12th English Core Model Set-2 2022-23

12th English Core Model Set-2 2022-23

[Time: 3 Hours + 15 Minutes]  [Full Marks: 80]

General Instructions:

1. This question paper is in two sections: Section-I and Section-II.

2. There are total 40 multiple choice questions in Section-I. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries a weightage of 1 mark. Four options are given in each question. You darken the most appropriate answer out of these exactly on your OMR answer sheet. Use blue or black ball-point pen only. Use of pencil is prohibited. You must put your full signature on the space provided in the OMR answer sheet.

3. Section-II has three Sections-A, B and C and total number of questions is 17.

Question Nos. 1-5 are Very short answer type. Answer the all five question in maximum 30 words each. Each question carries 2 marks.

Questions Nos. 6-8 are Long answer type. Answer any two of these question maximum 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks.

Question Nos. 9-15 are Short answer type. Answer any five of these questions in maximum 50 words each. Each question carries 3 marks.

Question Nos. 16-17 are Long answer type. Answer any one of these questions in maximum 100 words each. Each question carries 5 marks.

4. Read all the instructions given on page 2 of the OMR answer sheet carefully and act accordingly. Please return the answer sheet to the invigilator before leaving the examination hall. You can take the question booklet with you.


(Q.Nos. 1-7): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions from 1 to 7:

Many people believe that science and religion are contrary to each other. But his notation is wrong. As a matter of fact, both are correlated to each There is no doubt that the method of science and religion are different.

The method of science is observation, experimentation and experience. Science takes it recourse to progressive march towards perfection. The rules of religion are faith, intution and spoken word of the enlightened. In general, while science is inclined towards reason and rationality, spiritualism is the essence of religion.

In earlier times when man appeared on Earth, he was over-awed at the sight of violent and powerful aspects of nature. In certain cases, the usefulness of different natural objects of nature overwhelmed man. Thus began the worship of forces of nature-fire, the sun, the rivers, the rocks, the trees, the snakes etc. The holy scriptures were written by those who had developed harmony between external nature and their inner self. Their objective was to ennoble, elevate and liberate the human spirit and mind. But the priestly class took upon itself the monopoly of scriptural knowledge and interpretation to its own advantage.

Thus, the entire human race was in chains. Truth was flouted and progressive, liberal and truthful ideas or ideas expressing doubt and scepticism were suppressed and their holders punished. It was in these trying circumstances the science emerged as a saviour of mankind. But its path was not smooth and safe. The scientists and free thinkers were tortured. This was the fate of Copernicus, Galileo, Bruno and others. But side by side science gained ground.

1. What is the reasons for man worship the forces of nature?

(1) The holy scriptures advocate the worship of forces of nature.

(2) The worship elevates and liberates the human spirit and mind.

(3) The worship makes man believe in faith and intuition.

(4) Forces of nature teach us spiritualism.

2. According to the passage science and religion both

(1) emerged out of the fear of man

(2) emerged from the desire of man to worship the forces of nature

(3) employee different methods of enquiry

(4) work at the cross-purpose of each other

3. What was the objective of the authors of the holy scriptures?

(1) To teach man the methods of worshipping nature

(2) To educate and raise the human spirit and mind

(3) To develop harmony between external nature and their inner self

(4) None of these

4. According to the passage, at present juncture there is a need to

(1) free man from all sorts of bondages

(2) judiciously mix the principles of science and true

(3) teach people to workship the forces of nature spirit of religion

(4) encourage spiritualism as much as possible

5. Why it is said in the passage that, "science emerged as a saviour of mankind"?

(1) Science takes recourse to progressive march towards perfection

(2) Science is inclined towards reason and rationality

(3) Man was bound in chains by religious orthodoxy

(4) The free thinkers and enlightened men were tortured

6. Truth was

(1) flouted

(2) progressive

(3) both (1) and (2)

(4) none of these

7. Find the synonym of the word 'belief' used in paragraph 2.

(1) Observation

(2) Experience

(3) Faith

(4) Enlightened

(Q.Nos. 8-12): Read the passage carefully and answer the questions from 8 to 12:

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, i.e., AIDS is one of the latest medical tragedies that has become the dominant public health concern. It was not known before 1981 and even now there is a lot about it that we don't know. It is not a disease, but a condition caused by a virus known as HIV (Human Immune Deficiency Virus). It attaches itself to the genetic material of the human Cell and infects it. Human body is infected by HIV in three ways: Sexual relation with an infected person, transmitted through infusion of blood or blood products, and transmitted by HIV infected mother to the newborn child before, during and afterbirth. Once the person is infected, the immune system of the person will be completely destroyed and will eventually fall prey to any disease. AIDS has no cure and there is jio vaccine that can prevent HIV infection so far. The only way to be away from AIDS and to prevent HIV transmission is the 'safe behaviour' of the human beings. Use of disposable syringe in transfusion of blood should be concerned.

