Class 12 ENGLISH-A/ENGLISH CORE Jac Board SA-1 Exam 2024 Answer key

Class 12 ENGLISH-A/ENGLISH CORE Jac Board SA-1 Exam 2024 Answer key

 Class 12 ENGLISH-A/ENGLISH CORE Jac Board SA-1 Exam 2024 Answer key

झारखण्ड अधिविद्य परिषद्




(Arts, Science & Commerce)

(MCQ Type) 4.10.2024

Total Time: 2 Hours

Full Marks: 40

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS / सामान्य निर्देश :

1. परीक्षार्थी से संबंधित ओ० एम० आर० उत्तर-पत्रक के पृष्ठ 2 पर मुद्रित सभी सूचनाओं की साबधानी पूर्वक जाँच कर लें। यदि मुद्रित सूचनाएँ किसी अन्य परीक्षार्थी की हों, तो वीक्षक को तुरंत सूचित कर उसे बदल लें ।

2. आप अपना पूरा हस्ताक्षर OMR उत्तर पत्रक में दी गई जगह पर करें।

3. इस प्रश्न पुस्तिका में कुल 40 बहु-विकल्पीय प्रश्न हैं। परीक्षा की अवधि 1 घंटा है।

4. सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न की अधिमानता 1 अंक है। गलत उत्तर के लिए अंक नहीं काटा जाएगा।

5. OMR उत्तर पत्रक के पृष्ठ 1 पर प्रदत्त सभी निर्देशों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें तथा उनके अनुसार कार्य करें।

6. प्रत्येक प्रश्न में चार विकल्प (A, B, C, D) दिये गये हैं। इनमें से सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर को आप अपने OMR उत्तर पत्रक पर पूर्ण रूप से गहरा काला करें। नीला या काला बॉल-प्वाइंट कलम का ही प्रयोग करें। बाक्स / गोले के बाहर कुछ न लिखें या चिह्नित करें। पेंसिल का प्रयोग वर्जित है।

7. OMR उत्तर पत्रक को न मोड़ें, न विकृत करें और न ही उस पर कोई चिह्न लगायें।

8. कृपया परीक्षा भवन छोड़ने से पहले OMR उत्तर पत्रक वीक्षक को लौटा दीजिए। प्रश्न पुस्तिका आप अपने साथ ले जा सकते हैं।

OMR उत्तर पत्रक पर दिये गये निर्देशों का ध्यानपूर्वक पालन कीजिए अन्यथा आपका OMR उत्तर पत्रक अमान्य होगा और उसकी जाँच नहीं की जायेगी।

(Q. Nos. 1-5): Read the following passage and answer the questions from 1 to 5.

The two boys, Gopal and Govind, had spent most of the day in the boat but when it grew cold they decided to go home. They put on their clothes, rolled up their towels and rode off on their bicycles. Gopal's bicycle was older than Govind's and when it hit a stone on the road, the front wheel collapsed. Gopal was thrown to the road where he lay moaning and groaning with pain. He had broken his leg. At first Govind did not know what to do. Then he saw a telephone box. Не phoned for an ambulance and then went back to where Gopal was lying on the road.

