12th English Elective Short Stories 2. Eveline - James Joyce

12th English Elective Short Stories 2. Eveline - James Joyce

12th English Elective Short Stories 2. Eveline - James Joyce

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

2. Eveline - James Joyce

Q1. Name the two characters in this story whom Eveline liked and loved, and two she did not. What were the reasons for her feelings towards them?

Ans- The two characters whom Eveline liked and loved were her brother, Harry and Frank. She loved her brother, Harry as he was her brother and after her mother's death, she used to take care of him and she assured that he went to school regularly and got his meals. Eveline liked and loved Frank as he was kind, manly and open-hearted. He loved Eveline and wanted to marry her and promised her to give her happiness. Both of them were fond of music and even Frank sang for her.

The two characters whom Eveline did not like and love were her father and Miss Gavan. Eveline's father was violent and threatened her. She was never loved by her father; he would get drunk and had always been harsh to her. Miss Gavan was her employer; she was rude to Eveline and tried to criticize her.

Q2. Describe the conflict of emotions felt by Eveline on the day she decided to elope with Frank.

Ans- Eveline was in a state of dilemma on the day she had decided to elope with Frank, her lover. She was torn between two choices. One was, to go with Frank, settle in Buenos Aires as his wife, get the respect in the society there that a married woman deserved. The other choice before her was to live among familiar people and things, to learn to live with her problems, to live the life in the way she had been living it since her childhood, to go on fulfilling the promise she had made to her dying mother- to keep the house together as long as she could, and to bring her affair with Frank to an end by rejecting his offer of marriage and living together in Buenos Aires as husband and wife.

Opposing emotions clashed in her mind when the time for departure came nearer and nearer. On one side was the emotion of filial duty and the fulfillment of the promise she had made to her mother. On the other was, her right to happiness. Similarly, her feelings of attachment to familiar people and things clashed with the fear of the unknown people and things. The security of the present life clashed with the sense of insecurity in the new place and among new people. So, she swayed and swayed between opposite emotions and settled for what made her psychologically secure. Frank had to go alone, without Eveline.

Q3. Why do you think Eveline let go of the opportunity to escape?

Ans- Eveline missed the opportunity to escape with her lover Frank due to her responsibilities towards her home. She hated her father and at the same time, she was worried about him. She had promised her mother that she would never let her home separate and will keep the family together. Her duties towards of her family were more important than escaping from her house for her own sake.

Q4. What are the signs of Eveline's indecision that we see as the hour of her departure with Frank neared?

Ans- As the time to elope with Frank was coming near, Eveline suddenly got distressed and turned pale. She also prayed to God to direct her about her duty. She felt a sense of nausea and cried of her anguish.

Q5. Why did Eveline review all the familiar objects at home?

Ans- Eveline reviewed all the familiar objects at home because she had decided to elope with her lover Frank. All the beautiful and joyous memories of her childhood days flashed in front of her eyes and made her nostalgic.

Q6. Where was Eveline planning to go?

Ans- Eveline was planning to go to Buenos Aires with her beloved and explore a new respectable life in a new city with Frank, far from her father and old monotonous lifestyle.

Q7. Who was Frank? Why did Eveline's father quarrel with him?

Ans- Frank was a sailor in the shipping company named Allan Line. He was the man whom Eveline liked and admired. He was from Buenos Aires, a port city in Argentina in South America. He was a very kind and open-hearted man, who wanted to marry her.

Eveline's father had a quarrel with him because he found out about his affair with Eveline and had forbidden her to meet or talk to him.

Q8. What significance does Eveline find in the organ player's appearance on the day she had decided to leave?

Ans- Eveline had decided to go away with Frank. On that same day the organ player's appearance reminded Eveline of the street organ that played on the last night of her mother's illness and the kind of life her mother lived. It also reminded her of the promise made to her mother before her death. She promised her to keep the home together as long as she could.

