Time-1:30 Hrs Marks-40


General Instructions:

i. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

ii. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.

III. All parts of a question must be written together.

IV. Answers of the questions must be in the context of the instructions given therein

Section A

Read the following passage carefully and answer any three from questions 1-4 2x3-6

If you enjoy watching crime shows on TV, you know the finger prints play a major role in identifying people, but you might be surprised to find out that using fingerprints for identification is not a new science. In fact, it is very old-dating back at least as far as 1885-1913 B.C.E in Babylon, when people agreed to a business contract, they passed their fingerprints into the clay in which the contract was written Thumbprints have also been found on clay seals from ancient China

In 14th century Persia, which is now Tran, a government doctor recognized that all fingerprints are different. In 1964, a British doctor, Nehemiah Grew, spoke about ridged surfaces of the fingers. In 1686, a professor of anatomy (the study of the structure of the human body) named Marcello Malpighi, wrote about the ridges and loops in fingerprints. Malpighi's work was considered so important that the layer of skin found on the fingertips was named after him. The layer of skin is called the Malpighian layer. Although scientist had studied fingerprints, the value of finger printing in the identification of individuals did not become clear until later.

1) What did people in Babylon do when they agreed to a business contract?

Ans: When people in Babylon agreed to a business contract, they passed their finger-prints into the day in which the contract was written.

2) Who wrote about fingerprints in 1689?

Ans: In 1686, a profesor of anatomy named Marcella Malpighi, wrote about the ridges and loops in fingerprints.

3) How were fingerprints used in the ancient times?

Ans: In ancient times, when people agreed to a business contract, they passed their finger prints into the day in which the contract was written.

4) What is Malpighian layer?

Ans: Malpighian layer is a layer of skin found an the finger-tips.

Read the following pocm carefully and answer any two from questions 5-7. 2x2=4

I had a dove, and the sweet dove died,

And I have thought it dicd of grieving,

O what could it grieve for? Its feet were tied

With a silken thread of my own hand's weaving

Sweet little red fect! Why would you dic?

Why would you leave me, sweet bird, why?

You liv'd alone on the forest tree

Why, pretty thing, could you not live with me?

I kidd'd you oft and gave you white peas

Why not live sweetly as in the green trees?

5) For what is the bird grieving?

Ans: The birds is grieving for a life of freedom and liberty.

6) What did the dove die of?

Ans: The dove died because of griveing. Dove was grief-stricken.

7) How did the poet satisfy the need of the bird?

Ans: The poet satisfy the need of the dove by accompanying him and feeding white peas.

Section B

Answer any two of the following questions in not more than 100 words 5x2-10

8) Write an essay on 'The Game I Like Most

Ans: The Game I Like Most: In all the games, I like Football most. The reasons of my liking it so very much are given below.

It is an out-door game. It is an international game. It is played in almost all countries of the world. It is very easy to play. This game is not costly. It is not time taking. We play it in the evening for an hour and sometimes for one and a half hour. It is very

interesting to play. One football will do. It needs a spacious ground. Twenty two players; eleven in each side take part in it. Here is one refree. The refrees the game and all the players have to obey him. No body disobeys him. No body can object him decision or there would be a great disturbance in the ground. It develops us mentally, physically and morally. It is meant for all round development.

We can play it in off hour. Our college breaks up at 4 P.M. Afterwards, we may go the fields and play in. It removes our worries to great extent. Play is a play. We must not make it very serious. It is a great pity that some players fall out while at play. Foul games should always be object. This will harnish the value of game.

Its matches are very interesting. Some matches are friendly and some competitive. We cheer up the players. The scorers are always appreciated. Good players should always be rewarded. Hockey, Cricket and some other games are time taking. Sometimes our whole days time is spent on them. We have to save time by taking part in Football.

9) Write about 'The Jays of Reading'.

Ans: The Joys of Reading : Joymeans pleasure and happiness of human life. Rading means to read the books and all printed materials, such as newspaper, journals, magazines etc.

