Jac Board Class 11 English Core (Arts) 2023 Answer key

Jac Board Class 11 English Core (Arts) 2023 Answer key

झारखण्ड अधिविद्य परिषद्


Arts (Paper-I)


Time: 1 Hour    Full Marks : 40 


1. Carefully fill in the necessary particulars on the OMR Answer Sheet.

2. Put in your full signature on the OMR Answer Sheet in the space provided.

3. There are 40 Multiple Choice Questions in this Question Booklet.

4. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark. No marks will be deducted for wrong answer.

5. Read the instructions provided on page 2 of the OMR Answer Sheet carefully and do accordingly.

6. Four options ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) are given for each question. You have. to darken duly the most suitable answer on your OMR Answer Sheet. Use only Blue or Black Ball-Point Pen. The use of Pencil is not allowed.

7. Before leaving the examination hall, please hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator. You are allowed to take the question booklet with you.


Adhere to the instructions provided in the OMR Answer Sheet very carefully otherwise your OMR Answer Sheet will be invalid and it will not be evaluated.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Assam in the north-east of India, is called the Tea Garden of the world. Tea grows in bushes on a tea-estate, there are thousands and thousands of tea bushes. They are planted in long lines. Early in the morning companies of women and children, each carrying a basket, go off to the garden to pluck the leaves. Only the youngest and most tender leaves are plucked. The leaves are then weighed and taken off to the factory to be made into tea as you know it.


1. Where is Assam situated ?

(1) In the north-west of India

(2) In the north-east of India

(3) In the south-east of India

(4) In the south-west of India


2. Assam is called the tea garden of the world because

(1) tea is abundantly grown here

(2) of the transportation problem

(3) both (1) and (2)

(4) none of these


3. What kind of tea leaves are plucked?

(1) Black leaves

(2) Dry leaves

(3) Youngest and most tender leaves

(4) Oldest leaves


4. When do women and children go off to the garden to pluck the leaves?

(1) Late in the evening

(2) In the afternoon

(3) Early in the morning

(4) Late night


5. The leaves are weighed and taken off to the

(1) factory

(2) office

(3) godown

(4) cold storage


Read the stanza carefully and answer the questions that follow :

I do not understand this child

Though we have lived together now

In the same house for years. I know

Nothing of him, so try to build.

Up a relationship from how

He was when small. Yet have I killed.


6. Who is the poet of the given stanza ?

(1) Shirley Toulson

(2) Elizabeth Jennings

(3) Ted Hughes

(4) Walt Whitman


7. 'We' here stands for

(1) the poet and his wife

(2) the father and his son

(3) the parents of the poet

(4) the father and the mother


8. The poet wants

(1) to build a relationship with his son

(2) to live alone

(3) to forget his son

(4) to be away from his school


9. Name the poem from which these lines are taken.

(1) Childhood

(2) Father to Son

(3) The Voice of the Rain

(4) None of these


10. What kind of relationship do the father and son have?

(1) Good

(2) Bad

(3) No Relationship

(4) New Relationship


11. The name of Mrs. Pearson's husband is

(1) Harris

(2) Bill

(3) William

(4) George


12. Albert asked Yuri to arrange him a

(1) driving licence

(2) medical certificate

(3) music certificate

(4) training certificate


13. In the poem "The Voice of the Rain", without rain the seeds will remain

(1) not fully developed

(2) hidden

(3) hidden and unborn

(4) it brings it to life


14. Who created the Rock Garden in Chandigarh ?

(1) Nek Chand

(2) Kabir Chand

(3) Nanak Chand

(4) Ashish Chand


15. In Discovering Tut, Howard Carter was a

(1) British Philosopher

(2) British Botanist

(3) British Archaeologist

(4) British Zoologist


16. Who accompanied the narrator in his round the world voyage ?

(1) His wife Mary

(2) His daughter Suzanne

(3) His son Jon

(4) All of them


17. The story, "The Portrait of a Lady" is written by

(1) Khushwant Singh

(2) Nani Palkhivala

(3) Gordon Cook

(4) A. R. Williams


18. Milli sends Taplow to

(1) Confectionery

(2) Bakery

(3) Laundry

(4) Chemist


19. When was Tut's tomb discovered ?

(1) 1922 A.D.

(2) 1910 A.D.

(3) 1900 A.D.

(4) 1905 A.D.


20. Aram and Mourad belonged to which tribe?

(1) Harghlanian

(2) Goralanian

(3) Garoghlanian

(4) Ghiralinian


21. What was Joe Morgan's wife's name?

(1) Susan

(2) Doris

(3) Cyril

(4) Pearson


22. Who was Einstein's History Teacher?

(1) Mr. Patrick

(2) Mr. Yuri

(3) Mr. Braun

(4) Mrs. Pearson


23. Shahid was fond of the music of

(1) Tansen

(2) Jahanara

(3) Begum Rushnara

(4) All of them


24. Mrs. Fitzgerald suggested exchanging of

(1) Dresses

(2) Houses

(3) Personalities

(4) Books


25. Where one can find real childhood?

(1) In an infant

(2) In the face of infant

(3) In the behaviour of infant

(4) None of these


26. "I give back life to my own origin"- Who is the speaker?

(1) The Earth

(2) The Poet

(3) The Rain

(4) The Shower


27. The silk road referred to the long trail that led from Europe to

(1) China

(2) Korea

(3) Japan

(4) Nepal


28. Who asked Taplow to say a joke?

(1) Frank

(2) Millie

(3) Mr. Crocker

(4) None of them


29. Who did appear like the Winter landscape in the mountains'?

(1) Narrator

(2) Narrator's grandmother

(3) Narrator's mother

(4) Narrator's father


30. The narrator, Nick Middleton met Norbu in small and dark cafe in

(1) Ravu

(2) Darchen

(3) Hor

(4) Lhasa


31. The purpose of Invitation is to

(1) invite

(2) scold

(3) praise

(4) play


32. A formal letter starts with

(1) Date

(2) Sender's Address

(3) Receiver's Address

(4) Subject


33. Where is date placed in Letter to the Editor?

(1) Before sender's Address

(2) Before Receivers Address

(3) At the end

(4) After salutation


34. While writing notes, the title should be

(1) in a sentence

(2) of one word

(3) a phrase

(4) none of these


35. A business letter requires ............. with the name and designation.

(1) Mini signature

(2) Long signature

(3) Full signature

(4) None of these


36. The passive voice of "I called him" is

(1) He was called by me

(2) He is called by me

(3) He was called to me

(4) He has been called by me


37. Choose the grammatically correct sentence:

(1) A car run over the dog

(2) A car ran on the dog

(3) A car ran over the dog

(4) A car ran in the dog


38. Paritosh is ............ honourable man(Determiner).

(1) a

(2) an

(3) the

(4) none of these


39. "I am knowing you", choose the correct one from the following:

(1) I knowing you

(2) I are knowing you

(3) I is knowing you

(4) I know you


40. Choose the grammatically correct sentence for the given jumbled words:

Anita / crow/ a seen / never / has

(1) Crow seen a Anita never has

(2) A Anita never has seen crow

(3) Anita has never seen a crow

(4) Never has a crow seen Anita

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