Class 12th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

Class 12th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

 Class 12th English Core PROJECT RAIL (JCERT) Weekly Test Answer Key 26.08.23-23.09.23

Jharkhand Council of Educational Research And Training, Ranchi




Class- 12th

Time Allowed - 90 min.

Maximum Marks - 40

General Instructions: -

1) All questions in this question paper are objective.

2) All questions are compulsory.

3) The Total number of questions are 16.

4) Each question carries 2.5 marks.

5) There is no negative marking for any wrong answer,

6) Each question has four options, choose the correct option's (a, b, c, d) and write down in the answer sheet.

7) No students shall be allowed to leave the examination hall before the completion of the exam.


1. Who is the author of "The Last Lesson"?

(a) Jane Austen

(b) William Shakespeare

(c) John Milton

(d) Alphonse Daudet


2. Alphonse Daudet belongs to

(a) France

(b) England

(c) New zealand

(d) India


3. What does 'The Last Lesson' symbolize?

(a) Loss

(b) Loss of freedom

(c) Loss of language

(d) Loss of language and freedom.


4. From where did the orders come to teach only German in the districts of Alsace and Lorraine?

(a) France

(b) Lorraine

(c) Berlin

(d) Germany


5. The poem "My Mother at Sixty Six' has been composed by

(a) Stephen Spender

(b) Sarojini Naidu.

(c) Kamla Das

(d) John Keats.


6. The image of merry children has been brought out by the narrator in order to

(a) Show energy and exuberance of young children

(b) To show the children playing

(c) To show the children playing pranks

(d) To compare with herself


7. The narrator is only using her smile to

(a) Cover up her pain

(b) Make herself happy

(c) To make her mather happy

(d) To make her father happy


8. Whose signature was there on the letter?

(a) Charlie's teacher

(b) Charlie's friend

(c) Sam

(d) None


9. What was the strangest thing at the third level?

(a) Beards

(b) Mousteaches

(c) Dresses

(d) The corridor that led writer into the past


10. Mukesh wants to learn to become a motor mechanic by

(a) Finding a tutor

(b) Going to a garage to learn

(c) By reading books

(d) By joining school


11. What was the profession of Mukesh father before a bangle maker?

(a) Carpenter

(b) Tailor

(c) Plumber

(d) Mason


12. One day, Saheb was seen by the author watching some youngmen playing

(a) Cricket

(b) Tennis

(c) Hockey

(d) Soccer


13. What did the man from Udipi pray for when he was young?

(a) A pair of trouser

(b) A pair of shoes

(c) A few friends

(d) An opportunity to study in a school


14. A formal letter starts with

(a) Date

(b) Subject

(c) Sender's Address

(d) Receiver's Address


15. All business letter are

(a) Formal

(b) Informal

(c) Demi-official letters

(d) None of the above


16. In a formal letter date is placed

(a) Above senders's Address

(b) Below receiver's Adress

(c) Between sender's and receiver's Address.

(d) None of these


1. After being haunted by fear for many years Douglas decided to learn to swim. He took the help of-

(a) His mother

(b) His father

(c) A friend

(d) An instructor


2. Douglas went down towards the bottom

(a) only once

(b) twice

(c) thrice

(d) five times


3. The water in the pool had a -

(a) Dirty yellow tinge

(b) A blue reflection

(c) Green colour

(d) no colour


4. The incident in childhood had taken place at the beach in

(a) Florida

(b) Washington

(c) New York

(d) California


5. William Douglas was a friend and advisor of -

(a) President Kennedy

(b) President Cleveland

(c) President Roosevelt

(d) President Clinton


6. What made the peddler finally change his heart?

(a) Edla's words

(b) Edla's appearance

(c) Edla's Father

(d) Edla's goodness and care


7. Why did the peddler decline the invitation?

(a) Because he had stolen money

(b) He wanted to run

(c) He wanted to hide money

(d) He wanted to remain at the mill


8. The first move of the iron master was to make sure the guest could

(a) Gain some flesh on his bones (

b) Have verification done

(c) Given some money

(d) Given some clothes


9. From where did the peddler get the material to make rat traps?

(a) Shops

(b) Roads

(c) Streets

(d) Stores


10. What does the map represent?

(a) World of the rich and powerful

(b) World of the poor

(c) World of the slum school children

(d) World the poet wants for the slum children


11. Who sat at the back of the class?

(a) A sweet and young pupil

(b) A paper-seeming boy

(c) A tall girl

(d) A girl with hair like rootless weeds


12. The colour of sour cream is

(a) White

(b) Yellow

(c) Off white

(d) Pale


13. Identify the literary device in "father's gnarled disease' -

(a) simile

(b) Metaphor

(c) Alliteration.

(d) Personification


14. Application letters come under the category of-

(a) formal letters

(b) Informal letters

(c) semi-official letters

(d) None


15. Letters to editors are written to -

(a) Clubs

(b) Friends

(c) Schools

(d) Newspapers


16. A notice is always enclosed in a......

(a) Parcel

(b) Picture

(c) Box

(d) Paper

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