12th English Core Flamingo Poetry Chapter-3 KEEPING QUIET

12th English Core Flamingo Poetry Chapter-3 KEEPING QUIET

 12th English Core Flamingo Poetry Chapter-3 KEEPING QUIET

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Core

Flamingo Poetry Chapter-3 KEEPING QUIET


Long answer type questions:-

1. What will counting up to twelve and keeping still help us achieve?

Ans- The poet requests us counting up to twelve and keeping Still. Keeping Steel for this brief interval of time gives us an immense pleasure to introspect and review the course of action. Most of the ills and troubles of the world are caused because of our rush and hurry. Keeping steel gives us the necessary peace and quite.

2. Do you think the poet advocates total inactivity and death?

Ans- No, the poet does not advocate total inactivity or death. He makes it very clear that stillness should not be con- fused with total inactivity and death. Total inactivity brings death but the poet has no association with death'. He said we should not focus on only one thing keeping our lives moving .He should learn to give us rest. For once doing nothing can be good for us. when we are threaten- ing ourselves with death then a long silence can do us good.

3. What is the sadness that the poet refers to in the poem?

Ans- Men sadness is formed out of his own actions, thoughts and thinking. It is quite ironical that man who understand so much but fails to understand and his own action. Rash action prove itself harmful and disasters. Men is the creator of all disaster. He is always threatening him- self with death because of his thoughts and actions. These are the sadness that the poet refers in the poem.

4. What symbol from nature does the poet invoke to say that there can be life under apparent stillness?

Ans- The poet wants to prove that there can be life under ap- parent quietness. The poet does not want us to confuse 'stillness' with total inactivity the earth never attains' total inactivity. The poet invokes the earth as a living symbol to prove his point "when everything seems dead... later- proves to be alive. Natures remains at work even under apparent stillness and it keeps the earth alive.


1. Why does Pablo Neruda urge us to keep still?

Ans- Man's action, his rush and hurry have already caused much chaos and trouble in the world. He urges us to keep still to enjoy a few moments of peace, rest and tranquillity. Sometimes keeping stills gives us the much needed preventive relief.

2. Why should not we speak in any language and not move our arms so much?

Ans- People of this world busy in unnecessary debates and disputes. The poet request them to stop speaking in any language. They should speak through their hearts. Men have moved their arms only to harms others. Therefore they should not move their arms so much and not to speak in any language. That would be an exotic mo- ment.

3. Why would it be an exotic movement?

Ans- When there will be no hurry, no sound of machines. It would be an enticing and exotic moment.It will be a sudden and familiar and unusual moment that one can enjoy together.

4. How might a huge silence interrupt the sadness of man?

Ans- Men are never sure of their actions and never under- stand themselves. They face one after another tragedy. Due to their own actions they are always threatening themselves with death. This realisations makes them. helpless and sad. Only a long silence can interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves.


1) The poet uses conventional style and personal pronouns as 'you', ' we 'and 'I' because

a) He wants to be intimate with mankind

b) He tries to read out to the readers

c) He wants to establish contact easily

d) Third person is ineffective

2) The last line of the poem is

a) Life is what it is about

b) I want no truck with death

c) A letter proves to be alive

d) And you keep quiet and I will go

3) Man needs to learn a lesson from

a) Moon

b) Stars

c) Earth

d) Sun

4) According to the poet wars that are fought have no

a) Soldiers

b) Weapons

c) Fighter planes

d) Survivors

5) 'Cold sea' is a poetic device

a) Personification

b) Transferred epithet

c) Metaphor

d) Alliteration

6) "Without rush, without engines'refers to

a) No noise

b) No hurry to go to the office

c) No travelling

d) No holidaying

7) The poet wants the entire humanity to

a) Keep talking

b) Keep running

c) Keep laughing

d) Keep still

8) 'Have no truck with death' means

a) Will not die of the truck accident

b) Remove poverty and illiteracy

c) Have no association or deal with death

d) Will not drive a truck

9) The poet advocates the balance of nature to be

a) Maintained

b) Destroyed

c) Temporarily disturbed

d) Ignored

10) What does man threaten himself with?

a) Death

b) Birth

c) Robbery

d) Suicide

11) The types of wars the poet talks about are

a) Green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire

b) Verbal wars

c) Technological warfare

d) Nuclear wars

12) What kind of a moment would it be when everyone is silent?

a) Terrible

b) Painful

c) Exotic

d) Unforgettable

13) What can human beings learn from nature

a) Beauty

b) Keeping Quiet

c) To be happy

d) Working with silence

14) What symbol from nature the poet uses to prove that keeping quiet is not total inactivity?

a) Sun

b) Soul

c) Earth

d) Nature and earth

15) Why is the poet asking everyone not to speak any language

a) To avoid noise

b) To avoid loud voices

c) To avoid people

d) To avoid conflicts and misunderstandings

JCERT/JAC Hindi Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)


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