Time: 12hrs
Marks: 40
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as
All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.
All parts of a question must be written together.
Answers of the questions must be in the context of the instructions given
(Q.Nos. 1-5): Read the passage carefully and swer the questions from
1 to 5:
When Thomas was fifteen, he was a very intelligent and generous
boy. He spent his day only reading, eating and sleeping. Other than that, he
didn't do anything. When the teachers of his class asked him any question, he
would answer it very immediately.
He always kept himself away from social activities, but once
when he was going to his school, he saw a very old man begging on the roadside.
At first, he thought that he should stop there and ask him why
he was begging because he was too old to do that, instead, he should rest. At
the same time, he realized that if he stopped there, he would be late for
He thought for a while and went to the old man. He saw that everyone
was passing by him but no one was giving him alms. After seeing the incident,
he took out twenty rupees from his pocket and gave them to the beggar. By doing
that, he felt very good and reached the school gasping.
1. How did Thomas spend his day?
(1) Only doing social activities
(2) Only reading, eating and sleeping
(3) Only eating and sleeping
(4) None of the above
2. Who did Thomas see on his way to school?
(1) A hermit
(2) A poor man
(3) An old man
(4) A poor woman
3. What did Thomas want to ask the old man?
(1) The reason for begging.
(2) To eat healthy food.
(3) To beg as much as he could.
(4) To rest instead of begging.
4. What is the synonym of gasp?
(1) Heave
(2) Breath
(3) Blow
(4) Inhale
5. How much money did Thomas give to the beggar?
(1) Thirty rupees
(2) Twenty rupees
(3) Fifteen rupees
(4) Twenty-five rupees
(Q.Nos. 6-10): Read the poem carefully and answer the questions from
6 to 10:
Quality of mercy is not strained
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest
It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes.
Tis mightiest in the mightiest. It becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown.
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings:
But mercy is above the sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings.
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice.
6. The sceptre stands for
(1) physical power
(2) material strength
(3) physical power and material strength
(4) godly powers
7. Both rain and mercy come from
(1) within
(2) above
(3) depth
(4) sky
8. The word 'attribute' (inline 12) means:
(1) colour
(2) distribute
(3) quality
(4) quantity
9. The word 'temporal' here refers to
(1) earthly
(2) heavenly
(3) temporary
(4) permanent
10. The phrase 'sceptred sway' refers to the
(1) power of God
(2) use of a sceptre
(3) the royal family
(4) the king's royal authority
(Q.Nos. 11 to 15): Choose the correct reported speech (Indirect
speech) for the given direct speech.
11. Nancy said, "I may leave tomorrow."
(1) Nancy said that she might leave the next day.
(2) Nancy said that she might leave tomorrow.
(3) Nancy asked if she should leave the next day.
(4) Nancy informed me to leave tomorrow.
12. Keshav said, "Rita is busy right now."
(1) Keshav said Rita was busy.
(2) Keshav informed that Rita was busy then.
(3) Keshav said Rita had been busy.
(4) Keshav informed that Rita is busy.
13. The teacher said, "You are suspended!"
(1) The teacher exclaimed that I am suspended.
(2) The teacher exclaimed to me to suspend.
(3) The teacher informed me that I was suspended.
(4) The teacher exclaimed that I was suspended.
14. He said, "I have been a great mentor."
(1) He said that he had been a great mentor.
(2) He said that he was a great mentor.
(3) He exclaimed that he was a great mentor.
(4) He said that he has been a great mentor.
15. Vidushi said, "We went for a summer trip."
(1) Vidushi said that they went for a summer trip.
(2) Vidushi said that they were on a summer trip.
(3) Vidushi said that they had gone for a summer trip.
(4) Vidushi said they went for a summer trip.
16. All of these are types of essays, except?
(1) Narrative essay
(2) Personal essay
(3) Argumentative essay
(4) Descriptive essay
17. The introductory paragraph of an essay requires the topic,
thesis and
(1) main ideas
(2) supportin details
(3) both (1) and (2)
(4) none of these
18. What is placed on the top of an article?
(1) Date
(2) Heading/Title
(3) Subscription
(4) Salutation
19. What is placed just below the title of an article?
(1) Date
(2) By-Line
(3) Place of the writer.
(4) Salutation
20. How many paragraphs should be there in an article?
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three to Four
(4) Eight to Ten
Choose the correct option:
21. Who is the writter of the story 'I sell my Dream"?
(1) John
(2) Jack
(3) Gabrial Garcia Marquez
(4) Harry
22. What sound does Eveline hear that reminds her of her
mother's death?
(1) A curch bell
(2) A street organ
(3) A guitar
(4) A baby crying
23. How was Eveline intend to clope with her lover?
(1) By aeroplane
(2) By train
(3) By boat
(4) On foot
24. What was old Hagberd's answer to the wondering question of
the people of the town?
