12th English Elective Model Paper Solution 2022-23

12th English Elective Model Paper Solution 2022-23


ANNUAL EXAM 2022-23              Time: 12hrs Marks: 40



                                                     MODEL QUESTION PAPER                                                     

General Instructions:

i. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

ii. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.

iii. All parts of a question must be written together.

iv. Answers of the questions must be in the context of the instructions given therein.


Read the following passage and answer any five questions from 1-7. 2x5=10

India is one of the former colonies of the world that has progressed so far as to become the second-fastest growing economy in the world, along with being projected as a future superpower. Socially, however, India's progress has not been as steep and stark Its society continues to remain in the tight grip of patriarchy and caste- two dominant features that continue to determine how far one can go socially, economically and politically. However, unlike patriarchy that is finally being challenged, caste still remains that dirty laundry in modern India which no one likes to acknowledge publicly.

Through a Video Volunteers survey conducted by its Community Correspondents with 490 people from the SC/ST community in nine states, it was recorded that 64% of the respondents have experienced discrimination of atrocities in some form. The survey confirms that there is no space for us to assume that untouchability and other discriminatory practices ended when the Constitution abolished it as a practice in 1950 through Article 17.In order to actualise the intention of the law, it is necessary for law enforcement and social sensitisation to work concurrently.

The survey was rolled out to relay to a wider audience that caste-hierarchy and discrimination continue to fuel inequality in Indian society. When the SC/ST Act was enacted and amended, it was done in order to slowly eliminate the roadblocks placed in front of the communities to support them in leading an equal and dignified life as citizens of India.

The survey on caste-based discrimination and atrocities also reveal that only 21% of those who had faced some form of discrimination filed a report with the police. This doesn't come as a shocking revelation because raising one's voice corresponds to vulnerability to social boycott, physical violence, or losing one's source of income. The top-tier position in most organisations are held by upper-caste' men, which can place people from 'lower-castes and women in a disempowered position.

1. What shows the progress of India?

Ans - The second-fastest growing economy in the world, along with being projected as a future superpower.

2. Which two factors determines the social, economic and political growth of a country?

Ans - Patriarchy and caste are two factors determines the social, economic and political growth of a country

3. What does the passage seem to highlight?

Ans - The passage seem to highlight the Issue of why our country is not a developed nation.

4. Which article abolished any discrimination based on Caste?

Ans- Article 17 abolished any discrimination based on Caste.

5. What fuels inequality in India, according to the passage?

Ans- Caste-hierarchy and discrimination continue to fuel inequality in Indian society

6. Why was the SC/ST act amended?

Ans- To support them in leading an equal and dignified life as citizens of India.

7. Why do people who have faced discrimination refuse to raise their voice?

Ans- Social boycott, physical violence, or losing one's source of income. These People have to faced discrimination refuse to raise their voice


Answer any two of the following. 5x2=10

8. In many parts of the country girls are still discouraged from going to schools. Consequently, a sizeable section of the population is deprived of education. Write a composition on 'Promoting Education of Girls'

Ans- In many countries, including India, the girl child is discriminated against from the early stages of her life. It is because of this discrimination, girls are not allowed education either in their childhood or after a certain age. In rural parts of India, one of the reasons why girls are deprived of education is that they would leave the parents house post marriage. Poor parents do not consider it to be economical investment. Since boys are the bread earners, their education is given the maximum importance.

Often girls themselves choose not to study, usually due to financial crisis at home, domestic responsibilities and even lack of aspiration. However, education for girls is extremely necessary because they too play an important role in country's economy and society. Also, women are the primary care givers in the family. Proper education would enable them to improve their lives and others' as well. Educated girls can share the burden of earning a livelihood, which would eliminate child labour.

Education will also make girls aware of family planning, health and sanitation. As a result, there will be low infant mortality rates and less numbers of death of women in child birth.

