Class 11 English Core Jac Board 2024 Answer key

Class 11 English Core Jac Board 2024 Answer key

Class 11 English Core Jac Board 2024 Answer key

झारखण्ड अधिविद्य परिषद्


Arts (Paper-I)



Full Marks 40 :          Time: 1 Hour

पूर्णांक : 40                    समय : 1 घंटा

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS / सामान्य निर्देश :

1. Before answering carefully verify all information related to the candidate, printed on Page 2 of the OMR Answer Sheet. If the printed information belongs to any other candidate, then inform the Invigilator immediately and get it replaced.

उत्तर देने से पूर्व परीक्षार्थी से संबंधित ओ० एम० आर० उत्तर-पत्रक के पृष्ठ 2 पर मुद्रित सभी सूचनाओं की सावधानी पूर्वक जाँच कर लें। यदि मुद्रित सूचनाएँ किसी अन्य परीक्षार्थी की हों, तो वीक्षक को तुरंत सूचित कर उसे बदल लें ।

2. Put in your full signature on the OMR Answer Sheet in the space provided. आप अपना पूरा हस्ताक्षर OMR उत्तर पत्रक में दी गई जगह पर करें ।

3. There are 40 Multiple Choice Questions in this Question Booklet. इस प्रश्न पुस्तिका में कुल 40 बहु-विकल्पीय प्रश्न हैं।

4. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark. No marks will be deducted for wrong answer.

सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं । प्रत्येक प्रश्न की अधिमानता 1 अंक की है। गलत उत्तर के लिए अंक नहीं काटा जाएगा।

5. Read the instructions provided on page 1 of the OMR Answer Sheet carefully and do accordingly.

OMR उत्तर पत्रक के पृष्ठ 1 पर प्रदत्त सभी निर्देशों को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़ें तथा उसके अनुसार कार्य करें।

6. Four options (A, B, C, D) are given for each question. You have to darken duly the most suitable answer on your OMR Answer Sheet. Use only Blue or Black Ball-Point Pen. The use of Pencil is not allowed.

प्रत्येक प्रश्न में चार विकल्प (A, B, C, D) दिये गये हैं। इनमें से सबसे उपयुक्त उत्तर को आप अपने OMR उत्तर पत्रक पर ठीक-ठीक गहरा काला करें। नीला या काला बॉल-प्वाइंट कलम का ही प्रयोग करें। पेंसिल का प्रयोग वर्जित है।

7. Before leaving the examination hall, hand over the OMR Answer Sheet to the invigilator. You are allowed to take the question booklet with you.

परीक्षा भवन छोड़ने से पहले OMR उत्तर पत्रक वीक्षक को लौटा दीजिये । प्रश्न पुस्तिका आप अपने साथ ले जा सकते हैं ।

Adhere to the instructions provided in the OMR Answer Sheet very carefully otherwise your OMR Answer Sheet will be invalid and it will not be evaluated.

OMR उत्तर पत्रक पर दिये गये निर्देशों का ध्यानपूर्वक पालन कीजिए अन्यथा आपका OMR उत्तर पत्रक अमान्य होगा और उसकी जाँच नहीं की जायेगी ।

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Cartoon making is an art that requires a combination of hard work, training and a good sense of humour.

Cartoonist like R. K. Laxman says that making a cartoon is not a piece of cake. He says that he has to wait for six hours, which includes spending a lot of time scanning newspapers and television channel before any idea strikes him.

So how does one become a cartoonist ? There are two colleges or schools for cartoonists. Most of them comes from art college, while some learn the art on their own. Most established cartoonists are of the view that 'one may learn to sketch and draw in institutes but no one can teach any one how to make a good cartoon,' says Uday Shankar, a cartoonist from Navbharat Times. It is one's creativity and sense of humour, two qualities one simply may not have. Cartoonist says that the cartoons that make us laugh the most are in fact the cartoons that are hardest to make.

1. Frow where does R. K. Laxman gets the idea for cartoons ?

(A) Newspapers

(B) Television

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

2. Where does most cartoonist come from?

(A) Science College

(B) Cartoon College

(C) Art College

(D) Drama College

3. According to whom "No one can teach any one how to make a good cartoon"?

(A) Rama Shankar

(B) Uday Shankar

(C) R. K. Laxman

(D) None of them

4. Which of the following words best describes this passage?

(A) Humourous

(B) Informative

(C) Technical

(D) Challenging

5. Which word from the passage means 'funny side'?

(A) Creative

(B) Humour

(C) Craft

(D) Struggle

6. In note making notes are not written in

(A) Phrases

(B) Idioms

(C) Sentences

(D) Points

7. Letter to the Editor is written for

(A) Newspaper

(B) School

(C) College

(D) Club

8. In a formal letter to the editor the complimentary close should be

(A) Yours loving

(B) Yours truly

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

9. Notices for school and college contain certain announcement for

(A) Principal

(B) Headmaster

(C) Students

(D) Peon

10. Choose grammatically correct sentence for the given jumbled words:


(A) Rain going to heavily is it

(B) It is going to rain heavily

(C) Going to rain heavily it is

(D) Going to rain is it heavily

11. Choose the grammatically correct sentence for the given jumbled words:

shut/be/let / the / door

(A) The door be shut let.

