झारखण्ड अधिविद्य परिषद्
ENGLISH ELECTIVE ( Arts/Science/Commerce) 15.02.2025
समय: 3 घंटे 15 मिनट
: 80
Instructions / सामान्य निर्देश :
This Question Booklet has two Parts - Part-A and Part-B इस प्रश्न-पुस्तिका में दो
भाग - भाग-A तथा भाग-B हैं।
Part-A is of MCQ Type having 30 marks and Part-B is of Subjective HINDI Type having 50 marks. भाग-A में 30 अंक के बहुविकल्पीय
प्रश्न तथा भाग-B में 50 अंक के विषयनिष्ठ प्रश्न हैं।
The candidate has to answer in the Answer Booklet which will be provided
separately. परीक्षार्थी
को अलग से उपलब्ध कराई गई उत्तर-पुस्तिका में उत्तर देना है।
Part-A There are 30 Multiple Choice Questions having four (4) options (A, B, C
& D). The candidate has to write the correct option in the Answer Booklet.
All questions are compulsory. Each question carries 1 mark. There is no
negative marking for wrong answer.
इसमें 30 बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्न हैं जिनके 4 विकल्प (A, B, C तथा D) हैं। परीक्षार्थी
को उत्तर-पुस्तिका में सही विकल्प लिखना है। सभी प्रश्न अनिवार्य हैं। प्रत्येक प्रश्न
1 अंक का है। गलत उत्तर के लिए कोई अंक काटा नहीं जाएगा।
Part-B-There are three sections: Section-A, B & C. This part is of
Subjective Type having Very Short Answer, Short Answer & Long Answer Type
questions. Total number of questions is 22.
Question Nos. 31-38 are Very Short Answer Type. Answer any 6 questions. Each
question carries 2 marks.
Question Nos. 39-46 are Short Answer Type. Answer any 6 questions. Each
question carries 3 marks. Answer the questions in maximum 150 words each.
Question Nos. 47-52 are Long Answer Type. Answer any 4 questions. Each question
carries 5 marks. Answer the questions in maximum 250 words each.
इस भाग में तीन खण्ड खण्ड-A, B तथा C हैं। इस भाग में अति लघु उत्तरीय, लघु उत्तरीय
तथा दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रकार के विषयनिष्ठ प्रश्न हैं। कुल प्रश्नों की संख्या 22 है।
प्रश्न संख्या 31-38 अति लघु उत्तरीय प्रकार के हैं। किन्हीं 6 प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।
प्रत्येक प्रश्न 2 अंक का है।
प्रश्न संख्या 39-46 लघु उत्तरीय प्रकार के हैं। किन्हीं 6 प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।
प्रत्येक प्रश्न 3 अंक का है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर अधिकतम 150 शब्दों में दें।
- प्रश्न संख्या 47-52 दीर्घ उत्तरीय प्रकार के हैं। किन्हीं 4 प्रश्नों के उत्तर दें।
प्रत्येक प्रश्न 5 अंक का है। प्रत्येक प्रश्न का उत्तर अधिकतम 250 शब्दों में दें।
Candidates are required to answer in their own words as far as practicable. परीक्षार्थी
यथासंभव अपने शब्दों में ही उत्तर दें।
Candidate has to hand over his/her Answer Booklet to the Invigilator
compulsorily before leaving the examination hall. परीक्षार्थी परीक्षा भवन छोड़ने
के पहले अपनी उत्तर-पुस्तिका वीक्षक को अनिवार्य रूप से लौटा दें।
Candidates can take away the Question Booklet after completion of the
Examination. परीक्षा समाप्त होने के उपरांत परीक्षार्थी प्रश्न-पुस्तिका अपने साथ
लेकर जा सकते हैं।
Part-A (Multiple Choice Type Questions)
Nos. 1 to 30 are Multiple Choice Type. Each question has four options. Select
the correct option and write it in the Answer Sheet. Each question carries 1
the following poem carefully and answer the following questions from Q. Nos. 1
to 4 based on the poem.
countryside must be preserved
miles away from me.
hectares of the stuff reserved
those in need of flower or tree.
make do with landscape painting
documentaries on TV
when I need to escape, panting,
open-mouthed I'll head for the sea.
others stroll and take their leisure,
grasses wade up to their knees,
I derive no earthly pleasure
the green, green rash that makes me sneeze.
