Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.2023

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.2023

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.2023

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद, राँची

(Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training. Ranchi)





Class- 11th

Time Allowed - 90 min.

Maximum Marks-40

General Instructions: -

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. The total no of question is 16

3. 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer question.

4. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5. Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct options (a, b, c, d) and write down in the answers sheet.

6. Write the answers to very short answer questions 11 to 12, short answer questions 13 to 14, and long answer questions 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.

7. No students shall be allowed to leave the examination before the completion of the exam

SECTION-A (2×10=20)

1. Where did professor Gaitonde and Khan Sahib get off?

(a) Mumbai Central Railway station

(b) Pune

(c) Delhi

(d) Victoria Terminus Station

2. Which theory as explained by Rajendra states that a small change in any situation can result in a shift in behaviour?

(a) Quantum theory

(b) Theory of Relativity

(c) Big Bang Theory

(d) Catastrophe theory

3. "Buck teeth and half-witted "- who has been described here?

(a) Cyril Pearson

(b) George Pearson

(c) Charlie Spence

(d) Mrs Fitzgerald

4. Who is the writer of the play "Mother' Day"?

(a) A.J. Cornin

(b) William Wordsworth

(c) Patrick Pringle

(d) J. B. Priestley

5. Who gave the protagonist a fare-well gift?

(a) Norlou

(b) Tsetan

(c) Lhamo

(d) None of them

6. What is Kora?

(a) Dance

(b) Name of a small town

(c) Meditation performed by Buddhist believers

(d) None of these

7. Which tense is used to express general truth and facts?

(a) Present continuous Tense

(b) Present Perfect Tense

(c) Present Perfect Continuous Tense

(d) Present Indefinite Tense

8. The council made its decision.

(a) have

(b) have had

(c) has

(d) having

9. What is the right way to make notes?

(a) Write in complete sentences

(b) Write in points with headings and subheadings

(c) Write everything in the form of paragraph

(d) Write in narrative form

10. Which of the following is not an important summarization technique?

(a) Selection

(b) Rejection

(c) Substitution

(d) Addition

(Very short answer type question)

SECTION-B (2x2= 4)

11. Why did Professor Gaitonde go to town hall?

Ans. Professor Gaitonde went to the town hall to check facts from history book

12. What message does the dramatist of "Mother's Day" try to convey?

Ans. The dramatist conveys the message to appreciate wives/mothers for their work

SECTION-C (2 × 3 = 6)

(Short answer type question)

13. Who was Professor Gaitonde? What was his plane in Bombay?

Ans. Professor Gaitonde was a historian. He had written five volumes on history. But his research work was still going on

He was on his way to Bombay. He planned to go to a big library and consult the history books there to find out how the present state of affair was scheduled.

14. Who was Mrs. Fitzgerald? What did she advise Mrs. Pearson?

Ans. Mrs. Fitzgerald was Mrs. Pearson's neighbour and friend She told Mrs. Pearson that her fortune could turn either way. With effort and counsel, the situation would swing in her favour. She advised her to assert herself as the boss of the house.

SECTION-D (2 × 5 = 10)

(Long answer type question)

15. What was the purpose of the narrator's journey in "Silk road"? Describe his journey in brief.

Ans. The author wanted to complete Kora, a religious pilgrimage in Buddhism. To reach Mount Kailash the narrator travelled through Silk Road. He left Ravu with Daniel and Tsetan. They continued their journey along the silk road. After sometime they entered a valley which was mostly clogged with ice. They found bumpier road. Finally they reached the small town of Hor. Here they bade farewell to Daniel. After that they reached Darchen and took shelter. The narrator became ill and visited a doctor. Tsetan left the author there. There, the author met Norbu who was also there to do 'Kora'. So both of them decided to do the 'Kora' together.

16. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

Fasting is said to bring a host of benefits, provided it is done under medical supervision. Doctors explain how to go about it. Food is to the body what fuel is to a motor vehicle. It provides energy, helps repair and rejuvenates and confers many other benefits. A lot of research has been done and is being done on fasting. When one fasts, the digestive organs get rest and all body mechanisms are cleansed.

While fasting, the natural process of toxin removal continues, while the entry of new toxins is reduced. The energy usually used for digestion is redirected to immune system and cell growth. Fasting helps you lose excess weight and water, flushes out toxins, helps you heal at greater speed, cleanse your over, kidney and colon, purifies your blood, clears the tongue and cleanses the breath.

Another research says that fasting, ever occasionally, helps in de-toxification, Through fasting we restrict digestive activity and so energy is utilised to cleanse different systems. Fasting improves metabolism, sharpens the senses, calms the mind, improves general immunity, improves concentration and mental clarity. Fasting has tremendous benefits and impacts one at various planes:

mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. Specifically it helps in de-toxification, repair and rejuvenation, gives rest to the gastrointestinal system and promotes mobilisation of excess fat. The crucial point to note is difference between fasting and starvation. Research suggests that there are other benefits of fasting It slows down the aging process, stress resistance, increased insulin sensitivity and increases lifespan. On the other hand, starvation occurs when the body begins to use protein for fuel and may lead to death in some cases.

(a) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings, abbreviations etc. Add an appropriate title.

Ans. Title → Fasting

Notes →

1. Benefits

1.1. Provides energy

1.2. Helps repair/rejuvenates

1.3. Digestive organs get rest

1.4. All body mech cleansed

1.5. Entry of new toxins is reduced

1.6. Energy redirected to immune system & cell growth

1.7. Helps lose excess weight & H₂O

1.8. Flushes out toxins

1.9. Helps heal at greater speed

1.10. Cleanses

1.10.1. Liver

1.10.2. Kidney

1.10.3. Colon

1.10.4. Blood

1.10.5. Eyes

1.10.6. Tongue

1.10.7. Breath

2. Other benefits

2.1. Helps in de-toxification

2.2. Improves metabolism

2.3. Sharpens

2.3.1. Senses

2.3.2. Mind

2.3.3. Cnentrtn

2.3.4. Mental faculties

3. Difference b/w fasting & starvation

3.1. Fasting

3.2. Slows down aging process

3.3. Slow down stress resistance

3.4. Increased insulin sensitivity

3.5. Increases life span

3.2. Starvation

3.2 1. begins when body uses protein as fuel

Key to Abbreviations


H₂O - Water


b/w - between

&- and

Cncntrin - concentration

Reded- reduced

Systm - system

(b) Write a summary of the passage.

Ans. Fasting has various benefits if it is done under medical supervision According to research, it detoxifies the body, cleanses different systems, improves metabolism and general immunity and provides benefits at the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual planes. It is wrong to mistake fasting for starvation. If starvation continues, the body consumes glucose from the liver, muscles and the protein content of the body and ultimately, death can occur

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