12th English Elective Poetry 2. Poems by Milton - John Milton

12th English Elective Poetry 2. Poems by Milton - John Milton

 12th English Elective Poetry 2. Poems by Milton - John Milton

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

2. Poems by Milton - John Milton

On Time

Q1. Why has the poet pitted the flight of Time against the 'lazy leaden-stepping hours' and 'the heavy Plummets pace"?

Ans- In the poem, Milton states that humans can triumph over the destructive power of Time by attaining eternal life in heaven. So 'Time' is personified to be "envious" of humans. He asks 'Time to flee' since it will also face its own death while humans gain eternal bliss. The "lazy leaden-stepping hours" refers to a clock depicting the slow pace of time, measuring hours with "leaden" hands. Time's movement is compared to that of a "plummet" or a pendulum in a clock which moves slowly. Therefore, Time's movement is limited by a clock and bound to end with the end of human life but the human soul can exist eternally.

Q2. What are the things associated with the temporal and what is associated with the eternal?

Ans- In the poem, the things associated with the temporal are the earthly objects and human qualities which are attributed to Time. "Envious", "lazy", "womb"," greedy", vain", "glut", "plummets", "leaden", "hours". and "mortal"," Death"," Chance" are the limitations of a human life seemingly enslaved by Time.

The things associated with the eternal are "Love", "Peace", "Truth", "Joy", "Throne", "soul"," Stars", which are attained in heaven.

Q3. What guides human souls towards divinity? Who is the final winner in the race against Time?

Ans- In this poem John Milton has countered the common conception of Time as moving too fast or too slowly, according to the individual's perception. Time is perceived as an intangible entity which rules the lives of mortals but actually, it is just in the mind of the individual, and cannot be imagined. Time is a recognized force that drives a person's lifespan forward, bringing inevitable change in every passing moment but they should not be affected by its influence. Time's wrath can only affect a person's life as long as he or she is alive, therefore it's power is limited. Milton explains that we must realise that there is only one destination in the race against Time i.e Death. Time devours everything in our lifetime but it too must come to an end like everything else in the universe. Time's power ends when the human soul is released from its earthly abode and is guided by Death, to the realm of the divine, where eternal bliss is waiting. along with the joyful union with the Creator. Humans must, therefore, celebrate every moment of their life because, in the race against "glut" and "greed" of Time, they will be the true winners.

Q4. What is the "Supreme Throne of Him"?

Ans- The "Supreme Throne of Him" is the supreme throne of God or Heaven. In Heaven, there is the reign of love, peace, truth and hope. In the company of God, the soul overcomes death and time. The soul becomes immortal because there, it removes all its physical and temporal existence. It mingles with God and then God and soul become one.

Q5. The poet calls time envious Why?

Ans- The poet thinks that time is envious by nature. By addressing time so, the poet wants to indicate about the time when people are lost in vices like greed, falsehood, envy etc. Through the symbol of envy, the poet indicates that greed, selfishness etc. have filled a major portion of human life. Therefore, he calls the time envious and wants that this time should pass away soon.

Q6. Give the central idea of the poem 'On Time'.

Ans- 'On Time' is a religious poem of John Milton in which he emphasises that man can escape from the ravages of time by attaining peaceful eternal life full of joy. According to the poet, time shapes and influences the entire human life on earth. It is time which is responsible for all the changes in human life and finally after death time loses control over us.

The poet expresses his concern over it and wants that the time of suffering should pass on soon along with all the evils of falsehood and pain. So that eternal life in heaven of truth, peace and love may be enjoyed by every individual. The poet says that when love, peace, hope and truth will reign over the earth, human beings will overcome not only death but time also.


1. Who has written the poem, ' On Time'?

a. William Blake

b. John Donne

c. John Milton

d. William Wordsworth

2. What has been addressed as 'envious' in the poem,'On Time'?

a. Love

b. Time

c. Friendship

d. Behaviour

3. What does the poet want in the poem,'On Time'?

a. Time to fly

b. Time to stand still

c. Time to pass slowly

d. None of these

4. What does the phrase 'lazy leaden-stepping hours' denote time as?

a. Rapid

b. Fast

c. Very slow

d. Neither fast nor slow

5. Which of the following are 'mortal dross' according to the poet?

a. Envy

b. Greed

c. Selfishness

d. All of these

6. Which of the following is not associated with temporal?

a. Envy

b. Greed

c. Peace

d. Selfishness

7. What are the things associated with eternal things?

a. Selfless love

b. peace

c. Truth

d. All of these

8. What guides divinity? the human soul towards

a. Envious time

b. Sincerely good and perfectly divine deeds

c. Greed

d. Selfishness

9. Who is the final winner in the race against time?

a. Humans

b. Stars

c. Mortal Dross

d. All of these

10. Which figure of speech the poet has used in the poem,'On Time'?

a. Simile

b. Alliteration

c. Personification

d. All of these

On Shakespear.*1630

Q1. Why does Milton feel it is not necessary to put up a monument in stone for Shakespeare?