(1) My choice
(2) I like it
(3) For the present
(4) Mind your one work
25. Who was the only person, with whom ond captain shared his
(1) Bessie carvit
(2) Josiah Carvil
(3) Harry Hagberd
(4) Barber
26. When Dr, Margolin saw....... in the wedding he was extremely
(1) Abraham Mekheles
(2) Zissel
(3) Raizel
(4) Sylvia
27. What was needed in a Jewish community to get married?
(1) Only a penny
(2) Big amount of money
(3) A ring
(4) Mangalsutra and Sindoor
28. As per the story who are the best imitators in the world?
(1) Monkey
(2) Children
(3) Parrots
(4) None of the above
29. How much did each ticket of Buddha temple cost?
(1) Five dollers
(2) Ten dollers
(3) Three dollers
(4) Two dollers
30. William Blake was born in?
(1) Boston
(2) Glasgow
(3) Dublin
(4) London
31. Who is the poet of peom "Trees"?
(1) A.K. Ramanujan
(2) Emily Dickinson
(3) W.B. Yeats
(4) John Milton
32. What kind of the day is described in the poem
(1) Winter day
(2) Rainy day
(3) Summer day
(4) Windy day
33. What are two companions of the swans?
(1) Stream
(2) Air
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Nobody
34. What does "rushes" mean in the poem "The Wild
Swans at Coole"
(1) A type of tall glass that grows near water
(2) To hurry up
(3) To run very fast
(4) None of the above
35. Who is the poem of the peom "Time and Time Again"?
(1) John Milton
(2) Emily Dickinson
(3) A.K. Ramanujan
(4) Kamla Das
36. Who is the writer of freedom?
(1) GB Shaw
(2) J, Krishnamurthi
(3) Rabindranath Taigore
(4) Ingmar Bergman
37. Film-Making start with ........?
(1) A script
(2) Actors
(3) An idea
(4) Shooting
38. What was a very imperfect technical basis for a film?
(1) Dialogue
(2) Script
(3) Music
(4) Actors
39. Who is the author of the essay "Why the Novel
(1) G.B. Shaw
(2) Amartya Sen
(3) D.H. Lawrence
(4) Joseph Conrad
40. Who directs out whole body?
(1) Our brains
(2) Our hands
(3) Our hearts
(4) Our lungs
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Read the passage carefully and answer any three questions from
Question Nos. 1 to 5: 2×3=6
About a hundred years ago, whenever an operation was performed,
the patient suffered tearful pain as he felt the surgeon cut into his flesh.
But now serious operations have been carried out without pain, and thousands of
lives have been saved. James Simpson was the first to discover and use the
pain-killing power of chloroform. James was born into a poor family. So in
boyhood, he had not only to help his father during the holidays but also assist
the village doctor.
But he was horrified at the terrible suffering of the people who
came to the hospital for treatment. He now made it his aim in life to find out
new discoveries which would prevent so much pain. Simpson made many experiments
and ultimately discovered chloroform. Now the patient does not dread an
1. Why did patients suffer tearful pain when an operation was
performed in the past?
Ans. In the past patients suffered fearful pain at the time of
operation as they felt the surgeon cut into their flesh.
2. Who discovered chloroform?
Ans. James Simpson discovered chloroform.
3. What did he do in his boyhood?
Ans. In his boyhood, he used to assist the village doctor in the
4. What made him horrified?
Ans. He was horrified at the terrible suffering of the people
who came to the hospital for treatment.
5. How did he make his discovery?
Ans. Simpson made many experiments and ultimately discovered
Read the following poem carefully and answer any two questions from
Question Nos. 6 to 8: 2x2=4
All are over: does truth sound bitter
As one at first believes?
Mark, 'tis the sparrow's good night twitter
About our cottage eaves?
And the leaf-buds on the vine are woolly,
I noticed that, today;
One day more bursts them open fully
You know the red turns grey.
Tomorrow we meet the same then, dearest?
May I take your hand in mine?
Mere friends are we well, friends the merest
Keep much that I resign:
For each glance of the eye so bright and black,
Though I keep with heart's endeavour,
Your voice, when you wish the snowdrops back,
Though it stays in my soul forever!
Yet I will but say what mere friends say,
Or only a thought stronger.
I will hold your hand but as long as all may,
Or so very little longer.
6. What is meant by the words-All is over'?
Ans. 'All is over' means that the love affair between the lover
and his mistress has come to an end.
