Jac Board Class 12 English Core Arts 2025 Answer key

Jac Board Class 12 English Core Arts 2025 Answer key

 Jac Board Class 12 English Core Arts 2025 Answer key


ENGLISH-A (CORE) (Compulsory)

Total Time: 3 Hours 15 minute

Full Marks: 80 (13.2.25)

General Instructions / सामान्य निर्देश :

1. This Question Booklet has two Parts Part-A and Part-B.

2. Part-A is of MCQ Type having 30 marks and Part-B is of Subjective Type having 50 marks.

3. The candidate has to answer in the Answer Booklet which will be provided separately.

4. Part-A -There are 30 Multiple Choice Questions having four (4) options (A, B, C & D). The candidate has to write the correct option in the Answer Booklet. All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no negative marking for wrong answer.

5. Part-B- There are three sections: Section-A, B & C.

This part is of Subjective Type having Very Short Answer, Short Answer & Long Answer Type questions. Total number of questions is 22.

Section-A - Question Nos. 31-38 are Very Short Answer Type. Answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

Section-B- Question Nos. 39-46 are Short Answer Type. Answer any 6 questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Answer the questions in maximum 150 words each.

Section-C- Question Nos. 47-52 are Long Answer Type. Answer any 4 questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Answer the questions in maximum 250 words each.

6. Candidates are required to answer in their own words as far as practicable.

7. Candidate has to hand over his/her Answer Booklet to the Invigilator compulsorily before leaving the examination hall.

8. Candidates can take away the Question Booklet after completion of the Examination.

Part-A (Multiple Choice Type Questions)

Question Nos. 1 to 30 are Multiple Choice Type. Each question has four options. Select the correct option and write it in the Answer Sheet. Each question carries 1 mark. 1x30-30

प्रश्न संख्या 1 से 30 तक बहुविकल्पीय प्रकार हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न के चार विकल्प हैं। सही विकल्प चुनकर उत्तर पुस्तिका में लिखें। प्रत्येक प्रश्न 1 अंक का है।

