12th English Elective Short Stories 5. One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min

12th English Elective Short Stories 5. One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min

 12th English Elective Short Stories 5. One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

5. One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min

Q1. How did Tao Ying's son influence the way she led her life?

Ans- Tao Ying came from a low income family and worked as a blue collar worker. There was no surplus money, but still, she led her life as an example for her son to follow. Her approach was gentle and she changed her ways to set a good standard for Xiao Ye, going very far to preserve her respect that her son had for her.

Q2. Pick out instances from the story to show that official rules are often arbitrary

Ans- Rules being arbitrary are shown by how Tao Ying gets a ticket for Xiao Ye for the bus ride, even though he doesn't require one. The story enlightens us about the old woman's scale's inaccuracy for the purpose of making people feel better about themselves, showing how self esteem and standards of beauty often matter more than simple rules.

Q3. Tao Ying was very careful about spending money. What were her reasons for refusing the compensation offered by the temple officials?

Ans- Tao Ying was very careful about spending money yet she refused the compensation offered by the temple officials. She did not want to annoy her son. She called Xiao Ye in and requested the officials to explain everything exactly what happened on the day when they visited the temple. It was not her fault but the temple guard had measured him in correctly. The child should know that her mother was not wrong.

Q4. Why was her final vindication important to Tao Ying?

Ans- Tao Ying's final vindication was important because she did not want to remain a culprit in the eyes of her son, Xiao Ye. She wanted the temple official to clarify to her son that his mother had not done anything wrong at the temple gate and was innocent. It was the temple guard's fault. Therefore, she wanted to give her son the reason to believe in her.

Q5. What made Tao Ying decide whether to buy a ticket or not when she rode a bus alone?

Ans- Tao Ying had to be astute when she boarded the bus. When the bus conductor looked like a responsible type, she would buy a ticket as soon as she got on board. But if he appeared to be casual and careless, she would not dream of paying, considering it a small punishment for him and a little saving for herself. She usually did not pay for the ticket because she believed that her paying or not paying did not affect the bus's routine.

Q6. Why did she insist on buying tickets both for herself and her son that day?

Ans- Tao Ying insisted on buying tickets both for herself and her son that day because she was on a trip with her son. Though her son, Xiao Ye was exempted from buying the ticket, he kept on insisting his mother to buy the ticket for him. The need for a ticket had all of a sudden become interwoven with the pride of Xiao Ye. To be able to purchase self esteem with twenty cents which was the price of the ticket was something that could only happen in childhood and certainly no mother could resist any opportunity to make her son happy.

Q7. Did Tao Ying really intend to cheat at the temple?

Ans- No, Tao Ying did not really intend to cheat at the temple. She had got a ticket as a gift from a customer and her son's height was less than 1.10 metres. She was confident that her son was exempted from buying a ticket. But at the gate of the temple when the height of his son was measured he was above 1.1 0 metres. So the temple guard had stopped her and asked for a ticket.

Q8. Why did Tao Ying change her intention to buy another ticket?

Ans- Tao Ying changed her intention to buy another ticket because she did not want her son to be a witness to the fight between her and the temple guard. She was not afraid of a good fight but for the sake of her son, Xiao Ye, she swallowed her pride. She couldn't spoil the mood of her son and was determined to make everything all right.

Q9. Were the old lady's scales are a reliable measure of height and weight. What convoluted logic were her measurements based on?

Ans- No, the old lady's scales were not a reliable measure of height and weight. The old lady said that her scales made people happy. Her scales were flattering scales. They were old and not very accurate and they made people seem lighter than they really were. She had also adjusted it to make them seem taller. Those days it was fashionable to be long and lean. Her's were fitness scales. This was the convoluted logic on which her measurements were based on.

Q 10. What was the conflict between the mother and son?

Ans- The conflict between the mother and the son was that when she measured him he was 1.1 0 metre but when the old lady measured him he was 1.1 metre. Xiao Ye said that she didn't want to buy him a ticket, so she measured him shorter. He didn't trust her.

Q 11. What are Tao Ying's contrary qualities regarding money?

Ans- Tao Ying is financially poor. So she keeps a careful vigilance over her purse but she never gives her son a poor diet. Apart from that, she remains ready to spend money whenever she is in the company of her son. On the contrary, when she travels by bus alone, she doesn't even care to buy a ticket for herself.

Q 12. What sense of responsibility does she feel regarding her son?

Ans- Tao Ying always feels a sense of responsibility regarding her son. She thinks that it was she who had brought this delicate creature into the world. She realizes that for this little boy, she is the only center of the universe and for this reason she must always try to be the perfect and flawless mother.

Q 13. Why does the child shout, "Mama! I'm tall enough?"

Ans- The child shouts these words again and again as Tao Ying promised him to buy a separate ticket for him the next time and this is the next time when they were riding a bus. But she does not want to purchase a ticket for him. The child is excited to have his own ticket but she tries to avoid it by measuring him again and again.

Q 14. What was the reply of Lao Chiang when Tao Ying inquired him about one more ticket?

Ans- When Tao Ying inquired about another ticket, Lao Chiang replied that she should forget to take her husband with her. Instead she should take her son who was under 110 centimeters and did not need a ticket. Even if she didn't want to go to the temple, she should sell at the door and earn money to buy a couple of watermelons.

Q 15. Why was Xiao Ye so excited at the temple?

Ans- Xiao Ye was so excited because it was hard to find a large field of grass in the middle of the city. There was something refreshing, something green in the air as if they were approaching a valley or a waterfall out of his excitement, he snatched the ticket from his mother's hands and ran away towards the shining gates of the temple.