7. What is the deep-rooted desire of the poet?
Ans. The deep-rooted desire of the poet is to win back his lost
8. What is the style and tone of the poet?
Ans. The poem is written in a conversational style and the poet
seems to be pleading with his lady love to give him the more chance.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any two of the following in not more than 100 words each from
Question Nos. 9 to 11: 5x2=10
9. Write an essay on "Advantages of Early Rising"
Advantages of Early Rising
An early riser gets a good start in his day's work. The early
riser has done a larger amount of hard work before other men have hardly got
out of their beds. In the early morning, the mind is fresh and there is little
noise or other disturbance. So the work done at that time is generally well
done. The early riser also finds time to take some exercise in the fresh
morning air. This exercise supplies him energy that lasts till evening. He
knows that he has enough time to work. So he is not in a hurry to finish his
work. All his work is finished in good time. He has long interval to rest
before he goes to bed. He follows the sying "Early to bed and early to
rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." It is clear that a man who
goes to bed early is more healthy than the man who sleeps late because his
sleep is shortened. The late riser may not be able to produce as good results
as the early riser because he misses the best working hours in the morning of
the day.
10. Write a short composition on "Beti Bachao Beti
Padhao" or "Female Foeticide".
Beti Bachao Beti Padhao
India is a male dominated society. Boys are given importance in
comparison to girls. Less attention is given on the career and education of the
girls. Nowadays
cases of female infanticide are seen. The government and the
society are trying to improve this situation. The Govt. of India has launched
the 'Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao' scheme recently on 22nd January, 2015, mainly
aiming at generating awareness and improving efficiency of welfare services for
women. The Govt. proposed Rs. 150 crores to be spent by the Ministry of Home
Affairs on this scheme to increase the safety and security of women and their
empowerment. Increasing life expectancy and promotion of their education are
main in this scheme. Many programmes are being launched at various levels.
Daughters will be encouraged and they will have a respectable place in the
Female Foeticide
A girl child in India is religiously given the place of a
goddess. Why, then, has it become essential to launch a social or political
drive against the female foeticide? Why is the gap in the men-women ratio
widening year after year? Obviously, conservative traditions, modern machines
for diagnosis, governmental inactions, women's dependence, educational
backwardness etc. have aggravated this problem. Govt. should enact stringent
laws and implement effectively. There must be complete ban on the detection of
sex of the foetus. State should impart free education to girls upto college.
Social awakening and political drive should be launched against it. In these
ways, we can maintain the balance otherwise the problem will become
11. The Principal of your school retired after rendering 35
years of meritorious service. A grand function was held to give him a hearty
send-off. Write a report in 150-200 words for publication in your school
magazine describing the celebrations. You are Sudha/Sandeep of XII A.
(by Sudha, XII A)
Our esteemed Principal Sh. R.R. Gupta retired on 30th September
this year after rendering 35 years of meritorius service. On the day of his
retirement a grand function was held to give him a hearty send-off. Students
and teachers organised a cultural show. Songs and poems dealing with his
qualities were recited. Our Vice Principal delivered a thought-provoking
speech. He praised the outgoing principal for his contribution to education and
sports. Students garlanded the principal and escorted him to his car. Some of
them became emotional. They began to weep. We bade him farewell with tears in
our eyes.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer any five of the following in not more than 50 words each from
Question Nos. 12 to 18: 3x5=15
12. Who was Frank? Why did Eveline's father quarrel with him?
Ans. Frank was a very kind, manly and open-hearted young man. He
started as a deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line going out
to Canada. He had been lucky in Buenos Aires and had come to Ireland just for a
holiday. Eveline had met him at the house where he was lodging and fell in love
with him. Then they started meeting.
He won her confidence so much so that she consented to elope
with him. Her father, however, found out the affair and forbade her to speak to
him. Her father hated sailor chaps. One day he quarrelled with Frank and
Eveline had to meet her lover secretly after that
13. What sort of a person was Mr. Carvil?
Ans. Mr. Carvil was a widowed boat-builder who had gone blind.
He lived with Bessie, his young daughter, in one of Captain Hagberd's two
cottages, as a tenant. He was a domestic tyrant who ill-treated his daughter.
He was heavy in body, selfish, lazy, cruel and abusive man.
He behaved to his daughter as if she had been responsible for
his incurable blindness. He treated her as his slave, abused her and shouted at
her. He was so lazy and self-centred that he sought Bessie's services even in
the smallest matters. He made Bessie's life a virtual hell.
14. Why did Tho Ying change her intention to buy another ticket?
Ans. Tao Ying always tried to save money in every possible way.
So she seldom care to buy ticket. When she was not allowed to enter the temple
gate by the guard, she became ready to argue and fight with the guard. She was
not least afraid but she didn't want her child to be witness to such scene so
she handelled the situation wisely and changed her intention to buy another
ticket to preserve her dignity.
15. What makes for the differences between the timekeeping of
the clocks? What is the implicit comparison?
