प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
Class 11 English Core
Hornbill PROSE
☞ The chapter describes the boy king Tut.
☞ Tut was the last heir of a powerful Egyptian dynasty.
☞ The chapter describes how CT scan of Tut's mummy
revealed interesting facts about him.
☞ Tut's tomb was discovered in 1922 by an English
archaeologist Howard Carter.
☞ Carter began investigating the three nested coffins.
☞ The first coffin was opened. Carter found a shroud
decorated with garlands, willow, olive and lotus petals.
☞ The ritual resins had hardened. It left Tut cemented to
the bottom of his solid gold coffin.
☞ Tut's body was chiselled away from the coffin.
☞ Carter's men removed the mummy's head and severed
nearly every major joint.
☞ Today Computed Tomography, or CT scan creates a three
dimensional virtual body.
☞ Young Tutankhaten or King Tut ruled for about nine
years and then died unexpectedly.
☞ A CT machine scanned Tut's mummy from head
to toe. It created 1700 digital X-ray images of his head,
neck and skull.
1. Who is the author of 'Discovering Tut:
The Saga Continues'?
a. A.R. Williams
b. Khushwant Singh
c. Markus Natten
d. Nick Middleton
2. Who was Tut?
a. The boy king of Egypt
b. Servant of king
c. A labourer who made the pyramids
d. None of these
3. Who was Tutankhamun?
a. An archaeologist
b. A historian
c. An
Egyptian king
d. An explorer
4. What was the original name of Tut?
a. Tutankhaten
b. Tutankhamun
c. Akhenaten
d. Akhetaten
5. The tomb of Tut was discovered
a. Adam Cooper
b. Howard Carter
c. Zahi Hawass
d. Sam Shaw
6. When was Tut's tomb discovered?
a. 1922
b. 1932
c. 1920
d. 1933
7. When did Tut die?
a. When he was middle aged
b. When he was a child
c. When
he was a teenager
d. When he was an old man
8. When was Tut's body taken out of the
tomb for CT scan?
a. After 100 years
b. After 50 years
c. After 30 years
d. After 80 years
9. Where is King Tut's tomb?
a. In an ancient Egyptian cemetery
b. In a pyramid in Giza
c. In a tomb in Thebes
d. None of these
10. How is the ancient Egyptian cemetery
known as?
a. Tombs of Amarna
b. Valley of the Kings
c. Valley of the Queens
d. None of these
11. The body of King Tut was taken out for
the first C.T. scan on ..........
a. January 2005
b. January 2006
c. May 2006
d. May 2004
12. How deep was the tomb of King Tut under
the ground?
a. 25 feet
b. 23 feet
c. 24 feet
d. 26 feet
13. What is the most striking feature of
Tut's mummy-shaped outer coffin?
a. Mummy-shaped coffin lid
b. Tut's gilded face
c. The material of the coffin lid
d. None of these
14. Carter began investigating his coffins ......
a. Two
b. Four
c. Three
d. Five
15. What did Carter find when he opened the
first coffin?
a. Shroud
b. Board games
c. gold
d. Food
16. The shroud was decorated with.......
a. Garlands of willow and olive leaves
b. Garlands of lotus and olive leaves
c. Garlands of cornflowers
d. Garlands of camellia
17. What do the adornments of the shroud
a. The cause of Tut's death
b. The age of Tut
c. The season at the time of death
d. Burial in March or April
18. What trouble did Carter face when he
finally reached the mummy?
a. Bad odour came from the mummy
b. Ritual resins had hardened
c. Insects had infested the body
d. None of these
19. What was found on Tut's body?
a. Collars
b. Inlaid necklaces
c. bracelets
d. All of the these
20. What does CT stand for?
a. Computed tomography
b. Computer technology
c. Computed technology
d. Computer tomography
21. When was Tut's mummy X-rayed?
a. In 1967
b. In 1977
c. in 1968
d. In 1987
22. Why was King Tut's demise considered a
big event?
