Time: 12hrs
Marks: 40
General Instructions:
i. Candidates are required to give their answers in their
own words as far as practicable.
ii. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in
the question paper.
iii. All parts of a question must be written together.
iv. Answers of the questions must be in the context of
the instructions given therein.
(Q.Nos. 1-5): Read the passage carefully and
swer the questions from 1 to 5:
The human skeletal system is a structure
made up of bones. It's very strong. The quality of the skeletal system helps
determine the age of children.
Some experts also believe that the more
good quality nutrition goes into the body of the children, the stronger the
skeletal system becomes. The age of children is also determined by counting
their teeth. This process is mostly used at the places where sporting events
are held.
By counting their teeth, experts easily
find out their age and get the children to compete with children of the same
It means that to determine the age of
children, you can examine their skeletal system, count their teeth or count the
years, months and days chronologically. The most common way to determine the
age of children is to count the years, months and days chronologically.
1. The human skeletal system is
(1) Flexible
(2) Strong
(3) Very firm
(4) Normal
2. What do the experts believe?
(1) They believe that the skeletal
system is strengthened by functioning.
(2) They believe that sports strengthen
the skeletal system.
(3) They believe that if the mental and
physical strength is fine, the skeletal system will be stronger.
(4) They believe that the more good quality nutrition goes into the body of the children, the stronger the skeletal system becomes.
3. How many ways are there to determine
the age of children?
(1) Two
(2) One
(3) Three
(4) None of the above
4. How do experts find out the age of
the children during sporting events?
(1) By counting their teeth
(2) By checking their mental strength
(3) By examining their skeletal system
(4) By checking their physical strength
5. What is the most common way to
determine the age of children?
(1) By counting their teeth
(2) By counting the years, months and
days chronologically.
(3) By examining their skeletal system
(4) By checking their physical strength
(Q.Nos. 6-10): Read the poem carefully and
answer the questions from 6 to 10:
Riches I hold in light esteem
And Love I laugh to scorn;
And lust of fame was but a dream
That vanished with the morn
And if I pray, the only prayer
That moves my lips for me
Is 'Leave the heart that now I bear
And give me Liberty!'
Yes, as my swift days near their goal,
It is all that I implore
In life and death a chainless soul
With courage to endure.
6. The poet does not want to be
(1) rich
(2) famous
(3) rich and famous
(4) none.
7. The lust of fame
(1) multiplies
(2) diminishes
(3) vanishes
(4) sharpens
8. In the line, 'And give me Liberty',
the word 'Liberty' refers to
(1) life
(2) death
(3) riches
(4) freedom
9. What does the word 'rich' become when
we put the word 'the' before it?
(1) adjective
(2) noun
(3) verb
(4) adverb
10. Generally, people want to be
(1) careful
(2) concerned
(3) wealth
(4) immortal
(Q.Nos. 11 to 15): Choose the correct
reported speech (Indirect speech) for the given direct speech.
11. She said, "Bring a glass of
water, please."
(1) She commands me to bring a glass of
(2) She requested me to bring a glass of
(3) She asked me to brought a glass of
(4) She ordered me to bring her a glass of water.
12. He said, "Let us have dinner
(1) He proposed that we had dinner
(2) He asked if we wished to have dinner
(3) He said that we should have dinner
(4) He said that we had dinner there.
13. She said, "Shut the door!"
(1) She asked me whether I would shut
the door.
(2) She ordered me to shut the door.
(3) She said that I should shut the
(4) She shouted and said to shut the door.
14. She said, "They will be leaving
(1) She said that they would leave soon.
(2) She said that they are leaving.
(3) She said that they would be leaving
(4) She said that they will leave soon.
15. "Alas! It can't be this
bad." He said.
(1) He exclaimed with sorrow that that
couldn't be that bad.
(2) He grieved that it couldn't be that
(3) He said that it was really that bad.
(4) He said with sorrow that that was bad.
16. An essay is a
(1) song with a novel or a story
(2) poem that has multiple stanzas
(3) some kind of writing that has
organized paragraphs
(4) some kind of writing that requires research
17. Which of the following essays
describes a subject?
(1) Narrative essays
(2) Reflective essays
(3) Argumentative essays
(4) Expository essays
18. Which of the following is not an
element of an article?
(1) Date
(2) Subscription
(3) Salutation
(4) All of these
19. What should the first paragraph of
an article be all about?
(1) Conclusion
(2) Consequences
(3) Statistics
(4) Brief introduction of the topic
20. On which parameters is article
writing assessed?
(1) Content
(2) Expression
(3) Fluency & Format
(4) All of these
Choose the correct option:
21. Who is the dreamer here?
(1) The writer
(2) Writer's husband
(3) her daughter
(4) none of these
22. What was the Eveline feeling at the
hour of departure?
