Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from
each module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Elementary Analytical Geometry
1.1 Solution of Equation in one Variable
and Simultaneous equation in two variables
1.2 Equation of Straight line and
1.3 Set Theory and its operations.
Module- II Introduction to Differential
2.1 Functions and graphs, Exponential and
logarithmic function, Limit and Continuity
2.2 Derivatives, Partial Differentiation
and their application in Economics
2.3 Elasticity of Economic Functions,
Relation Between AR, MR and Elasticity of Demand
2.4 Production function, Young's Theorem,
Homogenous function and Euler's Theorem
Module - III Differential Calculus and
Extreme Values (Optimization)
3.1 Maxima and Minima, Point of Inflexion
& their uses in Economics
3.2 Pricing under Perfect Competition,
Monopoly, Duopoly, Taxation in Monopoly Market
3.3 Unconstrained Optimization of a
function of several variables
3.4 Constrained Optimization: Equality
Constrained Optimization
Module- IV Integral Calculus and Economic
4.1 Indefinite integrals and inverse
4.2 Technique of integration, Integration
by substitution-integration by parts, definite integration
4.3 Integration and Application to
Economic Dynamics (Consumer Surplus, Producer's Surplus)
4.4 Definite integrals and approximate
Module - V Determinant & Matrix
5.1 Determinant and its properties,
5.2 Matrix Operations
5.3 Inverse and Solution of Equation by
5.4 Rank of Matrix
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from
each module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module- I Fundamentals of Consumption
& Production
1.1 Economic models: Basics of model
building, Characteristics of equilibrium System
1.2 Approaches to Consumer Behaviour;
Indifference Curve Analysis, Derivation of Demand Curve from Indifference Curve
Analysis; Revealed Preference approach, Revision of Demand Theory by Hicks
1.3 Iso-quant, Marginal Rate of technical
substitution, Elasticity of substitution Least cost combination of inputs
1.4 Return to scale, change in scale and
factors proportion.
Module - Il Production & Distribution
2.1 Production function: Cobb-Douglas
Production Function and Its Properties
2.2 Marginal productivity theory under
different Market condition and Modern theory of distribution; Product
exhaustion theorem;
2.3 Factor pricing in perfect and
imperfect factor markets; Classical and Modern theories of Wage, Keynesian and
modern theory of Interest, Risk, uncertainty & innovation theory of profit
2.4 Macro theories of distribution -
Ricardian and Marxian, Neo-Classical theories of Microdistribution (Kaldor)
Module - III Advance Theories (Theory of
Demand an Alternative Approach)
3.1 Consumer Choice involving Risk,
3.2 Indirect Utility function and Duality
3.3 Modern Theory of Consumer Surplus
Module - IV Welfare Economics - I
4.1 Definition, scope and purpose of
Welfare Economics, Concept of Social welfare; Measurement of Welfare;
4.2 Role of Value Judgments in Welfare
Economics, Pigou's Welfare Economics;
4.3 Pareto optimality - Optimum exchange
conditions; The production optimum;
4.4 The consumption optimum; Concept of
contract curve;
Module - V Welfare Economics - II
5.1 Compensation criteria - Contributions
of Kaldor and Hicks
5.2 Scitovsky double criterion,
5.3 Bergson's, Samuelson social welfare
5.4 Arrow's possibility theorem, A. K.
Sen's contribution in welfare economics
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five questions
out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each module
will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will contain 7
short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module-1, Consumption Function
1.1 Keynes Psychological law of
consumption, Income- Consumption relationship,
1.2 Absolute income, Relative income,
Life Cycle and Permanent income Hypothesis.
1.3 Consumption and Asset Price
1.4 Consumption under Uncertainty -
Modern Approach
Module-II Investment Function
2.1 Marginal Efficiency of capital and
investment - long run and short run, Factors affecting Investment Function,
Derivation of MEC
2.2 Investment Multiplier,
2.3 Acceleration Principle, Investment
2.4 Super Multiplier, Tobin's 'q' of
Module - III Macro Economic models
3.1 Classical Macro Economic Model
3.2 Neo-Classical Macro Economic Model
3.3 Keynesian Macro Economic Model
3.4 Post Keynesian Macro Economic Model
Rational and Adaptive Expectation Model, Mundell Fleming Model
Module - IV Theories of Inflation
4.1 Classical, Keynesian and Monetarist
approaches to Inflation; Structuralist theory of inflation,
4.2 Inflationary Gap, Measures to remove
the gap, Demand Pull and Cost Push theory of inflation.
4.3 Phillips curve analysis -Short-run
and long-run; The Natural rate of Unemployment Hypothesis; Tobin's modified
Philips Curve.
4.4 Control of Inflation by Monetary, Non
Monetary and fiscal measures
Module - V Economic Fluctuation
5.1 Business cycle- Nature Scope, Phases,
Monetary and Non Monetary Theory
5.2 Traditional Theories of business
Cycle (Schumpeter's and Kaldor)
5.3 Business Cycle Theories of Hicks and
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five questions
out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each module
will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will contain 7
short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Basics of Environmental
1.1 Economic Development and Environment-
Inter-relationship between Economic Development and Environment
1.2 Sustainable Development - Concept,
Characteristics and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
1.3 Concept of Externalities, Types and
Measures to control Negative Environmental ExternalitiesPigovion tax, Property
Rights and Coase theorem, Carbon tax.
