Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 10.08.2024

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 10.08.2024

Class 11th English Elective PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 10.08.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद् रॉची





Time: 01 hr. 30 minute

Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:-

1. It is mandatory to answer all the questions.

2. There are total 16 questions in this question paper.

3. 2 marks has been allotted for objective & very short answer questions, 3 and 5 marks has been allotted for short answer and long answer questions respectively.

4. There is no negative mark for wrong answers.

5. For objective questions from Q. No. 1 to 10, four options are given. Select the correct option A, B. C, D and write in the answer sheet.

6. Write the answers of questions from Q. No. 11 to 16 in your answer sheet.

7. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the end of the examination.

SECTION A (2x10=20)

1. Who is the author of the story 'The Rocking Horse winner '

a) Anton Chekhov

b) D.H Lawrence

c) G. B. Shaw

d) Mulk Raj Anand

2. The beautiful woman was not able to love her children because..........

a) They were very naughty.

b) They hated her

c) She felt that they were thrust upon her

d) She thought that they would be spoilt if she loved them.

3. Which horse won the Derby Race?

a) Malabar

b) Mirza

c) Daffodil

d) None of these

4. According to the mother "If you are lucky, you have .......

a) A car

b) A horse

c) Family

d) Money

5. Betrand Russell has written .......

a) Three Questions

b) My watch

c) My three passions

d) None of these

6. Love and knowledge lead upward towards …..

a) Heaven

b) Happiness

c) Wisdom

d) The sky

7. The author longs to alleviate the evil but he can not do it as a result he…..

a) Suffers

b) Weeps

c) Gets angry

d) Contemplates

8. The indirect speech of 'The sun rises in the east' is……

a) ……..that the sun rose in the east.

b) …….that the sun was rising in the east.

c) ………that the sun would rise in the east.

d) ........ that the sun rises in the east.

9. The indirect narration of she said, "Did they participate in that contest ?"

a) She asked if they participate in that contest.

b) She asked if they participated in that contest.

c) She asked if they had participated in that contest.

d) She asked if they were participating in that contest.

10. The teacher said to the boy, "What is your hobby?" The indirect speech of it is…..

a) The teacher said to the boy what his hobby was.

b) The teacher asked the boy what was his hobby.

c) The teacher asked the boy what his hobby was

d) The teacher asked the boy what hobby he has.

Section B (2x2=4)

1. On which occasion was the rocking-horse bought for the children?

Ans- On the occasion of Christmas.

2. Why did he (author) seek knowledge?

Ans- …….. because he wished to understand the hearts of men and know things likewhy stars shine.

Section C (3x2=6)

1. What were the gifts of Christmas besides a rocking-horse?

Ans- Expensive toys, smart doll house, a large pink doll sitting in her pram and an exceptionally stupid dog.

2. What are the three passions of the author that govern his life.

Ans- The three passions are: Longing for love, the search for knowledge and the unbearable pity for the sufferings of mankind.

Section D (5x2=10)

1. How is Paul's mother responsible in his deciding to prove himself a lucky boy?

Ans- .... She used to complain that they were poor. --- had no enough money to buy a car & other luxuries of life. --- Paul used to hear a whisper about not having sufficient money ------ the whisper changed into screams for having more money ----mother was not happy ---- she had no good relation with father -----she thought father to be unlucky --earlier she was lucky but after marrying an unlucky man she, too, became unlucky.

2. How does Russell's definition of knowledge differ from what is commonly understood by the term?

Ans- Ordinarily knowledge means to have bookish knowledge. But Russell's definition of it is different. He wants knowledge to understand the hearts of people, know more and more about beautiful nature and functioning of natural phenomena such as why the stars shine. Despite himself being a mathematician he yearns to learn more numbers like Pythagorean power.

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