12th English Elective Short Stories 3. A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer

12th English Elective Short Stories 3. A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer

12th English Elective Short Stories 3. A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

3. A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer

Q1. What do you understand about Dr. Margolin's past? How does it affect his present life?

Ans: Dr. Margolin's past was a mixture of recognition and grief. As a child, he was declared a prodigy. Everyone thought he would grow up to be a genius. But he also faced many hardships. His entire family had been tortured, burned and gassed.

He had lost his true love, Raizel. All this shaped Dr. Margolin's present state of mind. He had grown aloof from the Senciminers after the loss of his family. He was hypochondriac and feared death. The death of his family and his love in the reign of Hitler made him lose faith in humanity. However, on the other hand, he was a successful doctor. He was highly respected by his colleagues and other members of Jewish community.

Q2. What was Dr. Margolin's attitude towards his profession?

Ans: Dr. Margolin has always been loyal towards his profession. He had never broken the Hippocratic Oath and had always been honest to his patients. He was successful in his field and was highly respected.

Although he had wealthy patients, he treated rabbis, refugees and Jewish writers without any charge, and even supplied them with medicines and a hospital bed, if necessary. He was so dedicated and devoted to his profession that he could hardly spare some free time for his wife Gretl.

Q3. What is Dr. Margolin's view of the kind of life the American Jewish community leads?

Ans: The kind of life the American Jewish community led was not appreciated by Dr. Margolin. According to him, Jewish laws and customs were completely distorted. Those who had no regard for Jewish customs wore skullcaps. He even found their celebrations irritating. Loud music and unruly dances had no place in Jewish culture but it was gathering popularity in the U.S.A. He was ashamed whenever he took his wife to a wedding or a Bar Mitzvah.

Q4. What were the personality traits that endeared Dr. Margolin to others in his community?

Ans: Dr. Margolin was a self-taught man, a son of a poor teacher of Talmud. As a child, he was declared as a prodigy, reciting long passages of the bible and studying Talmud and Commentaries on his own. He even taught himself geometry and algebra. At the age of seventeen, he attempted a translation. He was referred to as 'great and illustrious'. Everyone predicted that he would turn out to be a genius.

Q5. Why do you think Dr. Margolin had the curious experience at the wedding hall?

Ans: Dr. Margolin's experience at the wedding hall was a result of his death. He met with an accident on the way to the wedding. His curious and mysterious encounter with Raizel could probably be explained through his past. Raizel was his true love whom he never had a chance to marry. She was married to someone else and was later shot by the Nazis.

Q6. Was the encounter with Raizel an illusion or was the carousing at the wedding hall illusory? Was Dr. Margolin the victim of the accident and was his astral body hovering in the world of twilight?

Ans: Of course, Dr. Margolin's encounter with Raizel was an illusion. A wish to meet his teenage love and relive his past life was there in his sub-conscious mind. His imagination was set a fire when his eyes were caught by a familiar figure. The woman he set his eyes upon had the same narrow face, dark eyes and girlish smile as his dead Raizel had. He saw Raizel in her. However, it proved to be a long hallucination. The carousing at the wedding hall was not illusory. 

Were it illusory, where would the encounter with Raizel have taken place? Again, the people at the hall were real and whatever going on there was also real. He was not a victim of the accident that took place on the way. In a state of total confusion at having his dead behaved or imagining that he was having her, and also having lost his wallet, he imagined that he was a victim of the accident.

He even imagined that he was dead. He was not himself while thinking on these lines. So far as the astral body hovering in the world of twilight is concerned, this idea of his was about Raizel when she asked, 'shot her? Who told you that?' 

In his confusion, Margolin was reminded of having heard about a state of the dead-the astral body wandering in semi-consciousness, clinging to the illusions and vanities of the past. Raizel might he in such a state after her death. However, he rejected such a state as a superstition. He considered himself to be in a drunken stupor and the whole incident being one long hallucination. The story ended with the wedding ceremony going on.

Q7. Who were the Senciminers?

Ans: Senciminers were the native Jewish inhabitants of the town Sencimin in Poland. They were however forced to leave the town because it was destroyed by the Germans. Many Senciminers were tortured, burned and gassed, however, few survived and took refuge in America.

Q8. Why did Dr. Margolin not particularly want his wife to accompany him to the wedding?

Ans: Dr. Margolin did not want his wife to accompany him to the wedding because he knew the rustic behaviour of his kinsmen and the people of his community who settled there as refugees. His wife Gretl was a Christian and one of her brother was a Nazi activist. The Nazi had ruthlessly killed the Jews in Poland. The Sencimers would insult her if she went to their party. Dr. Margolin had married Gretl not abiding by Yiddish customs which would annoy his Sencimen brothers. He was ashamed of the mess that American Judaism was. Every time he took his wife to a wedding or a Bar Mitzvah, he had to make apologies to her.

Q9. What is the Hippocratic oath?