8. The latest medical tragedy AIDS affects

(1) digestive system

(2) blood circulatory system

(3) immune system

(4) lavatory system

9. AIDS is caused by a virus known as

(1) HIV

(2) MIT

(3) HIR

(4) MIV

10. The only way to be away from AIDS is

(1) safe remedy

(2) safe attitude

(3) safe behaviour

(4) safe medicine

11. What should be concerned in transfusion of blood is

(1) use of expensive syringe

(2) use of disposable syringe

(3) use of extra fine apparatus

(4) use of already used syringe

12. The word 'disposable' here means

(1) to be packed in a box

(2) to be had in a store

(3) to be cleaned after use

(4) to be thrown after use


Choose the correct option:

13. What did Franz find on reaching the school?

(1) People were 

(2) Strange people

(3) Police patrolling

(4) Strange quiteness

14. For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?

(1) 20 years

(2) 35 years

(3) 30 years

(4) 40 years

15. What is the meaning of Saheb E Alam?

(1) Owner

(2) Rich man

(3) Poor man

(4) Lord of the Universe

16. Where was Saheb employed?

(1) at a tea stall in Seemapuri

(2) at a saree shop

(3) at a jewellery shop

(4) at a sweet shop

17. Who is the author of Deep Water?

(1) William Shakespeare

(2) William George Bernard Shaw

(3) William Wordsworth

(4) William Douglas

18. Where is Yokima located?

(1) US City Newzealand

(2) US City in Callifornia

(3) US City In Washington

(4) None

19. Who offered shelter to the Peddler?

(1) a beggar

(2) a friend

(3) a milkman

(4) An old Crofter

20. Who is the author of Indigo?

(1) Louis Fischer

(2) Leo Tolstoy

(3) Mark Twain

(4) Charles Dickens

21. What problems were faced by the Champaran Indigo sharecroppers?

(1) poverty

(2) were forced to grow Indigo

(3) unable to raise voice

(4) illiteracy

22. Who was Greta Garbo?

(1) A Swedish actress-an Oscar winner

(2) a german actress

(3) a French actress

(4) a bengali actress

23. What does V.S. Naipaul feel about interviews?

(1) horror

(2) happy

(3) wounded

(4) none

24. At what age was Eco's book published?

(1) at the age of 20

(2) at the age of 25

(3) at the age of 22

(4) at the age of 26

25. What are the literary devices used in the lesson?

(1) metaphorical expressions and slangs

(2) similes

(3) irony

(4) none

26. Who is Sophie's elder brother?

(1) Geoffe-a traince mechanic

(2) Jansie

(3) Dany Casey

(4) None

27. What is the significance of the title My Mother at Sixty Six?

(1) Poets fear of losing her old mother

(2) Poets fear of moving fast

(3) Poets inability to express her feelings

(4) All these

28. What do the running trees signify?

(1) fast moving appearance

(2) speed of the moving car

(3) fast moving change of human life from childhood to old age

(4) none

29. What other freedom the poet wants the slum children to enjoy?

(1) Freedom of roaming

(2) freedom of knowledge, wisdom and expression

(3) freedom to spend money

(4) freedom to eat

30. What can human beings learn from nature?

(1) Beauty

(2) Keeping quiet

(3) Working with silence

(4) To be happy

31. Who is Endymion?

(1) a worker

(2) a young shepherd

(3) an office boy

(4) a young child

32. Who made roadside stand and where?

(1) The sarpanch made in the village

(2) The government made in the village

(3) Social agencies made in the village

(4) The poor rural people made in the village

33. What issue does the poem Aunt Jennifer's Tigers address?

(1) Constraints of women

(2) Constraints of married life a woman experiences

(3) Constraints of women as a poet

(4) None

34. What is the meaning of "Waking dream wish fulfillment"?

(1) A pleasant wish that makes one forget the present

(2) A pleasant wish that takes one to the future

(3) A pleasant wish which inspires to work

(4) A pleasant wish that makes one forget the present

35. Who was Charles' wife?

(1) A woman

(2) A woman with bright top

(3) A woman at The Third Level

(4) Louisa

36. Who is the author of The Tiger King?

(1) Ramaswamy Aiyer Krishnamurthy

(2) Charles Dickens

(3) Kamladas

(4) None

37. Who was Duraisani?

(1) an old lady

(2) a young lady

(3) a greedy woman,wife of a high rank British officer

(4) none

38. What is the purpose of The Journey to the world's most preserved place, Antarctica?

(1) to tour the world

(2) to see the beauty of the earth

(3) to know the geography more closely

(4) to sensitize the young minds towards climatic change

39. How did Hana help Dr. Sadao?

(1) By assisting him

(2) By giving him money

(3) By giving him tools

(4) By working as a nurse

40. How did the wizard help Roger Skunk?

(1) by using magic wand

(2) by chanting

(3) by helping him get rid of foul smell

(4) all these



(Very Short Answer Type Questions)

