Class 12th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 16.11.2023

Class 12th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 16.11.2023

 Class 12th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 16.11.2023

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद, राँची

(Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training. Ranchi)





Class- 12th

Time Allowed - 90 min.

Maximum Marks-40

General Instruction :-

1) All questions are Compulsory.

2) This question paper consists of 16 questions.

3) Marks Scheme as follows :-

MCQs (10x2 = 20)                Total 20 Marks

Very Short Type (2x2=4)     Total 4 Marks

Short Type (2x3=6)              Total 6 Marks

Long Type (2x5=10)             Total 10 Marks

4) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.


1. Who used to make rattraps?

a) Crofter

b) Edia

c) Ironmaster

d) Peddler

2. When does the ironmaster realize his mistake ?

a) When the peddler speaks

b) When he sees an old photograph

c) When the peddler changes clothes and cleans his face

d) All of these

3. Where has the story 'The Rattrap' been set up ?

a) Jewellery shop

b) Forest of Sweden

c) Roads of Sweden

d) Mines of Sweden

4. What does the metaphor Rattrap in the lesson signify ?

a) Humans

b) Thieves

c) Attractions

d) Human greed and distraction

5. Who were ready to follow Gandhi into jail ?

a) Peasants

b) Lawyers

c) Shukla

d) J.B Kripalani

6. Where was Champaran?

a) In Lucknow

b) In Delhi

c) In Uttar Pradesh

d) A district of Bihar in British India

7. What's the meaning of the word 'advocates of homes rule '?

a) Lawyers of own country

b) One who defends his country

c) Advocates who break the colonial rule

d) None of the above

8. The chief concern for Sadao's father was

a) Sadao's wedding

b) Sadao's education

c) Sadao's migration

d) Sadao's treatment

9. who was Dr. Sadao ?

a) An Iranian doctor

b) An American doctor

c) A Japanese doctor

d) None

10. Why did Dr. Sadao help an enemy soldier ?

a) Because he was an ethical and sincere doctor

b) Because he was his friend

c) Because he knew him

d) None

SECTION B Very short answer question (2x2 =4)

11.Who was Dr. Sadao ? Where was his house ?

Ans. Dr. Sadao Hoki was a famous and established Japanese doctor. His house was built on a spot on the Japanese coast

12. what did the peddler's sell and how did he make the things?

Ans. The peddler used to sell small rattraps .They were made of iron wires .He got the materials by begging in the stores or at the big farms.

SECTION C-short answer question (2 x 3 = 6)

13. What did Gandhi do to remove the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages?

Ans. For Gandhi the cultural and social backwardness in the Champaran villages was a curse. He wanted to do something about it immediately. Volunteers came from many parts of India .Primary schools were opened in six villages. Kasturibai taught them about cleanliness and sanitation. Gandhi got a doctor to volunteer his service for six months.

14. What made the peddler think that he had indeed fallen into rattrap ?

Ans. The peddler betrayed the confidence reposed in him by the crofter. He considers the world is nothing but a big rattrap which sets baits for people. Now the peddler himself was tempted to touch the bait and he was trapped in it. he think so when he could not get out of the woods and the iron master was inviting to his house. In this way, he himself fallen into rattrap.

SECTION D - long answer question (2 x 5 = 10)

15. Write a character -sketch of Dr. Sadao as depicted in your lesson,'The Enemy'.

Ans. Dr. sadao Hoki was the only son of his father. His education was his father's only concern for this reason he had been send to America at the age of 22 to study surgery and medicine. He married to Hana in America when he became sure she was Japanese. This shows Sadao's love for Japan.

One evening, he and Hana found the Prisoner of War wounded and bleeding. Sodao was In dilemma. The wounded man was an American Japan was at war with America. If he sheltered a white man he could be arrested .If he handed him over the police the wounded soldier would certainly die

Dr Sadao and his obedient wife face the displeasure of their servant yumi did not want to wash a white man. The old gardener left them. Dr sadao heard the call of his profession only .Dr. Sadao's heart overflowed with human kindness. He did not want Tom to be arrested so he made elaborate arrangement for his escape. He did all these sacrifices putting himself and his wife at maximum risk.

16. Grow more trees to reduce pollution.' write an article in 100-200 words on the topic given above for your school magazine.


By Babli

Trees and plants are very important for the survival of mankind. The importance of planting trees has been emphasized time to time. Because trees give numerous benefits to everyone. They make the world better to live in. They exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide and also they absorb harmful gases and give us fresh air to breathe.

Trees also build a sheet to protect us from the harmful ultraviolet rays. Not only this, they serve as a habitat for thousands of speices of animals, birds and insects. Trees are the lungs of the world. They provide us with shade and also save us from soil erosion, floods and droughts. However, due to cutting down of trees, human beings are disturbing the ecological balance. And because of this, many species of plants, birds and animals have become extinct.

We should grow more and more trees and should practice afforestation because it is only way by which we can protect our mother earth.


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