a. He was the last heir of a dynasty
b. He was a powerful king
c. His death started the downfall of an empire
d. A new empire was formed
23. Who was Amenhotep III?
a. Tut's grandfather
b. Tut's uncle
c. Tut's brother
d. Tut's father or grandfather
24. Amenhotep III was succeeded by........
a. Smenkhkare
b. Tutankhaten
c. Amenhotep IV
d. Tutankhamun
25. Which pharaoh promoted the worship of
the Aten, the sun disk?
a. Amenhotep III
b. Amenhotep IV
c. Tutankhaten
d. Smenkhkare
26. Which religious capital was moved to
the new city of Akhetaten?
a. Alexandria
b. Thebes
c. Luxor
d. Memphis
27. The name 'Akhenaten' means........
a. The worshipper of the Aten
b. The servant of the Aten
c. The curse of the Aten
d. The image of the Aten
28. Why did King Tut change his name from
Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun?
a. Because he feared the god Amun
b. Because he disliked the god Aten
Because he worshipped the god Amun
d. Because he was forced to change his name
29. Which pharaoh's name means 'living
image of Amun'?
a. Amenhotep III
b. Akhenaten
d. Smenkhkare
30. The Egyptian Mummy Project began an
inventory of the mummies found in Egypt in ............
a. 2004
b. 2003
c. 2002
d. 2005
31. How many mummies have been recorded
till now?
a. 300
b. 200
c. 600
d. 700
32. How many digital X-ray images were
created by the CT machine?
a. 1500
b. 1700
c. 2000
d. 1800
33. What happened while scanning Tut's
mummy that it was called the "curse of the pharaoh"?
a. The images were not clear
b. A mishap happened
c. The weather worsened
d. The scanner had quit because of sand in
a cooler
34. Which constellation was known as the
soul of Osiris, the god of the afterlife by the ancient Egyptians?
a. Orion
b. Sirius
c. Pegasus
d. Polaris
1. Who was Tutankhamun?
Ans. Tutankhamun was the boy king of Egypt.
2. How many years did king Tut rule?
Ans. He ruled for nine years.
3. When and by whom was king Tut's tomb
Ans. The tomb was discovered by British archaeologist
Howard Carter in 1922.
4. What trouble did Howard Carter run into
when he finally reached the mummy in the last coffin?
Ans. Howard Carter found that the ritual resins had
hardened, cementing Tut to the bottom of his solid gold coffin.
5. What was found when the first of the
three nested coffins was opened?
Ans. A
shroud adorned with garlands of willow and olive leaves, wild celery, lotus
petals and cornflowers was found.
6. What fact was revealed when Tut's mummy
was X-rayed in 1968 by an anatomy professor?
Ans. He
revealed that beneath the resin that covered his chest, his breast bone and
front ribs were missing.
7. Why was King Tut's death a big event?
Ans. King Tut's death was a big event as he was the last
heir of the dynasty.
8. What is the meaning of the name
Ans. The meaning of the name is 'living image of
9. Where was king Tut buried?
Ans. He was buried in a tomb in the ancient Egyptian
cemetery known as the Valley of the Kings.
10. What was the second phase of the Egyptian
Mummy Project?
Ans. The second phase was scanning the mummies with a
portable CT machine.
1. Who was King Tut?
Ans. King Tut was a boy king of Egypt who belonged to a
very powerful dynasty which ruled over Egypt for centuries. His original name
was Tutankhaten. But he changed his name to Tutankhamun when he became the
king. He was popularly known as Tut. He ruled over his kingdom for about nine
years. He died unexpectedly when he was just a teenager. He was the last heir
of his powerful family.
2. Why was a CT scan done on Tut's body?
Ans. Tut was just a teenager when he died. He was laid to
rest with gold and eventually forgotten. The modern world had been speculating
about what might have happened to the young pharaoh, since the discovery of his
tomb in 1922. Some even did not rule out murder being the most extreme
possibility. A CT scan was done on his body to offer new clues about his life
and death and to provide precise data for an accurate forensic reconstruction.
3. What were the things King Tut was buried
with? Why were they placed along with him in his tomb?