1.4 Properties of Environmental goods -
Public goods/ private goods.
Module - II Environmental Issues
2.1 Environmental Management- Concept,
Types and Methods of Environmental Management; Environmental management and
people's participation (PPP).
2.2 Environmental Degradation- Land
forest and natural resource degradation.
2.3 Problems of Pollution- Air Pollution
and Water Pollution; National Environmental Policy.
2.4 Social Forestry- Rationale and
Module III: Environmental Valuation &
3.1 Concept of Environmental Values- Use
Value, Non-use Value and Option Value. Basics of the valuation of environment-
Contingent Valuation Method, Travel Cost Method, Hedonic Price Method.
3.2 Environmental Accounting: Objectives
forms, functions & importance, Financial Performance and Environmental
3.3 Natural Resource Management,
Introduction to Natural resource accounting, Salient features of System of
Environment and Economic Accounting, Green Accounting, Natural Resource
Policies of India.
Module - IV Economics of Social Sector-1
4.1 Social Sector - Importance of Social
Sector, Education and Health,
4.2 Human Capital Vs Physical Capital,
Education as Instrument of Economic Growth
4.3 Human Capital Formation- Concept and
Role in Social Sector Development
4.4 Cost of Education - Expenditure on
Education, Education Sector- Status, Problems, Solutions and Financing of
education in India, Benefit of Education
Module - V Economics of Social Sector -
5.1 Health Sector-Status, Problems,
Determinants of health
5.2 Poverty, malnutrition and
environmental issues,
5.3 Solutions and Financing of Health
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Statistical Method - I
1.1 Simple Correlation: Karl Pearson's
and Product Moment Method; Rank Correlation,
1.2 Standard Error of Estimates and
Probable Errors estimates; Partial and Multiple Correlation
1.3 Regression Analysis: Regression
Coefficients and its properties, Estimation of lines of Regression
1.4 Time series analysis: importance and
components, Estimation of trend value by least square method.
1.5 Application of Statistics by Excel:
Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Dispersion
Module - Il Statistical Methods - Il
2.1 Classical and empirical definition of
Probability; Theorem of Probability (Addition Theorem).
2.2 Conditional probability,
Multiplication theorem, Extention of multiplication theorem, Bayes theorem
2.3 Random variables and distribution
function, Probability density function, Marginal density function.
Module-III Theoretical Probability
3.1 Discrete and Continuous Probability
3.2 Binomial, Poisson Distribution
(Constants, Mode and fitting of distribution)
3.3 Normal Distribution, properties of
Normal Distribution and equation of Normal Probability curve.
3.4 Relation between Binomial and Normal
Module-IV Sampling Theory
4.1 Sampling Theory, Basic Concept,
Types, Census Vs Sampling
4.2 Principle of Sampling. Types,
Limitation and Errors in Sampling
4.3 Sampling Distributions, Sampling
Distribution of Means
Module V Statistical Decision Theory
5.1 Statistical Hypothesis, Hypothesis Testing
Type - I and Type-II errors. Error in hypothesis testing
5.2 Null and Alternate Hypothesis,
Formulation of Hypothesis, level of Significance
5.3 Significance of tests in small
sample: Test of significance based on t, F and z distribution.
5.4 Definition of Chi-Square,X2,
X2-test.Chi square test for degree of freedom, contingency Table
Money & Financial Markets
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Supply of Money
1.1 Approaches towards determination of
money supply Traditional Approach, Sukhmoy Chakarbarty Committee approach, RBI
Approach to Money Supply & Recent changes
1.2 Determinants of Money supply- High
Powered Money and Money Multiplier.
1.3 Control of Money Supply - Policy
Rates and Reserve Ratio.
Module - Il Demand for Money
2.1 Classical Approach to Demand for
Money - Quantity Theory Approach (Fisher and Cash balance)
2.2 Keynes's demand for money
2.3 Post Keynesian Approach to Demand for
Money - Patinkin and Real Balance Effect, Friedman
2.4 Modern Approaches of Demand for
Money-Baumol and Tobin's (Introduction to P ortfolio balance effect)
Module - III Money and Capital Markets
3.1 Role and structure of money market in
India, Instruments of money market
3.2 Sub market - Call money market,
Treasury bill market, Discount market,
3.3 Securities market - Markets for
derivatives; Future and options and other derivatives; Primary and secondary
market for securities
3.4 SEBI-Its impact on working of capital
market in India, IRDA and its role in financial markets.