(1) She was worried
(2) She paryed to God for direction
(3) She was motionless and emotionless
(4) All of the above
23. Who was the brother of Eveline?
(1) Henry
(2) Harry
(3) Ernest
(4) Both (2) and (3)
24. Who is the author of the story
(1) James Joyce
(2) John Milton
(3) Joseph Conrad
(4) William Blake
25. Captain Hagbard's son was lost
........ years back.
(1) 19
(2) 16
(3) 15
(4) 26
26. What did Greti do after being
converted in a Jew community?
(1) She made friend with Jewish women
(2) She joined Hadassah
(3) She learned to cook Jewish dishes
(4) All of the above
27. Dr. Solomon was suffring with which
kind of disease?
(1) Hypochondria
(2) Heart disease
(3) Haemophilia
(4) Hypothermia
28. What was the standard height
mentioned for kids in the bus and the temple?
(1) Below 115 cms
(2) Below 110 cms
(3) Below 111 cms
(4) Below 112 cms
29. Who insulted Tao Ying at the temple
(1) Temple authorities
(2) Guard of the temple
(3) Her friends
(4) Nobody
30. Accompanying many of Blake's poems
(1) Explanations
(2) Comic Books
(3) Footnotes
(4) Illustrations
31. What does 'Psalteries of summer'
refer to?
(1) Music of the plaltery
(2) Music of the summer
(3) Music which bring in summer
(4) Belssings of summer
32. What was the theme of the poem
(1) Beaury of nature
(2) Save our Environment
(3) Sunshine
(4) None of these
33. Was poet successful in counting the
swans in his first attempt?
(1) Yes
(2) No
(3) Maybe
(4) Can't say
34. What kind of sound did poet
mentioned for swans?
(1) Bell-beat of wings
(2) Chirping sound
(3) Whistilling sound
(4) None of the above
35. Who are the 'donors' of the clock
(1) Religious people
(2) Politicians
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Nobody
36. Which of the followings is the kind
of slavery?
(1) Natural
(2) Man made
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) None of these
37. At the age of ten, the author
received his first toy, which was .....?
(1) A rattle
(2) A film projector
(3) A car
(4) A camera
38. What is the meaning of term
(1) A person who performes magical
(2) A ghost
(3) A villain
(4) None of the above
39. "Me alive ends at
my.......". Complete the line from the essay "Why the Novel
(1) mind
(2) fingertips
(3) hair
(4) nails
40. People consider their body as
(1) a bottle
(2) a tin/can
(3) a vessel of clay
(4) all of the above
(Very Short Answer Type Questions)
Read the passage carefully and answer any
three questions from Question Nos. 1 to 5: 2×3=6
Once upon a time, there was a very old
man. His eyes were d His ears were useless for hearing and his knees trembled.
Often spilt his food over the tablecloth and sometimes down his clothes At
this, his son and daughter-in-law were vexed. They gave him his meals in an
earthless dish. This made him very sad. His eyes were moistened with tears. One
day the dish fell on the ground and broke into pieces. The young
daughter-in-law scolded him.
But he did not reply and only signed. After that, they bought him a wooden dish for a few paise. He had now to eat out of that. One day his little. grandson was fitting together some pieces of wood. "What are you making", asked the old man. "I am making it father and mother to feed out when I grow big". His parents heard this and they were ashamed of their conduct. Then they behaved well with the old man.
1. How do we know that the grandfather
was old and weak?
Ans. We know that the grandfather was old and weak because his eyes were dim, his ears were useless for hearing and his knees trembled.
2. Why did his son and daughter-in-law
give him food in an earthen dish?
Ans. His son and daughter-in-law gave him food in an earthen dish because he often spilt his food over the tablecloth and sometimes down his clothes.
3. What made the old man grow sad?
Ans. His son and daughter-in-law gave him his meals in an earthless dish. This made him very sad.
4. Why did the daughter-in-law scold
Ans. One day the dish fell on the ground and broke into pieces. So the daughter-in-law scolded him.
5. Why did the little boy make the
wooden trough?
Ans. The little boy made the wooden trough to feed his father and mother when he would grow big.
Read the following poem carefully and answer
any two questions from Question Nos. 6 to 8: 2×2=4
Abou Ben Adhem! (may his tribe
Awoke one night from a deep dream of
And saw within the moonlight in his
Making it rich and like a lily in bloom,
Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room, he
"What writest thou?" The
vision raised its head,
And with a look made of all sweet
Answered "The names of those who
love the Lord."
"And is mine one?" said Abou.
"Nay, not so,"
Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low.
But cheerily still and said, "I
pray thee then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow
The angel wrote and vanished.
It came again with a great wakening
And showed the names whom the love of
God has blessed.
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.
6. When Abou Ben Adhem awoke, what did
his room look like?
