Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

 Class 11th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training, Ranchi




Class- 11th

Time Allowed - 90 min.

Maximum Marks - 40

General Instructions: -

1) All questions in this question paper are objective.

2) All questions are compulsory.

3) The Total number of questions are 16.

4) Each question carries 2.5 marks.

5) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer,

6) Each question has four options, choose the correct option's (a, b, c, d) and write down in the answer sheet.

7) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.


1. What was grandmother's reaction when the author was going abroad?

(a) Happy

(b) Sad

(c) Not even sentimental

(d) sentimental


2. When was their common link of friendship snapped?

(a) When he went to college

(b) When he went to the university

(c) When he started working

(d) When he went abroad


3. What is the meaning of serenity?

(a) Revolting

(b) Calmness

(c) Truly

(d) on a table


4. How does the grandfather look in the portrait?

(a) Looked a hundred years old

(b) wore tight clothes

(c) Had black moustaches and spectacles

(d) None of the above


5. Who is the poet of the poem 'A Photograph"?

(a) Shirley Toulson

(b) Rudyard Kipling.

(c) Elizabeth Jennings

(d) Markus Natten.


6. Which material was the frame of the photography?

(a) Cardboard

(b) Wood

(c) Steel

(d) Plastic


7. Who took the photograph of her mother with her cousin?

(a) Her grandfather

(b) Her Uncle

(c) Her mother's friend

(d) Her grandfather


8. What does 'terribly transient feet' mean in the poem?

(a) Her feet represents the mother, who changed with time while the sea remained the same.

(b) Temporary situation

(c) Age is temporary

(d) None of the above


9. Which of these must be avoided in business letter?

(a) Polite words

(b) Formal words

(c) Abbreviations

(d) Clear details:


10. Which of these should not be present in a business letter?

(a) The name of firm or bussinessman

(b) The date

(c) Business jargon

(d) Courtous leave taking


11. Where are the details of enclosures mentioned?

(a) Beginning of the letter

(b) Below the signature column

(c) Right handside of the letter

(d) Main body of the letter


12. Where was the author's grandfather's Portrait placed?

(a) on a shelf

(b) Hung above the mantel piece

(c) Put on the mantelpiece

(d) on a table


13. Who is the man character of the chapter 'The portrait of a lady"?

(a) Mother

(b) Sister

(c) Grandmother

(d) Daughter


14. Which literary device has been used in 'like every body's grandmother' ?

(a) Metaphar

(b) Simile

(c) Transfered epithet

(d) Enjambment


15. Which of the following has not been depicted in the portrait?

(a) Beard

(b) Turban

(c) Clothes

(d) Ornaments


16. Why did the grandmother not like music?

(a) It was the monopoly of harlots and beggers

(b) She liked only religious prayers

(c) She liked the traditional film music

(d) She thought it would distract him from studies.


1. When did the author reach Amsterdam?

(a) Around 6 pm in the evening

(b) He never reached there

(c) At 11 the next morning

(d) He decided to take a different route


2. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan

(a) 8 and 9 years old

(b) 7 and 6 years old

(c) 10 and 7 years old

(d) 4 and 6 years old


3. Why did the author accept his approaching death?

(a) Pirates had attacked the ship

(b) Because he was injured by the explosion

(c) He was thrown into the sea

(d) He was stabbed


4. Who said, "We are sinking!"?

(a) His crewmen

(b) Mary

(c) His daughter

(d) His son


5. Find out the synonym of 'honing' from the following -

(a) Perfect

(b) Sharpen

(c) Taper

(d) All of these


6. What was the hallmark of the Garoghlanian tribe?

(a) Trust

(b) Honesty

(c) Both a and b

(d) None of above


7. Mourad was considered the natural descendant of his

(a) Father

(b) Uncle

(c) Grandfather

(d) Great grand father


8. What was the behaviour of the horse initially?

(a) It wanted to be trained

(b) It wanted to rest

(c) It wanted to run wild.

(d) All of the above


9. Who was the true owner of the horse?

(a) John Byro

(b) Fetvajian

(c) Dikran Halabian

(d) Zorab


10. Why did the boys return the white horse to its owner?

(a) Because they were conscience stricken

(b) Because they were afraid

(c) Because they found it difficult to hide the horse

(d) Because they were abused of theft


11. What does the phrase 'Keep us with food in our bellies" mean?

(a) To stay hungry

(b) To stay thirsty

(c) To stay satiated

(d) To stay bewildered


12. The poem, "The laburnum Top' is set in the month of

(a) July

(b) August

(c) September

(d) October


13. The mother gold finch bird arrives with

(a) A movement of the body only.

(b) A movement of the body and sound produced by itself.

(c) A song produced itself.

(d) None of the above


14. The adjective used to describe the mother goldfinch bird is

(a) Sleek

(b) Alert

(c) Abrupt

(d) All the above


15. What instance of alliteration has been used in the poem, 'The laburnum Top"?

(a) An engine of her family

(b) Her barred face

(c) Sleek as a lizard

(d) September Sunlight


16. What was the weight of the wave walker?

(a) 30 ton

(b) 23 ton

(c) 100 ton

(d) 105 ton

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