Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 13.07.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 13.07.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 13.07.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, राँची

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training Ranchi



GENERAL SCHOOL (13.07.2024)

Sub-English(Core) ; Class-11

Time-90 Minute ; Marks-40

General Instructions;

1) All questions are compulsory.

2) The total no of question is 16.

3) 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for very short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer.

4) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5) Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct option's (a,b,c,d) and write down in the answer sheet.

6) Write the answer to very short answer 11 to 12, short answer question 13 to 14, and long answer question 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.)

7) No Students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

Section A (2x10=20) (Objective Questions)

Que 1. He --------- here for the last five years.

(a) worked

(b) works

(c) has been working

(d) have been working

Que 2. Fortune ------------ the brave.

(a) favours

(b) favour

(c) favouring

(d) none

Que 3. I ---------- his letter a month ago.

(a) receives

(b) received

(c) is receiving

(d) has received

Que 4. We ------ pay our taxes.

(a) can

(b) may

(c) might

(d) must

Que 5. ---------- God save his life !

(a) May

(b) Should

(c) Would

(d) Could

Que 6. Choose the synonym of the word 'obligation'.

(a) Ability

(b) Responsibility

(c) Capacity

(d) Importance

Que 7. Who is the author of "The Portrait of a Lady',

(a) Khushwant Singh

(b) Nani Palkivala

(c) Jayant Narlikar

(d) Ruskin Bond.

Que 8. How did Khushwant Singh's grandmother look?

(a) Old, Short and slightly bent

(b) Short, fat and Slightly bent

(c) Long, fat and slightly bent

(d) slightly bent and fat

Que 9. The Grandmother used to feed -------- in the village.

(a) cats

(b) goats

(c) dogs

(d) cows

Que 10. How did the sparrows express their sorrow at the death of grandmother?

(a) They ate the bread crumbs

(b) They did not come

(c) They chirruped a lot

(d) They came and sat silently.

Section -B (2x2=4) (Very short Questions)

Que 11. Who is the poet of" Dust of Snow" ?

Ans :- Robert Frost

Que 12. What would the grandmother do in the village temple in the story, "The Portrait of a Lady?

Ans :- The grandmother would read the scriptures.

Section C (2x3=6) (short Questions)

Que 13. What was the turning point of the friendship between the author and his grandmother in the story 'The Portrait of a Lady"?

Ans :- When the author's parents were comfortably settled in the city. His parents sent for them. They moved to the city. That was the turning point of their friendship.

Que 14. What were the views of the grandmother about English medium school and music?

Ans :- The grandmother was unhappy when she came to know that English words and western science were taught in the city school. There was no teaching of God and the scriptures. She thought that music had lewd association. It was meant for harlots and beggers. It was not meant for noblemen or gentle folk.

Section-D (2x5=10) (Long questions)

Que 15. Write a short paragraph on "Importance of Newspapers"?

Ans :- Newspapers are very useful for us. They are the source of both information and entertainment. They give us information about the latest events of the world. They give us a lot of information about politics, movies, sports, books, share markets etc. They are called the mirror of the world. Thus, We can say that newspapers are the essential part of our daily life.

Que 16. Describe the three phases of the author's relationship with his grand mother before going to abroad.

Ans :- The three phases of the author's relationship with his grandmother are as follows-

In the first phase, when they were in village, they were good friends. His grandmother used to wake him up and get him ready for school. They used to go to school together

In the second phase, they moved to the city. That was the turning point of their friendship. The author would go to. school in motor bus. She could not help him in studies.

Lastly in the third phase, the author went to university. He was given a separate room. So, the common link of their friendship was snapped.

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