By the nature the men and women want to read the books and all printed materials for getting the joys, pleasure and happiness. There are various types of joys of reading the books and all printed materials such as to geeting the knowledge of books, printed materials, newspapers. The joys of reading are beneficial for the human being. Because we can obtain the knowledge of every type of books. By reading the newspaper we can get the knowledge of every field, such as social knowledge, political knowledge, economic, knowledge, cultural knowledge etc. We can enjoy the reading of books and all printed cultural knowledge etc. We can enjoy the reading of books and all printed materials. We can spread the every sphere of knowledge by the help of reading,

10) Recently your school/college celebrated 'Youth Day? Write a report for the school magazine describing about it.

Ans: The Role of Youth in National Development : youths of a country are its most dynamic and volatile force. But this untapped force is rarely exploited for the betterment of the nation. The youth of India can play a great role in national development. Their youthful energy should be given a proper direction.But unfortunately, the wily politicians exploit them for their selfish ends. Either they become their tools or their vote-banks. The National Cadet Corps have utilized the bubbling energy of young men and women for constructive purposes. There they get training in leadership. N.S.S. units have been doing a wonderful job in the field of social service. N.S.S. volunteers have planted millions of trees throughout the country. They organise blood-donation camps. They have been working for the promotion of Adult Education. All such activities of young men and women help in the job of national reconstruction. Students' unrest and the closure of schools and colleges for months serve no purpose. Their services can be utilized during natural calamities like earthquakes, floods and external aggression. They can play a very effective role in building the nation. They can fan out in villages and work for their upliftment. In this way, they can contribute to the development of the country. They can help to make India a strong and modern India. So, youth of India provide a blood for our country due to this India can improve. In fact, that is why India called young nation.

Section C

Answer any five of the following questions in about 50 words, 3x5=15

11) Why does her final vindication important to Tao Ying?

Ans: This was because she did not want to remain any long a culprit or offender lake in the eyes of her son Xiao Ye. She expects from the officials to explain her son that his mother has not done anything wrong at the temple gate.

12) Which art form is film-making closest to? What is the reason for the similarity?

Ans: It's conjuring art form that is closer to film making, The author states that entire plot is envisioned like pleasant dreams. It's imagination but full of fertile associations and images. he says it a brightly coloured thread sticking out of the dark sack of the unconscious. A complete film emerges when this thread is wound up. It is deception of human eye mostly alike the conjuring business. Therefore, everything heere is basedo n imagination.

13) What did you think the poem Time and Time Again' was about when you read the first few lines?

Ans: It is a complex distillationof alifetime made by the learned poet. A study on the first few lines discloses mystery of the unbreakable wall of mis-understood religion and its propagators or Heads (priest, prophets, bishops etc.). It seems that mankind will perhaps, never see her sun (viz. enlightenment) in the sky (environment) so cloudy made by these people in order to cater or meet to their pretty interests.

14) What aspects of Indian society and history get highlighted in the poem, Blood?

Ans: Aspects of Indian society and history-Highlighted ---It can be stated as follows

(i) Indians were living in joint families in the past while these are dissolved and dissipated now to nucleus families. Here also, dissolution is all apparent as the poetess appears lonely and deserted which have had become genesis to this poem.

(ii) Children in villages were in direct contact of nature i.e. playing on the sand and drawing birds and animals while presently, they are like cage-birds in RCC built manipulated by luman skill.

(iii) Children were used to live with their grand parent those days but they are attracted and used to cone with electronic toys, recreation, parks, etc, and grand parent-are-neglected.

(iv) Children were told their roots by grandparent in the past in the most natural way but in modern nuclear families. They are told the roots of Germans, French, Russians and the fashion prevaling in countries, other than India. They never pluck the soul of their ancestors like a pip from a fruit and fling it into their pyre. Instead, they pluck the soul of western people, eat the pulp of fruit in hurry and now their stores (seeds) in the compound of their disposition

15) What do you understand by ‘Psalteries of Summer'?

Ans: It is the sound of growling, cleattering, screeching and cracking that generates due to winds blown in high velocity. In the negative sense, it is repressive measures practised/exercised by the tyranny king/emperor in which people are killed, wiped and exterminated mercilessly.

