Class 11th English Core Objective

Class 11th English Core Objective
Class 11th English Core Objective

Hornbill Book

Chapter 2. We are not afraid to die if we all can be Together

1. From where did the ship sail for the voyage?

A. America

B. Mexico

C. Germany

D. Plymouth, England


2. Why did the author decide to go for a round-the-world voyage? duplicate the voyage made 200 years ago by Captain James Cook

B. to see the world

C. to settle down in different country

D. to show his children the world through ship

3. What was the occupation of the author?

A. Businessman

B. Sailor

C. Teacher

D. None of the above

4. What was the name of the ship of the author?

A. Amazon

B. Wavewalker

C. Waveship

D. Sailorship

5. What part of the journey was pleasant for them?

A. First leg – from England to Cape town

B. Last part of the journey

C. First few months

D. Never

6. What were the names of the two crewmen whom the author hired?

A. Shelly and Cabil

B. Larry Vigil and Herb Seigler

C. Herb Seigler and Shelly Cooper

D. Larry Vigil and Adam Moore

7. Why did the author hire the two crewmen?

A. to take rest from long the voyage

B. to help tackle one of the world’s roughest seas, the southern Indian Ocean

C. because he could no longer sail the ship

D. he wanted to spend some time with his family

8. When did the waves start getting gigantic? 

A. December 25

B. January 2

C. November 30

D. December 31

9. What did they do to slow down the boat in the storm?

A. Stopped sailing

B. dropped the storm jib and lashed a heavy mooring rope

C. just dropped the storm jib

D. did nothing and waited for storm to calm down

10. What was the first indication of disaster?

A. around 6 pm when winds dropped and sky grew darker

B. next morning when the ship started creaking

C. when it started raining

D. when winds were strong


11. What happened after the first indication of the disaster?

A. a wave appeared vertical and almost twice the height of other waves

B. it broke the ship from inside

C. the ship turned upside down

D. it didn’t affect the ship

12. How did the explosion affect the ship?

A. A torrent of green and white water broke over the ship

B. the ship started sinking

C. the ship turned upside down

D. None of the above

13. Why did the author accept his approaching death?

A. Pirates had attacked the ship

B. because he was injured by the explosion

C. he was thrown in the sea

D. he was stabbed

14. What did the author see when his head popped out of the water?

A. the ship was sinking

B. the ship was nowhere to be seen

C. the ship was near capsizing, her masts almost horizontal

D. it was still standing

15. What happened to the author’s body when he managed to reach the deck?

A. his head smashed again

B. his left ribs cracked;mouth filled with blood and broken teeth

C. he broke his leg

D. his broke his left hand

16. Who said, “We’re sinking!” ?

A. His crewmen

B. Mary

C. His daughter

D. His son

17. What was the condition of the ship?

A. Broken timbers, starboard side bulged inwards; clothes, crockery, charts, tins and toys sloshed

B. There personal belongings were missing

C. water filled in every room and their clothes were missing

D. Can’t say

18. What had happened to Sue when the author entered their room to check on them?

A. her head hurt as there was a bump

B. She was unconscious

C. her legs hurt

D. she was fine

19. What was the age of Suzanne and Jonathan?

A. 8 & 9 years old

B. 7 & 6 years old

C. 10 & 7 years old

D. 4 years & 6 years

20. How did the author manage to stretch the canvas?

A. by repairing the holes

B. by asking crewmen for help

C. it happened on its own

D. the problem got over as the storm had passed

21. What happened after the hand pumps started to block up with the debris floating around the cabins?

A. the author connected an electric-pump to an out-pipe

B. by taking out water with the help of bucket

C. by repairing hand pump

D. the author found another hand pump

22. Where did they decide to reach to save themselves and the ship?

A. Australia

B. Ile Amsterdam

C. Mumbai, India

D. Japan

23. What was their first meal in two days?

A. Meat loaves

B. bread and milk

C. noodles

D. corned beef and cracker biscuits

24. Who said, “we aren’t afraid of dying if we can all be together — you and Mummy, Sue and I.”?

