Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23
Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद, राँची





Time Allowed - 90 min.

Maximum Marks-40

General Instructions :-

1) All questions in this question paper are objective.

2) All questions are compulsory.

3) The Total number of questions are 16. 4) Each question carries 2.5 marks.

5) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer,

6) Each question has four options, choose the correct option's (a, b, c, d) and write down in the answer sheet.

7) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.


1. Main character in the story 'Lament' is

(a) Lona Topa tov

(b) Iona Potapov

(c) Iona Povatov

(d) Oina Potapov


2. The entire opening paragraph points a picture in the story

(a) Gloomy

(b) Joyous

(c) Colourful

(d) Blank


3. While waiting for a fare, Iona and his horse hear the first call

(a) Cabby for viborg way

(b) Cabby to the Police Bridge

(c) Cabby to Central

(d) Cabby for Downtown street


4. What is the name of lona's son in the story 'Lament"?

(a) Bernie

(b) Barin

(c) Burn

(d) Bob


5. Among three youngmen there were

(a) One lanky, one fat and a hump back

(b) Three lanky fellows and hump back

(c) Two short and lean fellows and a humpback

(d) Two lanky fellows and a hump back


6. Iona tries to share his grief with many in the story. Which one has the correct order?

(a) The officer

(b) The three youngmen

(c) A Hall porter

(d) A young cabdriver

(a) ABCD

(b) DABC

(c) CABD

(d) DCBA


7. What is the theme of the poem "The peacock?

(a) Good Luck

(b) Patience

(c) Love

(d) All of the above


8. What are the clues that signal the presence of the peacock in the vicinity?

(a) A loud sharp call

(b) Flash of turquois

(c) A blue shadow

(d) All of the above


9. From which tree the peacock was descending?

(a) A peepal tree

(b) A mango tree

(c) A neem tree

(d) A banyan tree


10. Which poetie device is used in the line "If you look up in time, yas nught see the peacock turnining away as he gathers his tail?

(a) Hyperbole

(b) Personification

(c) Alliteration

(d) Imagery


11. What can be seen. When the peacock shuts eyes?

(a) Violet fringes

(b) Golden amber colour

(c) Dark glowing eyes

(d) Both (a) and (b)


12. Who is the author of the story, "A Pair of Mustachios"?

(a) D.H. Lawrence

(b) Jhumpa Lahiri

(c) Mulk Rai Anand

(d) Anton Chekov


13. What is the theme of the story : A Pair of Mustachios

(a) Tradition

(b) freedom

(c) Pride and class

(d) All of the above


14. As compared to foreigners, Indians keep different style of mustachios because.........

(a) It is cost effective

(b) It is maintenance free

(c) It is expensive

(d) Both (a) and (b)


15. Lion mustache was kept by which people?

(a) Raja's and maharajas

(b) Farmer's

(c) English army generals

(d) Both (a) and (c)


16. A report is always written in

(a) Present tense

(b) Past tense

(c) Future Tense

(d) All of the above


1. Who is the author of the story 'The Rocking Horse winner?

(a) Anton Chekov

(b) William Somerset Maugham

(c) D.H. Lawrence

(d) Arthur Conon Doyle


2. What is the theme of the story?

(a) Old age and wisdom

(b) Youth and innocence

(c) Middle age and worry

(d) All of the above


3. Who first teaches young Paul about horse racing and places bets for him?

(a) Hester

(b) His father

(c) Bassett

(d) Uncle Oscar


4. What is the phrase that Paul repeats to uncle Oscar when he wants to keep a secret?

(a) Stay silent!

(b) Honour bright

(c) Honest truth.

(d) Honour us


5. What haunting phrase children hear whispered in the house?

(a) There must be more money

(b) We must live in style

(c) Tiger's blood is in my veins

(d) Gambling is an evil


6. What amount of money does Paul give to his mother for her birthday?

(a) Five pounds

(b) Ten pounds

(c) Fifteen thousand pounds

(d) Five thousand pounds


7. Paul's mother tells him that

(a) You are lucky boy

(b) It is better to be born lucky

(c) It is better to be born healthy

(d) We have an expensive year


8. Who wrote 'The Adventure of the three Garridebs"?

(a) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

(b) Sherlock Holmes

(c) Dr Watson

(d) John Garridebs


9. Who are the detectives in 'The Adventure of three Garridebs"?

(a) Three Garridebs

(b) Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson

(c) John and Nathan Garridebs

(d) Sir Arthur Canon Doyle and Sherlock Holmes


10. What was Paul's mother unable to feel for her children?

(a) Hatred

(b) Love

(c) Appreciation

(d) All of the above


11. Which of these are children's toys?

(a) Rocking Horse

(b) Doll house

(c) Puppy

(d) All of the above


12. Which Shakespearean sonnet begins 'let me no to the Marriage of True Mind"?

(a) Sonnet 23

(b) Sonnet 18

(c) Sonnet 116.

(d) Sonnet 02


13. "Love's not" whose "Fool"?

(a) King's

(b) Time's

(c) Death's

(d) Man's


14. Sonnet 116 shares the poet's reflections as the nature of

(a) Ideal love

(b) Ideal companionship

(c) Ideal moments

(d) Ideal friendship


15. Who wrote the essay, "My Watch"?

(a) Huckleberry Finn

(b) Tom Sawyer

(c) Mark Twain

(d) Bertrand Russell


16. Mark Twain belongs to

(a) India

(b) Japan

(c) America

(d) China

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