1. Which of the following is not a part of a notice ?

(A) Salutation

(B) Subject

(C) Date

(D) Signature

2. What is written at the top of a notice?

(A) Date

(B) Name of institution

(C) Subject

(D) Body of notice

3. Which tense is commonly used in writing report?

(A) Present Tense

(B) Future Tense

(C) Past Tense

(D) None of these

4. Which of the following is correct?

(A) Your sincerely

(B) Sincerely yours

(C) Your's sincerely

(D) Yours sincerely

5. What is written at the top of an article?

(A) Date

(B) Heading/Title

(C) Salutation

(D) Subscription

6. Where was the poet, Kamala Das driving to?

(A) Parent's house

(B) Cochin airport

(C) Cochin market

(D) Cinema hall

7. According to the poet, a thing of beauty seeps us

(A) Angry

(B) Nacaghity

(C) Depressed

(D) Healthy & Peaceful

8. Aunt Jennifer's tigers are not afraid of

(A) the hunters

(B) the elephants

(C) the men beneath the tree

(D) the lions

9. According to the author what was garbage for the children?

(A) Means of entertainment

(B) Means of timepass

(C) Means of playing

(D) A wonder

10. Why did Saheb-e-Alam not go to school?

(A) Not interested

(B) No money to pay fee

(C) Wanted to go for movie

(D) Wanted to earn money

11. For the last two years, where did all the bad news come from?

(A) The Bulletin Board

(B) Town Hall

(C) School

(D) M. Hamel's House

12. The wounded soldier belonged to

(A) The Russian Army

(B) U. S. Navy

(C) The British Army

(D) The Japanese Army

13. What were Derry and Mr. Lamb victim of ?

(A) Vision impairment

(B) War

(C) Physical impairment

(D) None of these

14. How did Mr. Lamb help Derry?

(A) By giving him apples

(B) By talking to him

(C) By helping his mother

(D) By giving him a positive outlook on life

15. Zitkala-Sa was being constantly observed by a woman who had

(A) a pale fac

(B) dark complexion

(C) fair complexion

(D) angry looks

16. Where did Douglas go when he was 3 or 4 years old in the story ?

(A) Washington

(B) New Zealand

(C) California

(D) Canada

17. What does the metaphor 'Rattrap' in the lesson signify?

(A) Human

(B) Thieves

(C) Attractions

(D) Human greed and distractions

18. What character trait of the prince is revealed when he utter the words 'Let Tigers Beware'?

(A) Humanity

(B) Pride

(C) Arrogance

(D) Will-power

19. Sadao went to America to learn

(A) Psychiatry

(B) Surgery & Medicine

(C) Music

(D) Fine Art

20. Sophie was........

(A) Realistic

(B) Hard working

(C) Very creative

(D) Day dreamer

21. Which country did Danny Casey play for?

(A) Netherland

(B) New Zealand

(C) Ireland

(D) Switzerland

22. Pancake was the brand name of the

(A) Cake

(B) Make-up material

(C) Crockery

(D) Baking powder

23. What does the expression 'fiery misery' mean?

(A) The glow of light

(B) The bright light

(C) The bright dress

(D) Discomfort to the actors

24. What in today's world is our main source of information?

(A) Social media

(B) Newspaper

(C) Short screens

(D) Interviews & interactions

25. Who had sent the 'First Day Cover'?

(A) Charley's father

(B) Charley's uncle

(C) Sam's father

(D) Sam

26. What was the name of the southern Supercontinent?

(A) Asia

(B) Asia Pacific

(C) Northern Pole

(D) Gondwana

27. Who insists on being his own master ?

(A) Saheb

(B) Mukesh

(C) Savita

(D) Narrator

28. Who was Sam in "The Third Level" ?

(A) A doctor

(B) A teacher

(C) A psychiatrist and a friend of Charley

(D) None of them

29. Who is the author of the lesson' The Interview' ?

(A) Christopher Priest

(B) Christopher Silvester

(C) J. B. Priestley

(D) Alfred John Churchley

30. The story "The Last Lesson' highlights which human tendency ?

(A) Male chauvinism

(B) Courage

(C) Cowardice

(D) Procrastination

Part-B (Subjective Type Questions)

Section – A (Very short answer type questions)

Answer any six questions. 2x6=12

(Q. Nos. 31-38) Read the following passage carefully and answer any six questions:

The Kaziranga centenary celebrations began in Assam on 11th February, 2005. The five day fete was marked by the presence of Lord George Curzon's grandson, Nicholas Mosley and his wife Lady Verity. Lord Curzon was the Viceroy of India from 1898 to

The real story of Kaziranga lies with local wildlife enthusiast Bapiram Hazarika, who was more popularly known as Nigona Shikari. It was Nigona Shikari who actually convinced Lady Curzon about the existence of the great one-horned Indian rhino in the forest that we today know as Kaziranga National Park.

During a trip to Assam, Lady Curzon visited the tea estate. Nigona Shikari took charge as the Mahout of the elephant that was carrying Lady Curzon. Deep into the forest, they spotted a rhino. Lady Curzon then asked many questions about rhinos and their habitat.

Nigona showed his concern about the indiscriminating killing of the rare animal by white hunters, Later an order was issued to prohibit the hunting of rhinos in Assam. Soon an area of 57,273.60 acres of forest was declared as Kaziranga Proposed Reserve Forest.

31. When did the Kaziranga Centenary celebration take place ? Who came to attend it?

Ans. The Kaziranga Centenary Celebrations in Assam began on 11 February 2005. Lord George Curzon's grandson Nicholas Mosley and his wife Lady Verity came to attend it.

32. Who was Nigona Bhikari ?

Ans. The Nigona hunters were the ones who convinced Lady Curzon about the existence of the giant one-horned Indian rhinoceros in the forest that we know today as Kaziranga National Park.

33. What did Lady Curzon visit in Assam ?

Ans. During a trip to Assam, Lady Curzon visited the tea estate.

34. About what did Nigona Shikari convinced Lady Curzon?

Ans. The Nigona hunter reassured them by taking over the duties of the mahout of the elephant carrying Lady Curzon.

35. What did Nigona complain about the white men?

Ans. The Nigona complained about the indiscriminate killing of the rare animal by white hunters.

36. What was the order issued by the government regarding rhinos?

Ans. Regarding rhinoceroses, the government issued an order prohibiting their hunting.

37. What is the meaning of the word 'reserve'?

Ans. Something reserved or set aside for a particular purpose, use, or reason

38. Give the synonyms of the following:

(i) Social gathering

Ans. Event

(ii) Make illegal.