1. According to the poet the countryside should be preserved for
those who want to live there
those who want to enjoy the beauty of nature
those who want to leave cities
(D) those who plant more and more trees
2. Where does the poet go for fresh air ?
To the city
(B) To the sea
To the village
To his house
3. Why does the poet not like the countryside ?
Because it makes him weak
(B) Because it makes him sneeze
Because it makes him feel sad
Because it makes him feel uncomfortable
4. According to the poet people go to the countryside …….
to spend holidays
to timepass
(C) to get fresh-air
to enjoy seeing trees and flowers
the correct reported speech (Indirect speech) for the given direct speech.
Question Nos. from 5 to 9.
5. Prachi said, "I will study this chapter later".
Prachi said that she will study that chapter later
(B) Prachi said that she would study that chapter later
Prachi said that she would study this chapter later
Prachi said she would study that chapter later
6. Meena said, "The sun rises in the East".
(A) Meena said that the sun rises in the East
Meena said that the sun rised in the East
Meena said that the sun rose in the East
Meena said that the sun is rising in the East
7. Neema told me, "I visited Coorg in May".
Neema told me that she visited Coorg in May
(B) Neema told me that she had visited Coorg in May
Neema told me that she would visit Coorg in May
Neema told me that she will visit Coorg in May.
8. "Where do you stay?" Kalpana asked Rishu.
(A) Kalpana asked Rishu where he stayed
Kalpana asked Rishu where he stay
Kalpana asked Rishu where did you stay
Kalpana asked Rishu where does he stay
9. Neeraj said, "I am running late".
Neeraj said that he is running late.
Neeraj said that I am running late
Neeraj said that he ran late
(D) Neeraj said that he was running late
10. 'Conclusion' in Essay writing does not include
(A) Order
11. The report should be
(C) Concise
None of these
12. Where do we write the title of the report ?
(A) On the top of the report
At the bottom of the report
In between the lines
13. In the story 'I Sell my Dreams' who died in the sea storm?
Pablo Neruda
(C) Frau Frieda
Frau Frieda's brother
14. What did Eveline promise to her mother before her mother's
To marry her love
To run away from home
(C) To take care of the family
To complete her education
15. Who was Dr. Solomon's first love ?
(C) Raizel
16. Referring to the poem, 'A Lecture Upon the Shadow, what went
along with two lovers ?
(A) Shadows
Their parents
Their friends
17. What has been addressed as 'envious' in the poem, 'On time'?
(B) Time
18. According to Milton, what is not necessary to build to
honour Shakespeare?
(A) Monument (tomb)
19. Why was the woman described in the poem 'Kubla Khan'
Because she had lost her parents
Because she had lost her child
(C) Because her demon lover had abandoned her
Because she was punished by Kubla Khan
20. The poem 'Divine Image' is taken from the collection of
poems named
Leaves of Grass
The Flowers of Evil
(C) Songs of Innocence
Songs of Experience
21. What do the virtues 'Mercy, Pity, Peace and Love' represent?
(A) God
Human beings
None of these
22. The poet has described the swans as …….. creatures.
(D) all of these
23. What does the poet ask the readers to listen to ?
Clock towers
(C) Horn
None of these
24. Which laws restrict our freedom in a civilised society?
(A) The laws of the land
The laws of the labour
The laws of the freedom
All of these
25. What was the author doing when she saw the mark for the
first time?
Having lunch
Having tea
(D) Smoking a cigarette
26. Which film's shooting was going on in Dalarna?
The Seventh Seal
(B) The Virgin Spring
The Passion of Anna
27. According to Lawrence, the …….. is better than the parson,
scientist, philosopher etc.
(D) novelist
28. When ……… orthodoxy became intolerable, Buddhism emerged as a
new religion.
