Class 12th English (Core) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 24.08.2024

Class 12th English (Core) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 24.08.2024

Class 12th English (Core) PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 24.08.2024

झारखण्ड शैक्षिक अनुसंधान एवं प्रशिक्षण परिषद्, राँची




(Sub) English (Core)

(Class) - 12

(Time)90 Minute

(Marks) - 40

General Instruction:

1) All questions are compulsory.

2) The total no of question is 16.

3) 2 marks are given for objective question, 2 marks for very short answer question, 3 marks for short answer question and 5 marks for long answer question.

4) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

5) Objective question 1 to 10 has four options, choose the correct option's (a,b,c,d) and write down in the answer sheet.

6) Write the answer to very short answer question 11 to 12, short answer question 13 to 14, and long answer question 15 to 16 in your answer sheet.)

7) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.

SECTION-A (2x10=20) Objective Question

1. At what age was the tiger king handed in the throne?

a) 10 years

b) 15 years

c) 20 years

d) 25 years

2. How old was the narrator when he decided to learn to swim?

a) Ten or eleven years

b) Fourteen or fifteen years

c) Seven or eight years

d) None of the above

3. What is the 'court of Wards'?

a) A legal body created by East India Company.

b) An illegal body created by East India Company.

c) A neutral body created by East India Company.

d) None of these.

4. How much did the Maharaja have to pay for fifty rings?

a) 2 lacs

b) 3 lacs

c) 4 lacs

d) 5 lacs

5. The wooden tiger was carved by

a) A master craftsman

b) A british carpenter

c) An unskilled carpenter

d) The shopkeeper himself

6. 'cold sea' is a poetic device

a) Personification

b) Transferred epithet

c) metaphor

d) Alliteration

7. What was maharaja’s preference for marrying a girl?

a) She must be tall

b) She must have blonde hair

c) She must have been poor

d) She must have tigers in her estate

8. What types of wars the poet talks about are: -

a) green wars, wars with gas, wars with fire

b) verbal wars

c) Technological wars

d) Nuclear wars

9. What is the story 'Deep water' speaking about?

a) Fear of water and the way to overcome it

b) Fear of people

c) Fear of dogs

d) Fear of swimming

10. Y.M.C.A. stands for?

a) Young Men's Christian Authority

b) Young Men's Christopher Association

c) Young Men's Christian Army

d) Young Men's Christian Associaiton

SECTION-B (2x2=4) Very Short Question

11. What is the 'sadness' that poet refers to in the poem?

Ans - The poet refers to the 'sadness' of failing to understand oneself in the monotonous everyday existence.

12. How did the Tiger King get the name he had?

Ans- The Maharaja of Pratibandapuram was known as the Tiger King. He got the name Tiger king as tigers dominated his life and his mission to live.

SECTION-C (2x3=6) Short Answer Question

13. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear

Ans- Douglas regretted being deprived of enjoying water activities. The wish to enjoy them and the craving to regain his lost confidence he was determined to get over his fear of water.

14. How did the royal child develop?

Ans- The royal child developed to be the king of Pratibandpuram who was obsessed with the idea of killing one hundred tigers. He wanted todo so to disprove the prophecy which said that his death would come from the hundredth tiger

SECTION - D (2x5=10) Long Answer Question

15. You are Anuj/ Anuja, Head boy/girl of your school. You are going to organize 'Tree plantation campaign. Write a notice giving essential information.




18th July, 2024


This is to inform you that we are going to organize ‘Tree Plantation Campaign’ on the occasion of Van Mahotsava.

Venue :- School Campus

Date :- 24th July,2024

Time :- 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.

Those who are interested to take part in it can contact the undersigned.

Anuj/ Anuja

Head Boy/Girl

16. What is the 'Misadventure' that Douglas speaks about?

Ans- The 'misadventure' that William Douglas about is the one where he was thrown into a pool by an older boy. He found it difficult to breathe and almost drowned. He made three unsuccessful attempts to jump out of water. He would have drowned if someone hadn't brought him out of water.

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