Module - IV Foreign Exchange Markets
4.1 Exchange rates -floating exchange
4.2 Spot market and Forward market,
Interest arbitrage,
4.3 Foreign exchange market - exposure
and management
Module - V Portfolio Analysis and Mutual
5.1 Risk and returns of individual
security (Insurance)
5.2 Portfolio risk and returns
5.3 Concept of efficient portfolio
5.4 Venture Capital and Mutual funds
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module-1 Framework and Challenges of
Indian Economy
1.1 Trends and Growth of Indian Economy
1.2 Indicators of Development, PCI, PQLI,
1.3 Poverty: Causes, Remedies and
measurement, Multi-dimensional poverty index, Deprivation index
1.4 Employment: Problems, Solutions and Government
1.5 Gender issues: Gender discrimination
and Women empowerment
Module - Il Development Strategies in
2.1 Planning in India: Objectives,
strategies and evaluation,
2.2 NITI Aayog and its role in planning
in India
2.2 Planning and Decentralization
(Panchayati Raj Institutions)
2.3 Economic Reforms in India
Module - III Agriculture and Allied
3.1 Issues and Concerns in Indian
Agriculture and Allied Sector (fisheries, Horticulture, Dairy, and Poultry)
3.2 Agriculture Finance, Agricultural
3.3 Cropping pattern in India - factor
determining cropping pattern, Dry land farming, Contract Farming
3.4 Agricultural holdings in India -
Subdivision and fragmentation of holdings, Organic farming in India
Module-IV Sectoral Performance - II
4.1 Industrial Sector in pre- Reform
4.2 Industrial Sector in Post reform
period with emphasis on small-scale Sector
4.1 Infrastructure: Transport, Energy and
4.2 Social Infrastructure, components,
assessments and policies
Module-V India and Foreign Trade
5.1 India's Foreign Trade: Direction and
Composition and Balance of Payment of India
5.2 New Trade policy (EXIM Policy) FERA,
5.3 India and International institutions,
Regional Blocks, BRICS, SAFTA, EU
5.4 Multinational Corporations and
Foreign Capital
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Theories of Development
1.1 Economic Growth and Development:
Concept, measurement and Indicators of Economic Growth
1.2 Factor affecting Economic growth -
Capital, Labour and Technology
1.3 Schumpeter and Capitalistic
development, Innovation: Role of credit, Profit and degeneration of capitalism
1.4 Marxian Theory of Development
Module - Il Economic Growth - I
2.1 Harrod-Domar Growth Model, Knife edge
2.2 Neo-Classical growth Models-Solow,
Mrs. Joan Robinson's growth model, Kaldor, Lucas
2.3 Sectoral Models of Economic growth -
Mahalanobis growth models
2.4 A. K. Sen Growth Model
Module - III Economic Growth - II
3.1 Technological progress-embodied and
disembodied; Production function approach to economic growth
3.2 Growth models of Hicks and Golden
Rule of accumulation; intellectual capital;
3.3 Explanation of cross country
differentials in economic growth.
Module - IV Social and Institutional
Aspects of Development
4.1 Development and Underdevelopment -
perpetuation of underdevelopment
4.2 Poverty - Absolute and Relative;
Measurement, Causes and alleviation of poverty, Dependency Theory
4.3 Inequality and development
inter-linkages: Kuznets
Module - V Partial theories of Growth and
5.1 Vicious circle of poverty; Circular
5.2 Unlimited supply of labour; Ranis and
Fei model, Big push Theory
5.3 Balanced and unbalance growth, Critical
minimum-effort thesis
5.4 Harris Todaro model, Stiglitz labour
turnover model
Semester III
Choice Base
Open Elective For Other Than
Economics Students
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Module -I Micro Economics
1.1 Law of demand and supply, Elasticity
of demand,
1.2 Consumer's equilibrium,
1.3 Indifference curve Income,
Substitution and price effect,
1.4 Derivation of demand curve from
indifference curves,
1.5 Consumers Surplus.
Module - Il Macro Economics
2.1 Concept and measurement of national
2.2 Keynesian psychological law of
2.3 investment function and its
2.4 Theory of the multiplier
2.5 Inflation and its control.
Module-III Public Finance
3.1 Theory of maximum social advantage,
3.2 Ability to pay approach,
3.3 Incidence of taxation,
3.4 Wagner's law of increasing state
activities, effects of taxation and public expenditure,
3.5 Taxable capacity types of taxation,
GST, 14 finance commission.