Ans. Ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife after a person's death. Since Tut was a pharaoh, many things were
placed with his body in his tomb. They remain the richest royal collection ever
found and have become part of Tut's legend. Stunning artefacts in gold were
placed in his tomb. Their brilliance meant to guarantee resurrection. But he
was buried with everyday things that he would need in the afterlife. Board
games, a bronze razor, linen undergarments and cases of food and wine were also
placed with him.
4. What problem did Carter run into when he
reached the mummy and what did he do to solve the problem?
Ans. When Carter finally reached the mummy, he faced a
problem. The ritual resins had hardened, cementing tut's body to the bottom of
his solid gold coffin and no amount of force could move it. He placed the body
out in the blazing sun. But this did not work. So to raise the body out of the
coffin, the resins had to be chiselled away from beneath the limbs and trunk.
5. What were the results of the CT scan?
Ans. The results of the CT scan were the astonishing
images of Tut on a computer screen. The image of the head was created. Neck
vertebrae could be seen clearly. Other images revealed a hand, several views of
the rib cage and a transection of the skull.
1. "The mummy is in a very bad
condition because of what Carter did in the 1920's." What did Carter do
and why?
Ans. Howard Carter was a British archaeologist who
discovered Tut's tomb in 1922 after years of futile searching. He hastily
searched its contents. The tomb had stunning artefacts in gold, which had
caused a sensation at the time of discovery.
After months of carefully recording the pharaoh's
funerary treasures, Carter began to investigate his three nested coffins. When
he opened the first coffin, he found a shroud decorated with garlands of willow
and olive leaves, wild celery, lotus petals and cornflowers. When he finally
reached the mummy he found that the ritual resins had hardened, thus cementing
the body to the bottom of the solid gold coffin. Carter set the mummy outside
in the blazing sun that heated it up to 149 degrees Fahrenheit. But it was of
no help.
To prevent the thieves from ransacking, he chiselled the
resins from beneath the limbs and trunks and freed the body from the bottom of
the coffin. To separate Tut from his adornments, Carter's men removed the
mummy's head and severed nearly every major joint.
2. How
have the attitudes of the archaeologists changed over a span of time?
Ans. Archaeology has changed substantially in the
intervening decades. It focuses less on treasure and more on the fascinating
details of life and the intriguing mysteries of death. It also uses more
sophisticated tools, including medical technology. In 1968, more than 40 years
after Carter's discovery, an anatomy Professor X rayed the mummy and revealed a
startling fact: beneath the resin that covers Tut's chest, his breast bone and
front ribs were missing.
Today diagnostic imaging can be done with computed
tomography or CT, by which hundreds of x-rays in cross-section are put together
to create a three-dimensional virtual body. It can even answer questions such
as how a person died, and how old he was at the time of his death.
3. Who was King Tut? Describe him and his
Ans. King Tut was a boy king of Egypt. He belonged to a
very powerful dynasty that had ruled Egypt and its empire for centuries. He was
the last heir of the family. He was just a boy when he sat on the throne. He
ruled for about nine years. He died unexpectedly when he was just a teenager.
He believed in the old ways and traditions and tried to restore them. His
untimely death gave rise to many speculations. He was laid to rest laden in
gold and was eventually forgotten.
Amenhotep III was Tut's father or grandfather. He was a powerful pharaoh who ruled for almost forty decades. His reign was the golden age of the eighteenth dynasty. His son Amenhotep IV succeeded him and initiated one of the strangest periods in the history of ancient Egypt. He changed his name to Akhenaten as he was the worshipper of Aten. He was a little strange as he moved the religious capital of Thebes to the new city of Akhetaten. He further shocked the country by attacking Amun, a major god. He smashed his images and closed his temples. After Ahenaten's death, a mysterious ruler Smenkhkare ruled briefly. After him a very young Tutankhaten took the throne. King Tut as he is popularly known as. He changed his name to Tutankhamun, "living image of Amun".
JCERT/JAC प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)
English Core (CONTENTS)
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