Ans. When Abou Ben Adhem woke up, his room was full of light and looked like a blooming lily.
7. Who gets 'a deep dream of peace'?
Ans. A deep dream of peace is experienced by a person who has no towards anybody.
8. What has made Abou bold?
Ans. Peace of mind coming from a life of
no has made Abou bold.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any two of the following in not more
than 100 words each from Question Nos. 9 to 11: 5×2=10
9. Write an essay on "Today's
Students Tomorrow's Nation Builders"
Today's Students Tomorrow's Nation Builders
The backbone of any strong nation is its
students. Students who are the youth of a country help the nation in times of
emergency, drought, floods or any type of riots. Students, by virtue of their
energy, are best suited for tough jobs for building the foundation of a nation.
They can undergo any type of sacrifice. Students have a fund of immense knowledge which can prove to be of great help and value. Whenever the honour and freedom of a nation are facing danger, it is students who come to the forefront and protect it at the cost of their lives. They can prove themselves to be the true and proud sons of their motherland. Students must learn from the very beginning of their academic life the lessons of self-reliance and sacrifice towards the causes of nation-building. A nation with indisciplined youth is always in the danger of extinction and can never prosper. Indiscipline can play havoc with the social life of a nation. Today's students will be tomorrow's citizens. As such, if our students today start learning to lead a disciplined life, tomorrow they will be mature and disciplined citizens of the nation.
10. Write a short composition on
"Clean India Mission" or "Rain Water Harvesting".
Clean India Mission
Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, commenced
the "Clean India Mission on Gandhi Jayanti in 2014. From 26 September to 2
October, this mission was undertaken as 'Panchayat Week". Under this
mission India is to be made clean and dirt-free by 2 October 2019, the 150th
Gandhi Jayanti. Every citizen must devote two hours a week to community
cleanliness. According to the W.H.O. report 2014, every Indian has to expend
Rs. 6500 annually for his/her medical treatment. The Modi government is to
construct 11.11 crore toilets across the country. Every Village Panchayat is to
be given annual grant of Rs. 20 lac for this purpose.
Rain Water Harvesting
Rain water harvesting is the crying need of the day. It is said that if the Third World War is to be fought, it will be fought for water. The huge quantity of the rain water goes down the drain every year. Every home, every village, every city should have rain water harvesting system. Rain water that comes on roofs of our houses; can be used to refill ground water. Rain water harvesting saves us from floods. It saves bays, seas and oceans from overflowing. It maintains the ground water level. In desert area, it makes available the precious water round the year. It can be used for irrigation, too. Thus, the harvesting of the rain water is the immediate need of the hour.
11. Your school has recently opened a
computer wing. The facility of computer training and access to Internet
connections has been made available to students. As Rakesh/Rashmi of XI B,
write a report on the new computer wing in 150-200 words for your school
(by Rashmi, XII B)
The new computer wing of our school on
25th April constructed at a cost of two crore rupees was inaugurated by the
Director of Education, yesterday. This wing with five halls on first floor has
twenty computers with access to internet connections. The ground floor has
facility of computer training for the beginners. It has nine rooms with five
computers in each room. Our school authorities have now fulfilled a long felt
need of the students. Computer training facilities will arouse and sustain the
interest of the students in IT industry and new technology.
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer any five of the following in not more
than 50 words each from Question Nos. 12 to 18: 3x5=15
12. Why did the author leave Vienna
never to return again?
Ans. Frau Frieda used to visit the same tavern as the author. One day, she came to the tavern to tell the author that she had dreamed about him the night before. She saw in her dream that the author's life was in danger. She told the author to leave Vienna right away and not to come back for five years. Her belief in her dream was so real that the author left Vienna for Rome that same night, never to return again.
13. What were Harry's reasons for coming
to meet old Hagberd?
Ans. When Bessie asked Harry where he had come from, he replied that he was coming from a jolly good spree by the London train. He further said that he disliked to come back to a rabbit hutch. When asked about the purpose of his visit, he answered promptly that he had come there just for a sum of five quid.
He said that they allowed their spree to go on a little too long and got up. His intimate friend saw the newspaper carrying the advertisement hard and told him to go and get five quid from his loving father. So they collected the fare and he reached here. To sum up, Harry came to meet his father not out of any love for him but for money that he badly needed.
14. Who was the woman that Dr. Margolin
suddenly encountered at the wedding?
Ans. After dancing with a man in a
frantic whirl, Dr. Margolin tore himself loose and stood apart. He saw a woman
who had a familiar form. He felt he knew her. She beckoned to him. He stood
totally confused. He had known her-that narrow face, those dark eyes, that
girlish smile.
She too appeared surprised. They started talking. It came out of their enquiries about each other that the woman was Raizel, Dr. Margolin's teenage love. It was given out to him that she had married another man and was later on shot deed. Dr. Margolin was totally confused to see his dead beloved come to life or, he thought, he was seeing things.