9. You are Manish/Manisha, the Sports Secretary of your school. Last week a yoga awareness programme was organized in your school. Write a report on the programme to be published in your school magazine.


 Yoga event Organized

In order to intrigue the students to the umpteen benefits of yoga, our school organized Yoga Sessions for the students on 12th January, 2018. The students were educated on the importance of Yoga. They were explained how yoga helps in maintaining not only physical and mental health but also a healthy social life. The famous yoga GuruSamdev taught the students various Aasanas. He started the session with warming up and stretching followed,by a series of Asanas such as Padmasana, Bhujangasana, Shavasana. After Asanas session.students were also taught the Pranayama - For Longevity. Addressing the students on the occasion, the Principal appealed to the students to include yoga in their daily routine for its wholesome and salubrious effects on the mind, body and soul.

Sports Secretary


10. Write an essay on 'My Favourite Game'

Ans- Introduction

Games play a very important role in the development of our mind and body. Studies along with games lead towards the overall development of a person. We can see that in schools the time table consists of two or three-game periods during a week, focusing the necessity of games along with studies. Playing games makes us healthy and fit.

Game I Play

I usually played indoor games at my home like carrom, chess and Ludo. Playing these games along with my sisters is my favourite time-pass at home. Sometimes we fixed some gifts or winning price after winning the match.

My Favourite Game is Badminton

My favourite game is badminton among all the games. It was during winter days when my mother used to wake us early in the morning for walking and studying. Since I could not study in the morning therefore I decided to play badminton in the morning. It proved to be a great exercise for me and keeping healthy. I also have the problem of mood swing and this game made me feel relaxed.

Since I had got a good practice of playing badminton, I got selected in my school badminton team. I feel energized after playing badminton. Many of the times I had played from my school side and have received the awards too. I had got a craze for this game and therefore I used to reach to the ground on time for playing with my friends.


Games are necessary for fitness. When we play outdoor games, they make us fit and give exercise to our muscles.


Answer any five of the following questions in about 50 words. 3x5-15

11. Why did the author think that Frau Frieda's dreams were a stratagem for surviving?

Ans- He thought because Frau Frieda had no option than to sell dreams because she was not qualified

It was the period of world war and people in those day were living with gross uncertainty

She has once made a true prediction on the cause of death for her young brother. That event had made herself confident.

12. What was Dr. Margolin's attitude towards his profession?

Ans- Dr Margolin was very dedicated to his profession. He never broke his oath and was always respectful with his patients.

13. The poem 'Kubla Khan' is a fragment. Why is it a lasting literary masterpiece?

Ans- The poem is considered a universal piece of poetry. The calm, serene surroundings contrast with the dark, gloomy, violent river shown in the poem. There is a combination of Christian, Hinduism, and Islamic traits in the poem. An instance of Jesus' cross sign is given in the poem. Kubla Khan is from an Islamic background. Also, the romantics shown in the poem are of the Hindu view of Pantheism.

14. Why is the act of nature described as "precise" in the poem 'Time and Time Again"?

Ans- Act of nature in the poem is described as precise or accurate because after every certain interval of time nature tries to neutralise the every condition with precision.

15 What is the inward struggle that Shaw refers to in "Freedom"?

Ans- The inward struggle that the author refers to is our hesitation in doing the work that we want to do but we can't. In our society there are a lot of different types of classes. Someone poor and some other are rich. The poor people are always in need of money. The writer asks the question here whether we offer. our helping hand to the people in need.

The writer says that if we want to help them, we feel a hesitation what the other people will say. We are afraid of status and standard lest it should decline. As a result, we don't offer helping hand to the sufferers. Thus, a person feels an inward struggle in his heart.

16. What are some of the risks that film-making involves?

Ans- Film-making involves story telling through a sequence of pictures. It is absolutely important that the public identifies with the theme of the movie. If the theme is completely alien, then the message that the film wants to deliver will not be understood. Another thing is choosing the idea. If the theme of the movie is different from the current demand of the public, it will be difficult for the producer to impress the viewers.