Q9. How can you say that Eveline loved her home and surroundings?

Ans- Eveline loved her home and her familiar surroundings more than anything else. She rejected her lover Frank's offer of settling down in Buenos Aires because she cannot separate herself from home and surroundings. Though she suffers greatly on account of her abusive father and at her workplace yet she could not elope with Frank.

Q 10. How does Eveline suffer and what does she hope to get after her marriage with Frank?

Ans- Eveline suffers terribly. She has to work hard both at home and the Stores. At home, she is harassed and

abused by her father for no fault of hers. At her workplace, the Stores, she is insulted by Miss Gavan who hates her and enjoys humiliating her. She hopes to get love and respect after marriage with Frank in Buenos Aires.

Q 11. Who was Frank? Why did Eveline choose to go away with him?

Ans: Frank was a young man who had come to spend his holidays at Eveline's place. He was very kind, manly and open hearted. He worked as a deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line. He was awfully fond of music and sang a little. Eveline fell in love with him and wanted to get rid of her problems by marrying him and settling down in Buenos Aires.

Q 12. Why did Eveline's father dislike Frank and how did they keep on meeting after that?

Ans: Eveline's father was an abusive, quarrelsome and selfish man. He was also a drunkard. He found out the love affair between Eveline and Frank. He feared that Eveline might run away with him and settle down in some other place. He used to take away all of Eveline's wages for the week after quarreling with her. After the quarrel between Eveline's father and Frank, the loving couple kept on meeting secretly

Q 13. How did Eveline start wavering in her decision to leave home?

Ans- As the time for Eveline's departure came near, she started wavering in her decision to go away with Frank. She liked Harry, her brother, though he had no time for her. She noticed that her father was growing old lately and could be nice to her sometimes. The organ's music reminded her of her promise to her dying mother. She started seeing things in a brighter light.

Q 14. What made Eveline change her decision in the end?

Ans- Eveline was not headstrong and lacked determination. She dreamed of a better life with Frank, but she did not love and trust him as much as he did her. She wanted to assert her right to happiness, but her fear of the unknown place and people spoiled her plans.

She even doubted Frank's intentions and thought he might deceive her and make her life more miserable. Also, her promise to her mother weighed too heavily on her mind. All this made her change her decision.

Q 15. Draw a character-sketch of Eveline.

Ans: The protagonist of the story, Eveline, is a hardworking Irish woman around nineteen years of age. She lives with her father in her childhood home in Dublin. She lives a hard life caring for her abusive father and two children left to her care. She falls in love with Frank, a young man, who has come to spend his holiday. She dreams of getting rid of her problems at home and workplace by running away with Frank, marrying him and settling down with him in Buenos Aires. But, her fears regarding unknown places and people come to haunt her. The love and respect she hopes to get after marriage may not be there. Also, her promise to her dead mother stops her from taking such a drastic step. Her lack of courage keeps her from doing any such experiment.

Q 16. Deciding between filial duty and the right to personal happiness is problematic. Discuss.

Ans- It is indeed right to say that to choose between filial duty and personal happiness is problematic and puzzling. Eveline too, faces such a dilemma. She has to fulfill the promise she had made to her dying mother, that she would keep the home together as long as she could. It was precisely for this that she chose her boring life with her abusive father and rejected Frank's offer of a life of love and respect in Buenos Aires. However, a middle path can be found between filial duty and personal happiness to avoid regrets later on.

Q 17. Evaluate Frank's character.

Ans: Frank came as a gust of fresh air in the hard, fearful, and tasteless life of Eveline. His home was in Buenos Aires. He worked on a ship as a deck boy. Kind, manly and open hearted, Frank won Eveline's heart and they decided to elope and marry. He loved music and singing and had numerous stories to tell about sea-life. He liked Eveline and loved moving about with her. He was a loving fellow indeed, but he seemed to be careless about knowing and addressing Eveline's doubts and fears regarding their marriage and the life after that. Had he been more mature in his dealings with Eveline, he wouldn't have gone alone.