Ans. Forbid

Section-B (Short answer type questions)

Answer any six questions. Answer the questions in maximum 150 words each. 3x6=18

39. Why was Douglas determined to get over his fear of water?

Ans. Douglas was afraid of water. This fear ruined his joy of boating, fishing and swimming. Even as an adult, it did not go. That is why he was determined to get over his fear of water. Finally, he decided to get an instructor and learn to swim.

40. Why are the country folks disappointed in Roadside Stand?

Ans. In the poem "A Roadside Stand," the country folks are disappointed because their roadside stand, selling locally grown produce, receives very few customers from passing cars, indicating a lack of appreciation for their hard work and the quality of their goods, often due to the busy city-dwellers not stopping to buy from them, even when they see the stand; they feel overlooked and undervalued by the people driving by.

41. What do the parting words of the poet and her smile signify?

Ans. The parting words of the poet are 'see you soon Amma'. These words signify the poets expression of a feelings which she cannot express properly and the words give an assurance of life to an old and weak lady. Her continuous smile are an attempt to hide the fear inside her heart that her mother has grown old and perhaps she might not live long.

42. What kind of hospitality was received by the peddler, when he visits the crofter's house ?

Ans. When the peddler visits the crofter's house, he receives extremely warm and generous hospitality, including a hot meal (porridge), tobacco to smoke, a game of cards, and even the crofter sharing personal stories and confidences, as the crofter is lonely and welcomes the company.

43. What work did the office boy do in the Gemini Studio ? Why was he disappointed?

Ans. The office boy applies make-up on the players who played the crowd. On the days of crowd shooting he would mix his paint in a big vessel and apply it quickly and noisily on the faces of the players. He had joined the studios with the hope of becoming a star actor or a screen writer director or lyrics writer. He was disappointed because he failed and remained only a ‘boy’.

44. Who is Hana? How did she help the enemy soldier ?

Ans. Hana is the wife of Dr. Sadao Hoki in the short story "The Enemy" by Pearl S. Buck; she actively helped an injured enemy soldier by tending to his wounds, cleaning him, and providing him with food, even though it was a risky act during wartime, demonstrating her compassion and support for her husband's decision to save the soldier's life as a doctor.

45. What are the different ways in which Mr. Lamb help Derry to fight his negativity?

Ans. 'On the Face of it' is a virtual lesson for the physically handicapped in how they should live their lives. The life of such people characterized by loneliness, neglect, disgrace, public humiliation, and frustration like Derry's life. Derry undergoes terrible emotional experiences caused by his burned face. People commented on his face cruelly. So he suffers.

When he met Mr. Lamb in his garden, which was the turning point in his life. Mr. Lamb is another physically handicapped person who lost one of his legs many years back in a bomb blast in the war. Derry's meeting with him in the garden proved as a savoring for Derry. Lamb tells him many things to change Derry's attitude to life like: he should not mind the public comments on his burned face. Everything is the same and yet different.

All things God created should be of interest to him. He must socialize. He shouldn't lock himself in a room. He should not hate anyone. He should not mind what his mother says He has a tongue, a brain, arms, legs. Actually, Mr. Lamb by his peculiar questions and stimulating answers teaches Derry how he should live his life. This has a magical effect on Derry. He comes to Lamb though his mother prohibited him. Lamb by his own life has proved a pathfinder for him too. Derry stands changed as he. Derry learns a new lesson of life from Mr. Lamb.

46. Who is Mukesh ? How is his attitude different from his family?

Ans. Mukesh belongs to a family of bangle makers but he has not at all attraction for bangle making. He wants to be his own master. He wants to be a motor mechanic.He will go to a garage and learn, though the garage is far away from his home.

Section – C (Long answer type questions)

Answer any four questions. Answer the questions in maximum 250 words each. 5x4-20

47. You found somebody's purse in school library. Write a notice fo notice board of your school to claim the purse.


Lost Wallet

Today, 13.02.2025 a wallet has been found in the school library. It is a red leather wallet.

If you think it is your wallet, please tell the librarian about its contents or come to the school office to collect it. Proof of ownership will be required.

Contact: Ramesh Kumar

Class 12

48. You are Anand/Ritika the cultural secretary of +2 Colleg Hazaribagh. Write a notice inviting students for writing article poems, jokes etc. for school magazine.


