10th English (अंग्रेजी) Jac Model Question Solution, 2022-23

10th English (अंग्रेजी) Jac Model Question Solution, 2022-23



CLASS X (Subjective)



Time: 1:30 HOURS Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:

i. Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.

ii. All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper.

iii. All parts of a question must be written together.

iv. Answers of the questions must be in the context of the instructions given therein.

1. Read the passage given below and answer any five questions:- 2 x 5= 10


The horse is a domesticated one -toed, hoofed mammal. The natural life span of a domesticated horse is about 25-30 years, 10 years down from what it was in the wild. One can tell a horse's age from the number of teeth it has. They get all their teeth by the age of 5, after which those teeth just get longer. Horses can't breathe through their mouth. They have 10 different muscles in their ears. Horses have a nearly 360 degree all round vision. The only place they cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them. Therefore, it is unsafe to stand behind a horse. Each of the horse's two eyes work independently. A horse can sleep standing up as as he is able to lock his leg muscles which prevents him from falling. As horses become more domesticated humans have developed more uses for them, such as serving as means of transportation, source of entertainment etc. Today horses can be found in the care of humans all over the world.

Q.1 what is the life span of domesticated horse?

Ans : The natural life span of a domesticated horse is about 25-30 years

Q.2 How can one count a horse's age?

Ans : One can tell a horse’s age from the number of teeth it has. They get all their teeth by the age of 5, after which those teeth just get longer.

Q.3 Why is it not safe to stand behind a horse?

Ans : The only place they cannot see is directly behind or right in front of them. Therefore, it is unsafe to stand behind a horse

Q.4 How do horses help humans?

Ans : As horses become more domesticated humans have developed more uses for them, such as serving as means of transportation, source of entertainment etc.

Q.5 Find out the antonyms of 'indirectly from the given passage.

Ans : Directly

Q.6 Make meaningful sentences with the given words:

a. entertainment : Live sports events can be a great source of entertainment, especially when your favorite team is playing.

b. prevents : Regular exercise prevents obesity and heart disease.

Q.7 complete the sentences.

a. The horse is a domesticated

Ans:-The horse is a domesticated one -toed, hoofed mammal.

b. one can tell a horse's age

Ans : One can tell a horse’s age from the number of teeth it has.

 ii. Writing

Il Attempt any two in about 80-100 words (Question 10 is compulsory) 5 x2=10

Q.8 write a letter to your younger brother describing him the importance of time.

Ans : Hazaribagh

Date -09/01/2023

Dear Ramesh,

We all are right, and hope you will be fine too. There is a new beginning of your hostel and college. You have grown up, through this letter, I want to tell you about the importance of time. Time is very important in our life, let it never be wasted, if once it is time, it will never return. Have a good education and get good marks and give your time to good work and study. If you want to achieve success in life then learn how to use the time. Acid my understanding of things. Take care of yourself.

Your Brother,


Q.9 Write an application to the Headmaster of your school,asking him to make more book available in the school library.

Ans : To ,

         The headmaster

          H.S, Gopikandar

Sub:-Request to make more book available in the school library.

Respected Sir,

Many other books are torn and difficult to handle, so many students do not have the proper knowledge of the subject. We kindly request that some new books be added to our school library so that many of us can get the right knowledge and help many students to fully incorporate the curriculum.

Your obedient student



Roll .no - 26

Q.10 write a paragraph on" the happiest day in your life"

Ans : The happiest day of my life was the day I graduated from college. It was a momentous occasion that marked the culmination of years of hard work and determination. I had always dreamed of earning my degree, and the day I finally walked across the stage to receive it was a dream come true. The feeling of accomplishment and pride that I felt on that day was indescribable. My family and friends were all there to celebrate with me, and it was a joyous occasion that I will always remember. Even now, thinking back on that day brings a smile to my face and fills me with happiness. It was truly a day to remember and one that will always hold a special place in my heart


Q.11 Fill in the blanks with suitable models given below:- 1x3=3


a.My sister ...might........... dance when she was five.

b. ....May.........God bless you!

c. Aman worked hard so that he.... could.... .pass

Q.12 Transform the following sentences as directed :-1x3=3

a. Anita is too lazy to write. (Remove 'too')

Ans : Anita is so lazy that she can’t write

b. Who is not afraid of death? (into assertive)

Ans : Everyone is aftarid of death.

c. Radha said to me.", please help me to lift the box". ( into indirect speech)

Ans : She requested me to help to lift that box.