16) Ilow did Tao Ying's son influence the way she led her life?

Ans: Tao Ying is ambivalent in dealing with her son. She wanted to conceal her real approach of thinking before her son. She used to give lessons of sublime nature to her son but actually, she was a swindler or an astute. She would not brother to buy a ticket and cheat the conductor in the bus if it is found that he is not careful enough to his duty. However, this she would do when her son is not with her. It was just, a false iniage, she was trying to make herself in her son's eyes but her son was very rigid to his approach. He had finally, brought sea-change in his mother's approach just after the temple episode. He did not satisfy unless his mother had proved her being innocent in the presence of temple officials. She has left that issue to be decided by her son.

17) What, according to Bergman, is the relationship between a film-maker and his audience?

Ans: Relationship between a film maker and his audience : It is a stated as follows

(i) The film-maker has to keep in mind, the chices, interest of his audience.

(ii) He has to hear mutely with the sheer criticism of critics and reviewers. They have every right to find faults and defects in the film because they are part of audience.

(iii) The film maker understands that a film is made to create reaction from the audience. It is reaction or response from audience that makes the film a valuable asset or value generating device.

Section D

Note: Answer cither Group-A or Group-B


Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words.5x1-5

18) Margayya himself was the cause of the ruin Do you agree? Give reasons.

Ans: Margayya, the central character of the novel has a basic flaw in him. His lust for money dominates his tale of rise and fall throughout the story. He thinks that money is the source of peace and prestige in life. He was successful as a financial expert. He rises from the position of a simple village moneylender running his business under a Banyan tree to the rich commercial bank of the town and a money-wizard with the help and subordination of Dr. Pal.

But we sec Margayya commits blunder in money deposit banking business. He does not invest the deposit money. He must have thought about earning more than twenty precent, so that he could be able to return the deposits with due interest.

Another blunder in his life is his negligence of family life due to which his son Balu is spoiled in the hands of Dr. Pal.

He insulted Dr. Pal publicly. Dr. Pal ruins him by spreading the rumour that Margayya has become bankrupt: Once again Margayya becomes a pauper and once again he decides to start his business under the banyan tree.

No doubt Pal and Balu are, to some extent, responsible for his ruin but ultimately it is Margayya himself who is responsible for his ruin. Pal and Balu could have done something but not enough to ruin Margayya had Margayya invested the deposit money wisely.

19) Who is Madan Lal and how does he help Margayya in his business?

Ans: Madan Lal is a businessman from Bombay settled in Malgudi. He seems to be an honest businessman with the work of printing. He gives due welcome to Margayya who comes to him to talk about the publication of Dr. Pal's book on sexology. He looks at the manuscript most patiently before committing anything.

Madan Lal is very hospitable towards his clients and he invites Margayya to hava a lunch with him in the restaurant. margayya enjoys ‘jalebies' and other delicacies. Margayya is highly impressed by his hospitality.

After seeing the entire manuscript Madan Lal declares to seek the opinion of his lawyer. Who finds the book all right margayya doesn't come forward to spend anything on the production of the book. Evn then, Madan Lan agrees to pay Margayya a share in the profits. The title of the book is changed to “Domesstic Harmony". The books proves to be a roaring sucess. Margayya earns a lot from the sale of this book.


Answer any one of the following questions in not more than 100 words. 5x1-5

20) Describe Raja's experience of the human world.

Ans: Initially, Raja had very bad expariences about humans. he lost his family which were killed by the hunter. The decided to take revenge from the humans so he enters into nearby village and started killing the pets of villagers which ended up in a cage. Again the captain (owner of the circus) and his wife mistreat him to train him for the circus show. But after these mischievous things he lastly met to a monk with whom he got connected and learn the sprituality of world.

21) Describe the tiger's life in the captivity as a circus star.

Ans: The life in the circus was not easy for the tiger. The capitain (Owner of the circus) and his wite, Rita used to beat him and behaved very cruelly. Something they used to keep him starving to that he can get weak and get ready for the practice. Also they threatend the tiger with electric stick. He was a trained to become a star. He learned and play all the shows very well. People considered him to be the star of the circus.

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