Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 18.01.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 18.01.2024

 Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 18.01.2024

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training, Ranchi Project Rail (Regular Assessment for Improved Learning)

Subject - Eng (Core)

Class-11 th

Time - 90 (Minutes) Total Marks-40


General Instruction:-

1. All questions are compulsory.

2. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

3. No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

Section-A (2x10=20) (Multiple Choice Questions)

1. Agha Shahid Ali was undergoing a treatment for-

A. Thoat injury.

B. Kidney

C. Cancer

D. Knee injury

2. Shahid and the author had shared love for?

A. Roshanara Begun

B. Bombay films and Kishore Kumar

C. Rogan Josh

D. All of the above

3. When did Shahid speak to the author about his approaching death?

A. 25 april 2001

B. March 2002

C. 27 November 2001

D. 25 April 2003

4. Shahid and the author were indifferent to----?

A. Bollywood Movies

B. Cricket

C. Music

D. Basketball

5. Shahid refused to sit on a--------while coming out of the hospital?

A. Wheel chair

B. Horse

C. Car

D. Rickshaw

6. Shahid wanted to go during his last days

A. Kanyakumari

B. America

C. Bangalore

D. Kashmir

7. When did Agha Shahid Ali pass away?

A. 25 December 2001

B. 21 May 2001

C. 22 April 2001

D. 8 December 2001

8. What was Shahid want the author to do after his death?

A. Make his statue on his memory

B. Draw a portrait in his memory

C. Write a song for him

D. Write something about him

9. Even after he knew about his nearing death what did Shahid enjoy?

A. He felt depressed

B. gathering at his home

C. Poetry

D. Both B&C

10. What was Shahids reaction when he got to know that "there was not much hope"?

A. He panicked

B. He was calm and untroubled

C. He got depressed

D. He isolated himself

Section-B (2X2=4) Very short Question

11. What was Shahid Ali suffering from?

Ans. Shahid was suffering from brain tumor which later turned into cancer.

12. Why did Shahid want to learn Spanish?

Ans. Shahid wanted to learn Spanish to study the writings of Garcia Lorca.

Section-C (2X3=6) Short answer Question

13. Why did Shahid want to return to Kashmir ?

Ans. Shahid wanted to return to Kashmir in his last days of cancer. It was because he was from Kashmir and spent his childhood and adolescence there.

14. Give an example to show Shahid's sharpness in repartee?

Ans. For example, when a security guard at Barcelona asked if he was carrying anything that could be dangerous to other passengers, Shahid clapped a hand to his chest and said, "Only my heart".

Section-D (2X5=10) Long answer question

15. Shahid's gregariousness had no limit, elucidate.

Ans. Shahid was a socially active person. He used to conduct parties every night. Some people always gathered inside his room. They cover students, poets and relatives. Someone would always be making coffee in his kitchen room. Even when he diagnose with brain tumor , he had decided to celebrate rest of his life jubilantly in the company of his friends and relatives. Quite frequently some people gatherd at his apartment. They would be poetry, talks, singing and discourses. Shahid himself cooked delicious food for his friends. Virtually to the end of his life he was the center of an endless mela of poetry, laughter and food.

16. What request did Shahid make to the narrator and what did he say to Shahid?

Ans. The narrator tried to console Shahid that he would be fine again. Shahid ignored his assurance and cut him short. He requested the narrator to write something after his death. The narrator was shocked into silence. But Shahid insisted on extracting a promise. The narrator finally promised to write something after his death.

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