A. Jon

B. Crewmen to each other

C. Suz

D. Mom

25. When did they reach lle Amsterdam?

A. around 6 pm in the evening

B. never reached there

C. at 11 in the next morning

D. they decided to take different route

26. What was the status of the ship on January 3?

A. “pumps had the water level sufficiently under control ”

B. condition was getting worse

C. they were still struggling to control the pumps

D. everything was just right

27. How long did they take for the ship’s testing and fitting?

A. months

B. few days

C. 2 years

D. few weeks


28. Where had they reached on the 25th of December?

A. 3,500 kilometres east of Cape Town

B. they were suffering the waves away from Cape Town

C. 2500 km from Cape Town

D. reached capeTown

29. What happened when the author’s head smashed into the wheel?

A. he was hurt but steady

B. he flew overboard sinking below the waves

C. he was not hurt

D. he gained control immediately

30. What does ‘Mayday call’ mean?

A Call made in the month of May

B Distress call for help

C Both A and B

D None of these

Snapshots Book

Chapter 1. The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse

Q1. Who is the author of “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse”?

A.  AJ Cronin

B.  William Wordsworth

C.  William Shakespeare

D.  William Saroyan


Q2. What were the hallmarks of the Garoghlanian tribe?

A.  Trust

B.  Honesty

C.  Both (A) and (B)

D.  None of the above


Q3. “The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse” is a story of two _________ boys.

A.  Armenian

B.  Arabian

C.  Assyrian

D.  African


Q4. Mourad enjoyed being _______ more than anybody else.

A.  crazy

B.  alive

C.  funny

D.  None of the above


Q5. What according to Aram, was his first longing?

A.  To own a horse

B.  To become rich

C.  To ride a horse

D.  To visit a vineyard

Q6. Why couldn’t Aram believe when he saw Mourad with the horse?

A.  Because Mourad was crazy

B.  Because they were poor to afford a horse

C.  Because he was sleepy

D.  Because he was dreaming

Q7. Where did Aram live?

A.  In the centre of the town

B.  In the country

C.  Olive Avenue

D.  At the edge of town on Walnut Avenue

Q8. How does Aram describe the horse?

A.  Magnificent & lovely

B.  Beautiful white horse

C.  Both (A) and (B)

D.  None of the above

Q9. No member of the Garoghlanian family could be _______.

A.  poor

B.  rich

C.  a thief

D.  crazy


Q10. Mourad was considered the natural descendant of his _________.

A.  father

B.  uncle

C.  grandfather

D.  great-grandfather

Q11. How would you describe uncle Khosrove?

A.  Hot tempered

B.  Irritable

C.  Impatient

D.  All of the above


Q12. What did uncle Khosrove do to stop anyone from talking?

A.  By beating them

B.  By walking away

C.  By shouting at them

D.  By ignoring them

Q13. What was uncle Khosrove’s customary line?

A.  Ignore it; pay no attention.

B.  Forget it.

C.  It is harmless; ignore it.

D.  It is no harm; pay no attention to it.

Q14. When Aram rode the horse alone, it ran down the road to the _________.

A.  vineyard

B.  irrigation ditch

C.  field

D.  countryside

Q15. Mourad had been hiding the horse _________.

A.  in a stable

B.  in a barn of a vineyard

C.  at a secret place of his house

D.  None of the above

Q16. What was the behaviour of the horse initially?

A.  It wanted to be trained

B.  It wanted to rest

C.  It wanted to run wild

D.  All of the above

Q17. What sort of an understanding did Mourad mention with the horse?

A.  Mature

B.  Simple and honest

C.  Complicated

D.  Difficult

Q18. John Byro learned to speak Armenian out of ________.

A.  necessity

B.  fun

C.  eagerness

D.  loneliness

Q19. Who was the true knower of the horse?

A.  John Byro

B.  Fetvajian

C.  Dikran Halabian

D.  Zorab

Q20. For how long did Mourad have the horse before Aram got to know about it?

A.  One day

B.  One year

C.  One month

D.  One week

Q21. At what time did Aram and Mourad ride the horse?

A.  Late night

B.  Early morning

C.  Evening

D.  Afternoon hours

Q22. “I have a way with farmers.” Who says it to whom?

A.  Aram to Mourad

B.  Mourad to John Byro

C.  Aram to John Byro

D.  Mourad to Aram

Q23. John Byro said, “A suspicious man would believe his eyes instead of his heart.” What does it tell about him?

