Jac Board Class 12 English Core (Arts) 2023 Answer key

Jac Board Class 12 English Core (Arts) 2023 Answer key
Jac Board Class 12 English Core (Arts) 2023 Answer key





General Instructions

This Question booklet has two Parts Part-A and Part-B. Part-A is of MCQ Type having 40 marks which are to be an- swered on the OMR Answer sheet which will be provided sep- arately. Part-A has to answered first from 2.00 pm. to 3.35 pm and the OMR Answer Sheet has to be handed over to the In- vigilator by 3.35 p.m. Part-B is of Subjective Type having 40 marks which are to be answered in the Answer book provid- ed separately Part-B has to be answered from 3.40 p.m. to 5.20 p.m.Candidates can take away the Question Booklet after completion of the Examination.

1. Notices in schools and colleges contain certain announcements for

(1) Principal

(2) Headmaster

(3) Students

(4) Peon

2. Notice issued by government generally appears in

(1) Newspapers

(2) Books

(3) School Notice boards

(4) Court Notice boards

3. Letters to the editor are written for

(1) Newspaper

(2) School

(3) Colleges

(4) Club

4. A formal letter starts with

(1) Date

(2) Sender's address

(3) Receiver's address

(4) Subject

5. We should not include -------------- in report writing.

(1) Personal comments

(2) Data collected

(3) Information by witness

(4) None of these

6. Which one is a component of article writing?

(1) Greeting the audience

(2) Salutation

(3) Heading/ title

(4) Thanking the audience

(Q. No s. 7 to 9) Read the given extract and answer the questions:

Fisherman in the cold sea

Would not harm whales

And the man gathering salt

Would look at his hurt hands.

7. Who is the poet of the given extract (poem) ?

(1) Pablo Neruda

(2) Stephen Spender

(3) Kamala Das

(4) Robert Frost

8. What does the poet expect the Fishermen to do?

(1) Not to harm the whales

(2) Not to go in the sea

(3) To be still

(4) To catch small fishes

9. The man gathering salt would look at his

(1) Hurt legs

(2) Hurt hands

(3) Beautiful hands

(4) None of these

10. The person in the car, beside the poetess was

(1) Her aunt

(2) Her niece

(3) Her uncle

(4) Her mother

11. What kind of look do the faces and hair of the children give?

(1) Rich and beautiful faces

(2) Bright, neat faces.

(3) Healthy appearances

(4) Pale faces, scattered and undone hair

12. What makes for itself a cooling covert against the hot season?

(1) The sheep

(2) The daffodils

(3) The musk roses

(4) The clear rills

13. Why was roadside stand built?

(1) So that people can wait there

(2) To make it a bus stop

(3) To earn money

(4) To help the travellers

14. What is Aunt Jennifer doing with the wool ?

(1) She is embroidering a wall panel

(2) She is knitting a scarf

(3) She is making a ball of wool

(4) She is knitting a sweater

15. For how many years did M. Hamel serve the school?

(1) 20 years

(2) 35 years

(3) 30 years

(4) 40 years

16. What did Hamel say about French language in "The Last Lesson"?

(1) Most beautiful language

(2) Clearest language

(3) logical language

(4) All

17. Where has Saheb and his family come from?

(1) Dhaka

(2) Delhi

(3) Lahore

(4) Nepal

18. Which city is famous for glass bangles?

(1) Patna

(2) Jaipur

(3) Firozabad

(4) Ranchi

19. What does Mukesh want to become?

(1) Doctor

(2) Actor

(3) Teacher

(4) Motor mechanic

20. According to the author what was garbage for the children?

(1) Means of entertainment

(2) Means of timepass

(3) Means of playing

(4) A wonder

21. For how many years had the author taught in high school in Yakima ?

(1) 2 years

(2) 4 years

(3) 3 years

(4) 5 years

22. In the peddler's view, what does the world look like?

(1) A Rat

(2) A Jungle

(3) A Jigsaw

(4) A Rattrap

23. How many delegates participated in the December 1916 Annual Convention of the Indian National Congress held at Lucknow ?