Important Notice

+2 College, Hazaribagh

Date: 13.02.2025

Subject: Contributions invited for School Magazine

Dear Students,

All students are informed that contributions are invited for our annual school magazine, "Pankh". We encourage you to showcase your creative talents by submitting original articles, poems, short stories, jokes, drawings and any other form of creative expression that you feel will enrich our magazine.

The theme of this year's magazine is "Internet". However, submissions on any topic of interest are welcome. We are looking for well-written and engaging content that reflects the diverse talents and perspectives of our student group.

Submission Guidelines:

All submissions must be original work.

Please include your name, class and contact information with your submission.

The last date for submissions is 20.02.2025.

 Submissions may be submitted electronically at [email address] or physically at [specified place/person – e.g., Cultural Committee Office, to the signatory below].

We look forward to receiving your creative contributions and making this year’s school magazine a grand success.

Yours sincerely,


Cultural Secretary

+2 College, Hazaribagh

49. Your college organised World Environment Day. Write a report giving details of the programme to be published in your college magazine. You are Radhika/Rohan.


World Environment Day Celebration at +2 H/S Gopikandar Dumka

By Radhika/Rohan

+2 H/S Gopikandar Dumka celebrated World Environment Day on June 5th with great enthusiasm and a renewed commitment to environmental sustainability. The day was marked by a series of events aimed at raising awareness about environmental issues and encouraging eco-friendly practices among students and faculty.

The celebrations commenced with a tree plantation drive. Students, teachers, and staff members enthusiastically participated, planting saplings of various indigenous trees in and around the college campus. The drive symbolized our commitment to increasing the green cover and promoting biodiversity. Our Principal, Dr. Rahul Kumar, inaugurated the drive by planting the first sapling, emphasizing the importance of individual contributions in preserving our environment.

Following the plantation drive, a seminar was organized on the theme "Ecosystem Restoration." Dr. Ramesh Kumar" a renowned environmentalist, delivered an insightful lecture on the importance of restoring damaged ecosystems and the role of individuals in this crucial endeavor. The lecture highlighted the interconnectedness of all living beings and the impact of human activities on the environment. Dr. Ramesh Kumar also shared practical tips on how students can contribute to ecosystem restoration in their daily lives.

A poster-making competition was also held, with students showcasing their creativity and artistic skills to depict environmental issues and solutions. The posters displayed a wide range of themes, from climate change and pollution to conservation and sustainable living. The creativity and passion displayed by the students were truly inspiring. [Mention a couple of standout poster themes/entries if you can]. The winning entries were awarded prizes and displayed prominently in the college auditorium.

In the afternoon, an interactive quiz competition was organized to test the students' knowledge of environmental science and current environmental challenges. The quiz saw active participation from students across all departments, and it was a great way to reinforce learning in an engaging manner.

The World Environment Day celebration at +2 H/S Gopikandar Dumka concluded with a pledge-taking ceremony. All participants pledged to adopt sustainable practices in their daily lives and to become responsible stewards of the environment. The event served as a powerful reminder of our collective responsibility to protect our planet for future generations. The success of the event was a testament to the college's commitment to environmental education and action. We hope that the message of environmental consciousness will continue to resonate with the entire college community and beyond.

50. You witnessed a Sports Day programme. Write a report giving details of the programme. You are the reporter to Hindustan Times.

Ans. Hindustan Times

City School Celebrates Annual Sports Day with Zeal

Dumka City School held its annual Sports Day on 13.02.2025 amidst much fanfare and enthusiasm. The event, held on the school grounds, witnessed the participation of students from all grades in a variety of athletic events.

The day began with a colorful march past by the students, led by the school band. The Principal, Rahul Kumar, hoisted the school flag and declared the Sports Day open. In her address, she emphasized the importance of sports in the holistic development of students.

"Sports not only keep us physically fit but also teach us valuable lessons in teamwork, discipline, and sportsmanship," she said.

The students then took to the field, participating in a range of events such as races, long jump, high jump, and shot put. The atmosphere was electric, with students cheering for their classmates and friends.

One of the highlights of the day was the 100-meter sprint, which saw a close finish between Deep and Rakesh Kumar. Ramesh Kumar emerged victorious, winning the gold medal.