Module-IV International Trade
4.1 Classical theory of international
trade, - Theories of comparative cost
4.2Theory meaning and components of BOP,
equilibrium and disequilibrium in balance of payment,
Factors causing disequilibrium in balance
of payment and its correction,
4.3 Fixed and flexible exchange rates,
demand and supply theory of exchange rate determination,
4.4 Functions of IMF and World Bank.
Module - V Basic Concept of Economic
Development and Growth
5.1 Definition Concept and Determinants
of Development, Recent Trends of Economic development in India
5.2 Sustainable Development indicators of
economic development and Distribution
5.3 Development indices in India, HDI,
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module-I Theory of Market - I
1.1 Equilibrium of firm & industry
under perfect competition
1.2 Monopoly: Monopoly Power, Profit
Maximization and output choice, Monopoly and product quality, Price
1.3Monopolistic Competition: General and
Chamberlin Approach of equilibrium, Product differentiation, selling cost
1.4 Bilateral Monopoly
Module - II Theory of Market -II
2.1 Oligopoly with fixed number of firms,
Traditional model of oligopoly-Cournot, Edgeworth
2.2 Kinked Demand curve and Collusive -
Cartels and Mengers, Price Rigidity
2.3 Price leadership at basin point price
Module-III Alternative Theory of Firms-1
3.1 Critical evaluation of marginal
Analysis, Baumol's Sales revenue Maximization Model
3.2 Williamson's Model of Managerial
3.3 Marris Model of Managerial
Enterprise, full cost pricing rule behavior model
3.4 Bains limit pricing theory
Module - IV Alternative Theory of Firms -
4.1 Behavioural Model of Cyert and March
4.2 Goals of firm: Sacrificing Behaviour,
Process of Decision Making
4.3 Simple Model of Behaviourism
4.4 Game Theory Model
Module - II Market Equilibrium
5.1 Partial and general equilibrium,
5.2 Walrasian excess demand and
input-output approaches to general equilibrium, existence, stability and
uniqueness of equilibrium;
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Public Expenditure
1.1 Theories of the Growth of Public
Expenditure- Wagner's law of increasing state activities and Wiseman Peacock
1.2 Structure and Growth of Public
expenditure in India, Effects of public expenditure on Production, Distribution
and Economic Stability.
1.3 Budgeting Systems- Performance
Budgeting, PPBS and Zero based budgeting.
Module - Il Taxation
2.1 Theory of Incidence; Dalton's and
Musgrave's concepts of incidence- Taxable Capacity
2.2 Benefit and Ability to pay
approaches, theory of optimal taxation
2.3 Indian Tax system, revenue of the
Union, States and Local bodies; Major taxes in India
2.4 Reforms in direct taxes, taxes on
services, GST, Non tax revenue of Central, State and Local Bodies
Module - III Public Debt and Public
Sector Pricing
3.1 Classical View of Public Debt:
Compensatory aspect of debt policy
3.2 Sources; effect and burden of public
debt; Public debt and economic growth
3.3 Public debt and inflation, Public
debt as a means of regulating economy
3.4 Principles of debt management and
Module - IV Fiscal and Monetary Policies
4.1 Objectives of Fiscal Policy- full
employment, anti- inflation, economic growth, redistribution of income and
4.2 Interdependence of Fiscal and
Monetary policies,
4.3 Budgetary deficits, fiscal deficit,
Revenue deficit and Monetary deficit its implications
4.4 Fiscal policy for stabilization-
automatic V/s discretionary stabilization
Module - V Fiscal Federalism in India
5.1 State financial relation in Indian
union budget, Expenditure pattern
5.2 Analysis of Union budget, Lack of
flexibility in budget
5.3 Resource transfer from union to state
and role of Finance commission
5.4 Fiscal crisis and fiscal sector
reform in India
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Theory of International Trade
1.1 The theory of International trade
theories of comparative cost advantage and opportunity costs.
1.2 Heckscher-Ohlin theory of trade,
Leontief Paradox.
1.3 Samuelson Factor Price equalization
Theorem, Stopler Samuelson's Theorem
1.4 Modern Theories of Trade: Strategic
trade theory, N. N Trade Theory
Module - Il Theory of Interventions and
Gains from Trade
2.1 Economic effects of tariffs and
quotas on national income, output, employment, Nominal, effective and optimum
rates of tariffs - their measurement and impact.
2.2 Concept of Terms of trade, Theory of
reciprocal demand, Factors affecting terms of trade
2.3 Nature of Gains, Sources of gains,
Factor determining Gains
2.4 Criteria for measuring Gains from
International Trade.
Module - III Monetary aspects of
International Trade
3.1 Meaning and Components of Balance of
Payments; Equilibrium and disequilibrium of Balance of Payments
3.2 Theory of Balance of Payment:
Monetary and Absorption Theory, Elasticity Approach
3.3 Factors causing disequilibrium in
balance of payments and its correction
3.4 Foreign Trade Multiplier
Module - IV Exchange Rate
4.1 Concept of Foreign exchange rate,
fixed and flexible exchange rates, Convertibility of currency
4.2 Devaluation -Devaluation of Indian
Rupee and its impact on our economy
4.3 Theories of exchange rate
Module - V - International Economic
Co-operation & Organisation
5.1 Forms of economic cooperation; Static
and dynamic effects of a custom union and free trade areas
5.2 Rationale and economic progress of
SAARC regions, Asian Development bank- their achievements and shortcomings.
5.3 Reforms of the International monetary
system, India and developing countries
5.4 Functions of WTO, IMF, World Bank
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Micro Economics Application
1.1 Utility Maximization: Cardinal and
Ordinal utility maximization, Indirect Utility Function and Duality theorem,
Substitution Effect and Slutsky equation
1.2 Compensated and normal demand
function; Revealed preference theory
1.3 Homogeneous production function; Properties
of Cobb-Douglas production function, Euler's Theorem, Production possibility
curve; Technical progress through production function.
1.4 Cobweb model: (Supply lag and Demand
Lag) Simple Continuous Cob-web Model and Model with stocks, Single market equilibrium
- Marshallian and Walrasian equilibrium conditions
Module - Il Macro Economic Application
2.1 Difference Equations: Distributed and
Lagged, First and second order difference equation.