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions from Question Nos. 1 to 5: 2x5=10

About a hundred years ago, whenever an operation was performed, the patient suffered tearful pain as he felt the surgeon cut into his flesh. But now serious operations have been carried out without pain, and thousands of lives have been saved. James Simpson was the first to discover and use the pain-killing power of chloroform. James was born into a poor family. So in boyhood, he had not only to help his father during the holidays but also assist the village doctor. But he was horrified at the terrible suffering of the people who came to the hospital for treatment. He now made it his aim in life to find out new discoveries which would prevent so much pain. Simpson made many experiments and ultimately discovered chloroform. Now the patient does not dread an operation.

1. Why did patients suffer tearful pain when an operation was performed in the past?

Ans. In the past patients suffered fearful pain at the time of operation as they felt the surgeon cut into their flesh.

2. Who discovered chloroform?

Ans. James Simpson discovered chloroform.

3. What did he do in his boyhood?

Ans. In his boyhood, he used to assist the village doctor in the holidays.

4. What made him horrified?

Ans. He was horrified at the terrible suffering of the people who came to the hospital for treatment.

5. How did he make his discovery?

Ans. Simpson made many experiments and ultimately discovered chloroform.


(Long Answer Type Questions)

Answer any two of the following in not more than 100 words each from Question Nos. 6 to 8: 5x2=10

6. You have found an expensive geometry box in the school playground. Draft a notice in not more than 50 words for the school notice board. You are Rani, Class XII, DAV Public School, Ranchi.


DAV Public School, Ranchi


21 Februaryr, 2023

Found A Geometry Box

Have found a red-coloured 'Faber-Castle' Geometry Box in the school playground during the 8th period yesterday. Owner may please contact the undersigned in her class between the 6th and the 71 periods.


Class: XII-C

7. You are Aman/Aditi studying in Bharat School, Ranchi. The road leading to your school is very congested and full of potholes. Students and parents are often caught in a traffic jam. In spite of several representations, the government has not done anything to improve the condition of the road. Write a letter to the Editor of Hindustan Times, drawing the attention of the ernment to this problem.


Bharat School, Ranchi

23 March, 2023

The Editor Hindustan Times, Ranchi


Subhect: Traffic congestion on circular road.

Through the columns of your newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authorities to the appalling condition of the road leading upto Bharat School. The entire stretch is narrow, congested and covered with numerous pot holes. This often causes a traffic jam and inconvenience to students and staff of the school. A lot of time is wasted both in the morning and afternoon when the school buses have to leave.

The school has filed several complaints to the local authorities but they seem to have fallen on deaf ears. The situation worsens during the monsoon. It can also become dangerous threat to pedestrians. On behalf of the school students, I request the authorities to take immediate action to rectify this condition.

The improvement in the condition of the road will ease traffic congestion and ensure the safety of the citizens.

Yours truly


8. You are Poorva/Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ranchi. A week-long Music and Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. Invent the details.


Music and Dance Fiesta

Poorva, Cultural Secretary

D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ranchi

26th March, 2023: Our school organised a week-long Music and Dance festival, which commenced on the 18th of August and ended on the 26th of March, in which 15 schools of our town participated. It was a great music and dance extravaganza which saw a wide variety of Indian classical music and folklore and western music and dance forms. During this week-long festival, many competitions and programmes were organised in our school and these were graced by illustrious musicians and reputed dancers. On the concluding day of this festival, a two-hour-long programme displaying a unique fusion of classical and western dance and music was put up. This was a treat and delight for all music and dance lovers and was also the highlight of our festival. Seeing the huge success of this fiesta our principal assured us that attempts would be made to organise it on a regular basis.


(Short Answer Type Questions)

Answer any five of the following in not more than 50 words each from Question Nos. 9 to 15: 3x5=15

9. How did Gandhiji help the peasants in Champaran?

Ans. The peasants in Champaran were being exploited by the British landlords. Gandhiji stood up as their leader. With his bold efforts and through civil disobedience, he helped the poor peasants in Champaran to win their battle against injustice and exploitation. Gandhiji worked for their cultural and social upliftment also. He opened primary schools in six villages. His wife Kasturba taught the villagers rules on personal cleanliness as well as community sanitation.