(1) 2,101 delegates

(2) 2,301 delegates

(3) 2,401 delegates

(4) 2,501 delegates

24. Which game did the peddler and the old man play?

(1) Chess

(2) Mjolis

(3) Ludo

(4) Carom

25. Pancake was the brand name of the

(1) Cake

(2) Make-up material

(3) Crockery

(4) Baking powder

26. Who has written the novel, "The Name of The Rose"?

(1) Christopher

(2) Mukund

(3) Umberto Eco

(4) Lewis Caroll

27. Which game are Sophie and her family fans of ?

(1) Cricket

(2) Badminton

(3) Volleyball

(4) Football

28. Which country did Danny play for?

(1) Netherland

(2) New Zealand

(3) Switzerland

(4) Ireland

29. Who is the Tiger King?

(1) The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram

(2) The Maharaja of Shantipuram

(3) The Maharaja of Shaktipuram

(4) None of these

30. In which hour was the prince of The Tiger King born?

(1) In the hour of the Bull

(2) In the hour of the Tiger

(3) In the hour of the Lion

(4) In the hour of the Horse

31. Who had sent the First Day Cover?

(1) Charley's father

(2) Charley's uncle

(3) Sam's father

(4) Sam

32. Who was Sam in the Third Level?

(1) A Doctor

(2) A Psychiatrist and a friend of Charley

(3) A Teacher

(4) None of these

33. How many time zones did Tishani Doshi cross?

(1) Two

(2) Four

(3) Eight

(4) Nine

34. Which programme was headed by Canadian Geoff Green ?

(1) Students on ice

(2) Students on sea

(3) Celebrities on ice

(4) Celebrities on sea

35. Who was Dr. Sadao ?

(1) A Japanese doctor

(2) An American doctor

(3) A German doctor

(4) An Indian doctor

36. To whom did Roger Skunk go with his problem?

(1) Wise old owl

(2) Wizard

(3) Roger Squirrel

(4) Roger Chipmunk

37. Where did Roger Skunk find the rest 3 pennies?

(1) From a magic pond

(2) From a magic river

(3) From a magic tree

(4) From a magic well

38. How old is Derry?

(1) 11 years

(2) 12 years

(3) 13 years

(4) 14 years

39. What did Mr. Lamb make of apples?

(1) Pickles

(2) Jam

(3) Jelly

(4) Roasted apples

40. Who was Annan?

(1) Bama's friend

(2) Bama's father

(3) Bama's uncle

(4) Bama's elder brother



1. Examinees are required to answer in their own words as far as practicable.

2. Total Numer of question is 18

3. Section-A consists of 7 questions (Q. Nos. 1-7). Q. Nos. 1-7 are based on a passage. Answer any 5 of these question in maximum 30 words each. Each question carries 2 marks. Question Numbers 8 & 9 are long answert type. Q. No. 8 carries 5 marks, answer this question in maximum 100 words. Q. No. 9 carries 3 marks, answer this question in maximum 50 Words.



(Q. Nos. 1 to 7) Read the passage carefully and answer any five questions in not more than 30 words each: 2x5=10

Birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their bodies are covered with feathers that help to keep them warm and dry. Though all birds have wings, some, like the penguin and ostrich cannot fly) The body of the birds are designed to be as light as possible, like hollow bones and a streamlined body, which help them in flying. Birds have various kinds of beaks, feet and claws according to their diet and way of life. Birds have no teeth and their beaks are made of horn.

The heron has a long slender beak for spearing fish, while a hawk has a sharp curved beak for tearing meat. A parrot has a very strong beak for cracking nuts.

When a bird flaps its wings, its feathers push the air back and downwards, so that the birds move forward and up. Together with the tail, the wings help the bird to steer, brake and land.

Birds differ enormously in colour, size and shape. The largest bird, the ostrich, which can grow up to two and half metres tall, cannot fly but can run very fast. The smallest bird is the humming bird which hovers in midair and even flies backwards, beating its wings at great speed. Birds eat different types of food. For example, quails eat grass and parrots eat fruits and nuts.

Because of only waterproof feathers, some birds can swim too. These birds eat food like fish, snails and water plants. Some birds like the heron cannot swim, but live on the edge of water. Some birds like the woodpeckers and bee-eaters eat insects. Some large birds like the eagle, kill the prey with their strong beak and claws. Their eyesight is very good which enables them to see any small movement on the ground. Thus, they can identify their prey from a long distance.