2.2 Differential Equations: First order
and second order differential equation (general and particular solution) with
economic application;
2.3 Dynamic monetary model; Static and
dynamic multiplier; Determinants of investment; Accelerator,
2.4 Harrod Problem, Harrod- Domar growth
Module - III Theory of Matrix and Linear
3.1 Matrix: Symmetric and Skew -
Symmetric; Orthogonal matrix, Characteristics roots and vectors; Idempotent
matrix; Quadratic forms, Solution of equations by matrix method
3.2 Linear Programming, Primal and Dual;
Steps in construction of dual duality theorem
3.3 Solution of linear programming by
graphical method.
Module - IV Game Theory and Input Output
4.1 Concept of Game theory; Pure and
Mixed strategies; Maximum and Mini-max solution; Saddle point; Solution of
Games by pure and mixed strategy
4.2 Graphical solution of Games 2x2 Pay
off matrix.
4.3 Input Output Analysis Open and Closed
systems; Hawkins Simon Conditions; Solution under three industries.
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module-I Introduction to Econometrics
1.1 Nature, Meaning scope and importance
of econometrics
1.2 Stochastic term and its importance,
Assumptions of error terms
1.3 Simple Regression Model, Estimation
of Parameters and properties of Least square estimates
1.4 Gauss Markov theorem; Concept and
derivation of R² and Adjusted R²;
Module - II Econometric Problems in
Regression Analysis
2.1 Nature, Test, Consequences, Reasons
of Multicollinearity and Heteroscedasticity and their corrections,
Transformation of Heteroscedasticity into Homosaedesticity
2.2 Transformation of non-linear into
linear ones; logarithmic, reciprocal and logarithmic reciprocal.
2.3 Auto correlation, First order Auto
regressive scheme, Mean, variance and co-variance of auto corelated U's, Durbin
Watson test and graphical test.
2.4 Problems of Auto-correlation -
Application, Almond Approach to distributive lag model.
Module - III Regression with Qualitative
Independent variables
3.1 Dummy variable technique testing
structural stability of regression models, Seasonal analysis, Piecewise linear
regression, Use of dummy variables;
3.2 Regression with dummy dependent
variable; LMP, LOGIT, PROBIT and TOBIT model & its applications
3.3 Autoregressive and distributed lag
models - Koyck model
Module - IV Dynamic Econometric model
4.1 Partial adjustment model (PAM)
4.2 Error correction mechanism, causality
test, Granger test
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module-1 Simultaneous Equation Model
1.1 The Simultaneous equation - Bias and
inconsistence of OLS estimators; Structural form and reduced form models;
1.2 The identification problem; Rules of
identification; Order and rank conditions.
1.3 Methods of estimating simultaneous
equation system, recursive methods of OLS;
1.4 Indirect least squares (ILS);
Two-stage least square (25LS);
Module - Il Time Series Analysis
2.1 Stationary and Non-stationary Time
series and Unit roots co-integration - Spurious regression,
2.2 Dickey Fuller Test, Engle Garner
test, Random Walk Model
2.3 AR, MA and ARIMA, Estimation of ARIMA
and forecasting with ARIMA,
2.4 Vector Auto Regression (VAR), Problem
with VAR Modeling, Box - Jenkins (BJ) Method
Module - III Multivariate Analysis
3.1 Maximum Likelihood (M-L) method,
3.2 General linear model (GLM),
Generalised Least Square (GLS)
3.3 Multivariate probability
distribution: Multivariate normal distribution and its properties, Marginal and
Conditional probability distribution,
3.4 Discriminant analysis.
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Agriculture and Economic
1.1 Nature and scope of agriculture and
rural economics: Traditional agriculture and its modernization;
1.2 Role of Agriculture in Economic
Development; Sustainable Agriculture.
1.3 Problems of Inputs in Indian
Agriculture: Irrigation, Power, Seeds, Fertilizer
1.4 Agricultural Development in India,
Recent trends in agriculture growth in India
Module - Il Diversification of Rural
Economic Activities
2.1 Livestock economics - livestock
resources and their productivity; Problems of marketing;
2.2 White revolution; Fishery and poverty
development; Forestry, horticulture;
2.3 Rural Non-Farm Sector (RNFS) uses and
Module - III Agricultural Productivity
and Marketing
3.1 Agricultural production: Resource use
and efficiency production function analyses in agriculture.
3.2 Factor combination and resources
substitution cost and supply curve size of farm and Productivity debate in
India, laws of returns
3.3 Resource use efficiency in
traditional agriculture; Technical change, labor absorption, Feminization of Agriculture
3.4 Marketing and state policy,
Agricultural Markets and marketing efficiency-marketing functions and costs
Module - IV Land Reform, Land Policy
& Co-operation in India
4.1 Land Reform measures and performance;
Recent Changes in Land Policies
4.2 Land utilization; Land distribution
structure and trends; Rent; Land tenures and Farming systems -collective and
state farming; Tenancy and crop sharing-forms, with special reference to India.