Ans- Milton, in his poem, feels that it is not necessary to put up a monument in stone for Shakespeare because he had become immortalised in the hearts of his readers. He has built a monument for himself through his own works. He has reached the zenith of his literary output which cannot be touched by others. His words flow easily and his readers receive his words as one would receive the words of God. Therefore, his words create an everlasting memory in the minds of his readers.

Q 2. What does the 'weak witness of thy name' refer to?

Ans- "Weak witness" refers to the "pyramids" of stone which are not enough or required to honour the memory of the genius of Shakespeare. He has already built a more impressive and ever-lasting monument through his works (plays and sonnets) which are the witnesses of his memory.Shakespeare's great literary output is for stronger witness to his name and fame which is immortal. Thus, these worldly structures are weak witness in comparison to this immortal literary creation.

Q3. How does Milton describe Shakespeare as the source of inspiration for all succeeding generations of poets?

Ans- Milton describes Shakespeare as the source of inspiration by stating that his words leave an ever-lasting impression on his readers. When one reads or listens his play or sonnet, they are awe-struck, and become spellbound with wonder. He has presented almost all aspects of human emotions in his literary output. The future poets will always learn great lessons from his literary output. His writings are of universal nature, free from the bondages of time and place. His delphic lines will be interpreted in different ways. Thus, he will remain a source of inspiration for all succeeding generations of poets.

Q4. What is the best tribute that posterity has bestowed on Shakespeare?

Ans- The best tribute that posterity has bestowed on Shakespeare is that they have always kept him on the esteemed pedestal in their hearts. They have sought lessons from his literary output as they consider his dramas and poems as a great literary output. The generations that came after him have derived inspiration from his work.

Q5. What words have been used by Milton for monuments?

Ans- The words that have been used for monument are pyramid, piled stones, star-ypointing, sepulchered, tomb.

Q6. Write a summary of the poem 'On Shakespear. 1630' by John Milton.

Ans- 'On Shakespear. 1630' is a famous poem composed by John Milton which describes the inappropriateness of any monument to the life and works of William Shakespeare. In the beginning of the poem, the poet poses question as to why Shakespeare should be remembered through a pyramid-like structure built in his memory.

Milton is of the opinion that physical structures and physical emblems can not draw attention of the people because these structures of appreciation are mortal. With the passage of time these structures may fade away. They are not sufficient enough to make the memory of Shakespeare immortal.

Gradually, the poem reaches the conclusion that the memory of Shakespeare has been conserved in the hearts of his readers. So those who read will be spellbound with wonder. Shakespeare will remain a source of inspiration for all succeeding generations of poets.

Q7. How does Milton take inspiration from Shakespeare's writings?

Ans- Milton expresses his high words for Shakespeare's writing. He considers Shakespeare to be the epitome of virtues. He has put numerous gems in his writing which lead human beings on the path of virtuous life. He is so visionary that no aspect of human emotions could escape from his sight. His literary creation is a monument in itself.

Physical monuments decay with the passage of time but this monument is constructed in the hearts of people so they will remember him with great respect and honour. Milton addresses Shakespeare as "dear son of memory" and "great heir of fame" to express his own feelings as well as of common men. When he thinks about Shakespeare, he is highly influenced by him and aspires to lead a life as Shakespeare has led.

Q8. What do you mean by hallowed relics?

Ans- When holy persons pass away, they leave behind some articles they used in their lifetime like books, walking stick, spectacles, pen, diary etc. The people think that these items may be wanted by the dead person in the life after death so they place these items in their tomb. Thus, these items are considered to be hallowed relics.


1. Who is the poet of the poem 'On Shakespeare'?

a. William Shakespeare

b. William Wordworth

c. John Donne

d. John Milton

2. To whom does the poet pay tribute through the poem' On Shakespeare' ?

a. His beloved

b. Shakespeare

c. John Donne

d. John Keats

3. According to the poet, what is not necessary to build to honour Shakespeare?

a. Monument (Tomb)

b. House

c. Road

d. All of these

4. Whom does the poet call 'the son of memory' and 'heir of fame'?

a. Shakespeare

b. William Wordworth

c. William Blake

d. John Keats

5. What does the 'weak witness of thy name' refer to?

a. Tomb

b. Hallow'd reliques

c. star-ypointing pyramid

d. Both a and c

6. According to Milton, Shakespeare's ----- are his true Monuments.

a. Houses

b. Writings

c. Tombs

d. Children

7. The phrase 'Thy easie numbers flow' of the poem 'On Shakespeare' refers to large numbers of-

a. Shakespeare's fans

b. Shakespeare's theatres

c. Shakespeare's writings

d. Shakespeare's houses

8. Shakespeare has written -------- sonnets/poems.

a. 37

b. 24

c. 126

d. 154

9. The poem,'On Shakespeare' was written by Milton after the ------ of Shakespeare.

a. Marriage

b. Death

c. Birth

d. First Marriage Anniversary

10. The poem,'On Shakespeare' is ------- with couplets rhyme.

a. Lyric

b. Monologue

c. Ballad

d. Ode

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


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Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

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