Q. 13 Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:- 1x3=3

I am in Orphan, roaming the street

I pattern soft dust with my hushed bare feet

The Silence is Golden, the freedom is sweet

a. Name the poem from where this extract has been taken.

Ans : Amanda

b. Who has written these lines?

Ans : Poet Robin Klein

c. What is she doing?

Ans : She is patterning soft dust with her bare feet.

V. Attempt any two: (word limit :-40-50 words) 3x2=6

Q.14 why was Lencho angry?

Ans : Lencho was single-minded and his immense faith in God made him think that God would give him the hundred pesos he had asked from him. On seeing that he had only received seventy pesos, he thought that the employees of the post office had stolen the rest of the money. This made Lencho angry.

15 How is wanda seen as different by the other girls?

Ans: Wanda is seen as different by the other girls. She is poor and a lonely girl. They treated her as inferior to them and always made fun of her. The girls teased her by commenting on her dress and dirty feet.

Q.16 what was valliie's favourite pastime?

Ans : Valli’s favourite pastime was standing in the front doorway of her house and looking at the street outside

Q. 17 Why does the poet want to turn and live with animals?

Ans : The animals are placid and self contained. They are satisfied with their lot and never complain about it. The poet is disgusted with living among human beings. So he wishes to live with animals because he likes them.

V: Attempt anyone: (word limit -80-100 words) 5 x1=5

Q. 18 who was Horace Danby and what kind of a person was he?

Ans : Horace Danby was a fifty year old man who used to collect rare and expensive books by robbing once in a year. He was a lock Smith by profession. He was an unmarried man who used to Stay with a house keeper.

19 How is Mrs. Pumphrey responsible for Tricki’s ailment?

Ans : Mrs. Pumphrey, Tricki’s owner, was responsible for Tricki’s condition. She was a rich lady and spent a lot of money on buying expensive food items for Tricki. She made him eat so much that he fell ill. She also provided all the luxury to the dog and never made him do any exercise. She used to think that Tricki was suffering from malnutrition and so she continuously gave him food to eat. Tricky kept on eating without doing any exercise and this led to his terrible condition.



2022-2023 CLASS -10


 Set -1 (Objective)



Total number of questions is 40.

Each question carries 1 mark.

Four options are given. Students are expected to select the most appropriate answer.

All the questions are compulsory. No marks will be deducted for wrong answer.

I. Read the passage given below and choose the correct options to answer the questions:

Valley of flowers is a national park in Uttarakhand, India. This Valley is famous for charming Meadows of alpine flowers. Myriad alpine flowers make this place a colourful Paradise. This beautiful valley is also a World heritage site with its prestine beauty and mystical surroundings which attracts nature lovers, photographers and botanists. Valley of flower is bifurcated by Pushpawati River. This Valley is one of the famous trekking destinations in India. The valley of flowers is a 3- km Climb from Ghagharia. One cannot stay at the valley of flowers, therefore, Ghagharia remains and ideal place to relax and sleep. The valley is covered with snow for most of the Year. It opens on 1st June every year for visitors.

Q. 1 The valley of flower is in...........

a Jharkhand

b. Uttarakhand

c. Bihar

d. Rajasthan

Q. 2 why is this Valley famous for?

a. Pushpawati river

b. Ganga River

c. sun-flower

d. Alpine flowers.

Q.3 why this valley is a world heritage site?

a. because of its pristine beauty

b. because of its mystical surroundings

c. both a and b

d. None of the above.

Q.4 The visitors have to stay in Ghangaria because

a. The valley of flowers is a haunted place.

b. One cannot stay at the valley of flowers

c.Ghangaria is an ideal place to relax and sleep.

d. both b and c.

Q.5 When does the valley of flowers open for the visitors?

a. 2nd October

b. 1st June

c.3rd September

d. 1" January

Q. 6. Which word means divided into two separate parts?

a. charming

b. bifurcated

c. heritage

d. destination

Q.7. The antonym of 'repel' is

a. relax

b. attract

c. ideal

d. none of the above.

Q.8 Valley of flowers is a national park in Uttarakhand, India. The above sentence is in :-

a. simple present,

b. simple past.

c. present continuous.

d. past continuous.

II.Choose the correct options given in the questions 9-14 and complete the letter given below.

Old H. B. Road

Kokar, Ranchi

17 November, 2022

........... 9 ............. Aman.

