Class 12th English (Elective) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 07.12.2024

Class 12th English (Elective) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 07.12.2024

Class 12th English (Elective) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 07.12.2024

झारखंड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, राँची



Sub- English Elective

Class-12 Full Marks-40 Time - 90 Min

General Instructions:

1 All Questions are compulsory)

2. There are 16 questions in this question paper)

3. 2 marks are given for objective questions, 2 marks for very short answer questions, 3 marks for short answer questions and 5 marks for long answer questions)

4. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer)

5. Objective questions 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct option's (a, b, c, d)and write down in the answer sheet)

6. Write the answer of very short answer questions 11 to 12, short answer questions 13. to 14 and long answer questions 15 to 16 in your answer sheet)

7. No student shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

Section: A (Objective Question) (2x10=20) 

1. who was chandalika?

a) a school going girl

b) a low caste girl

c) a dishonest girl

d) a poor girl

2. what does Prakriti insist her mother do?

a) allow her to meet her fathers

b) buy her a new dress

c) cast a Spell on the Monk

d) continue her education

3. what kind of paraphernalia was arranged by Prakriti ?

a) vermillion and some jewels.

b) flags of yellow cloth and lamps

c) sandalwood and garlands

d) All of the above

4. Complete the line of the poem of nature in a night of ----- lightning'

a) Rain showers

b) quarrels

c) clock towers

d) lightning

5. what is the meaning of 'altar'?

a) To change something

b) to fight with someone

c) to act Something

d) raised place on which a sacrifices are made

6. The poet wants the readers to listen to the ----

a) School bells

b) church bells

c) alarm bells

d) clock towers.

7. which city clock towers does the poet ask the readers to listen to ?

a) old city

b) well managed city

c) both (a) and (b)

d) none of the above

8. How is the city and described at the beginning of Time and Time Again?

a) old and well managed

b) chaotic

c) Dirty

d) Happy

9. The report is always written in ------

a) irregular manners

b) Sequential manner

c) Horizontal manner

d) None of the above.

10. Which is not included in a report writing?

a) Personal comments

b) Data collected

c) Information by witnesses

d) None of the above.

SECTION-B' (Very short answer) (2x2=4)

11. What do you mean by "perennial feuds"?

Ans: The term "perennial fends" refers to the conflicts and riots between two religions communities.

12. Where did the monk meet Prakriti ?

Ans: The monk met Prakriti near the well.

SECTION-C (Short Answer) (3x2=6).

13. What signals do the clock towers give to the different communities of society?

Ans: The signals the clock towers give to the different communities of the society are- to stay in harmony with each other, Din society to maintain brotherhood in to avoid quarrels and roots.

14. How a little good act from a person can change a person's life. Answer with respect to the drama 'chandalika'.

Ans:- A little good act from a person can charge the drama, & person's life. Referring to Prakriti a miserable living a life as she belonged to the untouchables. cast and was treated accordingly by Society, monk O untouchables But the day she met the monk who asked her for water, he told her it was not a problem as they both were equal as they both were humans. At that moment Prakriti found a new birth.

SECTION-D (Long Answer) (5x2=10)

15. Acceptance of one's fate is easy. Questioning the imbalance of the human social order is tumultuous." Discuss with reference to play.

Ans: The play by Tagore is based on a Buddhist legend where the famous disciple of Buddha, Ananda parles Reeman. values to a lower caste Preekriti. He teaches her to judge herself not by the artificial society but by her capacity for love and service to the community She goes against society and loses her mother. She question the social imbalance that the essence of equality.

16. Recently your school celebrated "World Water Day' to create awareness about the value of fresh water and water-Saving techniques. As the head girl/ head boy of M.H.+2 School, Ranchi, write a Report about in 100-125 words. Sign yourself as priyansh / Priya.


World Water Day Celebration Report

On 07.12.2024, M.H.+2 School, Ranchi,

organized a special event to commemorate World Water Day. The event aimed to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater and promote water-saving techniques.

The program commenced with a thought-provoking speech by [Name], highlighting the significance of water in our lives and the urgent need for conservation. Students enthusiastically participated in various activities, including poster-making competitions, water conservation pledge-taking, and informative skits. A special water-saving workshop was conducted to educate students about practical techniques to reduce water wastage.

The event concluded with a lively cultural program, showcasing the talent of our students through songs, dances, and poems related to water conservation. The event was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on the students and fostering a sense of responsibility towards water conservation.

Priyansh / Priya

Head Girl / Head Boy

M.H.+2 School, Ranchi

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