12th English Elective Short Stories 1. I Sell my Dreams

12th English Elective Short Stories 1. I Sell my Dreams
12th English Elective Short Stories 1. I Sell my Dreams

प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

Class - 12

English Elective

1. I Sell my Dreams

Q 1. Did the author believe in the prophetic ability of Frau Frieda?

Ans: Yes, the author believed in the prophetic ability of Frau Frieda. One night in Vienna, Frau Frieda whispered to the author that she had dreamt about him and he should leave Vienna for at least five years. Her conviction was so real that he boarded the last train to Rome that same night and never returned to Vienna. He considered himself a survivor of some catastrophe, he had never experienced.

Q 2. Why did he think that Frau Frieda's dreams were a stratagem for surviving?

Ans: Frau Frieda's dreams were a stratagem for surviving because she had no other qualification than to sell her dreams. It was the period of world war and people in those days were living in uncertainty. She had elite clients who used to set their routine according to the predictions made by her. Her conversations made it clear that, dream by dream, she had taken over the entire fortune of her affluent patrons in Vienna.

Q 3. Why does the author compare Neruda to a Renaissance pope?

Ans: Pablo Neruda was a high dignitary i.e. consulate in Rangoon. He was a great scholar and bookworm as he had bought an old dried out volume of a book with a torn binding for a cost equal to his salary for two months in Rangoon. He was a clairvoyant poet and an excellent painter. He was gluttonous as he ate three lobsters, clams, mussels, prawns and sea cucumbers. Owing to such voracity and refined tastes for learning the author compares Neruda to a Renaissance pope.

Q4. How did the author recognise the lady who was extricated from the car encrusted in the wall of Havana Riviera Hotel after the storm?

Ans: The author recognised the lady who was extricated from the car encrusted in the wall of Havana Riviera Hotel after the storm by the gold ring shaped like a serpent with emerald eyes which she wore. The police established that she was the housekeeper for the new Portuguese ambassador and his wife. She had come to Havana with them two weeks before and had left that morning for the market, driving a car

Q5. Why did the author leave Vienna never to return again?

Ans: The author left Vienna and decided never to return again because Frau Frieda whispered in his ears that he should leave Vienna. She dreamt that there was some danger for the author and he should not return to Vienna before five years. The author believed in FrauFrieda's prophetic abilities.

Q6. How did Pablo Neruda know that somebody behind him was looking at him?

Ans: In the hotel at Carvalleiras, Frieda was also present just three tables away from Pablo Neruda while he was taking his lunch there. While eating Pablo Neruda was looking here and there and then he noticed that somebody behind him was looking at him. He reported to the author that somebody behind was looking at him and when the author notices her, he identified her as Frau Frieda

Q7. How did Pablo Neruda counter Frau Frieda's claims to clairvoyance?

Ans: The author met Frau Frieda at a hotel at Carvalleiras. Pablo Neruda and the author invited her to have coffee at the table. The author encouraged her to talk about her dreams in order to astound the poet. Pablo Neruda paid no attention from the very beginning and announced that he did not believe in prophetic dreams. He said that only poetry is clairvoyant. This is how Pablo Neruda countered Frau Frieda's claim to clairvoyance.

Q8. What did Frau Frieda tell the author? What was his reply?

Ans: Frau Frieda told the author that he could go back to Vienna from where he had once taken departure; under her prophecy. The author replied that he still cared for her dreams; however, he had known very well since the beginning that all of them were false and mere stratagems for surviving. In other words, he told her that he would never go back to Vienna.(Austria)

Q9. Who was Pablo Neruda? What sort of artist was he?

Ans: As per the story Pablo Neruda was an ambassador/ consul to Burma (now Myanmar). He was a renowned poet and voracious person. He is compared to a Renaissance Pope.

Q 10. How far do you think Frau Frieda was honest in her dealing with others? Why do you think so?

Ans: I think that Frau Frieda was honest in her dealing with others. I think so because one night in the tavern in Vienna when Frau Frieda whispered to the author that she had dreamt about him and he should leave Vienna for at least five years. Her conviction was so real that he boarded the last train to Rome that same night and never returned to Vienna. He considered himself a survivor of some catastrophe, he never experienced.

Q 11. Describe briefly the disaster that took place at the Havana Riviera Hotel.