4.3 Co-operative movement in India;
Genesis and growth of co-operative sector; agricultural cooperation in India;
4.4 Problem and prospect of cooperative
Module-V Rural Labour Market
5.1 Rural Labour Supply, Interlocking of
factor markets; Mobility and Productivity of labour
5.2 Wage Determination: Classical,
Neo-classical and bargaining theories of wage determination; Concept of minimum
wage, leaving wage and fair wage in theory and practice; National wage policy; Bonus
systems and profit sharing.
5.3 Nature extend and trends in rural
unemployment, Agricultural wages in India, Male-female wage differences
5.4 Non-Agricultural rural employment -
trends and determinants.
- II
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Economic of Rural
1.1 Problems of Rural Economy - Economic,
social and others, Modes and problems of rural electrification
1.2 Use of Land, water and energy; rural
transport, communication
1.3 Problems of Rural finance; Rural
credit, Financial inclusion
1.4 Rural social infrastructure-education
and health and information dissemination
Module - II Agricultural & Rural
2.1 Need of agriculture finance, Role of
capital and rural credit; rural saving and capital formation
2.2 Characteristics and sources of rural
credit - Institutional and non institutional; reorganization of rural credit -
cooperatives, commercial banks, Regional rural banks
2.3 Role of NABARD
Module - III Agricultural Prices
3.1 Marketing and State Policy:
Agricultural markets and marketing efficiency, Regulated marketed and marketable
surplus, Behaviour of agricultural price - Cobweb model
3.2 Price and income stability; State
policy with respect to agricultural marketing, warehousing: Prices, Taxation
and crop insurance;
3.3 Terms of trade between agriculture
and non agricultural Prices; Need for state intervention
3.4 Objectives of agricultural Price
policy; instruments, Food security in India and public distribution system.
Module - IV Agricultural Growth in India
4.4 Cropping patterns, Crops shifting
4.2 Pricing of inputs and role of
4.3 Distribution of gains from
technological change, Role of public investment and capital formation in Indian
agriculture strategy of agricultural development and technological progress
4.4 Sustainable agriculture indigenous
practices; Bio-technological practices and growth potential, Need of Second
Green Revolution, Climate change and its impacts
Module -V Agriculture and External Sector
5.1 International Trade in agricultural
5.2 Commodity agreements - Role of World
Trade Organization
5.3 International Trade in agriculture,
Role of MNCs.
5.4 Globalization of Indian Economy and
problems and prospects of Indian agriculture, Impact of World Trade
Organization on Indian Agriculture
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Framework and Problems of
Industrial Economics
1.1 Concept and organization of a firm,
Classification of firm on the basis of Ownership structure (Public, Private,
Joint and Cooperative Sectors); Objectives of firm, behavioral model of firm
1.2 Location of Industries - Weber,
Sargent Florence, Factors Influencing Location of Industries
1.3 Industrial Sickness - Symptoms,
Causes and Remedial Measures.
Module-II State of labour
2.1 Static and social security of labour
Concepts of Social Security, Social assistance and social insurance; Policies
with special respect to social security
2.2 labour welfare in India- Special
Problems of labour, female labour, Child labour, need for safety nets.
2.3 Labour Reforms-Second National
Commission on labour; labour market reforms; exit policy.
2.4 Labour Market Policies: Mobility of
Module - III Industrial Relations
3.1 Theories of Labour movement growth;
pattern and structure of labour unions in India.
3.2 Causes of industrial disputes and
their settlement and prevention.
3.3 Current trends in collective
3.4 Labour legislation in India.
Module - IV Industrial Productivity and
4.1 Productivity - Measurement, Factors
affecting Productivity, Importance of Productivity in the Competitive
4.2 National Production Movement in
4.3 Industrial Finance- Owned, external
and other components of funds, Major funding agencies IDBI, IFCI, SFCS, SIDBI
and Commercial banks.
4.4 Role of FDIs in Industrial
Module - V Indian Industrial Growth and
5.1 Industrial Policy in India - Role of
Public and Private Sector.
5.2 Problems of MSME in India, Role of
MNC's in India.
5.3 Recent trends in Indian Industrial
growth, Regional Industrial growth in India.
5.4 Industrial Development and
Environmental Preservation-Pollution control policies of industries.
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module I : Population and Development
1.1 Meaning and scope of Demography
1.2 Components of Population growth and
their interdependence
1.3 Measure of Population change;
structure, distribution and sources of population data
1.4 Theories of Population - Malthus,
Optimum Theory of Population Theory of demographic transition, view of Meadows,
Enke and Simon
1.5 Population and development
Module II: Structure of Population
2.1 Population trends in the Twentieth
Century; Population explosion- Threatened or real, distant or imminent.
2.2 International aspects of population
growth and distribution, pattern of age and sex structure in more developed and
less developed countries
2.3Determinants of age and sex structure,
demographic effect of sex and age structure, economic and social implications
of age structure, pyramids and projections.
