Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 22.02.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 22.02.2024

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 22.02.2024

झारखंड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, राँची

(Jharkhand Council of Educational Research and Training, Ranchi)

PROJECT RAIL विषय (Sub)-English Core (अंग्रेजी कोर)

कक्षा (Class) 11th (22.02.2025)

1. All question are compulsory.

2. The total no. of question is 15.

3. Section A (Objective) contain questions carrying 2 marks each.

4. Section B (Very Short Answer) contain 2 questions carrying 2 marks each.

5. Section C (Short Answer) contain 2 questions carrying 3 marks each.

6. Section D (Long Answer) contain 2 questions carrying 5 marks each.

7. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

8. Each question has four questions choose the correct option's (a,b,c and d) and write down in the answer sheet.

9. No students shall be allowed to leave the examination before the completion of the exam.

Section A (10x2=20 Marks)

1. Read the following Stanza and Answer the following

I do not understand this child

Though we have lived together now

In the same house for years I know

Nothing of him, so try to build

Up a relationship from how

He was when small.

i. What problem do the given lines highlight?

a) Communication gap

b) Generation Gap

c) Conflict

d) Both a and b

ii. What does the speaker of the given line want?

a) His son to talk to him

b) To build a new relationship with his son

c) His son to forgive him

d) to forgive his son

iii. How old is the son when his father rants about his agony to his son?

a) Teenager

b) Grown-up

c) child

d) just became adult

iv. What kind of a relationship does the speaker want with the child?

Ans- The speaker wants the same relationship that they used to have when the child was small.

v. Even after living together in the same house for years, the father ----

Ans- Doesn't Understand his son.

vi. Summary is overview of the ----

a) Main text

b) notes

c) Questions

d) None

vii. Good notes should contain

a) List of information

b) Written in phrases

c) Logically divided in headings and subheadings

d) All of the above

viii. Abbreviations are freely used in

a) Note making

b) Letter Writing

c) Article - Writing

d) None

ix. Dear father, My dear mother, Dear Sir, are examples of

a) Courteous greeting

b) Courteous leave taking

c) Heading

d) None of these

x. The lady of the letter follows the -----

a) The Heading

b) Courteous Greeting

c) Courteous leave - taking

d) None of these

xi. The language used in the body of the letter should be....

a) Long and complex

b) Sophisticated

c) Simple and direct

d) none of these

Section B (2x2=4 Marks)

11. When was the happiest time for the grandmother?

Ans- The half an hour when the grandmother fed the sparrows was the happiest time for her. She becomes extremely happy while serving these sparrows.

12. How does the silent and lifeless laburnum tree come to life?

Ans- At the beginning of the poem, we see that the labernun tree top is empty and silent. With the arrival of the gold findh the silent and lifeless labersnun tree comes to life.

Section C (3x2=6 Marks)

13. Why do we need to plant more forests in India?

Ans- According to reliable data, India is losing its forests at the rate of 3.7 million acres a year. The large area officially designated as forest land is already virtually treeless. The actual loss of forest is estimated to be about eight time the rate indicated by government data. Moreover a five times increase in the rate of forest planting in needed to cope with the expected fuel wood demand 5 years later.

14. Who is Mrs. Pearson?


Draw a character sketch of Mrs Pearson?

Ans- Mrs. Pearson is a woman whose identity is confined within the house. She is a loving wife and mother. She is simple hearted and gentle to fault. This means that she is a home maker, who does all the tasks of the home, like taking care of her children. In fact, for that she endures everything without any murmur or protest, But even though she works so hard she receives no recognition for her hard work. Rather her own children and consider her work to the menial. On the other hand, Mrs. Fitzgerald is an assertive Woman, she is a Stern woman when wants Mrs. Person to grow some character and stand for herself.

Section D (5x2=10 Marks)

15. Give a short summary of the chapter silk Road in your own words?


Justify the little of the story "The Address".

Ans- The writer/narrator Nick Middleton a British geographer was going for a Kora or Pilgrimage to Mount Kailash which involves circumamlulation Perkrama of the mountain. In Rave he was presented a long full sleeved sheepskin coat by Lhamo, The lady who had Provided accommodation. She knew it would be extremely cold higher up. Tsetan is the owner of the car hired by the author for the journey would be smooth if there was no snow on the way. They saw gazelles, wild asses, Tibetan mastiffs, local herdsmen on the way. By late afternoon they reached Hor, a small town on the shore of lake Mansarovar. Daniel procuded towards lhasa. Tsetan got two flat tyres miserable place. Due to excessive human activity it had ceased to be a holy place. They reached Darchen in the night and stayed in a guest house. Due to belock nostrils the writer could not sleep luckily he met norpu who worked the Chinese academy of social science in Buying both of them decided to do the kora together.

16. To enforce strict discipline in schools and colleges is a great problem nowadays. Write a speech in 120-150 words to be delivered in the school morning assembly on the problem of discipline. You are Mohini/Mohit.

Ans- Respected Principal Sir, Teachers and dear friend

I am Mohini of class XI B. once swami Dayanand rightly said "Discipline is necessary not only in schools and colleges, but in all walks of life. Absence of discipline will lead to chaos and confusion in life "Today I will speak on the value of discipline in life."

Discipline is the key of keeping things in Order. It is absolutely essential for the growth and development of an individual and a healthy society. It is indispensable for everyone in all spheres of life. I.e. at home, school, playground, society, in service, public life and everywhere.

Discipline must be inculcated early in life. If a child is allowed unchecked freedom. It becomes way ward student life is the most integral time of life. Hence the value of discipline in academic life cannot be underestimated.

Proper counseling and guidance by parents and teachers can help the student to maintain discipline punishment, physical or financial cannot be a corrective measure.

Thank you.

PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 2024-25

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