Roman Catholic
(C) Brahminical
Upper Caste
29. Prakriti met Ananda at a ……….. in the village.
(C) well
30. Ananda was disciple of
(A) Buddha
Part-B (Subjective Type Questions)
Section – A (Very short answer type questions)
any six questions. 2x6=12
the following passage and answer any six questions from Q. Nos. 31 to 38.
and Joseph Montgolfier were paper manufacturers in France, but they had been interested
in flying for many years. One night in 1782, Joseph noticed something that gave
him an idea. He was sitting in front of fire when he saw some pieces of
scorched paper floating up the chimney. "Look at that", he said to
Stephen, "the force that is lifting that paper might be used to lift a
light object too".
afterwards the Montgolfier brothers started experimenting with the idea. They
tried their first experiment with a big silk bag which was opened at the
bottom. The hot air filled the silk bag, and much to the brothers"delight,
they saw it rise up in the air. They had created the first hot air balloon.
they built a huge balloon of linen and paper. On June 5th, 1783 they sent this
balloon up in the village of Annonay, where they lived, the entire village
gazed in wonder.
month later, the Montgolfier brothers decided to send up another hot air
balloon, this time with animals in it. They tied a cage to the balloon, which
had a rooster, a duck and a sheep in it, to check its safety.
time later the brothers announced that they were going to make a balloon for a
man to fly in it. Pilatre de Rozier, a young physics teacher, stepped up and
said, "it will be great honour to be the first man to fly". Thus, the
world witnessed the first 'flying man'.
31. Who had created the first hot air balloon ?
Stephen and Joseph Montgolfier
32. What work did the Montgolfier brothers do ?
They tried their first experiment with a big silk bag which was opened at the
bottom. The hot air filled the silk bag, and much to the brothers"delight,
they saw it rise up in the air.
33. What idea came into their mind looking at the scorched
Seeing the hanging paper, the idea came to his mind that the force used to lift
that paper could be used to lift a light object.
34. What did they start their first experiment with ?
They tried their first experiment with a big silk bag which was opened at the
35 When and where did they first float the balloon ?
On June 5, 1783, when he sent this balloon to the village of Annone, where he
lived, the whole village looked at it in amazement.
36. Which animals were sent in the hot air balloon? Why?
To check the safety of the balloon, a cage was tied to it, which contained a
rooster, a duck and a sheep.
37. Who was the first man to fly? Why did he fly ?
Physics teacher Pilatre de Rozier. He flew to achieve the honor of becoming the
"first man to fly."
38. Find the words from the passage which mean the following.
(i) Makers
(ii) Great pleasure
Section – B (Literature)
(Short answer type questions)
any six questions. Answer the questions in maximum 35 words each. 3x6=18
39. What are some of the risks that film-making involves?
Ans. According to the
author, à film is essentially a story told in motion. There is a series of
moving pictures through which the story is interpreted to the common man. So it
is essential that the story should be set in a way that it is understood by the
common man. It is absolutely important that the public identifies with the
theme of the movie. If the theme is completely alien, then the message that the
film wants to deliver will not be understood. Another thing is choosing the
idea. If the theme of the movie is different from the current demand of the
public, it will be difficult for the producer to impress the viewers. The film
industry is facing a threat of failure, criticism and indifference.
Due to their high
ambition, the film-makers should take care about their initiative and creative
ability which has almost vanished from the film industry. If the film-maker
fails to convey his message, it will fall flat and become a great failure. The
author struggles hard to attract the people to see his film otherwise it will
prove to be fruitless. It will become a huge risk in the process of
film-making. So they should use their skills for the entertainment of the
people instead of concentrating on their selfishness.
40. Why did Pablo Neruda pay attention to Frau Frieda ?
In the short story "I Sell My Dreams," Pablo Neruda did not pay
attention to Frau Frieda because he did not believe in her claims of prophetic
dreams; he considered her a con artist who was simply trying to make money by
selling her "dreams.".
41. What was Dr. Margolin's attitude towards his profession ?
Margolin's attitude towards his profession was very positive. He followed
Hippocratic Oath in letter as well as in spirit. He was very punctual in his
duties at the hospital. One of the reasons why he was unwilling to attend the
wedding was that he had to reach hospital early on Monday morning and he would
have no time to sleep and rest during the wedding night.