17. Why does the act of giving water to a wayfarer become so important for Prakriti?

Ans- The Buddhist monk, Ananda, is a wanderer in the play and is the most beloved disciple of Buddha. On returning from a visit, he felt thirsty and met Prakriti, a girl belonging to the lowest untouchable caste. All her life, Prakriti has been told that she being a chandala, a low untouchable caste, faced hatred and was despised by members of the higher caste and was considered unclean. She never loved herself. In contrast, the monk made her realise her worth and treated her with respect, making no such distinction between himself and Prakriti and sought water from her. The Buddhist monk words enlightened her. An ordinary act of giving water to a wayfarer liberated her from the strings of social demands, and hence, it became so significant to Prakriti.


Note: Answer either Group-A or Group-B


Answer any one of the following questions. 5x1-5

18. How did Margayya try to give his son the best education?

Ans- When a book named Domestic Harmony was published,

Margayya.s days changed entirely. He became rich. In the meantime Balu has become six years old. Margayya was very keen about the education of his son. He wanted his son to excel in every field after completing his education. So he took him to the Town.s Elementary School and admitted him there. Margayya made it a grand show. He took the young boy in a decorated motor car with pipes and drums through the Market Road, Margayya walked in front of the car. He had also invited a few citizens on the road to go up with him as well. Next day they celebrate schooling ceremony of his son. Margayya hears reports that Balu is being canned almost every day. At the end of the term Balu returns home with his progress card marked zero. Margayya decides to take charge of the school and becomes its secretary. Now Balu has a special standing in the school, for Margayya in School.s Secretary. Teachers salute before him while he passe beside them. But when the boy does not study well they have to cane him. Although, Margayya gets angry, he never interferees in their work as he wants his son get higher education. He wants that he should go to America or Europe to take up higher education. He provides him a separate room as well as tutors for study. He even advises Balu.s teacher to thrash the boy if he does not study well. Hence he makes every possible effort to get the boy good education but Balu could only reach upto matriculation somehow or the other. He fails to pass the S.S.L.C. examination. Thus, all efforts of Margayya to educate his son in smoke.

19. Discuss the role of Dr. Pal in the life of Margayya and his family?

Ans- Dr. pal plays a significant role in the life of margayya and his family. Infact he is responsible for making and marrying margayya.s fortune. Dr. pal meets margayya near the pond where the latter has gone to collect red lotus. He helps margayya pluck a red lotus from the middle of the pond. he is a man of about thirty, lank tall, having long hair and sunken eyes. he has a very youthful and imposing apperance. He informs margayya that he is associated with silver way, a tamil newspaper brought out from madras.

Margayya is charmed by the personality of Dr. pal and accompanies him to his hut. Dr. pal tells margayya that he is a sociologist. He is writing a book on sexology entitled Bed Life . He tells margayya that all the problems in life are caused by the ignorance of the people regarding sexual matters. in writing this book his aim is to make people understand the significance of sexual matter for domestic harmony.

Margayya is overwhelmed with is knowledge. but now Dr. pal has completed his book. he knows that he can make lakhs of rupees in one go by publishing this book. he gladly gives the book to margayya for only twenty five rupees. margayya gets into fifty-fifty partnership with a printer madal lal . The book within a short time he becomes a very rich man.

Dr. pal transforms his life into a pleasant chapter, plays a corrupting role in the life of margayya. He exercise a very bad influence on Balu. when balu settles visitor. then he starts taking balu ousside to a house of ill-repute where there are cheap theatre girls. They eat, drink gamble and enjoy in the company of those girls. Dr. pal instigates balu to demand his share of the ancestral property from his father. Margayya visits his son.s house finding balu Dr. pal and three girls margayya loses his among margayya.s clients that their money is not safe with him. The clients take back all their money making margayya bankrupt. Thus, Dr. pal brings about margayya.s ruin.