10. What was the order from Berlin? How did it affect Franz and the people of Alsace?

Ans. Prussia had taken over two districts of France, Alsace and Lorraine in the war. There came an order from Berlin, the capital of Germany that from then onwards only German language would be taught in the schools of these two French districts. When Franz and other people came to know the news, they grew emotional. Even the villagers attended the last lesson in French given by the school teacher, M. Hamel. They all felt sorry to think that they had not paid proper attention to learn their language.

11. Mention the hazards of working in the glass bangles industry.

Ans. The Hazards of working in the glass bangles industry are:

(i) The workers work around glass furnaces with high temperatures. They work in dingy cells without air and light. This is quite unhealthy for them.

(ii) The polishing of the glass of bangles produces dust. This dust slowly makes the workers lose their eyesight. They go blind.

(iii) The workers weld the pieces of coloured glass. They do this work in their dark hutments, in the dim light of flickering oil lamps. This also affects their eyesight badly.

(iv) Most of them lose their, eyesight even before they become adults.

12. How did Douglas make sure that he conquered the old terror?

Ans. The author had learnt how to swim. But he wanted to make sure that he had conquered his old terror. He decided to overcome his fear of water. So he went to Lake Wentworth in New Hampshire, dived off a dock at Triggs Islands and swam two miles across the lake to Stamp Act Island. When he was in the middle of the lake, he got a little frightened. The next day he stripped, dived into the Warm Lake, and swam across to the other shore and back. He shouted with joy and Gilbert Peak returned the echo. Thus Douglas conquered his old terror.

13. Do you see an intersection of time and space in the story?

Ans. The story "The Third Level' constantly lingers between the past and the present. The past is about a place named Galesburg and the present tells about New York. The narrator lives in New York among the insecurity and fear of modem life. He finds the third level at the Grand Central Station, a place of 1894. We constantly keep on moving from New York to Galesblifg and from modernity to the old World. Thus, there is obviously an intersection of time and space in the story.

14. What was the prediction of astrologers regarding the ultimate fate of the Tiger King? How did it come to be true? Describe with reference to the story.

Ans. The royal astrologers' prediction was that the Tiger King would be killed by a tiger. On his son's birthday, he bought a wooden toy- tiger. One day he was playing with the prince with this wooden tiger. The wooden tiger had a rough surface and had sharp slivers of wood. One such piece pierced into his hand. Ultimately, the infection proved fatal. He was killed by a tiger though it was a wooden one. Thus, the prediction proved true.

15. Give a character sketch of Hana.

Ans. Hana is the wife of Dr Sadao, the hero of the story. She is a loving wife and mother. She comes before us as a good human being. She has a sympathetic heart. Seeing a wounded man at her doorstep, she feels pity for him. She agrees with her husband's decision to give shelter to, a wounded enemy. Being a woman of weak heart, she helps her husband during the surgery of the wounded enemy soldier. Thus, Hana is a praiseworthy woman.


(Long Answer Type Questions)

Answer any one of the following in not more than 100 words each from Question Nos. 16 to 17: 5x1=5

16. Give a brief character-sketch of M. Hamel.

Ans. M. Hamel was a teacher of the French language in a village of Alsace district of France. He had been teaching French for the last forty years in that village. Everyone in the village had a great respect for him. His students thought he was cranky, but we didn't find him cranky in any part of this story. He was very honest. When Franz failed to recite the rule for participles, he blamed himself for giving children unnecessary holidays whenever he wanted to go for fishing. He had great passion for his subject. He knew that it was now the last day of his school and he had to leave the district the next day for good. Even then he taught his students so well that they understood everything he had taught. He had great love for the French language. He called it the most beautiful, the clearest and the most logical language of the world. Indeed M. Hamel was a. great patriot.

17. Why did Sadao Hoki go to America? What do you learn about his experiences there?

Ans. Sadao's education was his father's chief concern. So he had been sent at twenty-two to America to leam all that could be learnt of surgery and medicine. He studied there for eight years and returned to Japan at thirty. Before his father died, Sadao had become famous not only as a surgeon, but also as a scientist. He had had great difficulty in finding a place to live in America because he was a Japanese. The Americans were full of prejudice and it had been bitter to live in it, knowing himself to be superior to them. An ignorant and dirty old woman at last consented to house him in her miserable home. He found her repulsive to him even in her kindness. One of his American professors and his wife were kind people. They were anxious to do something for their few foreign students. But their rooms were quite small, the food was very bad, the professor was a dull person and his wife was a silly talkative woman.

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