The Sports Day also featured some fun events for the teachers and parents. A tug-of-war between the teachers and parents was a crowd favorite, with both sides putting up a spirited fight.

The day concluded with a prize distribution ceremony, where the winners were awarded medals and certificates. The overall championship trophy was presented to Red house.

The Sports Day was a resounding success, providing a platform for students to showcase their athletic talents and promoting a spirit of healthy competition.

Roshan Kumar

Hindustan Times

51. Write a letter to the editor focusing on the disposal of garbage in your area. You are Seema/Suraj of Ashok Nagar, Ranchi.



The Editor,

Hindustan Times,



Subject: Urgent Attention Needed: Improper Garbage Disposal in Ashok Nagar

Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the concerned authorities and residents to the increasingly alarming issue of garbage disposal in Ashok Nagar, Ranchi. I am a resident of this area and have witnessed firsthand the deteriorating situation, which is now posing a serious threat to the health and well-being of the community.

Our locality is plagued by overflowing garbage bins, often spilling onto the streets.  The designated collection points are frequently neglected, leading to piles of refuse accumulating for days, sometimes even weeks.  This not only creates an unsightly mess but also emits a foul stench, making life unbearable for residents.  The uncollected garbage attracts stray animals, including dogs and rodents, which further contribute to the unsanitary conditions and increase the risk of disease.

The problem is exacerbated by the lack of awareness among some residents, who indiscriminately dump their waste anywhere and everywhere, regardless of designated bins.  Furthermore, the infrequent and irregular garbage collection by the municipal authorities only compounds the issue.  It seems the existing infrastructure is inadequate to handle the volume of waste generated by our locality.

This situation is not only aesthetically displeasing but also poses a grave health hazard.  The unhygienic conditions create a breeding ground for mosquitoes, flies, and other disease-carrying vectors, increasing the risk of outbreaks of dengue, malaria, and other illnesses.  Moreover, the stench emanating from the garbage dumps pollutes the air, affecting the respiratory health of residents.

I urge the municipal authorities to take immediate and decisive action to address this pressing issue.  This includes increasing the frequency of garbage collection, providing more strategically placed bins, and implementing stricter enforcement against littering.  It is also crucial to launch public awareness campaigns to educate residents about proper waste disposal practices and the importance of maintaining cleanliness in our neighborhood.

We, the residents of Ashok Nagar, deserve a clean and healthy environment.  I hope that this letter will serve as a wake-up call for the authorities and prompt them to take swift and effective measures to resolve this long-standing problem.

Thanking you,



Ashok Nagar,


52. Recently your school organised a skit competition on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti. Write a letter to your friend giving the details of your experience.

Ans. +2 H/S Gopikandar

Dumka 814103

Date - 13.02.2025

My dear Ramesh Kumar,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to you today to share some exciting news about our school’s recently held Gandhi Jayanti celebrations. This year, instead of the usual speeches and songs, we held a drama competition, and it was absolutely spectacular!

Of course, the theme was related to Gandhiji’s life, teachings, and principles. Our class decided to perform a play on the Dandi March. We spent weeks preparing, from writing the script and designing the costumes to practising our dialogues and movements. It was a lot of hard work, but we had a lot of fun in the process.

The whole school was abuzz with excitement on the day of the competition. Each class put up a unique and creative performance. Some depicted Gandhiji’s childhood, others focused on his role in the freedom struggle, and some even highlighted his philosophy of non-violence and satyagraha. The variety and creativity was truly impressive.

I believe our play went really well. We tried our best to capture the spirit of the Dandi March and I think we succeeded. I played the role of a villager who joined the march and it was an enriching experience. The audience enjoyed it and we got a lot of applause.

I liked the humorous approach to Gandhiji's principles in a play - it made his teachings relevant to everyone.

Although we didn't win the first prize (congratulations to the winning class/group!), participating in the competition was a reward in itself. It gave us a chance to learn more about Gandhiji's life and his immense contribution to our country's independence. It also helped us develop our teamwork, creativity and public speaking skills.

The whole celebration was really inspiring. It reminded us of the importance of Gandhiji's values, such as truth, non-violence and simple living, which are still relevant today.

I wish you were there to see it all. I will tell you more about it when we meet next time.  Write to me and tell me what is happening to you.

Yours with love,

Rahul Kumar

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