Class 12th English (Core) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 19.09.2024

Class 12th English (Core) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 19.09.2024

Class 12th English (Core) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 19.09.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, राँची




(Sub) English (Core)

(Class) - 12

(Time)90 Minute

(Marks) - 40

General Instruction:

1) All questions are compulsory.

2) The total no of question is 16.

3) 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for very short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer question.

4) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5) Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct option's (a,b,c,d) and write down in the answer sheet.

6) Write the answer to very short answer question 11 to 12, short answer question 13 to 14, and long answer question 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.)

7) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

SECTION-A (2x10=20) Objective Question

Choose the correct option from the questions given below-

1. What is the aim of the journey to Antarctica?

(A) To know the geography more closely

(B) World Tour

(C) To sensitize the young minds towards the climate change

(D) To see the beauty of the Earth.

2.Antarctica has been described as-

(A) coldest, driest and windiest.

(B) Hottest and inhabitable

(C) Thriving all sorts of life.

(D)All of the above.

3. How many paragraphs should be there in an Article?

(A) one

(B) Two

(C) Three to Four

(D) Eight to Ten.

4. What should the first paragraph of an Article be all about?

(A) conclusion

(B) consequences

(C) Statistics

(D) Brief introduction of the topic.

5. Which among the following is under the print form of Advertising?

(A) Newspaper

(B) Radio

(C) Internet websites

(D) None

Read the following passage and choose the correct answer; (6,7 and 8)

Health is wealth! People have been conscious of maintaining a healthy body and keeping fit. The present generation is going through a lot of stress, tension and competition in their personal and professional lives. Many of us try to follow a regular exercise regime, but sometimes diet is not taken care of or vice versa. And many of us are working in offices, which results in sitting and working for long hours. Thus it leads to lack of physical activity and thus we tend to put on weight. Also we travel by our own vehicles to our places of work. And most of the home makers also have the latest gadgets at home or they employ maids to do the routine house work. I have tried to plan my diet, eating at the right time. I eat non-vegetarian only once in a week, try to eat green vegetables, leafy vegetables, pulses, chappatis and very less rice.I try to avoid deeply fried foodstuffs and also too many snacks. Instead, I try to drink fresh fruit juices, eat fresh fruits, salads and avoid sweets. Then I make it a point to avoid tea and coffee.

6. The present generation has been going through

(A) stress

(B) tension

(C) competition

(D)all the above.

7. The main reason for putting on weight is


(B) drinks

(C) lack of exercise

(D) lack of knowledge

8. The author avoids in his diet

(A) fresh fruits juice

(B) deeply fried food

(C)fresh fruits

(D) salads.

9. How much money had the Peddler stolen from the crofter?

(A) 20 kroner

(B) 10 kroner

(C) 40 kroner

(D) 30 kroner.

10. What does the metaphor Rattrap in the lesson signify?

(A) Humans

(B) Thieves

(C) Attraction

(D) Human greed and Distraction.

SECTION-B (2X2=4) (Very short answer question)

11.Where does 90% of Earth's total ice exist?

Ans- 90% of Earth's total ice exists in Antarctica.

12. Who used to make rattraps?

Ans- The Peddler used to make rattarp.

SECTION-C (2X3=6) (short answer question)

13. What happened to Gondwana 150 million years ago?

Ans- Before 150 million years ago, Gondwana was a giant amalgamated Southern supercontinent.India and Antarctica were part of the same landmass. Then the landmass was forced to separate into countries.

14. What did the Peddler sell and how did he make the things?

Ans- The Peddler used to sell small rattraps. They were made of iron wires. He got the materials by begging in the stores or at the big farms.

SECTION-D (2X5=10) (Long answer question)

15. Why is Antarctica the place to go, if we want to study the Earth's past, present and future?

Ans- The Antarctica landmass that was an amalgamated southern super continent Called Gondwana, dates back to 650 million years. And. It can help us better understand the formation of continents and mountain like the Himalayas as they are in the modern world. Its ice-cores hold over half-million years old carbon records that are vital to study the Earth's past, present and future.

16. What made the Peddler to think that he had, indeed, fallen in to a rattrap?

Ans- The peddler betrayed the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. He considers the World is nothing but a big rattrap which sets baits for people. Now the Peddler himself was tempted to touch the bait and he was trapped in it. He thinks so when he could not get out of the woods and the iron master was inviting to his house. In this way he himself fell in to a rattrap.

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