Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 10.08.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 10.08.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 10.08.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, राँची

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training Ranchi



GENERAL SCHOOL (10.08.2024)

Sub-English(Core) ; Class-11

Time-90 Minute ; Marks-40

General Instructions;

1) All questions are compulsory.

2) The total no of question is 16.

3) 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for very short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer.

4) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5) Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct option's (a,b,c,d) and write down in the answer sheet.

6) Write the answer to very short answer 11 to 12, short answer question 13 to 14, and long answer question 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.)

7) No Students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

Section A (2x10=20) (Objective Questions)

1. What is the purpose of the poem the voice of the rain

a) Talk about the natural process of rain

b) Celebrate rain

c) Talk about the benefits of rain

d) Relate rain to the process of singing

2. The poem is a conversation between

a) The poet and the rain

b) The poet and the water vapours

c) The rain and the trees.

d) The birds and the rain

3. The play 'Mothers Day' talks about

a) Family issues

b) Thoughtlessness and selfishness of family members

c) Status of the mother in the family

d) Status of the father in the family

4. Mrs. Pearson describe her family members as

a) Obedient

b) Selfish and thoughtless

c) Pleasant

d) Helpful

5. Mrs. Pearson is characterised in the play as............personality

a) Ignorant and dominating

b) Considerate

c) Complaint

d) Both "b" and "c".

6. The mugals ...........the battle of panipat that. place in 1761

a) Won, took

b) Wins, taking

c) win, took

d) win, take

7. Hiroshima is the place............. the first atomic bomb was dropped.

a) Whose

b) Which

c) Where

d) When

8. Listen to ........... your brother says

a) When

b) How

c) What

d) Why

9. Suman found ......... she had passed the list.

a) When

b) That

c) If

d) As

10. I always pray ..........I go to bed.

a) After

b) That

c) Till

d) When

Section -B (2x2=4) (Very short Questions)

11. What happens to the earth when the rains fall back on the surface of earth?

Ans- When the rain falls back on the surface of earth it beautifies and purifies the earth.

12. What is the name of train by which professor Gaitonde was travelling?

Ans- Professor Gaitonde was travelling by jijamata express

Section C (2x3=6) (short Questions)

13. What advice did Mrs. fitzgeraid give to Annie?

Ans- Mrs. Fitzgerald was very bold and dominating in nature. she knew how to control the family members. So, Mrs. Fitzgerald felt that it was time for Annie to set her family right and teach them a lesson.

14. Why is rain essential for earth?

Ans- If it doesn't rain, then the earth will remain parched, droughts will follow and the dust layers will not be washed away. There will be nothing to quench the thirst of the plants and trus and their suds will die.

Section-D (2x5=10) (Long questions)

15. Sketch the character of Mrs. Annie Pearson.

Ans- Mrs. Annie pearson is a pleasant but nervous type of women whose exessive love and care has spolt her two children and husband. She always does her lust to keep everybody happy but all three of them were not bothered about her.

16. You are the principal of an English medium primary school Design a poster in not more than 50 words to instill discipline in the children which can be put up in the classroom.


• Listen to the teachers.

• Be nice to others.

• Keep the classroom clean.

• Don't play in the classroom.

• Maintain discipline.

Issued by: principal

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