1. What kind of feet and claws do the birds have?

Ans- Birds have feet & claws according to their diet & their way of life.

2. How does a bird move forward and upwards?

Ans- When a bird flaps its wings, its feathers push the air back and downwards, so that the birds move forward and up.

3. What is said about the largest bird ?

Ans- Ostrich is said to be the largest bird.

4. What is rare about the way a humming bird flies?

Ans- The humming bird can hovers in midair and even flies backwards, beating its wings at great speed.

5. How is the body of a bird designed?

Ans- The body of the bird is designed to be as light as possible like hollow bones and streamlined body.

6. How can the large birds like eagles identify their prey from a long distance?

Ans- Eagles eyesight is very good which enables them to see any small movement on the ground. Thus, they can identify their prey from a long distance.

7. Find the word/phrase in the passage which means the same as 'made'.

Ans- 'made' - designed

Answer the following question nos. 8 and 9:

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion only if we know how to respond to it. Uncontrolled anger can often harm us directly or indirectly whether we realise or not. Before we learn to address the issue, let us revisit the concept of anger. Anger is nothing but absence of peace with oneself, people or situations around us. We express it either by being assertive or aggressive.

Let us all become the managers of our own anger. When angry take a few moments to calm down (take five deep breaths, count up to ten, drink water, change your place) before responding. More often than not we do not have control over the situations that distress us. Getting physically active reduces stress. Funny dances, clapping, thumping your feet, a walk, making funny faces at the mirror, etc., go a long way in helping us let go of the anger or the frustration inside us. Once we have our feelings under control, go through all the aspects of the situation and try to see the same situation from different perspectives. If it is a problem try to equip yourself with a few solutions before entering the same situation. Avoid holding a grudge with people and learn when to seek help from others. Realising your own shortcomings can become one of the greatest strengths of character over the years to come.

We can never control circumstances, people or situations as they are constantly changing. The only


thing we can control is our response. So we have to increase our capacity to tolerate, ability to understand, and learn to nurture love for others.

8. On the basis of your reading of the above passage make note in points only using abbreviations wherever necessary. 5



1. Anger is a

1.1 normal emotion

1.2 healthy emotion

2. Uncontrolled anger can

2.1 harm us directly

2.2 harm us indirectly

3. Concept of anger

3.1 absence of peace with oneself people or situation around us

3.2 it is being expressed by assertive

4. We can mgmt our anger by

4.1 take five deep breaths

4.2 count up to ten

4.3 drink water

4.4 change your place

5. Physically active reduce stress by-

5.1 funny dances

5.2 clapping

5.3. thump your feet

5.4. a walk

5.5. making funny faces at the mirror

6. The thing we can control

6.1. our response

6.2. increase our cap to tol, ability to understand

6.3. learn to nurture love for others

Key to Abbreviations :-


Mgmt- Manage


tol- tolerate

9. Write a summary of the passage in about 40-50 words. 3


Anger is a normal and healthy emotion. Uncontrolled anger can often harm us directly or indirectly. Anger is nothing it is absence of peace with oneself, people or situations around us.We can manage our anger by doing funny dances, clapping thumping your feet, a walk,making funny faces at the mirror etc. We can never control circumstances, people or station but the only thing we control is our response.


Answer the following in not more than 50 words. 3x1

10. You are Narayan/Namrata, the Cultural Secretary of Marwari High School, Ranchi. Write a suitable notice for your school board requesting names of the students for participation in a Cultural Programme to be organised by your school.




7th March 2023


The Cultural Society is going to organise a grand Cultural Programme on 20th March, 2023. The Society invites the names of the desirous students latest by 10th of March. Entries will be for: Group Songs, One Act Play, Poetic Recitation and Folk Dances. Selections will be done purely on merit.

Venue: School Auditorium

Time: 6 p.m.


Cultural Secretary


You are Sonam/Suman, a student of class 12. Yesterday, during lunch break you misplaced your notebook. You want to get it back. Write a notice for the school notice board.




20 June 2023


This is to inform all students and staffs that there is misplaced a notebook on chemistry lectures in the classroom during the lunch break on 19 June 2023. If anyone finds it please return the undersigned.



