip on the trapeze

c. An audience fell off the top rung of a gallery

d. Fire broke in the tent

16. Who was Madan?

a. Owner of the circus

b. Head of the trapeze team

c. A trainer of the circus

d. Cine-Director and Producer

17. Madan, a film director, came to captain asking to feature Raja in a-

a. Song

b. Play

c. Film

d. Circus

18. Who was to stage a fake fight with Raja?

a. Jaggu

b. Alphonse

c. Madan

d. Master

19. What was the full name of Madan the film-maker?

a. Madhusudan

b. Mohan

c. Madhukar

d. Madhushyam

20. Where did Raja fall asleep?

a. In cafes

b. In classroom

c.  In headmaster's office

d. None of these

21. Who was the master of Raja?

a. A trainer

b. A hermit

c. A film-maker

d. An actor

22. Where did Raja live with the master?

a. In a house

b. In a school

c. In a forest

d. In a cave

23. Who was Alphonse?

a. A hermit

b. An actor

c. A hunter

d. A trainer

24. Who was the woman who came to the master and demanded to return home?

a. Master's wife

b. Captain's wife

c. Master's sister

d. None of these

25. Finally, Raja the tiger went to live in-

a. A circus

b. A zoo

c. A cave

d. A school

26. Where did the Master live with his tiger?

a. In a forest

b. In a school

c. In a cave

d. In a circus

27. Who was eager to shoot the tiger?

a. Madan

b. Master

c. Alphonse

d. Rita

28. Who was the lady who visited the Master?

a. Rita

b. Master's wife

c. Raja's wife

d. Madan's wife

29. Who was the Chief Executive of the circus?

a. Alphonse

b. Anand

c. Captain

d. Madan

30. What was the name given to the circus by the Captain?

a. Grand Irish Circus

b. Grand Dadhaji Circus

c. Grand Malgudi Circus

d. Grand Poona Circus

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


I Sell my Dreams - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Eveline - James Joyce


A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer


Tomorrow - Joseph Conrad


One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min



A Lecture Upon The Shadow - John Donne


Poems by Milton - John Milton


Poems By Blake - William Blake


Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream - S.T. Coleridge


Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Intermediate Examination - 2023

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