Q 18. What were the major factors that made Eveline's life intolerable?

Ans: Eveline was a hard working girl who loved her home and its things, relatives and familiar people and memories of her past. She had to work hard both at home and in her work-place, the Stores. She also had to deal with adversity at both these places. She had to put up with an abusive, intolerant, bullying, quarrelsome father at home, who took away all her weekly wages. At the Stores, she had to put up with insults from her employer Miss Gavan who had made her life difficult.


1. James Joyce was a/an writer.

a. Irish

b. American

c. British

d. Indian

2. Who is the writer of 'Eveline' ?

a. Joseph Conrad

b. James Joyce

c. G.B. Shaw

d. D.H. Lawrence

3. Eveline is one of the 15 stories of Dublin life that form the book ----------

a. Ulysses

b. Dubliners

c. Finnegans Wake

d. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

4. James Joyce was a/an ----- writer.

a. English

b. American

c. Irish

d. Caribbean

5. Eveline is also called ------ in the lesson.

a. Miss Brown

b. Miss Hill

c. Miss White

d. Miss Water

6. The playmates of Eveline were:

a. the Devines

b. the Waters

c. the Dunce

d. all of these

7. -------- genre of writing has been used in the story.

a. magic realism

b. stream of consciousness

c. science fiction

d. children's story

8. When the story begins Eveline's mother is -----

a. dead

b. alive

c. unconscious

d. none of these

9. Who was cripple in the story?

a. Frank

b. Harry

c. Miss Gavan

d. Keogh

10. Eveline was in love with ------

a. Harry

b. Ernest

c. Frank

d. Keogh

11. Eveline used to work in a/an -----

a. bank

b. Office

c. store

d. hospital

12. Who was Eveline's employer?

a. Miss Gavan

b. Miss Hill

c. Miss Betty

d. Miss Dunn

13. Frank was a ------

a. businessman

b. carpenter

c. sailor

d. musician

14. How old was Eveline?

a. twenty years

b. nineteen years

c. eighteen years

d. seventeen years

15. Frank's native country was ----

a. Portugal

b. Spain

c. Ireland

d. Argentina

16. Who used to keep a nix when the children played?

a. Eveline

b. Keogh

c. Harry

d. Ernest

17. Which movie had Eveline watched with Frank?

a. Titanic

b. The Bohemian Girl

c. A Beautiful Mind

d. Spiderman

18. How much did Eveline earn?

a. seven shillings

b. six shillings

c. eight shillings

d. ten shillings

19. With whom Eveline was planning to elope?

a. Harry

b. Mr. Water

c. Mr. Dunn

d. Frank

20. Why would Eveline's father not approve of Frank for his daughter?

a. because he was a sailor

b. because he was not an Irish citizen

c. because he was ugly

d. because he was poor

21. Harry was in the ------- decorating business.

a. church

b. mall

c. party

d. marriage party

22. Eveline heard the music of a ------

a. Piano

b. violin

c. mouth organ

d. guitar

23. In the lesson, what does 'Derevaun Setaun' means?

a. all is well

b. the end of pleasure is pain

c. have a good day

d. God is merciful

24 24. Which characters in the lesson are mentioned but are dead?

a. Tizzie Dunn

b. Eveline's mother

c. Ernest

d. all of them

25. Eveline remembered her father putting on her mother's ----- to make the children laugh.

a. bonnet

b. socks

c. shoes

d. hat

26. Could Eveline elope with Frank?

a. yes

b. no

c. maybe

d. none of the above

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


I Sell my Dreams - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Eveline - James Joyce


A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer


Tomorrow - Joseph Conrad


One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min



A Lecture Upon The Shadow - John Donne


Poems by Milton - John Milton


Poems By Blake - William Blake


Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream - S.T. Coleridge


Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Intermediate Examination - 2023

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