Ans: The disaster that took place at the Havana Riviera Hotel was simply terrible. A huge wave from the sea leapt over the two-way street between the seawall and the hotel and shattered its window. It picked up several cars that were driving down the avenue along the seawall or parked on the pavement, and embedded one of them in the side of the hotel. Tourists in the lobby were thrown into the air and some were cut by the hailstorm of glass.

Q12. What intrigued the writer about the woman and why?

Ans: The badly mutilated body of the woman that was extricated from the car had a gold ring on her finger. The ring she wore was shaped like a snake, with emerald eyes. The writer was intrigued by the snake ring and its emerald eyes. The reason was that he had known such a woman who wore a similar ring on her right forefinger at a tavern in Vienna.

Q 13. What information does the writer give about the woman with a snake ring?

Ans: The woman with a snake ring was an unforgettable person. The author had met her thirty four years before at a tavern in Vienna.. She had a high-pitched singing voice. She spoke elementary Spanish fluently. She was born in Colombia and came to Austria, as a child, to study music. She was charming and awe-inspiring.

Q 14. What custom did Frau Frieda institute in her family and how?

Ans: She was the third of eleven children born to a prosperous shopkeeper. As soon as she learned to speak, she instituted the custom of telling dreams before breakfast in her family. She started to predict, warn and advise the members of her family through her dreams. Her mother, being superstitious, encouraged her in this activity.

Q 15. How was Frau Frieda able to earn her living with her talent to dream?

Ans: She did not think that she could earn a living with her talent. However, she was forced by circumstances to look for work. She succeeded in finding a family which hired her to dream for them. The family were religious and therefore, inclined to outdated superstitions. Frau Frieda's duty was to decipher the family's daily fate through her dreams. Gradually she had absolute power over each member of the family.

Q 16. Why did the narrator leave Vienna in a hurry? What does this incident reflect on his character?

Ans: One night, Frau Frieda whispered in the author's ear with great conviction that she had dreamed about him the previous night and that he must leave right away and not come back to Vienna for five years. He was influenced by her conviction that he boarded the last train to Rome and never returned back. He considered himself a survivor of some great catastrophe. This shows that the narrator was a superstitious person.

Q 17. What information about Frau Frieda did the author gather from the Portuguese ambassador?

Ans: After hearing that the woman who was killed in the Havana Riviera disaster had a snake ring on her finger, the author could not stop himself from meeting the ambassador. They met at a diplomatic reception. The ambassador spoke about Frau Frieda with enormous admiration and said that she was an extraordinary woman. But he said despairingly that she did nothing except dreaming.

Q18. Frau Frieda took advantage of the superstitious belief people have in the prophetic nature of dreams. Comment.

Ans: Generally people are superstitious. They want to know in advance what the future has in store for them. They are afraid of evil that may befall on them and are curious to know what good may come in their life. Religion also encourages superstitions. Frau Frieda was able to institute the custom of telling dreams before breakfast in her family because of her mother's superstitious nature. She was able to exercise control over all the members of the Viennese family. Nothing was done without her permission. Ultimately, she was able to grab all the fortune of her ineffable patrons. She also trapped the Portuguese ambassador into appointing her their housekeeper. There too, she did nothing but dreamed. Dreams became her stratagem for surviving.

Q 19. Draw a character-sketch of Frau Frieda.

Ans: Frau Frieda was born in Colombia to a prosperous shopkeeper as a third of eleven children. She had the power to dream for others and, through her dreams, she claimed to know about the future events that might befall them. She was able to influence her superstitious mother to give her control over her siblings. In Vienna, where she had gone to learn music, she was able to get into a family over which she had established her total control. She was sympathetic towards poor Latin American students and would often feed them at her own expense. She had a charming personality. Even the Portuguese ambassador called her "extraordinary" and praised her. Even the narrator considered her "unforgettable".

Q 20. Write a short note on Pablo Neruda.

Ans: Pablo Neruda was a Chilean poet, diplomat and politician who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971. He was going to Valparaiso and halted in Barcelona for a day. The author joined him there. Neruda was both gluttonous and refined like a Renaissance pope. He hunted for rare books at second-hand bookstores. He bought a very costly, old, dried volume of a book. He had a child-like curiosity in the inner workings of everything he saw. His hunger for knowledge was insatiable. He was also a glutton who liked to enjoy a variety of exotic dishes. Thus he was both a scholar and a glutton.