2.4 Individual ageing and population
Module III: Fertility, Nuptuality and
3.1 Importance of study of fertility -
Total Fertility Rate, Gross Reproduction rate and Net Reproduction Rate, Levels
and trends of fertility in more and less developed countries
3.2 Factor effecting fertility -
Socio-economic factors, economic status, health, education, Nutrition, caste,
religion, race, region, rural-urban status of husband and wife
3.3 Nuptiality concept and analysis of
marital status, single mean age at marriage, synthetic cohort methods, trends
in age at marriage.
3.4 Mortality-Death rate crude and age
specific mortality at birth and infant mortality rate, Factors for decline in
mortality in recent past.
Module IV: Migration and Urbanization
4.1 Concept and types- temporary,
internal and international
4.2 International migration - its effect
on population growth and pattern; factors affecting migration
4.3 Theories of migration related to
internal migration
4.4 Urbanization - Growth and
Distribution of rural- urban population in developing countries.
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module -I Demographic data Base in India
1.1 Study of census in India -
Methodology and Characteristics of Census
1.2 Nature of information collected in
1971, 1981, 1991, and 2011 census India
1.3 National Family Health Survey 1 and 2
and rapid household survey
1.4 Changing characteristics of
population in India; Population growth rates, trends and regional variations in
sex ratio; Age structure population, foetal, infant and child mortality rates;
Life expectancy
1.5 Appraisal of Kerela Model
1.6 Pattern of Urbanization and Migration
in India
Module - II Population and Development
with Reference to India
2.1 Population, Economy and environment
linkages- population, health, nutrition, productivity nexus, population and
human development issues; Culture and Fertility, Education and Fertility; Demography
and household economic behavior.
Module - III Population Policy
3.1 Population and strategies for human
development of different social groups; Social impact of new productive
techniques and their regulation
3.2 The New population policy
3.3 Tasks before the National Population
Module -IV Population Policy in India
4.1 Evolution of Population policy in
India - Shift in policy from population control to family welfare, to women
4.2 Family Planning strategies and their
4.3 Reproductive health, maternal
nutrition and child health policies
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - 1
Demographic and Futurological issues,
sex, ratio, age. Consumption regional difference, rural urban, tribal, women
population structure with reference to women
Module - II
Population policy and status of women,
health and education policy of women in India, Population. Structure of Tribal
and Rural women in Chotanagpur, Comparison with other parts of the country, Problems
and Remedy
Module - III
Demographic structure in developed and
developing countries, Population Estimates and Projection Human Development:
Measures and implications of population growth on Human Development
Module - IV
Changing characteristics of population in
India: Growth rates, trend and regional variations in sex ratio; age structure
of population, Factors responsible for high fertility rate in India, Population
Policy since independence
(Gender & Development)
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Demography of female population: Age
structure, mortality rates, and sex ratio-Causes of declining sex ratios and
fertility rates in LDCs and particularly India; Women and their access to
nutrition, health, education.
Module - II
Economic status of women and its effect
on work-participation, income level, health, and education in
India. Impact of technological
development on women's work participation in agriculture and nonagriculture
rural activities, small and cottage industries.
Module - III
Fertility: Meaning, Concepts - CBR, ASBR,
GFR, GRR and Factors affecting fertility. Nuptality: Meaning. Concepts - CMR,
SMR, GMR, Determinants of nuptality, Martial Dissolution
Module -IV
Social security of women: entitlements,
ensuring economic independence,Self help groups in providing social security;
Schemes for safety net for women; Democratic decentralization (panchayats) and women's
empowerment in India.
(Gender & Development)
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Economic growth and gender equality.
Globalisation of the world economy and gender status. Feminisation of poverty.
Women's contribution to GDP Impact of economic growth on gender (inequality.
Impact of gender equality on economic growth and socio-economic development.
Concept of the "feminisation of poverty". Basic causes of the
feminisation of poverty.
Module - II
Gender inequality in the labour market,
Factors affecting female entry in labour market- particularly India; female
work participation in agriculture, non-agricultural rural activities, cottage
and small-scale industries, and services sector, Problems of female labour.
Module - III
Women in the labour force, labour market
theories, segmented labour market, determinants of women's employment,
occupational pattern of women in India, inter state comparisons of contribution
of women to GNP in India, problems and working conditions of Indian women.
Module - IV
Economic of tribal and rural women in
Chotanagpur, Comparison with other parts of the state and country, problems and
(Gender & Development)
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module -I
Distribution of resources and
decision-making mechanisms, Distribution of time: work in the labour market,
work in the household, leisure time. Demographic changes and gender status. The
gender factor in demographic development. The gender shift and demographic
Module - II
Global demographic changes: impact on
gender status. Gender interpretation of the causes of the demographic shift in
birth rates: micro- and macro-level. The concept of the gender shift:
substance, stages, indicators. Demographic interpretations in the concept of
the gender shift.
Module -III
Gender budgets. Gender review Gender
budgets and gender budgeting. Methodology of gender budget preparation.
Approaches and principles of gender budgeting. Experiences of different
countries in gender budgeting. The children's budget as a type of social
budget: Russian experience. Main principles of gender review of socio-economic
and demographic development of countries and regions.
