Class 12 ENGLISH CORE Hazaribagh Pre Board Examination Answer Key – 2024

Class 12 ENGLISH CORE Hazaribagh Pre Board Examination Answer Key – 2024

Class 12 ENGLISH CORE Hazaribagh Pre Board Examination Answer Key – 2024


Class-XII ENGLISH CORE Session: 2024-2025

Marks - 80 Time-3 hrs

General Instructions:-

Candidates should answer in their own words as much as possible.

All questions are compulsory.

Total number of questions is 52.

Question No. 01 to 30 are multiple choice questions, each question has four options. Select the correct option. Each question carries 01mark.

Question numbers 31 to 38 are very short answer questions. Out of which it is mandatory to answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 02 marks.

Question numbers 39 to 46 are short answer questions. Out of which it is mandatory to answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 03marks.

Question numbers 47 to 52 are long answer questions. It is mandatory to answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 05 marks.


1) Abbreviations are freely used in ------

A. Notice

B. Advertisement

C. Note-making

D. Article

2) Report writing by the individual be written in :-

A. First Person

B. Last person

C. Both A and B


3) Letters to the Editor are written for---

A. Newspaper

B. School

C. Collage

D. Club

4) What does 'The Last Lesson' symbolise?

A. Loss

B. Loss of freedom

C. Lose of language

D. Lose of language and freedom

5) M Hamel served the school for ------ years

A. 20

B. 30

C. 40

D. 10

6) Mukesh wanted to be a/an -------

A. Engineer

B. Police man

C. Motor mechanic

D. Writer

7) Saheb belonged to ------

A. Dhaka, Bangladesh

B. Karachi, Pakistan

C. Beijing, China

D. None of the above

8) In which subjects the author of 'Deep water' has graduated?

A. English and History

B. English and Science

C. Science and technology

D. English and Economics

9) 'Deep water 'has been taken from -----

A. Endymion

B. Of Men and Mountains

C. Wasteland

D. None of the above

10) Who wrote 'Poet and Pancakes'?

A. Anees Jung

B. Tishani Doshi

C. William Douglas

D. Ashokamitran

11) When was the Gemini studies set up?

A. 1960

B. 1950

C. 1940

D. 1930

12) How much did Indigo planters offer to pay?

A. 30%

B. 10%

C. 25%

D. 40%

13) Who is the author of the lesson 'The Interview'?

A. Christopher Priest

B. Christopher Silvester

C. J.B.Priestley

D. Alfred John Churchley

14) Y.M.C.A stands for

A. Young men's Christian Association

B. Young men's Christian Army

C. Young men's Christian Appreciation

D. None of the above

15) Where was the lake wentworth?

A. In New Hampshire

B. In Washington

C. In California

D. In Washington D.C

16) Sophie was a young girl who dreamt to be -

A. A manager

B. An Actress

C. A Fashion designer

D. All of these

Read the given extract and answer the question. ----------(17-19)

I looked again at her wan pale as

late winter's moon

and felt that old,

familiar ache my childhood fear

17) The above lines have been taken from---

A. Keeping Quiet

B. A Thing of Beauty

C. My Mother at Sixty-Six

D. None of these

18) The poet compare her mother to-----

A. Summer's moon

B. Late winter's moon

C. Tree

D. Smile

19) Which figure of speech has been used in 'I looked again at her wan pale as late winter's moon'

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Personification

D Irony

20) What lies heavily on Aunt Jennifer's hands?

A. Needle

b) Watch

c) Work Pressure

d) Wedding Ring

21) What type of wars does the poet talk about in the poem 'Keeping Quiet'?

A. Green wars

B. Wars with gas

C. Wars with fire

D. All of the above

22) Whom did the enchanted youth, Endymion resolve to seek?

A. Cynthia, the moon goddess

B. Nature

C. His beloved

D. Cupid, the god of love

23) How old was the prince when he ridiculed the astrologer?

A. 10 days

B. 10 weeks

C. 10 months

D. 10 years

24) Each time the Maharaja visited his father-in-law he killed------- tigers

A. 1 to 2

B. 5 to 6

C. 9 to 10

D. 12 to 13

25) Antartica has been described as:

A. Coldest, driest, windest

B. Hottest and inhabitable

C. Thriving with all sorts of life

D. None of these

26) Sadao and Hana first met in---

A. At Professor Harley's house in America

B. At Charley's house in London

C. At Parley's house in Japan

D. None of these

27) What did Mr Lamb grow in his garden ?

A. Cherry

B. Mango

C. Peach

D. Apple

28) Why did Zitkala not like to cut her hair?

A. Because she liked long hair

B. Because she did not like anyone to touch her hair

C. Because her mother had told her that mourners and cowards keep such hair

D. None of the above

29) What was Charley's wife's name?