He was also generous and charitable towards his
patients. He treated rabbis refugees, and Jewish writers without charge,
supplied them with medicines and hospital beds. He loved his patie and gave
them his selfless services.
42. Who was Frank ? Why did Eveline's father quarrel with him ?
Frank was a sailor in the shipping company named Allan Line. He was the man
whom Eveline liked and admired. He was from Buenos Aires, a port city in
Argentina in South America. He was a very kind and open-hearted man, who wanted
to marry her.
father had a quarrel with him because he found out about his affair with
Eveline and had forbidden her to meet or talk to him.
43. What are the things that mark animate things from the
inanimate ?
The author
says that all the things that are within our body are alive including brain,
soul, skin and hair. He says that animate things have flicker in them but the
inanimate things do not. Animate things make a whole body with many parts but
inanimate things do not have this quality. Animate things have their complete
existence and they do activities during their entire life but the inanimate
things do not have these qualities. No doubt, inanimate things like words,
thoughts, signs and aspirations are helpful and supportive to our life but they
are not alive.
44. The poet seems to be addressing his beloved in the poem.
What is the message that John
Donne wishes to convey to her ?
The poet wishes to convey to his beloved that she should love him sincerely.
Their love should be true and long lasting. It should not wither away with the
passage of time. They should have no differences between them. He wants to tell
her that once they reach the height of love, they must retain it. Though there
are ups and downs in every relationship, they must not let their love vanish.
45. Referring to the poem, 'On Time' what are the things
associated with the temporal and
what are associated with the eternal?
In the poem, the things associated with the temporal
are the earthly objects and human qualities which are attributed to Time.
“Envious”, “lazy”, “womb”,” greedy”, vain”, “glut”, “plummets”, “leaden”,
“hours”, and “mortal”,” Death”,” Chance” are the limitations of a human life
seemingly enslaved by Time.
The things associated with the eternal are “Love”,
“Peace”, “Truth”, “Joy”, “Throne”, “soul”,” Stars”, which are attained in
46. What is the role of the mother in Prakriti's
self-realisation ?
Ans. Prakriti's mother
was aware of the consequence of casting the evil spell on the monk. She knew
that the spell would change the divine monk into an earthly being with no
conscience or truthfulness. Moreover, the powerful spell she cast upon the monk
would take a toll on her life as well. When Prakriti realises that she has
destroyed the purity of the monk to drag him to her, she feels sorry for her
action. Her mother asks her to look into the mirror. When Prakriti peeps into
the mirror, she realises her mistake. Prakriti's self realisation comes out but
she has to pay a heavy price for it.
Her mother dies in the
process of undoing the spell. She hopes that her daughter will have a happy
life after marriage. She persuades her daughter to be with the king's son but
she wants to be with the monk. She knows well the adamant nature of her daughter
but wants to make her happy. She warns her daughter against the negative
consequences. Thus, on every step, she has hopes as well as fears for her
daughter. She continuously works for the self realisation of her daughter.
Section – C (Creative Writing)
(Long answer type questions)
any three questions. Answer the questions in about 125 words each. 5x3= 15
47. Write an essay on "Digital India".
India is a project started by the government of India on 1st July 2015 (from
1st to 7th of July as a digital week) to transform India into a digitally
empowered and knowledgeable country in the world. This project is
interconnected by the various governmental departments such as IT, education,
agriculture, etc., to achieve a promising bright return. It is headed and
planned by the ministry of communications and information technology. It is
like a golden opportunity for India when got implemented properly.
At the very start of the project launch, there was a
plan by the state government to make available high-speed internet connections
in almost 250,000 villages and other residential areas of the country. The “Bharat
Broadband Network Limited (BBNL)” ‘s crucial role in this project is
In digital India, there would be easy digitization of
data which will help make things much more efficient and fast. It will reduce
paperwork, save manpower and save time as well. This project will take speed by
tying the knot between the government and private sectors. Many villages
interconnected with high-speed networks will undergo a huge change from
backward regions to complete digitally equipped areas.
India’s cities, towns, and villages will get more
tech-savvy. This project has been planned to be completed by 2019 with the
investment of leading companies (national or international). Ambani declared it
to invest around 2.5 lac crore in the digital India project.