15. What is the contrast between the
liveliness of the swans and human life?
Ans. According to the poet, the swans are beyond the clutches of time. The time does not make them old. They lead a happy and smooth life. They have never experienced sadness in their lives while human life is a store house of sorrows and sufferings. They are always affected by happy and sad state of time. They face numorous obstacles in life. They feel a little time of happiness while major portion of life is full of sorrows and sufferings.
16. Which lines reveal the poetess'
criticism of class distinctions?
Ans. The poetess' criticism of class distinctions is revealed in the lines in which the poetess refers the blood of the poor as thin, clear and fine which symbolise genuine and selfless love. This type of blood prevails in the poor section of society. She refers the blood of the affluent section of society as governed by profit and loss motives. She says A blood thin and clear and fine While in the veins of the always poor And in the veins Of the new-rich man Flowed a blood thick as gruel And muddy as a ditch.
17. What are some of the risks that
film-making involves?
Ans. According to the author, à film is essentially a story told in motion. There is a series of moving pictures through which the story is interpreted to the common man. So it is essential that the story should be set in a way that it is understood by the common man. But film industry is facing a threat of failure, criticism and indifference. Due to their high ambition, the film-makers should take care about their initiative and creative ability which is almost vanished from film industry. If the film-maker fails to convey his message, it will fall flat and become a great failure. The author struggles hard to attract the people to see his film otherwise it will prove to be fruitless. It will become a huge risk in the process of film-making. So they should use their skills for the entertainment of the people instead of concentrating their selfishness.
18. What is the best tribute that
posterity has bestowed on Shakespeare?
Ans. The best tribute that posterity has
bestowed on Shakespeare is that they have always kept him on the esteemed
pedestal in their hearts. They have sought lessons from his literary output as
they consider his dramas and poems as a great literary output. The generations
that came after him have derived inspiration from his work.
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any one of the following groups in
not more than 100 words from Question Nos. 19 to 22: 5x1=5
Answer either Group-A or Group-B
Answer any one of the following
19. The childhood of Manjula was a
neglected one. What can you say about it?
Ans. Undoubtedly, Manjula faced so many
facets in her life. She spent a neglected childhood. She could not get proper
love and care from her parents though she was an active girl. The main reason
of her neglect was that her younger sister Malini was physically challenged
girl though she was more intelligent and beautiful than Manjula, her elder
sister, Manjula shows her indifference towards this neglect yet it comes again
and again on the surface.
Malini had been suffering from a disease called meningomyelocele which is a disease of nervous system. So, she had to remain on her wheel chair because she could not even move. Manjula's parents left her with her grand parents and kept Malini along with them. They lived at Koramangla. Thus, Manjula had to lead a neglected life.
20. How does Prakriti want to call the
Bhikshu at her home?
Ans. When her mother says she will call
the Bhikshu by requesting him, Prakriti says that this is not the proper way to
call him from outside. She says that she will send her call into his soul for
him to hear. She is longing to give herself to him. She feels a pain at her
heart. She wants to know who is going to accept her as a gift and join her in
give and take.
She is a lest doubtful whether he will
mingle himself with her in the same way as the holy Ganga mingles with the
black water of the holy Jamuna. She feels music springing in her innerself. She
thinks that the Bhikshu has left behind him a word of hope. Now she is not
satisfied with anybody else. She thinks that one pitcher of water is not
sufficient to quench the thirst of the whole earth. She is determined to call
the Prakriti even through the magic.
Answer any one of the following questions:
21. What was the daily routine of the
tiger in the forest when he was in the company of the hermit?
Ans. All day along the tiger lay across
the entrance of his shelter while the hermit sat with his eyes shut in prayer.
In the evening he would open his death. eyes and then told the tiger many
things about life, existence and
Thus the tiger felt his understanding to be increasing. He mentioned the word God many times. Now-a-days the keenness of his hunger was also gone. He slipped away into the jungle only when he felt that he was very hungry. He killed only the littlest game which was just sufficient enough to satisfy his hunger of the moment. He suffered hunger for mean days, but he felt nobler for it.
22. How did the tiger follow the hermit
and his directions?
Ans. The hermit entered the headmaster's
room where the tiger was lying. He subdued before the devine presence of the
hermit. The hermit said to the tiger that it was not safe for him to go out
alone. He would take him out. They together would go out. It would be safer. He
must remember that human beings would get into panic when they saw the tiger.
But he must not look at them. He must keep his head bowed and eyes down and make no sort of sound, whatever might be the reaction of the people. They are likely to get excited, but he must notice nothing. He opened the door and asked the tiger to keep close to him. Thus the tiger followed the hermit and his instructions. They passed through the town and many villages on the way. The tiger did not look at anything except the path.