A. Hana

B. Jennifer

C. Louisa

D. Hillary

30) The Third level is a /an

A. Essay

B. Science fiction

D. Epic

D. None of the above

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow :

There was no such things as caste among the Aryans when they first came to india, gradually they had two divided themselves into groups according to their occupation. Some of the men going out to do the fighting where known as kshatriyas, while those who stayed behind to look after the crops and the cattle were known as Vaishyas or merchant class, the dealers in goods of every kind. At first there was no special class of priests or Brahmins; any Aryan could act as a priest and 'perform the ceremonies and recite the sacred hymns'. Some of the wise men belonging even to conquered race were admitted as priests, for we read in the Vedas that there were rishis of two kinds, those with fair skins and golden hair, and those who were dark in colour. The Yadus of western india the tribe to which Shri Krishan is supposed to have belonged, were, among the most important of these to be admitted to the Aryan fold.

Answer any six (31-38)-------6x2=12

31. What was the basis of caste division among the Aryans ?

Ans- Based on occupation

32. Who were Kshatriyas ?

Ans- Some of the men going out to do the fighting where known as kshatriyas

33. What was the job of the Vaishyas?

Ans- Those who stayed behind to look after the crops and cattle were called the Vaishyas or the merchant class,

34. What did the Brahmans or priests do ?

Ans- The priest could perform rituals and sing sacred hymns' and was also knowledgeable of the Vedas.

35. To which tribe is Shri Krishna supposed to have belonged?

Ans- The Yadus of western India, a tribe to which Lord Krishna is believed to have belonged,

36. Find a word from the passage that means 'trader'?

Ans- Vaishya

37. Why did the Aryans divide themselves into castes ?

Ans- When the Aryans first came to India, there was no such thing as caste among them, gradually they got divided into two groups according to their occupation.

38. Use the following words in your own sentences.

A. cattle B.hymn


A. Cattle: The farmer herded his cattle to a fresh pasture.

B. Hymn: The congregation sang a beautiful hymn of praise.

Answer any six (39-46) ---------6x3=18

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:-

Homoeopathy has come to be known, over the years, as a form of medical treatment without side effects. In the eighteenth century, Dr Samuel Hahnemann, convinced that existing medical practices did more harm than good, began to look for an alternative that would be safe, gentle, and effective. He reasoned that instead of suppressing symptoms as allopathy does, one should seek to stimulate and so encourage and assist the body's natural healing process. Hahnemann had already discovered that a small dose of quinine in a healthy person produced the symptoms of malaria. A number of systematic experiments followed this discovery. Hahnemann then worked to establish the smallest effective dose as he realised that this was the best way to avoid side effects. In so doing, he unexpectedly discovered one of the basic tenets of homoeopathy, that the more a remedy was diluted, the more effective it became. Thus, by trial and perseverance, Hahnemann finally arrived at his goal.

One of the principles of homoeopathy is that a person's response to a disease varies according to his or her basic temperament. Thus, a homoeopathy doctor will take into account the patient's temperament and responses to certain conditions before prescribing any medicine because it is the patient who is being treated and not the disease. Patients with the same ailment may often require different remedies.

Homoeopathy does not reject the great discoveries of modern science, only their commercial abuse. In many cases, homoeopathy is complementary to the newer methods of modern medical practice.

39. One the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations (minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Supply a suitable title to it.

Ans-  Homoeopathy: A Gentle Approach to Healing

I. The Birth of Homoeopathy

Founder: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann

Discontent with Allopathy: Recognized the harmful effects of traditional medicine.

Principle of Similia Similibus Curentur: "Let likes be cured by likes."

Potentization: Diluting substances to increase their potency.

II. The Homoeopathic Approach

Individualized Treatment: Considers the patient's unique constitution and symptoms.

Minimal Side Effects: Uses highly diluted substances.

Stimulating the Body's Natural Healing: Encourages the body to heal itself.

Complementary to Modern Medicine: Can be used alongside conventional treatments.

III. Key Differences from Allopathy

Focus on Symptoms: Treats the whole person, not just the disease.

Use of Natural Remedies: Employs substances derived from plants, minerals, and animals.

Emphasis on Prevention: Promotes healthy lifestyle habits.


Allopathy: Conventional medicine

Homoeopathy: Homeopathic medicine

Potentiation: Diluting a substance to increase its potency

Similia Similibus Curentur: "Let likes be cured by likes"

40. Make a summary of the above passage.


Homoeopathy: A Gentle Approach to Healing

Homoeopathy, founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, is a medical system based on the principle of "like cures like." Unlike traditional medicine, which often suppresses symptoms, homoeopathy aims to stimulate the body's natural healing process.