Ans: The Hippocratic Oath is an oath usually taken by doctors to swear their loyalty to their profession. There are eleven promises that doctors make in order to become patient, friendly and true servants to the ailing community. It acts like a code of conduct for medical professionals. Dr. Margolin being a doctor himself, says that he has never broken the oath and that he has always been honest towards his patients.

Q 10. What topic does the merry banter the wedding invariably lead to?

Ans: The merry banter at the wedding invariably lead to the mentioning of the deaths of the Senciminers. Every conversation eventually led to that and occasionally, the protagonist found himself being asked about his own family and their death.

Q 11. Who was the woman that Dr. Margolin suddenly encountered at the wedding?

Ans: The woman that Dr. Margolin suddenly encountered was his lover Raizel. She was the daughter of Melekh, the watchmaker. Raizel was Dr Margolin's beloved when he was in his teenage years. Dr Margolin was the son of a priest and due to the social difference Raizel was married to another young man. After some years of marriage, she and her husband were shot dead in Sencimen, a town in Poland.

Q 12. What were the events that led to his confused state of mind?

Ans: Dr Margolin started to realise that something was wrong when he noticed that his wallet was missing but wasn't sure how and where he had lost it. He also couldn't understand the fact that Raizel looked too young and he thought that maybe she was her daughter who was trying to mock him.


1. When did Isaac Bashevis Singer die?

a. 1991

b. 1992

c. 1993

d. 1994

2. When did Isaac Bashevis Singer emigrate to America?

a. 1935

b. 1936

c. 1937

d. 1938

3. When was Isaac Bashevis Singer awarded the Nobel Prize for literature?

a. 1976

b. 1977

c. 1978

d. 1979

4. Who wrote 'A Friend of Kafka'?

a. James Joyce

b. Isaac Bashevis Singer

c. Joseph Conrad

d. Bi Shu-Min

5. Who was the central character in the story?

a. Dr. Solomon Margolin

b. Gretl

c. Sylvia

d. Abraham Mekheles

6. Who was Gretl?

a. Dr. Margolin's wife

b. Dr. Margolin's sister

c. Dr. Margolin's mother

d. Dr. Margolin's aunt

7. When was the wedding to take place?

a. On Sunday

b. On Monday

c. On Tuesday

d. On Wednesday

8. Whom did Dr. Margolin treat without any charge?

a. Rabbis

b. Refugees

c. Jewish writers

d. all of the above

9. Whose wedding is going to take place?

a. Dr. Solomon Margolin

b. Gretl

c. Sylvia

d. Abraham Mekheles

10. Who was on a strict fat-free diet?

a. Dr. Solomon Margolin

b. Gretl

c. Sylvia

d. Abraham Mekheles

11. Who usually went for a walk after breakfast on Sunday?

a. Dr. Solomon Margolin

b. Gretl

c. Both a and b

d. None of the above

12. What was Gret!?

a. a nurse

b. a teacher

c. an advocate

d. a doctor

13. Whose communist brother was shot by Nazis?

a. Dr. Solomon Margolin

b. Gretl

c. Sylvia

d. Abraham Mekheles

14. What was Gretl originally?

a. German

b. American

c. Jewish

d. Chinese

15. 15 Where was Dr. Margolin's office?

a. On North End Avenue

b. On East End Avenue

c. On West End Avenue

d. On South End Avenue

16. What was Dr. Margolin's father?

a. Teacher

b. Doctor

c. Advocate

d. Engineer

17. What was the age of Dr. Margolin when he attempted a translation of Spinoza's Ethics from Latin into Hebrew?

a. Sixteen

b. Seventeen

c. Eighteen

d. Nineteen

18. Who was Raizel?

a. Dr. Margolin's girlfriend

b. Dr. Margolin's sister

c. Dr. Margolin's mother

d. Dr. Margolin's aunt

19. What was Raizel's father?

a. Watchmaker

b. Carpenter

c. Painter

d. Teacher

20. Who suffered from Hypochondria?

a. Dr Solomon Margolin

b. Gretl

c. Sylvia

d. Abraham Mekheles

21. Where did Dr Margolin meet Raizel after a very long period of time?

a. At a wedding

b. At a birthday party

c. At a funeral

d. A farewell party

22. The story was translated by Chana Faerslein and Elizabeth Pollet.



c. Absolutely Not

d. All of the above

23. Why did Dr. Margolin not want to attend the wedding at Brownsville?

a. Because he wouldn't get a chance to sleep

b. Because he was on a fat-free diet

c. Because Jewish laws and culture were completely distorted

d. All of the above

24. Who was Abraham Mekhele's daughter?

a. Sylvia

b. Raizel

c. Gretl

d. Marry

25. When Dr. Margolin saw_ was extremely shocked. in the wedding he

a. Abraham Mekheles

b. Gretl

c. Raizel

d. Sylvia

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


I Sell my Dreams - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Eveline - James Joyce


A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer


Tomorrow - Joseph Conrad


One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min



A Lecture Upon The Shadow - John Donne


Poems by Milton - John Milton


Poems By Blake - William Blake


Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream - S.T. Coleridge


Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Intermediate Examination - 2023

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