Answer any one of the following questions. 5x1-5

20. What happened after Raja came out of the circus?

Ans- He roams throughout the city, terrifying its denizens. Yet, Raja has given up using violence to influence humans and hopes only to be free again. Nevertheless, deeply curious about humans, he visits many cafes and businesses. He even visits a school after following a group of children. He falls asleep in the headmaster’s office; when he wakes, the principal and other staff are cowering and call for help.

21. Describe the comic vision of R.K. Narayan in 'A Tiger for Malgudi".

Ans- A tiger for Malguri' is mainly a story in a tiger's version. Here the tiger is the protagonist. It recounts its story of capturing by a circus owner from where he escaped successfully. But again caught by a monk with whom he spends the rest of his life in a hill. Here in this book a tiger narrates the entire story. There is a flow of an entertaining philosophical discourse in the whole work of R. K. Narayan. After a carefree predatory life in the jungle near Malgudi, Raja, the tiger is captured and comes to know the strange ways of humans. He is forced into a career as a circus performer. He gets bored and tries to escape when one day he gets success in his mission. But again he comes under the control of a monk. And Raja's real education begins at that point of time. He becomes an unlikely disciple pursuing harmony between the natural and spiritual world. This book is a piece to treasure. It has very witty sentence structures that are able to extract the laugh from anyone under the sun. It equally articulates the many phases that man goes through in life very competently, using the tiger as a main figure of speech. This knowledge can be passed on from one generation to the next. This can be called as Narayan's most profound book





Total number of questions is 40

Each question carries 1 mark

Four options are given.

Students are expected to select the most appropriate answer

All the questions are compulsory

No marks will be deducted for wrong answer

Read the following poem and answer the questions from 1-5

Fame is a food that dead men eat,

I have no stomach for such meat

In little light and narrow room,

They eat in the silent tomb

With no kind voice of comrade near to bid the feaster be of cheer.

But friendship is a noble thing,

Of friendship it is good to sing

For truly when a man shall end,

He lives in memory of his friend,

Who doth his better part recall,

And of his fault make funeral

1. By the expression 'Fame is a food that dead men eat, we mean

a. fame is enjoyed only after death

b. fame is enjoyed during life-time

c. fame is something like a food

d fame dies with one's death

2 Friendship is a noble thing because

a, a man cannot live without friends

b. real friends are very helpful

c. a man always remembers the good qualities of his friend after his death

d. it enhances dignity of mankind

3. Friendship is better than fame because in friendship

a. when a man dies he lives in the memory of his friend

b. a man always regards his friend

c. enmity never comes

d. a man is always happy in the company of his friend

4. In the last line of the above poem the poet wants to convey that.

a. one should believe in friendship

b the faults of a man are highlighted by his friend after his death

c. the faults of a man are forgotten by his friend after his death

d. one should not run after fame and friendship

5. The word "recall" means

a. forget

b. come close

c. help

d. remember

Choose the correct indirect speech for the given speech from Q.6-10.

6. He said. "The earth is round".

a. He said that the earth was round

b. He said the earth was round

c. He said that the earth is round.

d. He said the earth is round.

7. She said, "I can play cricket".

a. She said that she could play cricket

b. She says that she can play cricket

c. She says that he could play cricket.

d. She said that she can play cricket

8. He said to me, "What are you doing"?

a. He said to me what are you doing

b. He asked me what I was doing.

c. He said to me what I have been doing

d. He asked that what I was doing

9. Manisha said, "I am going out tonight".

a. Manisha said that she was going out tonight.

b. Manisha said that she was going out that night

c. Manisha said she was going out that night.

d. Manisha said that she will be going out that night.

10. He says, "I am busy"

a. He said that he was busy

b. He said that he is busy.

c. He says that he is busy

d. He says that he was busy.

In each sentence given below, there is an error with the verb printed in bold. Find out the appropriate verb in each case from Q.11-15.