Ans. The differences are made due to the variations in the metal
of gongs, the manner in which they are beaten, variation in length, thickness
shape of the hands of watch. The poet has compared these variations with the
different wrong and chaotic interpretations of religious faiths. The preachers
interprete the beliefs according to their own interests. Thus, they misguide
the people and create unrest in the society.
16. What do you understand by the Psalteries of summer?
Ans. Before describing the Psalteries of summer, we will have to
understand the Psalteries. Psalteries are the religious songs sung the saints
and hermits in praise of God. In the poem, Psalteries refer to the different
sounds being produced by trees, small creatures, bees, birds at the rising of
the sun in the morning, during summer. These different sounds are so pleasing
that the poetess compares them to the Psalteries.
17. Love is described as light. What makes the poet talk about
Ans. The poet is a love poet. He presents love in different
ways. He presents love as a bright light during the day while shadows symbolize
darkness and gloom and despair. The poet says that if the lovers fail to
maintain their love on the absolute stage (noon), their love begins to decline
and they split apart. They fall into total darkness as the light of their life
vanishes with the passage of time.
18. How does the process of inquiry lead to true freedom?
Ans. It is true that we have a long series of questions that we
want to know about. But we do not care to get the answers for each and every
question, while the process of inquiry leads us to real freedom because when we
want to ask some question, we'll have to think it deeply.
We'll have to peep into the soul of the question. This process
creates our sensitivity. It requires our alertness, perceptions, etc. A
constant inquiry enables us to think what is right and what is wrong. It
enables us to think over true freedom. Thus, the constant inquiry leads us to
true freedom.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any one of the following groups in not more than 100 words
from Question Nos. 19 to 22: 5x1=5
Answer either Group-A or Group-B
Answer any one of the following questions:
19. Write a short about the appropriateness of the title 'Broken
Ans. Girish Karnad has given the play the title 'Broken Images'
which conveys the two meanings of the play. The title appropriately reconciles
with the theme of the play. The whole play is written in the dialogue form
between Manjula, a famous English novelist and her own self image. During their
conversation, the image puts many questions to Manjula Nayak and Manjula Nayak
replies the questions.
The image asks questions which are related to Manjula's personal
life well as her work of writing. Through this technique, Manjula opens her as
heart clearly before her readers or audiences that she could not do directly.
The reference of Malini lets know to audience that Malini is the main character
and the drama is based on her. Thus, the title 'Broken Images' is quite
suitable, appropriate and true.
20. Will the spell work? What will happen when Ananda is made to
Ans. The spell of the mother is quite oldest one which never
fails and nothing is beyond her power of magic. This is why she is quite
optimistic for the functioning of the spell. That's why she clearly declares
that when she exercises her magic, Ananda will come running and crying. But she
tells Prakriti that once the spell is exercised, it will be impossible for her
to undo it.
She asks her daughter to look into the mirror where she finds
clouds and storm with darkness. Thunder and darkness may also happen but he
will have to come with the effect of the spell. Her mother's words are proved
to be true when everything of it happens and Prakriti is horrified and asks her
mother to stop and undo the spell. In the process of undoing the spell, the
mother dies. Ananda comes in a very sad state of mind but returns as soon as
the spell is undone. Thus, the spell of the mother works.
Answer any one of the following questions:
21. How can you say that the hermit is the hero in. 'A Tiger for
Ans. The hero of a story is the one presence is felt throughout
The story. Thus in a first glance we see that it is the tiger who can be the
hero because all the incidents of the whole story move round him. Bu the hero
is one who has a sacrificing nature and who plays his role for the well-being
of others selflessly. The hero is one who faces the situations boldly and never
deviates from the right path. He becomes a model for all and gathers our
sympathy. Thinking over these facts we find that the hermit emerges as the hero
of this long story. In his early life he does his duties as a family man. It is
his internal urge for spirituality that he leaves his home and everything and
leads a life of penance in the forest. He minimizes all his needs. He protects
the tiger from the cruel hands of people.
He does not care for the insulting words of the people. He calms
down the wild nature of the tiger. He awakens his inner soul. He tells the
tiger many things of human nature and many things about the divinity. He
arranges a comfortable zoo life for the tiger in his old age. He consoles the
troubled heart of the tiger by saying that they would again meet in some other
So the hermit is the hero.
22. Describe the fierce fighting of the tiger and the tigress.
Ans. As the tiger made his first attack on the tigress, she
threw him off her back and injured him badly on the eye and the throat. Again
she rammed into him and he fell away. Now they butted into each other,
scratched, clawed, wrestled, grappled, gashing biting and tearing each other.
He also stood up and dashed into her but was it like beating a rock.
He was so badly injured that he fell down bleeding from everywhere. The tigress was also in the same condition. She fill down in a ditch. She was also bleeding, her eyes were swollen and she was unable to open them while the tiger had better luck. He could open his eyes with blood dripping. Both of them lay panting.