One of the core concepts of homoeopathy is potentization, the process of diluting substances to increase their potency. Hahnemann discovered that highly diluted remedies can be remarkably effective without causing side effects.

Another key principle is individualization. Homoeopathic practitioners consider the patient's unique constitution and symptoms to prescribe the most suitable remedy. This personalized approach ensures that patients receive treatment tailored to their specific needs.

While homoeopathy embraces scientific advancements, it is critical of their commercial exploitation. It often complements conventional medicine, offering a gentle and holistic approach to healthcare.

41. You are Mohan/Mahima the headboy / headgirl of GOVT +2 HIGH SCHOOL BARKАТНА, HAZARIBAGH. Write a notice inviting students to participate in a Quiz Contest with necessary details. (50 words)


Inter School Quiz Competition Notice Writing

Inter-school Quiz Contest

Date: 10.12.2024

Students are hereby notified that the school is going to organize an Inter-school Quiz Competition from 10th December to 12th December, 2024. Thirty-two schools of the district will participate in this competition. Students are requested to submit their names to their respective class teachers within 09.12.2024 to help in selecting two teams to represent the school.

Students of Classes V-VII are eligible to participate in Junior group while students of Classes VIII-XII are for the Senior group. Best performers will be selected through trial rounds. The main competition will be held in the school auditorium. Quiz Master Mr. Barry O'Brian will host the competition. For any further information students may contact the undersigned.

Mohan/Mahima Head Boy/Head Girl

Govt. +2 High School Barkatha, Hazaribagh

42. A speech competition is going to be organised in your school. You are Ritik/Raima of literary club. Write a notice.


Govt. +2 High School Barkatha, Hazaribagh

NOTICE (09-12-2024)


The school is going to organise an Inter-School Speech Competition on December 10, 2024 in school auditorium from 9 am to 11 am on the topic 'INCREDIBLE INDIA'. Students from classes VI to XII can participate in the competition. Those who want to participate in this competition should give their names to the undersigned by the December 09. 2024



Literary Club

43. Write a letter to the editor of The Times of India to create an awareness among residents of New Colony, Hazaribagh highlighting the importance of proper disposal of garbage. You are Shreyas / Shreya of Ram Nagar, Hazaribagh.

Ans- Subject: Urgent Need for Proper Waste Disposal in New Colony

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the growing problem of improper waste disposal in New Colony, Hazaribagh. Despite repeated efforts, the issue persists, posing a serious threat to public health and environmental sustainability.

The indiscriminate dumping of garbage in open areas, drains, and streets has become a common sight. This not only creates an unsightly and foul-smelling environment but also breeds diseases and attracts pests. Furthermore, it clogs drains, leading to waterlogging and flooding during the monsoon season.

I urge the concerned authorities to take immediate action to address this issue. Strict measures should be implemented to prevent littering and enforce penalties for violators. Regular waste collection services should be ensured, and proper waste disposal facilities should be provided.

It is high time we, as responsible citizens, adopt sustainable waste management practices. Let us work together to create a cleaner and healthier New Colony for future generations.



Ram Nagar, Hazaribagh

44. Recently Sports Day was organised in your school. Write a report in about 80 - 100 words,

Ans- On 10th December, 2024, Kendriya Vidyalaya organised its 25th Annual Sports Day. The event took place in the spacious playground of the school. The Deputy Commissioner of Police was the chief guest of the event. A large temporary sitting arena was constructed for the parents and students to sit and enjoy the day. Students of various classes participated in the sports day. Before the events of the day began, the Principal and the Vice-Principal unveiled the School Mascot “Kiki”. The four houses of the school cheered for their respective members. The Deputy Commissioner of Police started the events of the day at 9:30 a.m. with an inaugural address and by releasing a flock of pigeons into the sky. The Sports Day started with the march past of the four different houses. After the march past, the students of the four different houses competed against each other in sports events like relay races, 100 metres race, volleyball, 200 metres race, long jump, and discus throw. Kindergarten kids too participated in fun games like sack race, marble and spoon race, etc. Apart from the non-participating students, the parents too cheered for their children. The Principal and the Deputy Commissioner of Police gave away prizes to the participants. Points were given to the four houses depending on the performance of their representatives in the event. The school had made arrangements for refreshments for both parents and students. The events of the day came to an end with the Principal declaring the Best Sports Man and Woman. The Best Sports Man and Woman were given a memento, a certificate and a medal each by the Deputy Commissioner of Police. In the end, the Principal thanked everyone for their presence and support, and congratulated the students for their exceptional performances.

45. Write an article on 'Importance of votes in a democracy'.


The Power of Your Vote: A Cornerstone of Democracy

In the tapestry of a democratic society, the most potent tool wielded by its citizens is the right to vote. It’s more than just a civic duty; it’s a fundamental right that empowers individuals to shape the course of their nation.  