11. I am feeling that Sunita is very kind to me.

a. feel

b feels

c. was feeling

d had felt

12. He just posted the letter

a. is just posting

b. posts

c. had just posted

d. has just posted

13. Here is coming my brother.

a. comes

b. come

c. not coming

d. can come

14. She never get up early in the morning

a. is getting up

b. had get up

c. gets up

d. will have got up

15. You are not completing your work so far.

a. have not completed

b complete

c. completes

d. will not complete

Choose the correct option from Q.16-40.

16. What is the human form divine?

a. mercy

b. pity

c. peace

d. love

17. What was the author of "The Mark on the Wall", doing when she saw the mark for the first time?

a. having lunch

b sewing

c. having tea

d. smoking a cigarette

18. The snake ring on the finger of Frau Frieda had --------- eyes

a. ruby

b. emerald

c. topaz

d. sapphire

19. The narrator in the story 'I Sell My Dreams" boarded the last -----to Rome that same night.

a. bus

b. ship

c. train

d plane

20. What did Eveline promise her mother before her mother's death?

a. to marry her love

b. to run away from home

c. to take care of the family

d to complete her education

21. How old was Eveline?

a. twenty years

b. nineteen years

c. eighteen years

d seventeen years

22 Who was Eveline's employer?

a. Miss Gavan

b. Miss Hill

c. Miss Betty

d. Miss Dunn

23. What was Raizel's father's profession?

a. watch maker

b. farmer

c. senator

d. doctor

24. Why was Dr. Solomon not happy with his own community members?

a. Because the Jews hated him.

b. Because he misunderstood them.

c. Because the Jews had forgotten their own culture.

d. None of the above

25. What happens when 'loves day is short?

a. It decays

b. It grows.

c. It remains the same

d. None of the above

26. What is the nature of the first impression that form the basis of a film?

a. To make the audience laugh.

b. To make the audience scream with fright

c. To make the audience smile and believe in fairy stories.

d. All of the above

27. Which law restricts our freedom in a civilized society?

a. The laws of the land

b. The laws of the labour

c. The laws of freedom

d. All of the above

28. What is not mentioned as "a weak witness of thy name" in the poem 'On Shakespear. *1630"?

a pilled stones

b. hallowed reliques

c. star-ypointing pyramid

d. biography

29. Tao Ying was working as a -------

a. nurse

b. gardener

c. cook

d. teacher

30. Who was blind in the story "Tomorrow"?

a. Captain Hagberd

b. Bessie Carvil

c. Harry Hagberd

d. Josiah Carvil

31. In the poem 'Trees', the trees are compared to ------

a. Sun

b. tassles

c. flags

d cloud

32 Where was Kubla Khan's capital situated?

a. Beijing

b. Xanadu

c. Rome

d. Mesopotamia

33. Who is Chandalika in the play?

a. Suman

b. Chaya

c. Prakriti

d Manjula

34. What does Ramanujan ask the readers to listen to in "Time and Time Again"?

a. bells

b. horn

c. music

d clocktowers

35. Which season has been talked about in 'The Wild Swans at Coole"?

a. Autumn

b. Winter

c. Summer

d. Spring

36. Which shrine did Kamala Das's great-grandmother go every Monday?

a. the Durga shrine

b. the Siva shrine

c. the Murugan shrine

d. the Kali shrine

37. What is superior to science, philosophy or poetry according to D.H. Lawrence?

a character

b. film

c novel

d. thought

38. Who translated Bhagavad Gita into English?

a. T.S. Eliot

b. Christopher Isherwood

c. Amartya Sen

d. J. Robert Oppenheimer

39. Who was Arjuna's charioteer?

a. Krishna

b. Rama

c. Bhima

d. Nakula

40. According to Isaac Asimov the goal of ancient stories and modern science fiction are same-

a. the depiction of life as we don't know it

b. to fear nature and its laws

c. to entertain us

d all of the above


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