48. Write an essay on "My Favourite Political Leader".
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister
of India and a great national political leader. He was born of rich parents. He
sacrificed all his comforts in the service of the nation. He was a highly
qualified man. He returned to India after obtaining the degree of law from the
Cambridge University. But he did not continue his practice in the Allahabad
High Court. Giving up the life of ease and comfort he chose the life of
hardship in the service of the country. He was interested in Indians struggle
for freedom. He joined the non-co-operation movement of Gandhiji and was sent
to jail several times. After India got freedom he became the first Prime
Minister of India and held this post till he was alive. His great sacrifices
for the country will always remain alive. Indeed, he was a, great Freedom
49. Recently an awareness camp was organised by your school on
"keeping the School Campus Clean". You were a participant of that
awareness camp. Write a brief report to be published in your school magazine,
You are Komal/Karan of S. S. +2 High School, Ormanjhi.
50. Write an article for your school magazine justifying the
need for education of Girls in the country for national development.
– D (Long answer type questions)
any one question. Answer the question in maximum 100 words either from
Group-A or Group-B 5x1=5
- A
any one of the following questions: 5x1-5
51. On the basis of the novel, "The Financial Expert' prove
that love of money is the root of
all evil.
In "The Financial Expert," the character Margayya's relentless
pursuit of wealth, often at the expense of his morals and relationships, serves
as a prime example of how the "love of money" can be the root of all
evil, as his obsession leads to a series of destructive actions that impact not
only his personal life but also those around him, demonstrating the corrosive
nature of excessive greed for money.
1. Moral Compromises:
- Margayya's business practices: Margayya starts as a simple
moneylender but becomes increasingly involved in dubious financial schemes
as he seeks greater wealth. He manipulates and exploits people's
vulnerabilities for his own gain.
- Relationship with Dr. Pal: Margayya's desire for success leads him
into a partnership with Dr. Pal, a man of questionable character. This
association ultimately leads to Margayya's downfall.
2. Damaged Relationships:
- Family neglect: Margayya's relentless focus on accumulating wealth
leads him to neglect his family. His relationship with his wife
deteriorates, and he becomes estranged from his son, Balu.
- Loss of genuine connections: Margayya's relationships become
transactional, based on what others can do for his financial gain. He
loses sight of true friendship and loyalty.
3. Personal Downfall:
- Loss of peace and contentment: Despite his wealth, Margayya is
never truly happy or content. His obsession with money keeps him in a
constant state of anxiety and dissatisfaction.
- Ultimate ruin: Margayya's pursuit of wealth eventually leads to his
financial ruin. He loses everything he has gained, highlighting the
fleeting nature of material possessions.
4. Social Impact:
- Exploitation: Margayya's practices contribute to the exploitation
of the vulnerable in his community. He takes advantage of their financial
difficulties, exacerbating their problems.
- Erosion of trust: Margayya's actions erode trust within the
community. His focus on self-interest undermines the sense of community
and mutual support.
52. Discuss the role of Dr. Pal in the life of Margayya and his
Ans. Dr. Pal plays a significant role in
the life of Margayya and his family. In fact, he is responsible for making and
marring Margayya's fortune. Margayya is charmed by his personality. Dr. Pal has
written a book named 'Domestic Harmony'. He gladly gives the book to Margayya
for twenty five rupees. Margayya gets into a fifty-fifty partnership with the
printer, Madan Lal. The book is published and he earns a lot of money through
the sales of the book.
Margayya starts his banking business with the help of Dr. Pal as his agent. At
his advice the rich merchants of Malgudi deposit all the money with Margayya.
He earns a lot of money from his deposit-cum-interest scheme. When Balu settles
in his new house with his wife Brinda, Dr. Pal becomes a regular visitor. He
made Balu eat, drink, gamble and enjoy the company of prostitutes. He
instigates Balu to demand his share of the ancestral property from his father.
Margayya beats him up. Dr. Pal lodged an FIR with the police. Next day, he
spreads rumours among Margayya's clients that their money is not safe with him.
The clients take back all their money, making Margayya bankrupt. Thus, Dr. Pal
brings about Margayya's ruin.
