Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 15.02.2024

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 15.02.2024

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 15.02.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद् रॉची





Time: 01 hr. 30 minute

Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:-

1. It is mandatory to answer all the questions.

2. There are total 16 questions in this question paper.

3. 2 marks has been allotted for objective & very short answer questions, 3 and 5 marks has been allotted for short answer and long answer questions respectively.

4. There is no negative mark for wrong answers.

5. For objective questions from Q. No. 1 to 10, four options are given. Select the correct option A, B. C, D and write in the answer sheet.

6. Write the answers of questions from Q. No. 11 to 16 in your answer sheet.

7. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of the examination.

SECTION A (2x10=20)

Q.1 One should stared a speech by:

(a) Greeting the chief guest

(b) Specifying the occasion of speech

(c) Announcing the topic of speech

(d) None of these

Q.2 "Thanks Giving" is written in which of the following piece of writing.

(a) speech writing

(b) Article writing

(c) Report writing

(d) None of these

Q.3 The author of the story "Glory at Twilight" is:

(a) D.H. Lawrance

(b) Anita Desai

(c) G.B. Shaw

(d) Bhabani Bhattacharya

Q.4 Rupees was agreed to be paid in cash as dowry:-

(a) Rs. 2001

(b) Rs. 3001

(c) Rs. 4001

(d) Rs. 5001

Q.5 The phrase "My father ordered to be removed" refers to:-

(a) Killing of birds

(b) Felling of tree

(c) Removing of posters

(d) None of these

Q.6 How many times the banyan tree was as tall as poet's house:-

(a) 5 times

(b) 4 times

(c) 3 times

(d) 2 times

Q.7 Who began to leave the tree?

(a) Insects and birds

(b) Fruits

(c) People

(d) None of these

Q.8 The author went to London to join........

(a) Dance academy

(b) Sport Academy

(c) Cricket academy

(d) None of these

Q.9 The author was sent to boarding school in

(a) Lahore

(b) Amritsar

(c) Mumbai

(d) Jamshedpur

Q.10 Shantipur is a village in:

(a) South India

(b) Northern India

(c) Western India

(d) None of these

Section B (2x2=4)

Q.11 How Srinath looked when he returned?

Ans-In half an hour Srinath returned. His expression was angry when he returned. His hand beckoned and he felt heaviness himself on his feet. He stepped outdoors and wnet away from the crowed.

Q.12 Why did the author begin to dance?

Ans-When the author was a child, she began to dance. She didn't want to dance but it was pushed on her by her loving mother and silent father, who avoided fights.

Section C (3x2=6)

Q.13 What is the theme of the poem "Feeling of the Banyan Tree"?

Ans-The central theme of the poem is uprooted ness, that is, the idea of leaving a family home. The secondary theme is that of ecosystems and their destruction in the name of progress. In the poem the two are linked - the speaker moving home coincides with the tree being cut down.

Q.14 How does Kumudini Lakhia describe her huru Ramgopal's influence on her?

Ans-Kumudini Lakhia described her guru Ramgopal's influence on her intensely. She says that Ram Gopal had a fetish for perfection of line and was strict disciplinarian. The author was influenced by this and tried to convey this lesson to her students also. She explains how her tour with Ram Gopal helped her to delve deeper into her own personality.

Section D (5x2=10)

Q.15 How has the author used the episode of the bank theft to comment on satyajit's success in his career?

Ans-The author has well knit the entire frame of the story. He wanted to explain a common man's elevation from a client to the managing Director's post. He also wanted to show how the success achieved through shortcut is short-lived. He describes this event by considering it as the main episode and highlights how Satyajit got promotion by the play of luck. The author describes how men reach heights through such incidents on the basis of their luck. It was a matter of luck that he got his post and hence didn't have any reasons for the same. Without a solid foundation to attain what he did, his success ended in a short time. The author wants to make it clear in his story that the tempo of failure is faster than success.

Q.16 How does the author feel after hearing the news of her mother's death?

Ans-When the author heard the news of her mother's death, she was at a loss for words. She was overcome with confusion when she returned from the principal's office. She was in a state she would never be able to forget, even as an adult she seems perplexed when working on a new piece.

When the author was fourteen she had to travel for 36 hours in three train rides to see her mother die. Her mother was lifeless and colorless and she suddenly realized why she had been summoned home. She was stunned and lost control of her body. Her chest felt heavy and her stomach ached from not eating for several days.

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