Class - 12

Answer any two of the following in not more than 100 words each from Question Nos. 11 to 13 : 5x2=10

11. World Environment Day was celebrated in your school on 5th June. Write a report to be published in your school magazine. You are Shyam/Shyamali of class XII.



Dumka. 10th June, 2023. (Shyam/Shyamali)

St. Annes Public School, Dumka was in the news again. It celebrated the World Environment Day on the 5th June in a style. The School Principal, Vice Principal, Trustees, Staff Members and Students were present for the celebration. The main function was held in the school auditorium. Dr. Deepak Dubey, the noted environmentalist was the chief-guest. He read a scholarly paper on 'Our Beautiful Planet'. He spoke against unplanned urbanisation, industrialization, pollution of rivers, waterways, and the air. The Principal praised the good work done by the N.S.S. volunteers in the field. The star attraction of the day was an exhibition arranged on the theme "Keep the Environment Clean".

12. Write a letter to the Editor of 'The Telegraph', Ranchi, complaining about the poor construction of roads. Sign as Kavita/Kirti of HouseNo. 45, Anand Vihar, Ranchi.


House no 45,

Anand Vihar,


15th March, 2023


The Editor

The Telegraph, Ranchi

Sub: Regarding poor construction of roads Respected Sir,

I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority regarding the poor construction of the roads in our locality through the column of your esteemed daily.

In our locality, the roads are here in terrible conditions, there are many potholes on the roads. The vehicles have to halt after some seconds to adjust with the road. So, people cannot drive their vehicles smoothly which causes several accidents. During rainy season, this situation even get worst as people cannot find safe way to move ahead while driving and their vehicles get stuck in these potholes.

There, are some roads need to be re-constructed and some need to be repaired immediately. Therefore, as a resident of our locality, I request the authority to take actions as soon as possible. So that, people do not have to face problems.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully


13. Write an article for a newspaper on "The International Yoga Day" You are Mohan/Menaka.



-By Mohan/Menaka

Ans- The world observes International Day of Yoga on 21st June every year to aware people about yoga and to inspire them to practice it regularly. Yoga is an ancient Indian exercise that improves physical, mental and spiritual health. Yoga is belived to find its roots in the Indian mythological era.

The breakthrough came when the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi made a proposal to the United Nations in September 2014, that an International Day of Yoga is observed globally. Following the proposal, the UN proclaimed in December 2014 that the International Day of Yoga is observed every year on 21st June. The resolution was supported by 177 member nations.

Yoga can help improve flexibility, strength, and balance. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety. Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means "to yoke" or "to unite." Yoga is all about uniting the body, mind, and spirit. There are many benefits of yoga, including improved flexibility, increased strength and stamina, improved breathing, and reduced stress. Yoga can also help improve your concentration and focus.

Practicing yoga is very rewarding and has the potential of turning your life upside down, both physically as well as spiritually. It is being practiced in India for thousands of years and has withstood the test of times saving millions from sickness and providing them health and happiness.


Answer any three of the following in not more than 35 words from Question Nos. 14 to 18 : 3x3=9

14. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for

Ans- school that day? Franz was expected to be prepared with the rules on 'Participles' that day. His teacher M. Hamel had said that he would question the children on participles.

15. What was on sale on the roadside stand?

Ans- The roadside stand offered some of the ordinary things of daily use for sale. They included wild berries. They were sold in wooden quarts, the quarter of a gallon. Crook-necked gourds with silvery hard lumps were also offered for sale at the roadside stand. But the city fock did not stop to purchase these items.

16. Who was Raj Kumar Shukla ? Why is he described as being resolute ?

Ans- Rajkumar Shukla was a poor sharecropper from Champaran. He is described as being 'resolute' because even after being told about the prior engagements of Gandhi at Cawnpore and other parts across the county, he does not quit. He continues to accompany Gandhi everywhere.

17. Who is Mr. Lamb? Why does he have a tin leg?

Ans- Mr Lamb is an old man. He lives in a big house and has a beautiful garden of his own. He has a tin leg because one of his leg had been blown off in the war.

18. How much money did the old Crofter has in his pouch? How did he earn that?

Ans- The old Crofter had thirty kronor in his pouch. He had a cow who could give milk for creamery everyday. By selling this milk, he earned thirty kronor.

JCERT/JAC Hindi Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)


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