Why is Voting Important?

Selecting Leaders: Voting allows citizens to choose representatives who align with their values and beliefs. These leaders make decisions that impact various aspects of our lives, from education and healthcare to economy and foreign policy.  

Holding Leaders Accountable: By casting a vote, citizens hold elected officials accountable for their actions. If a leader fails to deliver on promises or acts against the public interest, voters can choose a different representative in the next election.  

Strengthening Democracy: A high voter turnout reflects a healthy and engaged citizenry. It strengthens the democratic process and ensures that the government remains responsive to the needs and aspirations of the people.  

Driving Social Change: Voting can be a powerful tool for social change. By electing leaders who support progressive policies, citizens can help address issues like inequality, discrimination, and climate change.

How to Make Your Vote Count:

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about current events, political issues, and the candidates running for office.  

Research Candidates: Learn about their platforms, voting records, and stances on important issues.  

Vote Wisely: Cast your vote based on informed decisions, not on emotions or personal biases.

Encourage Others to Vote: Spread awareness about the importance of voting and inspire others to participate in the democratic process.

Remember, your vote is your voice. By exercising your right to vote, you can contribute to building a better future for yourself and your community.

46. Why did Edla happy to see the gift left by the peddler?

Ans- Edla was happy to see the gift left by the peddler because it was a token of his gratitude and a symbol of the positive impact she had on him. The peddler, initially a hardened criminal, was transformed by Edla's kindness and compassion. He felt a sense of remorse for his past actions and wanted to repay her kindness. The gift, a small package containing money and a rattrap, was a gesture of his newfound honesty and appreciation. It represented a turning point in his life, and Edla's happiness in receiving the gift reflected the power of human kindness to change lives.

Answer any four (47-52) 4x5=20

47. Who was Rajkumar Shukla ? Why did he want Gandhi to come to Champaran?

Ans- Rajkumar Shukla was a young Indian independence activist from Champaran, Bihar. He was deeply concerned about the plight of the indigo farmers who were being exploited by British landlords. These farmers were forced to cultivate indigo, a cash crop, on a portion of their land and sell it at a low price to the landlords. This system, known as the Tinkathia system, was oppressive and caused immense hardship to the farmers.  

Rajkumar Shukla was determined to bring about change and alleviate the suffering of these farmers. He believed that Mahatma Gandhi, with his powerful leadership and non-violent approach, could effectively challenge the British injustice. Therefore, he persistently pursued Gandhi, following him to various places, until he finally convinced him to visit Champaran.  

Gandhi's arrival in Champaran marked a turning point in the struggle for Indian independence.His leadership inspired the farmers to resist the oppressive system and fight for their rights.

48. What task was given to class by M Hamel? What was his opinion about French language?

Ans- M. Hamel, the French teacher, assigned a grammar exercise on participles. He emphasized the importance of French language, calling it the clearest and most logical language in the world. He urged his students to guard their language as it was a key to their identity and freedom.

49. Give a brief character sketch of Sophie.

Ans- Sophie is a curious and intelligent young girl who is eager to learn. She is often found exploring her surroundings, asking questions, and seeking knowledge. While she can be a bit impulsive, she is also kind-hearted and empathetic. Sophie's determination and perseverance help her overcome challenges and achieve her goals.

50. What was for the sale on the roadside stand and who are the beasts of prey?

Ans- They sold were selling wild berries and golden gourds at the roadside stand They also offeredg a few peaceful moments to enjoy the beautiful scene of the mountains.

The poet says that these greedy people pretend to be benefactors, but in fact, they are like flesh-eating wild animals who prey on the rural folk.

51. Why is a thing of Beauty a joy forever?

Ans- A thing of beauty is a joy for ever, because its beauty keeps increasing as many times as a beholder looks at it. It thus gives us endless pleasure.

52. How did Dr Sadao help the American Soldier?

Ans- Dr . Sadao had given a new lease of life to the American prisoner of war . He and his wife Hana took a lot of paints to save his life . He didn.t want to throw him into the jaws of death again . He asked the young soldier to take his private boat at night . He should row in the cover of darkness to a little island nearby . The island was deserted as nobody lived on it . the young American could live there until he saw a Korean fishing boat pass by Many of them passed near the island .He put food , bottled water and two quilts in it . If the food ran out before he caught a boat , he could signal two flashes . He was not to signal in darkness because he seen . The young American came down into the darkness of the garden and escaped . The prisoner had gone quit safe .

No , Dr. Sadao can .t be found guilty of harbouring an enemy . No doubt , the nationals of countries at war are considered as enemies . But we should .t forget that Sadao was a docter and for a doctor saving a dying man is the foremost priority It doesn .t matter if the dying man is an enemy .

English Core

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