1. Why did Gopal and Govind decide to go home?

(A) It was raining

(B) It was dark

(C) Mother has called them I

(D) It was cold

2 Where did they spend most of the time?

(A) House

(B) River

(C) Boat

(D) School

3. How did Gopal meet with an accident?

(A) Bicycle hit a stone

(B) Bicycle was old

(C) Wheel collapsed

(D) All of these

4. After the accident what happened to Gopal?

(A) Broke his hand

(B) Broke his leg

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

5. The synonym of "fall in" from the passage is

(A) Moaning

(B) Collapsed

(C) Pain

(D) Succeed

6. In note making, notes should be ........... form.

(A) Narrative

(B) Short

(C) Descriptive

(D) Abbreviated

7. Letter to the Editors are written to

(A) Newspaper

(B) School

(C) College

(D) Club

8. Which one is a component of article writing?

(A) Greeting the audience

(B) Salutation

(C) Heading/Title

(D) Thanking the audience

9. Symbols are freely used in

(A) Letter writing

(B) Paragraph writing

(C) Report writing

(D) Note writing

10. In Notice, what is written at the top ?

(A) Notice

(B) Date

(C) Heading/Title

(D) Name of the Institution

11. Articles are not meant for

(A) Newspaper

(B) Magazines

(C) Law books

(D) Journals

(Q. No. 12-14): Read the given extract and answer the questions

Driving from my parent's

home to Cochin last Friday

morning, I saw my mother,

beside me,

doze, open mouthed, her face

ashen like that

of a corpse and realised with pain

12. The given extract is taken from the poem

(A) Keeping Quiet

(B) My Mother at Sixty-six

(C) A Thing of Beauty

(D) A Roadside Stand

13. Where was the poet driving to ?

(A) Parent's home

(B) Cochin airport

(C) Cochin market

(D) Cinema hall

14. Who was sitting beside the poet?

(A) Her daughter

(B) Her mother

(C) Her sister

(D) Her friend

15. According to the poet, a thing of beauty is

(A) Never joyful

(B) Creates sadness

(C) A joy forever

(D) Horrible to look at

16. The poet's mother is described as 'open mouthed' because

(A) She is curious

(B) She is surprised

(C) She was dead

(D) She was dozing

17. According to the author, what was garbage for the cluldren?

(A) Means of entertainment

(B) Means of timepass

(C) Means of playing

(D) A wonder

18. 'Deep water' is an excerpt taken from

(A) The Life of Mahatma Gandhi

(B) Of Men and Mountains

(C) Lost Spring, Stories of Stolen Childhood

(D) My Years with Boss

19. Franz looked for opportunities to skip school to do

(A) Work on mills

(B) Go fishing

(C) Water the plants

(D) Collect birds' eggs

20. Who was Sam in "The Third Level'?

(A) A doctor

(B) A psychiatrist and a friend of Charley

(C) A teacher

(D) None of these

21. How many time zones did Tishani Doshi cross?

(A) Two

(B) Four

(C) Eight

(D) Nine

22. What kind of atmosphere does Antarctica have?

(A) Coldest

(B) Driest

(C) Windiest

(D) All of these

23. What did M. Hamel bring for his class on his last day in the school?

(A) New pens

(B) New notebooks

(C) Sweets

(D) Story books

24. The frail woman in Mukesh's house is his

(A) Mother

(B) Elder brother's wife

(C) Wife

(D) Niece

25. Who sat on the back benches on the last lesson ?

(A) Franz

(B) Prussians

(C) The village people

(D) The new teacher

26. What was the name of the southern super continent?

(A) Asia

(B) Asia Pacific

(C) Northern Pole

(D) Gondwana

27. Mukesh belonged to a family of

(A) Farmers

(B) Rag-pickers

(C) Bangle makers

(D) Motor mechanics

28. Which of the following can be added to make an article writing interesting?

(A) Quotes

(B) Statistics

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) Neither (A) nor (B)

29. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from?

(A) The Bulletin Board

(B) Town Hall

(C) School

(D) M. Hamel's House

30. In formal letter, the correct form of salutation is

(A) Dear Sir/Madam

(B) Respected Sir/Madam

(C) Hello Sir/Madam

(D) None of these

31. What do the parting words, "See you soon Amma" signify?

(A) Her carelessness

(B) Her optimistic farewell full of cheerfulness

(C) She bids goodbye like this

(D) She is in a hurry

32. The name of the programme that takes high school students to the end of the earth is

(A) Students of Ice

(B) Students for Ice

(C) Students above Ice

(D) Students on Ice

33. "All we have to fear is fear itself." Who said these words?

(A) Douglas

(B) His instructor

(C) His father

(D) President Roosevelt

34. Firozabad is the centre of which industry?

(A) Cotton industry

(B) Furniture industry

(C) Textile industry

(D) Glass blowing industry

35. The story "The Last Lesson" highlights which human tendency ?

(A) Male chauvinism

(B) Procrastination

(C) Courage

(D) Cowardice

36. How many ringa did the Maharaja nend to British Officer's good lady?

(A) 30

(B) 40

(C) 50

(D) 60

37. Who is the author of the lesson 'Journey to the End of the Earth'?

(A) Tishani Doshi

(B) Kamala Das

(C) Jane Austen

(D) Chitra Das

38. How old was prince when he ridiculed the astrologer ?

(A) 10 years

(B) 10 days

(C) 12 years

(D) 3 years

39. Which of the following is not related to the article writing?

(A) Salutation

(B) Date

(C) Subscription

(D) All of these

40. Who insists on being his own master?

(A) Saheb

(B) Savita

(C) Mukesh

(D) Narrator

Class XII English Core

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