A.  He believed in the honesty of Garoghlanian family

B.  He was impractical

C.  He was foolish

D.  None of the above

Q24. Why did the horse's owner refuse to believe that the boys had stolen his horse?

A.  Because he didn’t examine the horse carefully

B.  Because their family was known for honesty

C.  Because he had found his horse elsewhere

D.  Because his horse had a twin

Q25. When did the boys return the horse?

A.  After Aram learned to ride it

B.  After an year

C.  After six months

D.  After they ran into John Byro

Q26. Why did the boys return the white horse to its owner?

A.  Because they were conscience stricken

B.  Because they were afraid

C.  Because they found it difficult to hide the horse

D.  Because they were accused of theft

Q27. After the horse was stolen and returned, it became ______.

A.  rougher

B.  sick & ill

C.  stronger & better-tempered

D.  Both (A) and (C)

Q28. “Quiet, man, quiet. Your horse has been returned.” Who said this?

A.  Mourad

B.  Aram

C.  Uncle Khosrove

D.  Not mentioned in the story


Q29. Who is the narrator of the story “The Summer of a Beautiful White Horse”?

A.  William Saroyan

B.  Aram

C.  John Byro

D.  Mourad


Q30. What idea/theme does “The Summer of a Beautiful White Horse” entails?

A.  Honesty

B.  Honour

C.  Trust

D.  All of the above

Hornbill Book

Poem 2. The Laburnum Top

1. How did the poet describe the top of the Laburnum tree in the poem 'The Laburnum Top'?

A. Still and Silent

B. Moving and Angry like

C. Silent and Motionless

D. None of the above

2. What happened to the leaves of the Laburnum tree?

A. they were green

B. turned yellow

C. fallen down

D. new leaves growing

3. How was the tree standing in the month of September?

A. still and death-like

B. alive

C. green and happy

D. still and green

4. When did the death-like tree become alive?

A. in the month of March

B. by the arrival monsoon season

C. by the arrival of the Goldfinch bird

D. by the arrival of sparrows

5. Why did the Goldfinch bird came towards the tree?

A. to feed her younger ones

B. to make a nest

C. to rest

D. None of the above

6. Where are the young ones of the Goldfinch bird?

A. On the thickness of the branch

B. On the top of the tree

C. on other tree

D. they were never there

7. What role does the tree play for the Goldfinch bird?

A. As a shelter

B. as a supporter        

C. as a means to feed her family

D. as a resting place

8. How did the bird move to the other side of the branch?

A. Like a lizard

B. Slowly

C. Smoothly

D. by flying     

9. How did the bird arrive at the other branch of the tree?

A. with a chirping sound

B. silently

C. never arrived at other branch

D. flew away and then arrived at the branch

10. What happened after she fed her young ones?

A. she flew away

B. she flew to the other side of the branch

C. she stayed there

D. she took some rest in the nest    


11. Why was Goldfinch's body barely visible?

A. due to her dark coloured yellow body

B. because she was small

C. because of the height of the tree

D. because she was brown in colour 

12. Where did the bird vanish after feeding her young ones?

A. to the other branch

B. to the top of the tree

C. to her nest

D. behind the yellow leaves

13. What happened to the bird in the end of the poem?

A. she flew away

B. she stayed at the tree

C. she went to other tree

D. she went to bring some food for her younger ones

14. How was the tree in the end when the bird flew away?

A. It was still alive

B. Nothing changed in the looks

C. it was death-like again

D. None of the above

15. What instance of Alliteration has been used in the poem 'The Laburnum Top' out of the following options?

A. engine of her family

B. her barred face

C. Sleek as a lizard

D. September sunlight

16. What Transferred Epithet was used in the poem  'The Laburnum Top'?  

A. her barred face identity mask

B. engine of her family

C. Sleek as a lizard

D. September sunlight

17. What does the phrase “her barred face identity mask” mean?

A. because she was brown in colour

B. due to her dark coloured yellow body

C. bird’s face became her identity and symbol of recognition

D. None of the above


18. What is the dominant colour used in the poem?

A. Red

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Green

19. What is described by the word 'sleek' in the poem?

A. Lizard

B. Bird

C. Branch

D. Top of the tree


20. What is described as 'engine' in the poem?

A. Lizard

B. Machine

C. Laburnum Tree

D. None of the above



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