Class 12th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.23

Class 12th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.23

Class 12th Sanskrit PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 14.12.23

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training, Ranchi




TIME- 90 min.


General Instructions: -

1. All questions are compulsory

2. The total no of question is 16

3. 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer question.

4. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5. Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct options (a, b, c, d) and write down in the answers sheet.

6. Write the answers to very short answer questions 11 to 12; short answer questions 13 to 14 and long answer questions 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.

7. No students shall be allowed to leave the examination before the completion of the exam.

SECTION-A (2×10= 20)

Objective Questions

1. What is Tao Ying's profession?

(a) Nurse

(b) Beautician

(c) Baker

(d) Dress designer

2. As per the story, who are the best imitators in the world?

(a) Monkey

(b) Children

(c) Parrot

(d) None

3. What was the standard height mentioned for kids in the fees and at the temple?

(a) Below 115 cm

(b) Below 110 cm

(c) Below 111 cm

(d) Below 116 cm

4. According to the poem what happens after a riot rets over?

(a) A peace march

(b) Different communities settle down peacefully

(c) A peace-march like a time bomb

(d) Situation improve

5. What kind of society is described in the poem?

(a) Society in which people quarrel on irrelevant matter

(b) Society which has become burden on people, due to its rules.

(c) A good society in which live in harmony with each other

(d) Both (a) and (b)

6. Who are the donors of the clock towers?

(a) Religious people

(b) Politicians

(c) Both

(d) No body

7. As per the lesson, in Mahabharata there was a tussle between ………….. and ………….

(a) Krishna, Arjuna

(b) Arjuna, Draupadi

(c) Bhisma, Arjuna

(d) Karn, Arjuna

8. What was Krishna's emphasis on?

(a) Not doing one's duty

(b) Thinking about the consequences always

(c) Doing one's duty without thinking about the consequences

(d) None of these

9. Who translated the "Gita" into English?

(a) Max Mullar

(b) Amartya Sen

(c) TS Eliot

(d) Christopher Isherwood

10. What is the meaning of the term 'elalitarianism'?

(a) The belief that people deserve right based on the castes.

(b) The belief that people deserve equal rights irrespective of their castes

(c) The belief that only males deserve all the rights.

(d) The belief that only females deserve all the rights.

SECTION-B (2 x 2 = 4)

(Very short answer type question)

11. "In front of the child she would never lie" What does this statement say about Tao Ying's character.

Ans. It exhibits that she was suffering from duality in dealing with her all affairs. Perhaps, she considers her son a lamb like pet animal. She wants to see an ideal development of her son's personality but under cover and not under the sun at its prime. She is a swindler in reality.

12. Who was Gargi?

Ans. Gargi was an intellectual and pedagogue of her time, late during Videha or Janaka's regime in Banaras. "Briheadaranyaka Upanishad" bears the references of Gargi's intelligent debate against Yajnavalkya, the great sage of Ancient India.

SECTION-C (2 × 3 = 6)

(Short answer type question)

13. Does Amartya Sen see argumentation as a positive or a negative value?

Ans. Amartya Sen sees argumentation as a positive value. In every part of this essay, he talks about positive aspects of dialogue and discussions. He talks about positive effects of this culture, on the way democracy is being practised in modern India.

14. Why does the poet in "Time and time Again" state the city as old managed city?

Ans. The term "Old" refers to vices like prejudices, inequality, discrimination, stereotype etc. The city has been referred to society in its largest form ie nation. The ailing society with infection of these malaises is because it does not want to accept reforms, amendments or measures time to time felt necessary by contemporary scholars. Orthodox, these people are, the poet says categorically. The missionaries, in that state of ignorance adopt "divide and rule" tactics.

(Long answer type question)

SECTION-D (2 × 5 = 10)

15. What was the conflict between the mother and the son?

Ans. It is because he has understood the double deal or cheat of his mother. When h got scaled him by an old lady in the market, he was convinced of being his height 1.11 mt. instead of 1.10 mt. Thus, an image of liar, swindler, argumentative, rude, rustic and quarrel some had put its crown in his innocent mind for his mother. He raised brows, tripped and started racing away from his mother.

16. Write a factual description of the scene at the park in your locality in the morning hours in 100-125 words


Morning flows at the park

The morning scene at the park in front of my house is indeed a scene not to be missed. There is a lot of hustle and bustle in the park during the morning hours. Some people come alone for their morning walk while others come in groups. Chatting and morning walk go together. People are all dressed up in comfortable. Tracksuits and sports shoes. People are seen doing their exercises, yoga, skipping, jogging, etc. kids too bring their sports equipments to enjoy themselves in the cool and pleasant weather while they wait for their school buses to arrive. Outside the park there are vegetable and fruit sellers selling. Fresh fruits and vegetables as early as 7 am Everybody looks so happy and eneretic that it motivates me to step out of my house in the morning and spend some time with the nature

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