झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण
परिषद्, राँची
Subject English Elective
(Class) - 12
(Time)90 Minute
(Marks) - 40
General Instruction:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) The total no of question is 16.
3) 2 marks are given for objective
question, 2 marks for very short answer question, 3 marks for short answer
question and 5 marks for long answer question.
4) There is no negative marking for any
wrong answer.
5) Objective question 1 to 10 has four
options, choose the correct option's (a,b,c,d) and write down in the answer
6) Write the answer to very short answer
question 11 to 12, short answer question 13 to 14, and long answer question 15
to 16 in your answer sheet.)
7) No students shall be allowed to leave
the examination hall before the completion of the exam.
SECTION-A (2x10=20) Objective Question
1. What does the snail symbolize in 'The Mark on the wall"?
a) The uncertainty of rational knowledge
b) happiness
c) The irrational thinking
d) The certainty of knowledge
2. Who is the poet of the poem 'Kubla Khan'?
a) John Donne
b) William Blake
c) S.T. Coleridge
d) W.B. Yeats
3. From where did Coleridge get his visions, he founded the poem
Kubla Khan
a) Alcohol
b) Nitrous oxide
c) Psychosis
d) Opium dream
4. Convert into indirect speech. He said to me, "You did it
very well."
a) He said that you are doing it very well.
b) He told me that I had done it very well.
c) He told me that you did it very well.
d) He said that you had done it very well.
5. Who is the poet of 'on Time'?
a) John Donne
b) William Shakespeare
c) John Milton
d) Coleridge
6. Change into indirect speech, I said to Rani, "Are you
a) I told Rani if she is happy
b) I asked Rani if she is happy
c) I asked Rani if she was happy
d) I asked Rani if she were happy
7. Find the mistake in the given line "I have been done
a) I
b) have been
c) done
d) it
8. When did the lady see the mark on the wall?
a) In the mid of the March
b) In the mid of June
c) In the mid of May
d) In the mid of January
9. The first thing she thinks the mark is ----
a) A nail
b) A snail
c) A spot
d) A hole
10. Coleridge's poem, Kubla Khan consists of ---- stanzas.
a) three
b) four
c) five
d) seven
SECTION-B (2x2=4) Very Short Question
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions:
There are great many millions of fish in the sea, but this story
is about just one of them and a very small one at that. Now, this little fish
had everything in the sea to make him contended, but he was not happy. You will
laugh when I tell you why he was not. He was unhappy because he was very small.
11. Why was the fish unhappy?
Ans - The fish was unhappy because he was very small.
12. What is the story about?
Ans- The story is about an unhappy fish.
SECTION-C (2x3=6) Short Answer Question
13. What is the string of varied thoughts that the mark on the
wall stimulates in the author's mind?
Ans- The mark on the wall stimulates various thoughts in the
author's mind and hence can be seen as a perfect example of stream of
consciousness. At first she thinks of it as a result of a nail but then she
rejects this idea and starts thinking about the personalities of previous
occupants of the house.
14. Why has Kubla Khan been called a dream poem?
Ans- Kubla Khan is classified as a dream poem because S.T.
Coleridge (the poet) claimed to have composed it after an opium-influence
SECTION - D (2x5=10) Long Answer Question
15. What is the symbolism in Kubla Khan?
Ans- The symbolism in Kubla Khan is the contrast between
nature's power and man kind's power. And in order to convey this theme to the
reader, Coleridge used number of symbolisms which is the dome, the river Alph,
the woman and her demon lover.
16. Describe the unbroken flow of thoughts and perceptions of
the narrator's mind, using the example of colonel and clergy.
Ans- Through her thoughts and views upon the mark on the wall,
the narrator philosophizes vast aspects in various ways. This leads to an
unbroken flow of thoughts and perseptions in her mind and while thinking of
mark as a hole she wonders the profession of an antiquary, who without any
evidence cannot prove any truths. For this she uses the examples of the
colonel. He has to look at both sides of the coin and then inclines himself
towards his camp. Giving his example she says, "Retired Colonels, for most
part, I daresay, leading parties of aged labourers to the top here, examining
clods of earth and stone and getting into correspondence with clergy.
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