(B) The door let be shut

(C) Let be the door shut

(D) Let the door be shut

12. This is the book I bought yesterday.

(A) whom

(B) who

(C) whose

(D) which

13. The earth round the sun.

(A) is moving

(B) moves

(C) has been moving

(D) has moved

14. Mukesh is honest man.

(A) the

(B) a

(C) an

(D) all

15. was the last heir of a powerful Egyptian dynasty.

(A) Amenhotep III

(B) King Tut

(C) Amenhotep IV

(D) None of them

16. Milli sends Taplow to

(A) Confectionery

(B) Bakery

(C) Laundry

(D) Chemist

17. What gift did Lhamo give to the author?

(A) A bait

(B) A shawl

(C) A full sleeved coat

(D) A blanket

18. Which month of the year has been mentioned in the poem "The Laburnum Top" ?

(A) November

(B) September

(C) October

(D) August

19. Who made the round the world voyage 200 years earlier ?

(A) The author

(B) Jonathan

(C) Captain James Cook

(D) Suzanne

20. What did the grandmother do in the afternoon ?

(A) Feed the sparrows

(B) Feed the dogs

(C) Read books

(D) Teach the author

21. Who is the author of "The Tale of Melon City" ?

(A) A. J. Cronin

(B) Patrick Pringle

(C) Vikram Seth

(D) Marga Minco

22. According to Albert Einstein learning facts was not

(A) knowledge

(B) reality

(C) education

(D) good

23. Mrs. Fitzgerald suggested exchange of

(A) dresses

(B) personality

(C) houses

(D) books

24. In the poem "The Voice of the Rain' without rain seeds will remain

(A) not fully developed

(B) hidden

(C) hidden and unborn

(D) dry

25. Who said, "We have not inherited this earth from our forefathers, we have borrowed it from our children" ?

(A) Mr. Edgar Woolard

(B) Mr. Lester Brown

(C) Margaret Thatcher

(D) None of them

26. Wu Daozi was a famous painter of

(A) 1st century

(B) 4th century

(C) 5th century

(D) 8th century

27. The 'Big Girl' in the poem 'A Photograph' stands for

(A) The eldest cousin of the mother

(B) The tallest of the girls

(C) Poet's mother

(D) The heaviest of the girls

28. In the poem 'Childhood' childhood denotes the state of

(A) Self dependency

(B) Decency

(C) Innocence

(D) Innocence & Purity

29. There was no sign of between the father and son.

(A) understanding

(B) misunderstanding

(C) both (A) and (B)

(D) none of these

30. Where did Ranga go to study?

(A) Chennai

(B) Mysore

(C) Bangalore

(D) Mumbai

31. What was the name of the boat which the author had built for his voyage?

(A) Wavesurfer

(B) Wavewalker

(C) Wavemaker

(D) Wavetalker

32. When was Tut's tomb discovered?

(A) In 1922 AD

(B) In 1900 AD

(C) In 1910 AD

(D) In 1905 AD

33. Who accompanied the writer in his round the world voyage ?

(A) His wife Mary

(B) His daughter Suzanne

(C) His son Jon

(D) All of them

34. Narrator's grandmother has been old and wrinkled

(A) for ten years

(B) for fifteen years

(C) for twenty years

(D) for twenty five years

35. Overfishing is common because the world is conscious about

(A) protein

(B) vitamin

(C) fats

(D) none of these

36. Prof. Rajendra Deshpande was a

(A) Physicist

(B) Chemist

(C) Metallurgist

(D) None of these

37. The author begins the description of his journey to 'Silk Road' from a place called

(A) Bora

(B) Kora

(C) Tavu

(D) Ravu

38. Taplow is interested in which subject ?

(A) Science

(B) Arts

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these

39. The daughter goes to Holland in search of her belongings.

(A) father's

(B) mother's

(C) brother's

(D) sister's

40. 'Ranga's Marriage' is written by

(A) Marga Minco

(B) William Sarbyan

(C) Masti Venkatesha Iyenger

(D) Vikram Seth

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