1. Who is the writer of 'I Sell My Dreams'?

a. Joseph Conrad

b. James Joyce

c. Gabriel Garcia Marquez

d. Isaac Bashevis Singer

2. When did Gabriel Garcia Marquez receive the Nobel Prize?

a. 1982

b. 1962

c. 1980

d. 1961

3. Gabriel Garcia Marques was from

a. England

b. Australia

c. Canada

d. Latin America

4. The author wrote in the genre of................

a. stream of consciousness

b. magic realism

c. science fiction

d. children story

5. In which country does the story begin?

a. Austria

b. Columbia

c. Cuba

d. Barcelona

6. The narrator was having breakfast on the terrace of

a. Havana Riviera Hotel

b. Frau Frieda's house

c. Narrator's house

d. Tavern in Vienna

7. Who died in the sea storm ?

a. Narrator

b. Pablo Neruda

c. Frau Frieda

d. Frau Frieda's brother

8. How was the dead body identified?

a. by her serpentine ring

b. by her tattoo

c. by her gold chain

d. by her hair style

9. Frau Frieda was the housekeeper for the new Ambassador

a. English

b. American

c. Portuguese

d. Spanish

10. The snake ring on the finger of the Frau Frieda had .... eyes.

a. ruby

b. emerald

c. topaz

d. sapphire

11. The narrator had met her .... years earlier in Vienna.

a. thirty

b. thirty-one

c. thirty-two

d. thirty-four

12. Where was Frau Frieda born?

a. Columbia

b. Portugal

c. Spain

d. Austria

13. She had been the......... of eleven children born to a prosperous shopkeeper.

a. fifth

b. second

c. third

d. seventh

14. What was the fine custom in her family?

a. praying

b. telling dreams

c. helping poor

d. going to orphanage

15. How did her younger brother die?

a. drowned in a ravine

b. choked on a piece of caramel

c. met with an accident

d. murdered

16. Frau Frieda advised the narrator to leave and not come back to Vienna for ...........years

a. five

b. three

c. two

d. four

17. The narrator boarded the last ......... to Rome that same night.

a. bus

b. tram

c. train

d. plane

18. Pablo Neruda was the consulate in ..........

a. Barcelona

b. Rangoon

c. Vienna

d. Venice

19. According to Pablo Neruda only poetry is.....

a. humourous

b. prophetic

c. sacred

d. logical

20. Frau Frieda lived in a castle-like house in....

a. Portugal

b. Spain

c. Austria

d. Cuba

21. According to whom, siesta was sacred?

a. Frau Frieda

b. Narrator

c. Pablo Neruda

d. Neruda's wife

22. What do you mean by "siesta"?

a. sleep

b. dream

c. doze

d. afternoon nap

23. In the lesson who sold dreams?

a. The narrator

b. Pablo Neruda

c. The Ambassador

d. Frau Frieda

24. What is the meaning of disenchantment?

a. disillusion

b. disobey

c. dislike

d. disaster

25. Where did the narrator meet Frau Frieda for the first time?

a. tavern, Vienna

b. college, Vienna

c. tavern, Havana

d. college, Havana

JCERT/JAC English Elective प्रश्न बैंक - सह - उत्तर पुस्तक (Question Bank-Cum-Answer Book)

English Elective Contents

Short Stories


I Sell my Dreams - Gabriel Garcia Marquez


Eveline - James Joyce


A Wedding In Brownsville - Issac Bashevis Singer


Tomorrow - Joseph Conrad


One Centimetre - Bi Shu-Min



A Lecture Upon The Shadow - John Donne


Poems by Milton - John Milton


Poems By Blake - William Blake


Kubla Khan Or A Vision In A Dream - S.T. Coleridge


Trees - Emily Dickinson


The Wild Swans at Coole - W.B. Yeats


Time And Time Again - A.K. Ramanujan


Blood - Kamala Das



Freedom - G.B. Shaw


The Mark On The Wall - Virginia Woolf


Film-Making - Ingmar Bergman


Why The Novel Matters - D.H. Lawrence


The Argumentative Indian - Amartya Sen


On Science Fiction - Isaac Asimov



Chandalika - Rabindra Nath Tagore


Broken Images - Girish Karnad



A Tiger For Malgudi - R.K. Narayan


The Financial Expert - R.K. Narayan

Solved Paper of JAC Annual Intermediate Examination - 2023

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