I am very...10..... to know that you have got first positions in the 10th Board. We are very happy to ... 11...... your name in the merit list. Your dedication and hard work has ..........12........... with success. Your success ...........13......... me and gives me inspiration. I am very proud of you. Hope you will get similar success in future also

Your......... 14.......... Friend



a. sincerely

b lovingly

c. Dear

d. deer


a. sad

b. happy

c. angry

d. disappointed


a. find

b. receive

c. proud

d. none of these.


a. given.

b. failed

c. crowned.

d. none of these


a. discourages

b. encourages

c. jealous

d. hate


a. loving

b. lovingly

c. faithfully

d. obediently

III. Choose the correct option and answer the following questions:-

Q.15 'The children are making noise in the class 'This sentence is in-

a. simple past

b. past perfect

c. present perfect

d. present continuous

Q.16. The passive voice of 'Mr. Sharma is making a film is'-

a. A film is being made by Mr. Sharma.

b. A film is made by Mr. Sharma.

c. A film is made by him.

d. None of these.

Q.17. The passive voice of "who wrote this book?"

a. By who is this book written?

b. by whom is this book written?

c. By whom was this book Written?

d. By who was this book written?

18. Look! That man................. to open the door of your house.

a. try

b. is trying

c. are trying

d. trying

Q.19. The modal verb in' I asked him if I ..........see him' is:-

a. should

b. ought

c. need

d. could

Q.20 practice .......... a man perfect.

a. is making

b. makes

c. are making

d. none of these.

Q.21. I ............ French these days.

a. was learning

b. learn

c. am learning

d. learnt

Q.22 Look! She is the girl ......... Stood first in her class

a. who

b. whom

c. when

d. where

IV. Read the passage given below and choose the correct options to answer the questions: -

On the public writing table, he started to write with much wrinkling of his brow caused by the effort he had to make to express his ideas. When he finished, he went to the window to buy a stamp which he licked and then affixed to the envelope with a blow of his fist.The moment the letter fell into the mailbox the Postmaster went to open it. It said:"God of the money that I asked for, only 70 Pesos reached me send me the rest since need it very much. But don't send it to me through the mail because the post office employees are a bunch of crooks-Lencho."

Q.23 who is' he 'in the first line?

a. God

b. Lencho

c. Postmaster

d. none of these.

Q. 24. How much money did reach Lencho?

a. hundred Pesos

b. thirty pesos

c. seventy pesos

d. fifty pesos

Q.25. What does the phrase" bunch of crooks" mean?

a. group of dishonest people

b. group of honest people

c. group of friendly people

d. group of unfriendly people

V. Choose the correct option and answer the following question:-

Q.26. Who is the author of "From The Diary of Anne Frank?"

a. Royal Dahl

b. Anne Frank

c. Walt Whitman

d. Ogden Nash

Q.27. Who did Maddie think would win the contest ?

a. Wanda

b. Maddie

c. Peggy

d. none of these.

Q.28. What risk did the pilot take?

a missing his breakfast

b. flying back to Paris

c. flying the old Dakota straight into the storm

d. He did not take any risk.

Q.29. What was the immediate reactions of the Postman seeing the letter?

a. cried

b. laughed whole heartedly

c. felt sad

d. felt happy

Q.30. what are a man's obligations in life?

a. obligations to his family

b. obligations to his people.

c. both a and b

d. none of the above.

Q.31. what does Amanda consider herself?

a. an Orphan

b. a player

c. very rich

d. very poor

Q.32. The baker or the bread seller of those days had a Peculiar dress known as:-

a. kira

b. coat pant

c. kabai

d. hanbok

Q.33. In which country tea was drunk first?

a. England

b. China

c. Pakistan

d. Bangladesh

Q.34. what type of man was Griffin?

a brilliant scientist.

b. lawless person

c. both a & b

d. friendly

Q.35. what did the thief use to change every month?

a. his name

b. his house

c. his car

d. none of the above.

Q.36. who is the writer of "A Triumph of Surgery?

a. Mrs. Pumphrey

b. James Herriot

c. Ruskin Bond

d. Mulk Raj Anand

Q.37. who was Ausable?

a. waiter

b. policeman

c. secret agent

d.None of the above.

Q.38. Horace Danby liked...

a. reading expensive books

b. reading newspaper

c. singing

d. listening music

Q.39. Mrs. Loisel borrowed a ..........from Mme Forestier.

a. a dress

b. a necklace

c. both a & b

d. None of the above

Q. 40 What was Bholi's real name?

a. Sunidhi


c. Rajni

d. Nalini

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