Module -IV
Gender policy: national, regional and
global level. Gender inequality indicators Objectives and methods of gender
policy. Main gender issues in socio-economic development in developed
countries, developing countries. Gender issues in the Millennium Development
Goals. Indicators of gender differences in socio-economic development.
Incorporation of the gender factor into the Human Development Index.
- I
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Basic Issues of Environment
Economy Trade Off
1.1 Laws of Thermodynamics
1.2 Environmental asset as public good -
Concept of externality and market failure
1.3 Pareto optimality in the presence of
external effects in production.
Module - II The Theory of Environmental
2.1 Pollution as negative
externality-optimal pollution; The concept of property right - Coase theorem; Potential
for market bargain in externality-criticism of Coase theorem.
2.2 Taxation and optimal pollution - The
optimal Pigovian tax-Pollution changes and property rightPollution changes and
abatement cost.
2.3 Environmental standards - The
inefficiency of standard setting - Taxes Vs Standards - Baumol and Oates least
cost theorem.
2.4 Tradable pollution permits - The
basic theory of TPPs-Type of permits - advantage of TPPs.
Module - III Common Pool Resources
3.1 Tragedy of the commons
3.2 Nature of dependence on common pool
3.3 Empirical studies on CPR in Indian
Module - IV Environmental Accounting
4.1 Basic Theory of Environmental
4.2 A Dynamic Optimization Model on
National Income - Hawtrick's rule and sustainable income
4.3 Environmentally adjusted national
product and sustainable resource management - illustrations with various types
of non-renewable and renewable resources
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Natural Resource Scarcity
& Regulation
1.1 Malthusian and Ricardian scarcity,
Physical measures and economic measures
1.2 Resource scarcity mitigation,
recycling and substitution
1.3 Regulation under Imperfect Market and
Transaction Cost: Issues of efficiency in water transfer
Module - II Economics of Non-Renewable
2.1 Basic concepts - Hotelling rule-The
concept of backstop - A simple model of optimal depletion
2.2 Perfect competition and monopoly in
non-renewable resource market.
2.3 Optimum extraction of exhaustible
resources - General model, imperfect competition
2.4 Exploration and externality, non
convexity, efficiency and equilibrium in exhaustible resource depletion
Module - III Economics of Renewable
Resource - I
3.1 Economic of fishery-Growth function -
logistic model
3.2 The sustained yield function -
Schaefer model - Underlying assumptions - Drawbacks of MSY
3.3 Static model of fishery - Profit
3.4 Comparison of MSY and open access
Module - IV Economics of Renewable
Resource - II
4.1 Economics of forestry - The volume
function and the mean annual increment - optimal single rotation - The rotation
4.2 Timber supply in the short run and in
long run- The comparative static effects
Full Marks - 70, Pass Marks 28
Time - 3 Hrs.
Candidates will have to answer five
questions out of total of nine questions. At least one question from each
module will be set. Question no. 1 will be compulsory, which will
contain 7 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
Module - I Environmental Valuation and
Impact Assessment
1.1 Environmental Valuation and
Cost-benefit Analysis;
1.2 Revealed preference Approach
(Household Production Function, Travel cost, Hedonic Price, Statistical value
of life);
1.3 Stated Preference Approach
(Contingent Valuation Method);
1.4 Environmental Impact Assessment: Case
Studies in Indian Context
Module - II Economics of Climate Change
2.1 Climate Change - Scientific
Evidences, Likely Impact on Economy, Adaptation & Mitigation
2.2 Economics of Climate Change - Why policies
differ, Cost & Burden Sharing
2.3 UNFCC and the Global Protocols
Module - III Energy Environment Linkage
3.1 Energy Use as the driver of Climate
3.2 Energy and Growth - Energy Intensity
of GDP, Recent Changes in Energy Intensity,
3.3 Macroeconomic Impact of Energy Price
Changes (theory), Forward & Backward Linkages between Energy & Economy
Module - IV Energy Demand Analysis
4.1 Network Model - Reference Energy
Systems (RES)
4.2 Energy Accounting Framework - Energy
Balance Table, Structure, Format and Conventions; Sankey Disgrams
4.3 Demand Forecasting - Baseline
Analysis, Trend Analysis, Process Modelling Approach, Econometric Energy Demand
4.4 Area of Interventions for Energy
Demand Management - Technology, Pricing, Regulations; Examples from Indian
Part-1- Research Methodology
1.1 Major concepts of Research
Methodology, Steps of scientific research, Formulation and execution of research
1.2 Features of good research design,
framing of hypothesis/research questions, schedule/ questionnaire
1.3 Specification of data requirement,
Sources of secondary data, Primary data collection methods
1.4 Data analysis, Writing the project
report, Notes and Bibliography
1.5 A. Central tendency (Mean, Median,
Mode), Dispersion, Correlation (Simple, Multiple) & Regression
1.6 B. Uses of
statistics in research.
Part-2-Project / Dissertation
Students will have to do an individual
project work as assigned by the Department under the supervision of the
Department. The project work will be of 70 marks. At the end of the semester
the candidate will have to present his dissertation.
Seminar and other activity in the department -30 Marks