Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 16.11.23

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 16.11.23

 Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 16.11.23

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद, राँची

(Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training. Ranchi)





TIME- 90 min.


General Instructions: -

1) All questions are Compulsory.

2) This question paper consists of 16 questions.

3) Marks Scheme as follows :-

MCQs (10x2 = 20)                Total 20 Marks

Very Short Type (2x2=4)     Total 4 Marks

Short Type (2x3=6)              Total 6 Marks

Long Type (2x5=10)             Total 10 Marks

4) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.


1.Who is the narrator of the story" The Adventure of three Gorridebs"

a) Arthur Canon Doyle

b) John Garrideb

c) Dr. Watson

d) Sherlock Holmes

2. Who are the detectives in 'The Adventure of the three Garridebs

a) The three Garridebs

b) Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

c) John and Nathan Garrideb

d) Sir Arther Canon Doyle and Sherlock Holmes

3. Who was Waldron in the story?

a) Partner of Sherlock Holmes

b) previous tenants of the house

c) Narrator of the story

d) none of the above

4. In the poem, the black man is looking for.

a) A rented garden

b) A rented room

c) A rented shop

d) A rented building

5. Who is the poet of the poem 'Telephone Conversation'?

a) Ted Hughes

b) John Keats

c) Wole soyinka

d) Philip larkin

6. Identify and explain the figure of speech in the following line of the poem Like plain or milk chocolate ?

a) Imagery

b) simile

c) personification

d) Hyperbole

7.What does the sea give to the moon?

a) Her water

b) Her moon

c) Her bosom

d) Her light

8.What are the gods mentioned in the poem 'the world is too much with

a) Proteus and Triton

b) Shiva and Krishna

c) Aphrodite and Hestia

d) Zeus and Athena

9.What has caused the marginalization of the tribes.

a) The forces of urbanization

b) print culture

c) commerce

d) all of the above

10.What is the meaning of the word 'solitary.'

a) Happy

b) isolated

c) mixed with

d) salty

SECTION B very short answer question (2x 2= 4)

11.State the central issue in the poem Telephone Conversation'

Ans. The poem is a scathing comment on the prevailing issues of racism and racist prejudices. Soyinka, through his poem, depicts a conversation between a white land-lady and a prospective black tenant and sheds a light on the prevailing racial discrimination and hatred in the society at large.

12. Which tribes are specifically mentioned in the Essay write about it.

Ans. Some of the common characteristics shared by tribal communities all over the world are identified by the essayist. They live in organically unified and cohesive groups. They show less interest in gathering wealth or using labour to accumulate capital and interest. They accept a view where human beings, God and nature are linked and trust in the ability of humans to interpret and spell truth. Tribals live by intuition rather than reason, the space around them is considered sacred rather than secular, and their time sense is considered as personal rather than objective.

SECTION C- short answer question (2 x 3 =6)

13.What according to the poet are human beings out of tune means in the poem 'The world is too much with us.

Ans. This relatively simple poem angrily states that human beings are too preoccupied with the material ("The world...getting and spending") and have lost touch with the spiritual and with nature.

14. Why didn't John Garrideb like the idea of including Holmes in the hunt for the third Garrideb?

Ans. John Garrideb was afraid that Sherlock Holmes and his partner Watson will suspect his motives and will jeopardise his plan. Involving a detective in a plan that had a fake story, other that the fact that Garrideb, alias Killer Evans, who had a criminal background was not safe.

SECTION D -long answer question (2 x 5 = 10)

15. Identify the common characteristics shared by the tribal communities all over the world.

Ans. The essayist identifies some common characteristics shared by tribal communities all over the world. The tribals live in groups that are cohesive and organically unified. They show very little interest in accumulating wealth or in using labour as a device to gather interest and capital. The tribals accept a world view in which nature, human beings and God are intimately linked and they believe in the human ability to spell and interpret truth. They live more by intuition than reason, they consider the space around them more sacred than secular, and their sense of time is personal rather than objective.

16. Why do you think that poet has chosen the title Telephone Conversation ? If you were to suggest another title for the poem. what would it be?

Ans. However, the poet has chosen a very appropriate title for the poem - 'Telephonic Conversation'. It refers very aptly to the shallow racism being projected by the conversation between the landlady who is 'white' and the poet who is 'dark'.

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