Q16. Why does Tao Ying want to show the ticket to the guard from the box? What happens then?

Ans- Tao Ying wants to show the ticket from the box to prove that what she says is right as it is printed on the back of the ticket that children under 110 centimeters do not have to pay. But the young guard scolds her to touch the box. Tao Ying realises that she should not have touched the box and quickly withdraws her hand.

Q 17. Why did Tao Ying not want to argue with the guard?

Ans- When the guard did not allow Tao Ying to enter the temple and was ready to argue, her hands began to tremble like thin strings but she was not least afraid of a good fight. She did not want to be witness to such an unpleasant scene of argument in the presence of her son, Xiao Ye. So she swallowed her pride.

Q 18. When does the yellow tape in Tao Ying's hands seem to have turned into a poisonous viper?

Ans- When Tao Ying once again tries to measure her son back at home, he becomes furious and tells that he does not want to be measured again. He says that everyone except her says that he is tall enough. She does not say so because she does not want to buy a ticket for him and he is well acquainted with her intentions. If she measures him again he is bound to get shorter again. Hearing this, the yellow tape seems to have turned into a poisonous viper.

Q 19. Why did Tao Ying decide to write a letter to temple administrators?

Ans- Tao Ying wanted to rescue the situation. So at night when Xiao Ye went to sleep, she straightened his little legs and stretched her tape from the soles of his feet to the top of his head and found that his height was one metre and nine Centimetres. Then, she decided to write a letter to temple administrators.

Q 20. How did the writer help her in writing the letter?

Ans- When she completed the letter, she offered the letter to the writer to see whether it was a complete letter. The writer read the letter between the lines and gave her useful suggestions. He suggested that her letter must open with a strong and righteous claim to grab the attention of the editor. The letter must touch the heart of the editor. Thus, the writer helped her in writing the letter.


1. Who wrote the story 'One Centimetre'?

a. James Joyce

b. Isaac Bashevis Singer

c. Joseph Conrad

d. Bi Shu-Min

2. Where was Bi Shu-Min born?

a. China

b. Germany

c. England

d. France

3. When was Bi Shu-Min born?

a. 1952

b. 1953

c. 1954

d. 1955

4. What profession did Bi Shu-Min practice?

a. Doctor

b. Engineer

c. Advocate

d. Judge

5. From which college did Bi Shu-Min get her master's degree in literature?

a. Beijing Teacher's College

b. Shanghai Teacher's College

c. Macau Teacher's College

d. None of the above

6. Where is Bi Shu-Min currently working?

a. China

b. Germany

c. England

d. France

7. Who is the central character in the story?

a. Tao Ying

b. Xiao Ye

c. Lao Chiang

d. None of the above

8. When does Tao Ying not bother to buy a bus ticket?

a. Always

b. When she rides alone

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

9. What is Tao Ying's profession?

a. Cook

b. Teacher

c. Gardener

d. Nurse

10. Who is Xiao Ye?

a. Tao Ying's father

b. Tao Ying's brother

c. Tao Ying's husband

d. Tao Ying's son

11. Who is more conscious of rituals according to the writer?

a. Children

b. Adults

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

12. How is Xiao Ye's hair?

a. Dry

b. Dull

c. Hard

d. All of the above

13. Which number is written on the peeling paint of the bus door?

a. 1.07 m

b. 1.08 m

c. 1.09 m

d. 1.10 m

14. How much does a bus ticket cost in the story?

a. 10 cents

b. 20 cents

c. 30 cents

d. 40 cents

15. "You told me the last time I could have a ticket the next time, this is the next time. You don't keep your word!" Who said this?"

a. Tao Ying's father

b. Tao Ying's brother

c. Tao Ying's husband

d. Tao Ying's son

16. "This child is one centimeter short of requiring a ticket." Who said this?

a. Bus Conductor

b. Bus Driver

c. Xiao Ye's father

d. Xiao Ye's mother

17. Chose the correct sentence used in the story.

a. Shooting down aeroplanes with a small gun

b. Shooting down animal with a small gun

c. Shooting down man with a small gun

d. Shooting down woman with a small gun

18. Where is Tao Ying taking her son to?

a. Church

b. Temple

c. Garden

d. School

19. Which temple is Tao Ying taking her son to?

a. Shiva temple

b. Buddha temple

c. Durga temple

d. None of the above

20. How much was the cost of a ticket to the temple?

a. Five dollars

b. Ten dollars

c. Fifteen dollars

d. Twenty dollars

21. Who gifted the temple ticket to Tao Ying?

a. Lao Chiang

b. Tao Ying's sister

c. Tao Ying's father

d. Tao Ying's brother

22. Where does Lao Chiang work?

a. At a meat counter

b. At a tea counter

c. At a snacks counter

d. None of the above

23. Who helps Tao Ying to write a letter to the administrators at the temple?

a. The Writer

b. Tao Ying's sister

c. Tao Ying's father

d. Tao Ying's brother

24. Tao Ying nudges Xiao Ye closer: "Gentlemen, would you be so kind as to explain to my son exactly what happened on that day. Please tell him that his mother has not done anything.........." Fill in the blank.

a. Right

b. Wrong

c. Bad

d. Insulting

25. "The white of the wall looks like a virgin canvas and Xiao Ye a painting filling up the space." Which figure of speech is used in this line?

a. Simile

b. Metaphor

c. Personification

d. Pun

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


I Sell my Dreams - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Eveline - James Joyce


A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer


Tomorrow - Joseph Conrad


One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min



A Lecture Upon The Shadow - John Donne


Poems by Milton - John Milton


Poems By Blake - William Blake


Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream - S.T. Coleridge


Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Intermediate Examination - 2023

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