- B
any one of the following questions: 5x1-5
51. What is the role of Hermit in the Tiger's life?
In R.K. Narayan's "A Tiger for Malgudi," the
hermit, also referred to as the "Master," plays a pivotal role in the
tiger's life, leading him on a path of spiritual transformation. Here's a
breakdown of his influence:
- Rescuer and Protector: The hermit first appears when the tiger is
in danger, having escaped from a circus and facing angry villagers. He
intervenes, saving the tiger from being shot. This act establishes him as
a protector and someone who understands the tiger's true nature.
- Guide and Mentor: The hermit takes the tiger under his care,
leading him to a secluded forest ashram. He becomes a guru figure,
teaching the tiger about non-violence, compassion, and the
interconnectedness of all beings. This is a significant departure for the
tiger, who has lived a life of instinct and survival in the wild.
- Instiller of Self-Reflection: The hermit's teachings prompt the
tiger to reflect on his past actions and the nature of his existence. He
encourages the tiger to look beyond his primal instincts and understand
the deeper meaning of life. This leads the tiger to question his identity
and purpose, marking a shift from a purely physical existence to a more
philosophical one.
- Facilitator of Transformation: Through his guidance, the hermit
facilitates a profound transformation in the tiger. The once-fierce
predator learns to control his instincts, embrace non-violence, and
develop a sense of empathy. He even gives up eating meat, a significant
change for a tiger.
- Symbol of Spiritual Growth: The hermit represents the potential for
spiritual growth and redemption, even in the most unlikely of creatures.
He demonstrates that compassion and understanding can transcend species
boundaries and that inner peace is attainable through self-reflection and
52. How does the tiger eventually attain freedom from the
Captain ?
Ans. After killing the Captain, the
tiger got up to move freely for the first time. The people fled to save
themselves leaving everything. The tiger moved off some distance from the cage.
Then Jaggu suddenly ran and entered the cage and pulled down the door. The
tiger entered Market Road. People ran for their lives at the sight of the
tiger. Some street dogs were inviting death when they were barking madly. He
rested for a moment at the door of Anand Bhavan on Market Road. The schools
were being closed and children were running out happily. They were shouting and
laughing. The tiger felt that he
also join them. So he started moving after them. They ran back to school and
the tiger also followed them. The children were shut in the school hall and he
saw an open door of a room, so he went there. It was the headmaster's room. The
headmaster jumped on the table and reached into an attic for safety. The tiger
walked in and sat on the cool floor. He put his head under the large desk and
was going to sleep. Someone locked the door from outside.
Jac Board Class 12 English Elective Arts/Science/Commerce 2023 Answer key
English Elective Contents
Short Stories | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
Poetry | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
7. | |
8. | |
Non-Fiction | |
1. | |
2. | |
3. | |
4. | |
5. | |
6. | |
Drama | |
1. | |
2. | |
Novel | |
1. | |
2. | |
Flamingo Prose
1. The Last Lesson
2. Lost Spring
3. DeepWater
4. The Rattrap
5. Indigo
6. Poets and Pancakes
7. The Interview
8. Going Places
Flamingo Poetry
1. My Mother at Sixty-Six
2. An Elementary School Classroom in a Slum
3. Keeping Quiet
4. A Thing of Beauty
5. A Roadside Stand
6. Aunt Jennifer's Tigers
1. The Third Level
2. The Tiger King
3. Journey to the End of the Earth
4. The Enemy
5. Should Wizard Hit Mommy?
6. On the Face of It
7. Evans Tries an O-Level
8. Memories of Childhood
Kaleidoscope (Elective)
1. I Sell my Dreams (Short Stories)
3. A Wedding in Brownsville (Short Stories)
5. One Centimetre (Short Stories)
6. A Lecture Upon the Shadow (Poetry)
10. Trees (Poetry)
11. The Wild Swans at Coole (Poetry)
12. Time and Time Again (Poetry)
13. Blood (Poetry)
15. The Mark on the Wall (Non-fiction)
17. Why the Novel Matters (Non-fiction)
18. The Argumentative Indian (Non-fiction)